Winning Narcotics Essays... See Page 11 The Franklin NEWS-RECORD I~ntered as second class matter on July $, 1961 SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY 08873, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 10p per copy VOL. 15, NO. 25 at the Post Otf|ce in SomerSet, New jersey. Dress Code Comes Back To ’Schools; Board Sets July 20 For Adoption The dresscode is maltinga The non-specificform of the tensions were at a peak. in school." policy and suggested that the In official actions of the comeback in the Franklin policywas made necessary, ac- Although the proposed new Severaladult residentsat. board review the guide and board, the resignations of 12 schoolsystem, after a one-year cordingto boardmember Mrs. dress code makes no firm law tacked the proposedcode as improve it. professional staffmembers and periodof publicabsence and MarshaSobel, in orderto con- as to which dress styles are "a mandatefor arbitraryde. six non-professionalswere ac- privateexamination. form to the U.S. Supreme prohibited,there was much cislons by administrators" and "Substituteswork as hard,ff ceded. Court’s1969 rulingthat any criticismexpressed during the as "a blurry regulation that not harder, than full-time The FranklinBoard of Edu- paid only Included in the list was Philip cationintroduced a new policy attirethat is acceptablefor public portion of Monday’s asks for trouble." teachers, yet are at Manctnellt, assistant superin- generalwear in publicmay not meeting. Another policy on which the one-thirdthe fulltime rate. on studentdress at Monday’s We are extremelydissatisfied tendent of schools. No reason publicmeeting, with adoption be excludedas studentattire. Mark Genfan,a studentat board heard from the public was given for the resignation. scheduledat theJuly 20 board FranklinHigh students waged SampsonSmith, asked the board was the salary guidefor sub- with this guide," she said. The board approved the session. a five-month battleduring the "who will decide whether a stitutes, which was adopted hiring of 18 professional sbtff student’sclothing is suitable Other comments during the Thenew policy states, in its spring of 1969 in an effort to unanimously. publicportion of the meeting membersand eight non-profes- entirety,’Students should wear relax the dress code, which for his age group?" The new policy provides a touchedupon the atmosphere sionals.New prlces for lunches clothingthat is neat,clean, at that time banned shorts, Superintendent of Schoois Dr. salary of $22 per day for sub- werefixed at $.40for students, sandals, and slacks on girls. RobertShaffner replied that stitutes with college degrees, in the high school, with board $.66for adults, excluding des- consistentwith standardsof members condemning students healthand safety,and is not The students won their fight such a decision"is a reason- and $20 for those without serfs. against the restrictive code able exercise of teacher- degrees. for creating an attitude of The board also approveda disruptiveto schoolactivity. threatened physical violence "Studentsshould wear cloth- only in the aftermath of the administrationauthorRy. Par- Mrs. Evelyn Strum, II 3ulip new insurancepolicy for three entsshould give us theright to and some members of the public yearsat a cost of $39,014.00 ingwhich is suitableto their March 1969 demonstrations, Court, a substitute teacher, ex- accusing the board of "scaring age in a publicinstRution." when student-administration re~alatestudents’ appearance pressed disappointmentin the on an annualInstallment basis. teachers and students into Mr. Buckleycommented that silence." thisprice "was double the cost Two printed statements were of insurancethe lasttime we read by board members at the renewed,due to studentprob- meeting, a five-page release by lemsat bothFranklin High and Hunting Bans Removed; William Buckley, and a two- in otherschools in thearea." page statement by Michael The boardannounced that its Ward. June agendawas too lengthy Mr. Bucldeycontended Inhls to be adequatelycovered in statementthat radical students onesession prior to thepublic at Franklin High have created meeting,and that a second an atmosphereof violenceand agendasession would be held Drug Resolution Tabled intimidationin theschool, and June 26 and an adjournedpub- thatat leastthreefaculty mem- tic meetingon the following bers have been threatenedby Monday. Frariklin Township’s local hunt- Burnham Hobbs, South Middle- Thiswas a statementto be sentcontainingsome of the ingredi- both staff members and The adjournedpublic meeting ing bans have been removed, but ~bush Road, a member of the Mid- to the statelegislators asking an ents, spokeagainst theresolution. students. willbe at SampsonSmith School the desire of some residents for dlebush ’Rod and Gun Club, told investigation into the possible ban He said the councilshould not at 8 p.m.Monday, June 29 for tighter restrictions remains. the council and Mrs. Kretschmer of over-the-counter sale of patentpasssuch a requeston to theleg- He saidthat students in both thepurpose of takingaction on The township council voted 6-2 that club members hunted on farm- medicinescontaining alcohol, dex- islaturewithout further knowledge the high school and Sampson thoseagenda items to be dis- at last week’s meeting to remove land in the neighborhood, but never tromethorphan,belladona, ephe- of the possibleconsequences. Smith "deservefreedom from cussednext week. More Like A Lioness discharged their guns in the di- drin,and phenobarbital. fear,"and that "certain de- three ordinances which restricted Mr. Chut impliedthat one of Among the items expected hunting in parts of the township, rection of homes. The councildecided to add this cisions of the administration Marion Manganois a rather angry "pussycat" in this scenefrom the the reasonssome municipalities to he discussedis a letter becausestate law supercedeslo- CouncilmenDavid DeVriesand resolutionto the agendaafter re- during the last year were made from the Franidin CoalRion Villagers’ production "The Owl and the Pussycat," co-starring HarryVan Houtenopposed lifting ceivinga requestfrom the gee-:were adoptingsuch measureswas either out of expediency or cal regulations,making the bans pressurefrom pharmacists to re- to the board,which outlined Warren Erhardt. Performances of the comedy begin tomorrow illegaland meaningless. of the localordinances, with Mr. erning body of New Brunswick, fear rather than because of changesin attitudeand policy Two Middlebushresidents ad- which recentlyintroduced an or- strictsale of thatclass of drugs Justiceand equality." evening. (Relatedstory on page4.) Devries describing his vote as a to pharmacies,which would result whichthat group felt the board dressedthe councilregarding the "protest," and commenting"I do dinancebanning over the counter in "denialof the rightto self- Mr. Buckleycriticized what shouldmake. action. not have confidence that hunters sale of the ingredientsin that The boardmay alsoconsider city. medicationat reasonableprices." he termed "the studentcode... Mrs. Marilyn Kretschmer of are in control of their faculties ’Don’t squeaU " He accused appealsof decisionsmade by Buffa Drive argued that hunters at all times." Frank Chut, 30 HeatherDrive, The councilvoted 7=1 to table the superintendentupholding Lay Committees who said he had practiced food and the students of "hiding behind in fields adjoining the homes on Another resolution was affected the resolution following an unsuc- drugs,long beards," previousactions of highschool Buffa Drive were endangering the by publiccomment at the meeting,drug law for 11 years and admit- hair and cessful attempt to amend it on andasked studentsto face"the and intermediateschool of- lives of children andhad "no re- resultingin itsbeing tabled for ted that his clients were firms the spot. realityof our modernworld." fictalsin regardto student Are Announced nrdfor people’s property." furtherstudy. which manufactured medicines requests. Councilman Van Houten cast the Mr. Ward charged in his A highschool student group, Franklin Board of Education Itsfunction is to explorecon- dissenting vote, saying "on a mat- statement that there was a TOGETHER, has an appeal President Michael Peaces has ditionsin thehigh school re- ter as grave as this we should "concertedeffort by a small pending regarding the distri- announcedthe sub-committee latedto studentgrievances and be ableto debateit in publicand group of irresponsibleper= bution of leaflets,and a group assignmentsof membersof the to implementthe grievance form an acceptableamended reso- sons...toharass the board’s of SampsonSmith students have educationaladvisory commit- procedureitself. 2 Lawmakers Visit lution,without delaying for another taskof providingan effective appealedadministrative deci- tee(EAC). The curriculum sub-com- I two weeks," and efficient schoolsystem." sions againstthe wearingof The EAC Is the successorto mitteechairman is RuthWork- He termedthe commentsof tagsand buttonsand the dis- the formerlay advisorycom- man. Membersare LorettaEl- AlthoughMayor RichardDriver those"who have harassedthe tributionof leaflets,and miRee to the Board of Edu- vasabsent on business,Mr. Hobbs board" "nftpicking,foolish, authorizingthe search of stu- lison, Mrs. Brown; Robert madea statementduringthe public as cation. Coughlin, John Mulvthill, Pine Grove Manor and unacceptable as valid criti- dent lockersand seizureof portion of the meeting criti- Itschairman is JeroldGllck, ClaireLeifer, Julie Grosso, cism." materials. cizingthe mayor’s "intervention in and accordingto Mr. Peaces, and BarbaraKlein. The Pine
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