Index Albert Formation 25, 28 impact on Mesozoic 391 Antrim Lava Group 288 setting 388 apatite fission track analysis 175-6, 176-7 Broadford Beds Formation 37, 58, 102, 318, 319, 324 experimental results 177-81 Bundoran 460 experimental results discussed 181-4 Bundoran Shale Formation 205, 208-9, 213 implications of results 184-7 burial histories Applecross Formation 98, 106-7 N Ireland 250 Archaeonassa 221 NW Seaboard 3-5 Arenicolites 221-3, 236 Scotland 75-7 Arran Basin 78, 85-6 burrows 234 Assaroe Lake 459-60 Asteriacites 223-5 Atlantic Basin evolution, North calcite see carbonates plate motions 401-5 Caledonian Orogen 422-5 plate reconstructions 405-10 Camasunary Fault 98, 106-7, 114 plate reconstructions discussed 410-17 Canada, continental margin of plate setting 397-401 lithostratigraphy 191-4 Atlantic Seaway evolution source rocks 28 Cretaceous 441-3 stratigraphy 25-8 Jurassic 432-41 Canice Basin 377, 381 Triassic 428-32 Canna Formation 306 Permian 425-8 Canso Group 26, 27, 192 Palaeozoic 422-5 Cantabrian Basin 399 Aulichnites 225 cap rocks see seal rocks authigenic minerals 245-8 carbonates concretion studies Bakevillia Sea 428 methods of analysis 145-6 Ballycastle 243,245,455 results 149 Ballycotton Group 61 results discussed 149-52 Ballydeenlea outlier 260 leaching 85,246 Ballymore Beds 205 precipitation 81-3 Ballyshannon Limestone Formation 205, 211,458 Carboniferous Barents Shelf and Sea 425 source rocks 449, 451 Barra Formation 306 Canada 28 Barra Volcanic Ridge System 381 Midland Valley 23 baryte 86, 87 NW Seaboard 7, 7-9, 9-12 basement, Celtic Sea/Bristol Channel stratigraphy faults 390-1 Canada 25-8, 191-4 impact on Mesozoic 391-2 Hebrides Basin 17 setting 386-90 N Ireland 194-9, 203-11,217, 218-21,237-9, 449 bauxite 456 Carraun Shale Formation 196 Bay St George Basin 30-1 Castle Archdale Fault 199 Bearreraig Sandstone Formation I 1, 60, 102, 319 Celtic Sea Basin 424 Belfast Harbour Borehole Formation 199 basement 386-90 Bellavally Formation 196 faults 390-1 Benbulben Shale Formation 205,209, 213, 462 impact on Mesozoic 391-2 Bergaueria 226 Jurassic stratigraphy 58, 59, 61 biomarkers and maturity 37-8 tectonostratigraphy 345,399, 413 methods of study 38-9 cementation results 39-48 Cretaceous 161 results discussed 48 Permo-Triassic 81-3 bioturbation 235-6 see also carbonates Blackstones Basin 294, 296-7 Chalk 258, 287-8 Blue Lias Formation 58, 102 Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone 375, 377,379 Boyle Sandstone Formation 205,207, 211 chlorite 77, 79, 155 Bridgetown 458-9 Chornatichnus 226 Bristol Channel basement studies Chondrites 226 faults 390 chromatography 10-11, 42-7 466 INDEX Clare Lineament diagenesis magmatism 381-2 Cretaceous 161 pathway 379-81 Permo-Triassic 77-85 setting 375-7 Carboniferous 248-50 structure 379 dickite 85 suture links 382-3 Diplocraterion 229, 236-7 clay minerals in diagenesis dolomite 81,246 Jurassic 155-7 Donegal Basins 56, 294, 299-301,307 Permo-Triassic 77-8 Donegal Syncline 458 Carboniferous 246 Dowra Sandstone 205 Clogher Valley Formation 457 Drapersfield 457 Cloghfin Fault 199 Dumfries and Galloway Basin 78, 85 Clonelly 457-8 Dun Caan Shale 35, 37, 60 Clonelly Sandstone 457 maturity studies 42-7 Cloyne Syncline 259-60 Dungarvon Formation 61 Coalisland 193 Duntulm Formation 37, 111, 113, 114, 155-7 Coalisland coals 28 Cochlichnus 226--8 Cole Bridge 457 Eigg Coll-Tiree Block 293 concretion studies Colliery Bay 455 distribution 145 Colliery Glen Formation 450 methods of analysis 145-6 colonization 236 results 146-9 Colonsay Basin 85, 294 results discussed 149-52 Colonsay Group 304, 307 hydrocarbon shows 9, 12 colour alteration index (CAI) 21-3 Elgol Sandstone Formation 9, 113,319 concretion studies, Jurassic eodiagenesis distribution 145 Carboniferous 248 methods of analysis 145-6 Permo-Triassic 77-83 results 146-9 Erris Basin 56, 57 results discussed 149-52 exploration history 14 conodonts and colour alteration 21-3 Conostichus 228 facies analysis Cornubian Massif 63,424 Hebrides Basin 118-36 Cretaceous Porcupine Basin source rocks 7 Jurassic 343-4 stratigraphy Tertiary 356--68 Celtic Sea Basin 261-2 Fair Head Sill 453 Hebrides Basin 159-60 Faroe-Shetland Basin 3, 7 Irish Sea Basin 266 feldspar N Atlantic 393 Carboniferous 245 Porcupine Basin 265,336-43, 351-2 Permo-Triassic 81, 89-91 Ulster Basin 258, 287-8 Fermanagh Shales 28 tectonics 441-3 Fintona Block 193 Croghan Limestone 205 Fintona Group 195 Croyde Formation 58 fission track analysis (FTA) experiments Cruziana 228 principles 175-7 Cuillins Complex 37 results 177-81 Cullaidh Shale Formation 9, 35, 37, 113 results discussed 181-4 Cumberland Basin 30-1 significance 184--7 Cumberland Group 25, 26, 27, 193 fluorite 86, 87 Curvolithus 228 Foldvik Creek Group 425-8 Cushendal1451-3 Forth Approaches 85-6 Fundy Basin 30-1 D ratios 157 Dalradian 449, 453 Galicia Basin 399 Dartry Limestone Formation 194, 205, 210, 213,462 Galley Head Formation 60 De Geer Line 422, 425 Garantiana Clay 37 Deer Lake Basin 30-1 Garrison Sill 462 Dergvone Shale Formation 196 gas chromatography 10-11, 42-7 Desertcreat Group 457 geochemistry Devonian methods of analysis 145-6 source rocks 5, 12 results 149 stratigraphy 277 results discussed 149-52 INDEX 467 Giant's Causeway 455-6 Inner Hebrides Basin see under Hebrides Basins Glenade Sandstone Formation 194, 462 Inner Moray Firth Basin 81, 87 Glencar Limestone Formation 196, 205,209, 213, 462 Irish Massif 63 Glennasheevar 462 Irish Sea Basins 265-6 goethite 248 Islay-Donegal Platform 304, 307 Gordia 229 isotopic analysis see hydrogen; oxygen; Rb/Sr; Sm/Nd Grand Banks 28, 30-1 Great Estuarine Group 102, 111-14, 319 Jeanne d'Arc Basin 345,399, 412-13, 415 Great Glen Fault 304-6, 307 Jura Formation 306 Greenan Sandstone Formation 195, 196, 199 Jurassic Greyfield Formation 209 source rocks 7, 318 gypsum 86 stratigraphy Gyrochorte 229 Celtic Sea Basin 262 Hebrides Basin 17, 35, 100-1,112-14, 118-36 haematite 78, 248 Irish Sea Basins 265-6 halite 85--6 N Atlantic 393 heavy mineralogy 118 NW Seaboard 55-6, 57-62 Hebrides Basins 98 Porcupine Basin 265,336-43 general setting Ulster Basin 286-7 burial history 3, 100-1 tectonics 269-70, 432-41 fault movements 106-8 source rocks 7 kaolinite 85, 155,246-8, 456 stratigraphy 57-62, 101-5 kerogen types 7 structure 97-9 Kilbryan Limestone Formation 205,208, 211 uplift history 105-6 Kilcoo Sandstone Formation 206, 211 Inner Hebrides Basin Kilkhampton Formation 59 facies analyses 118-36 Kilmaluag Formation 111, 113, 155-7 palaeogeography 137-42 Kilskerry Group 194, 195, 198 stratigraphy 111-14 Kingscourt Graben 258-9 see also clay minerals, Jurassic also concretion studies Kingscourt Gypsum Formation 259 Sea of the Hebrides Kingscourt Sandstone Formation 259 basin evolution 166-7 Kintyre 7 geological setting 17-20 Kish Bank Basin 265-6 Jurassic stratigraphy 111-14 facies analysis 118-36 Lame 449-51 palaeogeography 137-42 Lealt Formation 37, 113, 114, 319 petroleum potential 20 Leitrim Group 193, 194, 196, 210-1 I, 213 Tertiary magmatism 166-8, 169-72 lignite 456 crustal extension 169 Lilstock Formation 58 dyke emplacment 168-9 Lisbellaw Inlier 457 temperature effects see fission track analysis results Lisgorman Shale 205 Hebrides Formation 306 lithospheric stretching model, Porcupine Basin 327-30 Hebrides Islands 9 Little River Group 457 Hebrides Trough 294, 296-7 Liverpool Land High 424 hematite 78, 248 Loch Indaal Basin 265 Hibemian Greensand Formation 258, 287-8 Loch Skerrols Thrust 307 Highland Border Ridge 255, 277 Lochaline Sandstone Highland Boundary Fault 281,424, 425 diagenesis 161 Highlands of Scotland 63 mineralogy 160-1 Hitra Fault Alignment 422, 424, 425 reservoir properties 16t-2 Hopeman Sandstone 78, 81, 86-7, 88 sedimentology 159-60 Horton Group 25, 27, 30-1,191-2 Lochmaben Basin 78 hydrocarbon shows 9-14 Lockeia 229 hydrogen index 7 Longford-Down Massif 449 hydrogen isotope ratios 157 Lophoctenium 229-30 Lome Formation 306 Iapetus Suture 382-3,422 Lough Allen Basin 193, 194 ichnology, Carboniferous 221-35 evolution 211-13 igneous activity stratigraphy 204-11 intmsives structure 203-4 Clare Lineament 381-2 Lough Navar Forest 462 Malin Sea 301-3 Lough Neagh Group 258 Sea of the Hebrides 163-7 Lough Neagh-Larne Basin 255, 277,449 volcanism 35-7, 167-8,455-6 modelling stratigraphy illite 77, 80, 83-5, 88, 155 method 278-81 468 INDEX results 281-8 Murlough Bay 453-5 results discussed 288-9 Mre Basin 424, 428 Lusitanian Basin 345, 399 Neonereites 230 Magdalen Basin 30-1 Neptunist/Plutonist controversy 456 magmatism Newfoundland Shelf 28, 30-1 Clare Lineament 381-2 North Antrim coals 28 Malin Sea 301-3 North Barents Sea Basin 424, 425 Sea of the Hebrides Basin North Channel Basin 255 dyke emplacement 168-9 N~rth Minch Basin 78, 81, 85-6 extension modelling and implications 169-72 North Novaya Zemlya Basin 424, 425 lava distribution 167-8 North Sea 425 magma migration 163-6 Northwest Seaboard temperature effects see fission track analysis results burial history 3-5 Skye 35-7 hydrocarbons Magnesian Limestone 199 exploration 14 Main Limestone 245 shows 9-14 Malin Basin 294, 297-9 sources 5-9 Malin Formation 306 Jurassic Basins Malin Sea 291-3 stratigraphy 55-63 faulting 304-5 tectonics 63-5 history 307-9 intrusives 301-3 Oakport Limestone Formation 205, 208, 213 Quaternary deposits 306 Oil Shale Group 28 structure 293-301 Olivellites 230 Malin Shelf 193-4 Omagh Syncline 458 Malin Terrace 297 Orcadian Basin 5-7, 12 Malin Trough 297 Ordovician 449 Maritimes Basin 28, 30-1 Orphan Basin 399,412, 413 maturity Outer Hebrides Platform 63, 293 Carboniferous sediments 213-14,
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