*SUND80603/ /01/K/1*/01/Y/1*/01/M/1*/01/C/1* OF INDIA e-CSTASYe-CSTASY TELLY’STELLY’S BACKROOMBACKROOM OROR BRATPACKBRATPACK BRAWLSBRAWLS INFIDELITY? MEN & WOMEN SPECIAL REPORT ALL THAT MATTERS N ew Delhi June 8, 2003, C a pital • 44 pa g es inc luding Men & W omen & Classifieds + 8 pa ges of Delhi T i m e s Price Rs.2.75 Ill-tempered match with Pakistan, India enter final Advani guilty, AFP allege karsevaks TIMES NEWS NETWORK & AGENCIES fore the Liberhans Commission of inquiry is concer ned, no one has Lucknow/New Delhi: In a new mentioned any direct e vidence twist to the Ba bri Masjid case,five of a g ainst A d v ani, HRD minister Murli the accused on Saturday alle g ed tha t Manohar Joshi and BJP leader Uma they had pulled down the str ucture at Bharti.Meanwhile ,the Cong ress has Ayodhya a t the instig a tion of D e puty demanded the resignation of A d v ani Prime Minister L K A dvani and oth- and M M Joshi. Congress par ty SNAPSHOTS er senior BJP leaders. AFP spokesperson Anand Sharma V inod V atsa, S a n t osh, R C Khatri, said, ‘‘It is a w ell kno wn f act tha t Amar Nath Goyal and R N Das made A dvani and the other ministers the alle g a tion while speaking to r e- w ere the main conspirators during por ters outside the special CBI cour t the demolition.’’ hearing the case in Luck n ow . Demanding a clarifica tion fr o m T he y e xpr essed r esentment at ‘‘be - the Prime Minister on the continua- ing discriminated a g ainst b y those tion of A d v ani and others in the Ca b - enjoying pow er’’and demanded that inet, the Congress said, ‘‘It will be a all accused be tr ea ted equall y. mockery of democracy if the home D e n ying the c har ge, A dvani’ s minister, prosecuted for an alle ged law yer Stayapal J ain said, ‘‘There is criminal act, should continue in the no evidence against A d v ani... T h e r e government,’’ Sharma said. ‘‘It are some people who might have w ould be better if the y r esign on been instig ated b y cer tain people to their o wn or the Prime Minister call Pakistani and Indian players clash in an incident which saw India’s Baljit Singh Dhillon sent off by umpire Adam Kearn in say something against him.’’ for their r esignation to uphold the their match played in Sydney on Saturday. The match ended in a draw. Report on 19 He said so f ar as the e vidence be- pr estig e of the g ov er nment.’.’ CUP OF JOY: Belgium’s Justine Henin- Can privatisation plug India’s leaking bucket? Hardenne holds her trophy following her Roland Garros French Tennis Open By Sanghamitra Chakraborty Sharma, Ecological Founda- G M , V eolia W a ter, India. ‘‘After ent checks and balance in the women singles’ final match against TIMES NEWS NETWORK tion, the cost: Rs 355/person. each presentation on how to system,” says Ahmed. Water woes Kim Clijsters in Paris on Saturday. ● W a ter tarif fs ar e a bsurdly improve Delhi’ s w ater situa - If acti vists ar e w ar y of Henin-Hardenne won 6-0, 6-4. N ew Delhi: If you thought the Privatisation experts have suggested different skew ed. T he Urban Develop- tion, the CM’s response has MNCs for profiteering , the models for local governments: huge gap in demand and sup- ment Ministry says the cost of been: this is too g ood to be MNCs are tired about the lac k ply — Indian cities need 4,000 deli v ering water to a metr o true,’’he ad ds .V eolia, S u e z and of political will. Y et, the y look • Management Indo-Pak talks: Pakistan foreign minis- million litr es mor e per day — ter Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri has said in home is Rs 15 per 1000 litre.T he a handful of Indian companies at India as a v er y serious mar - contracts: The m a k es w ater suc h a messy customer pays Rs 1.50. along with agencies lik e the ket. Says Srinivas Kishore, an interview to the Pakistan daily The problem, stop right ther e. service provider News that talks between India and Pak- ● T here is criminal w aste — W orld Bank, say privatisa tion m a rk eting head of Ondeo-De- awards a contract to istan would be held this month-end or in ● In most Indian cities — says there is upto 55 per cent unac - is the answ er. P oliticians , b u - gremont, a subsidiary of the the W or ld Bank — the avail- a private company early July. However, MEA maintain that it counted for water in Indian reaucrats , w ater utility em - F rench giant Sue z: “ P ost- for a fixed period is too early to speak of talks. P8 ability is less than thr ee hours cities ,sa ys the W or ld Bank. plo yees and activists say no. SARS,India has replaced Chi- everyday. Not be- ● to manage the Curfew in Jalandhar: Curfew was Mismanage- N o m a tter whic h side of the na as our cor porate focus.” cause they are ment, rather than d e b a te you are on ref or m , is the W hile the world w ater market water utility. The clamped in more areas of Jalandhar on dr ying up or over - investment is public, Saturday as caste violence continued for scarcity, rules. onl y w ay out. T he W or ld Bank- is estimated a t one trillion dol - crow ded, but due SUNDAY the third day. FIRs were registered “Delhi is a leak - b a c k ed f or m ula f or Indian lars,after the tumbling of tec h the commercial risks either public or shared. to w aste and inef - against Punjab BJP vice-president Vijaya ing b uc k et,” says cities emphasise private-public stoc ks , F or tune magazine has Lease contracts: The contract is offered on lease for ficienc y. SPECIAL • Sampla, district BSP chief Pawan Tinu for Junaid K Ahmad par tnerships: limited g over n - rated water as the most pr of- a finite period, the risks are shared. allegedly instigating riots. P8 ● P olitical contr ol, of the W or ld ment control, entry of private ita b le business f or investor s. mismanagement and corrup- Bank, w hich can be plugged companies which can work at Other water giants working • Concession contracts: Using private investment Suu Kyi’s detention: The United Na- tion have ensured that civic with institutional r eform s. ar m ’s length with it and the in Indian cities inc lude V eolia and taking greater risks than management contract. tions has expressed concern over the de- bodies which provide water ar e ● T he na tional cost of fetching tention of Opposition leader Aung San presence of a strong regulatory Water (formerly Viv endi), • Divestiture: The sale of utilities where everything bankrupt. T h e y ar e monoliths, w ater is 150 mn woman days, Suu Kyi even as the US voiced support m e chanism (like in telecom) as B e c htel, in v olv ed in the from ownership to risk belongs to private companies. for more economic sanctions against the with excess employees with no resulting in a na tional loss of the br oad matrix. Tirupur project in T amil Nadu military regime. P15 ur ge or incentives to deli v er. Rs 10 mn every year,according “The challenge is to redesign along with Indian companies Most ef ficient systems have 2-3 to eco-scientist V andana Shiva. w ater institutions in a w ay tha t like IL&FS,L&T and T hermax. vision was estimated to r eac h w a ter too .“A lot de pends on the Kabul car bomb-attack: Three Ger- people per 1000 connections.In- Is pri v a tisa tion the w ay out assigns the r esponsibility f or T hames W ater, Biwater and $300 mn in India and Mexico.” Sonia V ihar tr ea tment plant on man peacekeepers were among six peo- dia has 10 plus, say e xperts. of this messy maze? ‘‘Our f ocus polic y f or m ula tion, deli v er y A n g lian W a ter of U K a r e pitc h - W ith the success of po w er how acceptable the pr oposal ple killed by a devastating car-bomb at- Delhi has 21.4 people per con- in India is inef ficiencies in op - and regulation to se par a te enti - ing hard. Says Shiva: “In 2000, pri v a tisa tion, the Delhi g over n - will be ,” says a consultant. tack on a bus carrying foreign peace- nection, says Sudhirendar er ations,’’says Promod Mitroo, ties in or der to cr ea te transpar- the b usiness of safe w ater pr o - ment is encouraged to look a t Tankers beware: Page 4 keeping troops in Kabul.
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