BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY O F T O E Protestant ^Episcopal £l)uvd) in tl)C 15. 0. of -Uncvica, REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES, RECOGNIZED AUXILIARIES, AMD MISSIONARY BISHOPS. 1880- 81. WITH ANNUAL TABLES. NEW YORK: P u b lish e d a t N os. 22 a n d 23 B ib l e H ou se, Second Floor, Fourth Avenue Entrance. Contents. Reports of Committees, Auxiliaries, etc.............. 4371 From the Missionary Bishop of Cape Palmas.... The Forty-sixtli Annual Report of the Committee Annual Report of the Missionary Bishop of for Domestic Missions..................................... 439 ■ Shanghai.......................................................... Bishop Clarkson’s Sixteenth Annual Report...... 433 | Annual Report of the Bishop of Haiti ......... Bishop Tuttle’s Fifteenth Annual Report........... 456 Annual Report of the Bishop Elect of Cuernavaca Bishop Morris’ Thirteenth Annual Report.......... 400, in Behalf of the Mexican Church................... Bishop Whitaker’s Twelfth Annual Report........ 465 Report on Publications......................................... Bishop Pierce's Report for Arkansas and Indian ¡Report of the Standing Committee on Trust Territory ............................................... 4G7, Funds............................................................... Bishop Hare’s Ninth Annual Report................... 468' Tenth Annual Report of the Woman’s- Auxiliary Bishop Spalding’s Ninth Annual Report............. 474 to the Board of Missions................................ Bishop Elliott’s Eighth Annual Report................ 478 Report of the American Church Missionary Bishop Wingfield’s Eighth Annual Report.......... 484 Society.............................................................. Bishop Garrett’s Eighth Annual Report............. 48s Fifth Annual Report of the League in Aid of the Bishop Dunlop’s First Annual Report.................. 495 i Mexican Church ................................... ......... Bishop Brewer’s First Annual Report................. 497 Report American Church Building Fund Com- Bishop Paddock’s First Annual Report.............. 500 mission.............................................................. Number of Missionaries....................................... 504 Annual Tables........................................................ Annual Report of the Committee for Foreign ; Subscribers to General Missions.......................... Missions to the Board of Managers................ 505 ' Act of Incorporation............................................. The Fourteenth Annual Rejiort of the Missionary Missionary Canon.................................................. Bishop of Yedo................................................. BOAED OF MANAGERS OP THE DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY or THE Protestant (Episcopal €l)urd) in tlje 11. S. of America. All the Bishops of the Church, members ex officio, The Secretaries and Treasurers of the Domestic and Foreign Committees, ex officio, And, appointed by the General Convention of 1880, sitting as the Board of Missions, Rev. John Cotton Smith, D.D. Mr. F. S. Winston. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. Mr. J. C. Garthwaite. Rev. H. Dyer, D.D. Mr. George N. Titus. Rev. Charles H. Hall, D.D. Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt. Rev. Noah Hunt Sclienck, D.D. Mr. William Scott. Rev. E. A. HofEman, D.D. Mr. Charles R. Marvin. Rev. William N. McVickar. Mr. William G. Low. Rev. George Leeds, D.D. Hon. Benjamin Stark. Rev. J. Livingston Reese, D.D. Mr. Lemuel Coffin. Rev. J. H. Eccleston, D.D. Hon. H. P. Baldwin. Rev. Thomas F. Davies, D.D. Mr. R. Fulton Cutting. Rev. James Saul, D.D. Mr. Howard Potter. Rev. William Tatlock. D.D. Mr. Joseph W. Fuller. Rev. S. H. Tyng, Jr., D.D. Hon. John A. King. Mr. C. M. Conyngham. R e v . A. T. TWING, D.D., Secretary o f the Board. R e v . A. T. TWING, D.D., Secretary, R e v . JOSHUA KIMBER, Secretary, Mr. LLOYD W. WELLS, Treasurer, Mr. JAMES M. BROWN, Treasurer, FOR DOMESTIC MISSIONS, FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS, 22 Bible House, N. Y. 23 Bible House, N. Y. S t a t e d M e e t i n g s .— In the City of New York, at 2 o’clock P. M., on the second Tuesday of December, March, June, and September. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, AUXILIARIES, &c. T h e undersigned, a Special Committee of the Board of Managers appointed to supervise the publication of Annual Reports, with great pleasure present to the Church, the following record of her General Missionary work during the year ending September 1st, 1881. The pleasure arises in a large degree from the fact that, in the matter of finances, the year, as the Reports of the Committees show, was the most prosperous in all the history of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. There is also occasion for joy and devout thanksgiving in the consideration that the work in the field, at home and abroad, has steadily progressed, and gives increasing promise of most encouraging results. Little need be said here upon either of these two points, as the Reports themselves are full and clear. Three Missionary Conferences have been held since the last Annual Reports were issued, one in Trenton, J., one in Rochester, N. Y ., and one 438 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, AUXILIARIES, dr.. in New Haven, Conn. Mention of the first two has already been made in T h e S p i r i t o f M is s io n s . At the third the sermon was preached by the Eight Reverend the Missionary Bishop of Northern Texas, who also made one of the addresses. The other speakers were the Right Reverend the Bishop of Connec­ ticut, the Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead D.D ., Bethlehem, Pa. ; the Rev. E. E. Johnson, of Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; the Rev. Orlando Witherspoon, of Birmingham, Conn.; the Rev. G. W. Douglas, of New Y o r k ; the Rev. James Haughton, of Yonkers, N. Y.; the Rev. A. C. Bunn, M.D., formerly of Wuchang, China; Mr. R. Fulton Cutting, of Brooklyn, N. Y .; the Rev. C. IL Malcom, D.D., Corresponding Secretary of the American Church Building Fund Commission ; the Rev. Abbott Brown, Secretary of the Mexican League, and the Secretaries of the Domestic and Foreign Committees. At each of the three Missionary Conferences mentioned, valuable services were rendered by the Local Committees in the several places. The Systematic Offering Plan has thus far resulted in the setting forth of pastoral letters on the subject by twenty-four Bishops and in the manifestation of a certain measure of interest in thirty Dioceses. Twelve hundred Subscription Books have been sent out in response to requests for the same. Twenty-four hundred and ninety names of subscribers have been sent in for publication and are given in this volume, the amount of contributions received from these sub­ scribers being $3,706.06. It should be remembered, however, that many books have probably been used in parishes from whence considerable returns have been made without mentioning that the money was raised under this plan. It seems proper to state here that Archdeacon Kirkby, of whose appoint­ ment notice has been given in T h e S p i r i t o f M is s io n s , has arrived in this country and entered upon his work, and that the welcome thus far accorded him is all that could possibly be desired. His whole time will be given to the visitation of Parishes in behalf of the Domestic and Foreign Missions under the care of the Board of Managers. J o h n C o t t o n S m it h , R. F u l t o n C u t t in g , C. V a n d e r b i l t , A . T . T w i n g , J o s h u a K i m b e r . THE FORTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR DOMESTIC MISSIONS: Being the Fourth to the Board of Managers of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church. T h e Missionary attitude and action Altogether, the meetings of the new of the General Convention of 1880, and great Board were as a divine re­ sitting as the Board of Missions, freshment, coming after long waiting marked an epoch in the endeavors of and craving and many prayers, and un­ this Church to perpetuate and extend folding into devout thankfulness, assur­ her life and influence in these United ed hopefulness, strong courage and res­ States and Territories. The Mission­ olute resolve to move forward on the ary thought was more in the mind of plain lines of duty and promise. The that great representative body than in harvest of that sowing has not yet been that of any one of its numerous prede­ wholly garnered. It was a sowing for cessors, and the Missionary sentiment perennial harvests. The sowing is more in its heart. No such Mission­ not yet at an end. There will be other ary meetings were ever held on this sessions of the great Board. Fresh continent as those convened during the Missionary thoughts will be struck out; sessions of that Convention, embracing the old ones will be expanded and its entire membership and as many corrected if need require. The dis­ others as the great church would hold. cussions of practical and vital topics, That those who had bean appointed once opened and thoroughly enjoyed leaders in our vast outlying Missionary by the ablest and best men among us, Districts had proved themselves worthy will be resumed from time to time, and and wise leaders, the right men in the a broader and deeper thoughtfulness right places, went home as a clear and will be inspired. The representative strong conviction to thousands of minds, laity of the Church, coming together and settled as a welcome and joyful from all parts of the country, will more sentiment into thousands of hearts, dur­ and more clearly understand their rela­ ing the progress of those meetings. tions to the whole business of evangeli­ The addresses of our Missionary Bish­ zation and the duties growing out of ops were pertinent and earnest, con­ those relations. In this class reside vincing and eloquent to a degree that great powers for good yet to be evoked left no scope for adverse criticism.
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