New Mexico Quarterly Volume 24 | Issue 3 Article 14 1954 A Guide to the Literature of the Southwest Genevieve Porterfield Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmq Recommended Citation Porterfield, Genevieve. "A Guide to the Literature of the Southwest." New Mexico Quarterly 24, 3 (1954). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmq/vol24/iss3/14 This Contents is brought to you for free and open access by the University of New Mexico Press at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Quarterly by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Porterfield: A Guide to the Literature of the Southwest Genevieve Porterfield A GUIDE TO THE LITERATUR'E OF THE SOUTHWEST, L HIS 818 L lOG RAP H y attempts to list, with such thorough­ T ness as time and resources permit, current materials dealing with the Southwest. The Southwest, as here defined, includes all of New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, and parts of Utah, Oklahoma, Colo­ rado and California. d In order to conserve space, items from periodicals that are indexed in the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, the Education Index, the Industrial Arts Index and the Agricultural Index have been eliminated. Included in this issue are mainly those titles which were published or came to our attention between March 1 and May 31, 1954. BOOKS ADAMS, RAMON F. Six-guns and saddle CHAVEZ, FRAY ANGEUCO. La Conquisla. leather, bibliography of books and pam. dora, the autobiography of an ancient phlt!ts on western outlaws and gunmen. slalue. Patterson: St. Anlhony Guild Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, Press, 1954. $2.00. 1954, $12·50. COUNSELOR. JIM AND ASN COUNSELOR. ATHEARN, ROBERT G. Westward the Wild. woolly and wonderful. New York: Briton. New York: Scribner, 1953. $.1.5°. Vantage Press. 1954. $3.75' BENSON, LYMAN AND ROBERT A. DAR' CRAMPTON. L. J. AND ELLlNGHAl'S. F. W. ROW. Trees and shrubs of the southwest Montrose industrial survey. Boulder: desert. Albuquerque: University of New University of Colorado. School of Busi· ' Mexico Press. 1954, $8.'50. nesS. Bureau of Business Research, 1953. BERTON, FRANCiS. A voyage on the Colo· $1.00. rado, 1878, translated by N. Rudkin. DlTrMER, HOWARD J. AND omERS. The Los Angeles: Glen Dawson. 1953. $7.50. ferns and fern allies of New Mexico. AI· BOATWRIGlrr, MODY C. AND omERS. cds. buquerque: University of New Mexico Follt. traVt!lers; ballads, tales and tallt.. Press, 1954. $1.00. (University of New Dallas: Southern Methodist University Mexico. Publicatiom in Biology, No.6) Press, 191)3. $1.00• FOLMER, HENRY. Franco·Spanish rivalry CHARLES, MRS. TOM. Tales of the Tula· in North America, 1524'176). Glendale: rosa. Alamogordo: 1953. $2.00. Arthur H., Clark Co., 1953, $10.00. 354 Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1954 1 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 24 [1954], Iss. 3, Art. 14 G t' IDE TO LIT ERA TU REO F SOU THW EST 355 GARD,. WAYNE. The Chisholm Trail. REICHERT, STANLEY O. Geology afthe Nonnan: University of Oklahoma, 1954, Golden·Green Mountain area, JeDcr'lan $4·5°' County, Colorado. Golden: 'Colorado GLOVER, WILLIAM. The Mormons in School of Mines. 1954, $1.5°. (Colorado California; foreword, notes and a se· School of Mines Quarterly, v. 49, No. I) lected bibliography by Paul Bailey. Los SALITORE, EDWARD V. California almanac Angeles: Glen Dawson, 1954. $3.00. and state fact book, 1953154. Mapvood: (Early California Travels Series, 19) C;l1ifornia Almanac Company, 1954, HowEs, PAUL GRISWOLD. Life of the cac­ $1·5°' tus forest. New York: Duell, Sloane and SHF.RIDAN, FRANCJS~ C. Galveston Island, Pearce, 1954, $7·50' or a few months off the comt Of Texm, 1839-1840. Edited by Willis "J. Pratt. INCL£.'!, LLOYD GLENN. Mammals of Austin: University of Texa;s Press, 1954, California and its coastal waters. Stan· $3.50 • ford: Sianford University Press, 1954. -$5.00. SAULEY, T. L. AND onlERS. Foundation for the dating of some late archaeologi· JANSSENS, ACL'STIN. The life and adt,en­ cal sites in the Rio Grande area, New tures in California of Don Agustin Mexico. Tucson: University of Arizona, Janssens 1814'1856. Edited by William 1953, $1.00. H. Elli.'iOn and Frances Price. San Ma· TARRANT, FRED J. A Texan's Antic·dotes. rino: The Huntington Library, 1953, San Antonio: Naylor Company, 1954, $4.00. $2.50 • LoNG, MARCARET. Smoky Hill trail; fol· TEVIS, CAPT. JAM£.'! H. Arilona in the lowing the old historic pioneer trails on 50's, illustrated by Horace T. Pierce, the modem highways. 3rd cd. Denver:' foreword by Russell C. Ewing. Albu' W. H. Kistler Stationery Co.• 1953, $10. querque: University of New Mexico MAcGINTIE, HARRY O. Fossil plants of Press, 1954, $4.00. the Florissant beds, Colorado. Washing­ WALLACE, WILLIAM SWILLING. Antoine ton: Carnegie Irntitute of Washington, Robidoux, 1794-1860. Los Angeles: 1954. $5·75· (Publication 599) Glen Dawson, 1953. $5.00. (Early Cali· MAXWELL. AMOS D. Sequoyah constitu­ fornia Travels Series, 14) tional convention; with an introduction WELLMAN, PAUL I. The Indian wars of by William H. Murray. Boston: Meador, the West. Garden City: Doubleday, 1953, $2·50. 1954, $5.00. PERIODICAL ARTICLES ANTHROPOLOGY. ARCHAEOLOGY W1l11 in a Kayenta Anasazi cliff site." AND SOCIOLOGY American Antiquity, 19: 393'394, April BENNYHOFF. JAM£.'! A. AND ALBERT n.' 1954· ELSASSER. "Sonoma mission." University FARM';, MALCOLM F. "An early visit to of California Archaeological Survey. Canyon de Chelly, Arizona." Plateau. Reports, 2-7: 1-81, Feb. 15,1954. 26: 124'125, April 1954. CROUSE, HUBERT Y. "A Folsom point nTHA\IER, GEORGE H. "The structure from the Uinta Basin, Utah." The Mm­ and cau~tion of Mohave warfare." terkey, 28: 50-51, March·April 1954. Southwestern Journal of AnthrQpology, DbDD, ARTHUR. "Patterns of a culture­ 10: 97-118, Spring 1954. the Navaho." The Mastt!rkey, 28: 52-62. FERDON. EDWIN N. JR. "A surface jacal March-April 1954. site in the Chaco Basin." £1 Palacio, 61: EULER, ROBERT C. "An unusual masonry 35'42, Feb. 1954. https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmq/vol24/iss3/14 2 Porterfield: A Guide to the Literature of the Southwest GENEVIEVE PORTERFIELD HOOTON, E. A. "Comments on the Pilt· Indians of San Carlos:' Boletin Indige­ down affair:' American Anthropologist, nista, 14: 51-56, March 1954. 56: 287-28g, April 1954. WHEAT, JOE BEN AND PAT WHEAT. "A JONES, J. A. "A reinterpretation of the pueblo I site at Grand Canyon." Ameri­ Ute-Southern Paiute classification," An­ can Antiquity, 19: 596-405, April 1954. thropological Quarterly, 2': 55-58, WHrnNG, ALFRED F. "The Tumacacori April 1954. censu5 of 1796." Kiva, 19: 1-12, Fall LANGE, CHARLES H. "Comparative notes 1955· on southwestern Indian medical prac­ WlLUBRAND. W. A. "Oklahoma Indians tices," Texas Journal of Science, 6: 62­ and the 'Summer Institute of linguis­ 'I, March 1954. tics.' " Chronicles of Oklahoma, 1}1: 552­ MANSELL, DON AND JOSEPH S. HAlL. 560, Winter 1953/54. "Hot rod terms in the Pasadena area." WILUAMS, GEORGE. "Hybrid history. American Speech, 29: 89-1°4, May 1954. museum stereotypes in the Southwest:' MOlaR, ALBERT. "The deep-basined me­ Southwest Review, 59: 44-51. Winter tate' of the southern California coast." 1954· American Antiquity, 19: 594-596, April ARTS, L1TERATt:RE 1954· AND FOLKLORE "Reports of archaeological fieldwork in BllADDY, HALDEEN AND JOHN H. Mc­ Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Ari­ NEELY. "Francisco Villa in folk-songs." zona and Utah in 1952 and 1955." Ariwna Quarterly, 10: 5-16, Spring Southwestern Lore, 19: 1-15, March 1954· 1954· BULLOCK. AuCE. "Star for Teco," ATi· ROSENFELD, ALBERT. "In Santa Fe, the :ona Quarterly, 10: 1'-24, Spring 1954' city different." Commentary, 17: 456­ Shon story with selling in Acoma. 460, May 1954. DAVIDSON, LEVETTE J. "Street name pat' SEGUNDO, THOMAS A. "From the tribe terns in Denver," Names, 2: 46-5°, of the Papago Indians." Boletin Indige­ March 1954. nista, 14: 2'-5°, March 1954. EsPINOSA, JOsE EDMUNDO. "A Jitth STUBBS, STANLEY A. "Summary repon Dutch girl far from home:' El Palacio on an early pueblo site in the Tesuque 61: 70-7!J. March 1954. Valley, New Mexi~." EI Palacio, 61: GILLIS, EVERETT A. "Literary origin 01 45-45, Feb. 1954. some western ballads:' We5tern Folk TAYLOR, WALTER W. "An early slab­ lore, I lJ: 101-106. April 1954. house near Kayenta, Arizona:' Plateau, HENDRICKS, GEORGE D. "Ranch couorr] 26: log-125, April 1954. metaphon." Ariwna Quarter/)', 10: lJo TRF.CiANZA, ADAM E. "Fort RO!lll. a study 41, Spring 1954. Uni~rsity in historical archaeology." of KENNEDY, MARY JEAN. "The gold cap 0 California Archaeological SUflIey. Re­ joaquin Murieta:' Western Folklort' ports,2!J: 1-25, Jan. 15, 1954· '15: gB-IOO, April 1954. TREGANZA, ADAM E. "Salvage archaeolo­ KWlATr, JOSEPIt J. "John Sloan, al gy in Nimbus and Redbank reservoir American anist as social critic, 1900 areas, central California." University of 1917." Arizona Quarterly, 10: 54-64 California Archaeological Suroey. Re­ Spring 1954. ports, 26: 'I-59, Feb. 5, 1954. McCoy, EsmER. "The pepper tree.' WENDORF, / FRF.D. "A reconstruction of Californib Quarterly, 5: 5-lJO, Autuml northern Rio Grande prehistory:' 195!J. Shon story of Japanese American American Anthropologist, 56: 200-227. during World War II. April 1954. "Mission San Xavier del Bac." Pholn WFSLEY. CLARENCE. "From the Apache graphs by Ansel Adams, text by Nan< Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1954 3 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 24 [1954], Iss. 3, Art. 14 GU IDE TO LIT ERA TU REO F SOU THW EST 357 Newhall. Arizona Highways, 30: u-35, BAUR, JOHN E. "John Goller, pioneer April 1954. Angeleno manufacturer." Historical So­ POPE, HAROLD CLAY. "The lighlCr side cietyof Southern California.
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