April 26, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S4157 That is one of the things we are talk- body and who died yesterday at As a young staffer, I would be invited ing about doing, trying to put together Omaha, NE, at the age of 94. Senator in to the outer ring of those distin- a personal accountÐnot to take all of Hruska served with my friend, the dis- guished United States Senators and the 12 percent but to take, say, 3 or 4 tinguished Senator from South Caro- would stand and watch and listen. Sen- percent out of the 12, about a third of lina. ator Hruska would never fail to intro- the money. Let it be your account, In a day when some might question duce me to his colleagues and make me your personal account. If, unfortu- the morality of public service, the ci- feel not only welcome but a part of nately, you were not able to live long vility of public service, the genuine- Government, a part of what he was enough to get all of your money out of ness of public service, and the goodness doing. it, it would go to your estate. of public service, they did not know The dignity that Senator Hruska How is it invested? By private inves- Senator Roman Hruska. Senator brought to his service is something tors, similar to the Federal savings Hruska was one of 11 children, born in well remembered by not just those of program. Once a year, members get a David City, NE, 94 years ago. His father us who were privileged to have some sheet of paper asking how they would had emigrated from Czechoslovakia, relationship but all who served with like this invested. The choice would be and moved his family to Omaha where Senator Hruska. He made this body a in equities, bonds, or in a combination he felt they would have a better oppor- better body. He made America strong- of the two. So members would choose tunity to get an education and a better er. He believed in things. one of those options. It is invested for opportunity for a better life. Senator Hruska did not believe in youÐnot invested, as the President has Senator Hruska's father was a teach- governance by way of calibration of the suggested, where he takes trillions of er. Senator Hruska went on through polls. You knew where Senator Hruska dollars and has the Government invest public schools in Nebraska, attended a was and why. He was always a gen- it. Then the Government would basi- number of graduate schools, the Uni- tlemanÐalways a gentleman. He would cally control the marketplace. None of versity of Chicago, and obtained his debate the issues straight up. He won us want that. law degree in Nebraska. He started a most of the time; he lost his share. But Personal ownership, it seems to me, law practice in south Omaha. the relationships that Senator Hruska ensures that the Federal Government When there became a vacancy on the developed and the respect that under- can't come back later and reduce your Douglas County board of commis- pinned his service is rather uncommon. benefits. That is a way to secure those sioners in Omaha, NE, his fellow citi- We are all better for it. America is dollars. They are not then in the Gov- zens came to him and said, ``Will you stronger for it. Nebraska loses a very ernment ready to be spent for some serve for one term?'' That one term wise counselor. America loses a great other reason. began in 1944. public servant. When I ran for the Senate in 1996, one Depending on your view about the A year later, he became chairman of of the first people I went to see was size of governmentÐand there is a le- the Douglas County board of commis- Senator Hruska. The advice he gave me gitimate difference between those who sioners, and until 1952 he served the was consistent with his service and his are more conservative and those who Greater Omaha area and the State of life. He said, ``Chuck, I would not feel are more liberal. There are always Nebraska with great distinction. competent to judge or give you counsel ways to spend more money. To control In 1952, a House seat opened up. It on the issues of our day, but I will tell the size of government, as has been our was the seat of Howard Buffett. Mr. President, that name ``Buffett'' may you this: Play it straight, say it goal over the last number of years, you straight, respect your colleagues and can't have a lot of surplus money lying ring a bell. Howard Buffett was the fa- ther of Warren Buffett. Howard Buffett respect yourself, but most important, around or else it is simply spent and respect the institution of the U.S. Con- government grows. We have to do decided not to run for reelection. Again, Roman Hruska's friends and gress and always understand the high something to secure Social Security. privilege it is to be part of that great Then, hopefully, when there is excess colleagues said, ``Will you run for Con- gress?'' Roman Hruska said, ``Well, I body.'' money, we can look for some kind of He was much too modest to go be- will do that for a short period of time.'' tax relief. yond what he gave me as good, solid Roman Hruska was overwhelmingly It has been a long time since we advice on issues, but I can tell you that elected to the Congress in 1952. Two started on this. Quite frankly, I think on the big issues over the last 3 years, years later, the Senate seat opened the sooner we make a change, the less not only I, but many of my colleagues, abrupt that change will have to be. I and, again, the same people asked have constantly gone back to Roman am hopeful we do get back. We started Roman Hruska to serve. He ran for the Hruska and asked for his judgment and out this year wanting to do this. Now Senate in 1954 and never looked back. his thoughts. the President is reluctant to take any He retired from the Senate in 1976. He will be greatly missed. I say to leadership. Some of the leaders in the I recall my first exposure to Senator Senator HOLLINGS, I will leave these re- Congress were saying we ought to set it Hruska as a young chief of staff to Con- marks on behalf of your former col- aside. I don't agree. gressman John Y. McCollister in the league and friend and my friend, Sen- Certainly, we need to focus on early 1970s. I would come to the Senate ator Roman Hruska, by referring to Kosovo, but it doesn't mean we don't once or twice a week to get a delega- Senator Hruska the way your former do the other things that are before the tion letter signed by Senator Hruska colleague, Everett Dirksen, once re- Senate. It is time to design a first-class and then Senator Curtis. Senator ferred to Roman Hruska, and that is: A system that fulfills the needs of every- Hruska would see me occasionally salute to the noblest Roman of them oneÐour older citizens, our younger standing outside a hearing room and allÐRoman Hruska. citizens. We need a permanent fix, not would never fail to accord me not only Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, the just tinkering around the edges. People some recognition, which as we know distinguished Senator from Nebraska, have thought for years that Social Se- around here does not always happen Mr. HAGEL, reminds me of a happier curity was the holy grail of politicsÐ with junior staffers, but he was beyond day. I say a happier day most sincerely touch it and you are dead. I think it gracious. He always had time for young in the sense that we had not become has changed, because people under- people, always had time to talk a little subject to all the consultants, all the stand if it is not changed, Social Secu- bit about what we thought and what pollsters to the point whereby today, rity will be dead. was on our minds. in large measure, we more or less are I hope we move forward. I really came to cherish those times marionettes to the consultants' hot- f when I had an opportunity to come button items and issues and not the over and see Senator Hruska. Senator needs of the people. SENATOR ROMAN L. HRUSKA Hruska was often in meetings, I say to There was a tremendous respect on Mr. HAGEL. Mr. President, I rise this Senator HOLLINGS, with some of Sen- both sides of the aisle. I was elected in afternoon to recall a towering public ator HOLLINGS' favorite colleagues, 1966. At that time, Senator Hruska was servant, Senator Roman L. Hruska, such as Senator Goldwater, Senator the ranking member of the Senate Ju- who spent 22 years of his life in this Eastland, Senator Long. diciary Committee and Senator Jim S4158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE April 26, 1999 Eastland of Mississippi served as chair- the rest of us who had the privilege of ited the port of Valdez, where oil is man. I remember the various measures knowing Senator Hruska appreciate loaded onto tankers, and I traveled that went before the Judiciary Com- him and his service for 22 years in the along the pipeline that brings oil from mittee for debate and action were Senate Ða very long time.
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