December 20, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2327 Congressional District in congratulating the Mr. Moore has received several service RECOGNITION OF CHIEF GREGORY Wittenberg Tiger Women’s Volleyball team. medals: National Defense Service Medal, Viet- STEWART, UNION CITY POLICE f namese Campaign Medal, Vietnamese Cam- DEPARTMENT paign Medal, Presidential Unit Citation and HONORING FREEHOLDER HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK BERNADETTE P. MCPHERSON Purple Heart Medal for a gunshot wound to the abdomen during the Vietnam Conflict. OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. STEVEN R. ROTHMAN After completing his military obligations, Mr. Tuesday, December 20, 2011 OF NEW JERSEY Moore attended Jackson State University and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Sociology. He furthered his education at the tribute to Chief Gregory Stewart. Chief Stewart is retiring from the Union City, California Po- Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, University of Southern Mississippi with a Mas- ters of Science degree in Social Work. lice Department on December 30, 2011. I rise today to honor my dear friend, Chief Stewart began his career with the Freeholder Bernadette P. McPherson, for her Mr. Moore was elected to the Leflore Coun- Union City Police Department in November of service to our community as an elected mem- ty Board of Supervisors in 1986 and was re- 1975. After beginning his career as a Public ber of Bergen County Board of Chosen cently elected to another four year term. He Services Cadet he was then appointed to the Freeholders. Bernadette has dedicated herself has worked as a college professor and Direc- position of Reserve Police Officer in 1977. in service to her community, and I am pleased tor of Social Work at Mississippi Valley State Soon after, he was hired by the Alameda to recognize her as she completes another University (MVSU). In 1994, he became the County Sheriff’s Department as a Deputy. chapter in her distinguished career. After his work at the Sheriff’s Department he In 1999, Bernadette was elected Council- Director of University Center for Economic De- velopment at MVSU and retired in 2006. returned to the Union City Police Department woman in the Borough of Rutherford, serving and began his duties as a police officer on as the first female Fire Department Liaison. In his spare time Mr. Moore enjoys reading, May 1, 1978. She also served as the Borough’s Mayor from hunting, and community development activi- He quickly ascended the ranks of the Police 2000 until 2007. ties. He is an active member of the American Department. On December 16, 1986 he was Bernadette was first elected to the Bergen Legion Post 200, the Greenwood Voter’s promoted to Sergeant; to Lieutenant on Octo- County Board of Chosen Freeholders in 2002, League, and various mentoring programs in ber 1, 1996; to Captain on December 25, serving as the Board’s Freeholder Chair- Leflore County. 2000. After years of exemplary service to the woman from 2002 through the 2006 term. She city and its citizens he was appointed as the currently chairs both the Law and Public Safe- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Department’s seventh Chief of Police on De- ty Committee and the Organization and Inter- in recognizing Mr. Robert Moore for serving cember 21, 2006. nal Affairs Committee. Freeholder McPherson our country honorably. During his career, Gregory Stewart served is also a member of the Budget and Finance, with distinction in a number of assignments. Cultural and Historic Affairs, Veterans Liaison, f These have included Patrol, Investigations, and New Jersey Legislature committees. Field Training, Supervisor of Patrol, Traffic, Bernadette graduated Magna Cum Laude HONORING TED SHERRY Crime Prevention, Research and Analysis, from LaSalle University with a Bachelor of Arts team leader of the Specialized Emergency Re- degree in Political Science and English in sponse Team as well as Field Operations and 1983. She attended both Seton Hall Law HON. CHARLES J. ‘‘CHUCK’’ Support Services Commander. School and then Temple University School of FLEISCHMANN Chief Stewart developed an affiliation with Law where she earned her J.D. in 1986. Union City’s Youth and Family Services de- Bernadette has lived in Rutherford since OF TENNESSEE partment, which led to a cooperative effort to 1987 with her husband David, an outstanding IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES apply the philosophy of the ‘‘Boston Cease and highly-regarded attorney, and their four Fire’’ program which aimed to reduce teen vio- wonderful children. Tuesday, December 20, 2011 lence. He also implemented the ‘‘Crime Free’’ Mr. Speaker, today I rise to congratulate my program, a citywide effort to improve the qual- Mr. FLEISCHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I rise dear friend and constituent, Freeholder Berna- ity of life for Union City residents. dette McPherson, on her final Freeholder today with great appreciation for a long and Chief Stewart has continually displayed as- meeting. I join with all her family and friends, accomplished career of public service to honor tuteness, veracity, diligence, and objectivity in as well as the grateful residents of Bergen Ted Sherry on his retirement from the Depart- executing his duties as Chief Police. Through- County in thanking her for innumerable con- ment of Energy in his role as Manager of the out his tenure, these traits have earned him tributions to our community. Site Office at the Y-12 National Security Com- the respect and admiration of his subordi- f plex. Ted served with great distinction in sup- nates, peers, other Law Enforcement profes- RECOGNIZING MR. ROBERT E. port of our country’s national defense and nu- sionals, and the community of Union City. Thank you Gregory Stewart for 35 years of MOORE FOR HIS HONORABLE clear security as a submarine officer in the dedicated service in Law Enforcement and for SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY U.S. Navy and for the last 5 years as manager of a National Nuclear Security Administration 33 years as a sworn officer with the Union City Police Department. Your commitment and premier manufacturing facility in Oak Ridge, HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON leadership have been exemplary and will OF MISSISSIPPI Tennessee. leave a lasting legacy. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Under his management, Y-12 has dramati- f Tuesday, December 20, 2011 cally increased the dismantlement of compo- HONORING JUSTIN ADINOLFI Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- nents for nuclear weapons, supported Nuclear er, I rise today to honor Mr. Robert E. Moore, Nonproliferation Programs through uranium re- HON. CHRISTOPHER S. MURPHY who was born in Greenwood, Mississippi. He covery missions around the globe, and OF CONNECTICUT graduated from Amanda Elzy High School in opened the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1962. From 1966–1969, Mr. Moore was active Facility, our nation’s central repository for in the United States Marines Corp where he highly enriched uranium. Tuesday, December 20, 2011 obtained several medals and commendations. As a testament to Ted’s many achieve- Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, He participated in operations in Danang, Viet- I rise today to note with great sadness the ments, he earned the NNSA Administrator’s nam and in Swanee in the vicinity of An Hoa. passing of Justin Adinolfi, a leader and inspi- Mr. Moore went on to participate in other oper- Gold Medal Award and is widely regarded as ration in my home town of Cheshire, Con- ations, including Operation Prairie II, Oper- one of NNSA’s best managers. Ted has made necticut. ation Prairie III, Operation Prairie IV, Oper- many significant accomplishments throughout Justin was born and raised in Connecticut ation Hickory, Operation Cimarron, Operation his 25 year career with the U.S. government and spent most of his life there. After receiving Buffalo, Operation Hickory II and Operation and so today we proudly salute Ted Sherry, his undergraduate degree from Boston Col- King Fisher. an American patriot. lege and his MBA from William & Mary, Justin VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:22 Dec 21, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20DE8.012 E20DEPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E2328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 20, 2011 helped countless corporations while serving as RECOGNIZING MR. SHERMAN WIL- for research and public service. Additionally, a consultant at Anderson Consulting (later LIAMS FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS he would serve as executive Director of the In- Accenture), DH Andrews and Cognizant. He AND SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY stitute for Infrastructure and Information Assur- started and ran a business of his own where ance, professor of integrated science and he continued his work. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON technology and strategic leadership, and as Justin was also a pillar of our community of OF MISSISSIPPI the president and chair of James Madison In- Cheshire. He was a member of our town’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES novations. council as well as our Planning and Zoning In a profile of Dr. Noftsinger on the JMU Commission. He served actively on the boards Tuesday, December 20, 2011 website he is quoted as saying ‘‘my connec- of several important institutions in our commu- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- tions with the community were forged early in nity, including the Cheshire Education Founda- er, I rise today to honor a remarkable veteran, my career here and are now embedded in my tion and MidState Medical Center. He was ac- Mr. Sherman Williams, who was born March philosophy of education and my work.’’ These tive in his church as well, serving as a Eucha- 29, 1922, to the late Jim Williams and Betty words exemplify John Noftsinger.
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