1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 See reverse side for student photo credits. 26 27 28 ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA BOLIVIA BOTSWANA Punit Shah ‘12 Katie Clio Smurro ‘12 Jeanie Nguyen ‘14 Theresa 1 Gallogly ‘132 3 4 Gebert ‘15 5 BRAZIL CAMEROON CHILE CHINA COSTA RICA Carlos Schmidt Leah Schecter ‘13 Ezra Stoller ‘15 Julianne Pelaez ‘13 Padilla ‘156 7 8 9 10 CUBA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DOMINICAN ECUADOR Ekene Agu ‘13 Christopher Emily Pereira ‘13 REPUBLIC Nader Daoud ‘16 11 Hopper12 ‘13 13 Caitlin14 Visek ‘12 15 EGYPT FRANCE GERMANY GHANA GREECE Abdullah Vivian Ling ‘14 Thomas Snyder ‘13 Anna Sharon Zhou ‘15 Nasser16 ‘13 17 18Frappaolo19 ‘14 20 HUNGARY INDIA IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY Mark Martinez ‘14 Rosie Putnam‘15 Adeline Byrne ‘14 Maxbetter Nivanthika 212223Vizelberg24 ‘14 Wimalasena25 ‘14 JAMAICA JAPAN JORDAN Jessica Zuo ’13 Melody Wu ’14 Renee Motley ‘14 26 27 28 STUDENT PHOTO CREDITS ¶ GENERAL Kuada, John E. 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