Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Application Code: C/48/615B Committee Date: 25/08/2020 Location: Langcliffe Quarry, Settle Hornby Laithe Tank Sinks Hornby Laithe Tank FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. NO FURTHER COPIES TO © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Sinks Husbands Barn P a t h ( u m ) CG C R R i v e r R i b b l e SM Pond P a Husbands Barn t h ( u m ) CG C R R i v e r R i Boundary Stone b b l e F W SM f Pond BBBB B 6B 6B 6 64 674 6746749749749 79 79 9 9 De BBBB B6 B6 4B66 46 746 746749749749 79 79 9 9 BBB B B6 B6 4B66 46 746 476749749749 79 79 9 9 BBB B B6 B6 4B66 46 746 747469749749 79 79 9 9 SSATAAANINININFFFFOORTRTTTHHHR R R ROOODADADADDD SL SSSTSTSTASTASTATIATNIANIANIAFNIFNIFNIONOFOFOFROFRORTORTRTHRTHRTHTH TR HR HR HOR OR OR ORAAOAODAODADADADDD Lime Kilns SSSTSTSTSATSATATAITANIANIANINIFNIFNIOFNOFFOFORFOROROTRTRTRHTRHTHT HTHR HR HR R OR OR ORAOOAOAODADADADADDD SSSTSTSTSATSATATAITANIANIANINIFNIFNIOFFNOFOFORFOROROTRTRTRHTRHTHT H THR HR HR R OR OR ORAOOAOAODADADADADDD W SSSTSTSTSATSATATAITANIANIANINIFNIFNIOFFOFOFORFOROROTRTRTRHTRHTHTH HR HR HR R OR OR OOAOAOAODADADADAD T (disused) ( i l P l y Oxgang p g W Laithe S o o F t a d W ) F Sinks F Boundary Stone 2.13m FF F W Depot Treatment Water Pumping Station BBBB B B B 6 6 6 674674747497979 9 9 BBBB B6 B6 4B6 46 7466 746749749749 79 79 9 9 BBBB B6 B6 4B6 46 746 6 476749749749 79 79 9 9 f BBBB B6 B6 4B6 466 746 746749749749 79 79 9 9 De 44 9 Tank Craven Cottage SSSSTSATSATATAITANIANIANINIFNIFNIFNFOFOFOFOROROTRTRTRHTRHTHTHTHR HR HR R OR OR OROOAOAODADADADADDD SSSTSTSTSATSATATAITANIANIANINIFNIFNIOFFNOFOFORFOROROTRTRTRHTRHTHT H THR HR HR R OR OR ORAOOAOAODADADADADDD W SSSTSTSTSATSATATAITANIANIANIINFNIFNIOFFNOFOFORFOROROTRTRTRHTRHTHTH THR HR HR ROR OR OORAOAOAODAADADADDDD SSSTSTSTSATSATATAITANIANIANINIFNIFNIOFFNOFOFORFOROROTRTRTRHTRHTHTH THR HR HR R OR OR OORAOAOAODADADADADDD SSSTSTSTSATSATATAITANIANININIFNIFNIOFFOFOFOROROROTRTRTRHTRHTHTH HR HR HR R OR OR OOAOAOAODADADADA SL ( i l T OR l P y p F g W Lime Kilns Oxgang o S W o t Laithe a d (disused) ) F Car Park W Spring Sinks FF Survey 100023740. Additional information: © Yorkshi 2.13m FF Depot Treatment C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B Workings Water C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B C/48/615B Works (dis) Pumping Issues Station Craven Cottage Tank F Car Park W T r a c k Spring D e f BE MADE S t a i n f o r t h Workings S c a r (dis) Issues T r a c k D e f S t a i n f o r t h S c a r Lower Winskill Lower Winskill P P IK a E th LA (u N m E ) Path (um) P IK E L A P N a E th ( um ) re Dales National Park Authority Path (um) CG Dicks Ground Plantation Schedule No:3 Application No: C/48/615B District: Craven Parish: Langcliffe Applicant's Name: Craven District Council Grid Ref: SD82396622 Received by YDNP: 03/06/2020 Officer: Katherine Wood PROPOSAL: full planning permission for proposed refurbishment of existing barn, part demolition of existing building and new development of B1, B2 and B8 uses together with ancillary car parking and landscaping LOCATION: Langcliffe Quarry, Settle CONSULTEES Langcliffe PC Council resolved to approve the application. Stainforth PC None received. Highways North There are no local highway authority objections to the Yorkshire proposed development. The access is existing with well over the required 2m x 45m visibilty. Parking and turning is in required limits within the site. Chief Technical Officer All work is to be carried out, to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations 2010. CEHO Craven No objections subject to conditions requiring; - further investigation in to the potential for contamination within the site, including a Phase I desk based report and, if required a Phase II intrusive site investigation report, - limited construction hours to minimise disruption, - the submission of a dust management plan to control the generation of dust during construction, - follow the recommendations as shown in the submitted Flood Risk Assessment. Fire & Rescue Service No objections. Environment Agency - No objection. Advice provided relating to non-mains for All areas drainage and the potential for contamination. United Utilities Water No objections subject to conditions relating to; Ltd - surface water drainage, to be carried out according to the flood risk assessment and drainage management strategy - foul water to be drained on separate systems, - management and maintenance of sustainable drainage systems, An informative relating to obtaining a water supply is also recommended. C/48/615B 25 Aug 2020 Schedule No:3 Yorkshire Water Water Supply Services Ltd A water supply can be provided under the terms of the Water Industry Act, 1991. Waste Water Please refer to United Utilities (North West Water). North Yorkshire County None received. Council Historic England The proposed development is located with the ‘Craven and Murgatroyd lime works 400m north east of Langcliffe Mill’ Scheduled Monument. Historic England considers that the proposed development is well thought-out, and designed to reference the history of the site and to enhance the industrial feel of the monument. It will also secure the sustainable management of the monument, the detail of which must be laid-out in a Management Plan. On the basis of the information submitted, Historic England supports the application (full comments can be viewed via the extranet). Network Rail Network Rail has placed a holding objection on this application on the basis that part of the site was shown to be Network Rail land and they expressed concerns regarding the potential for flooding affecting the trackway. The proposal has been amended to omit the Network Rail land and the drainage engineers have confirmed that sustainable surface water drainage will be incorporated into the proposed development. Network Rail has been reconsulted on this but has not responded. Network Rail has also recommended that conditions are imposed relating to excavations and vehicle safety protection measures along the boundary. Natural England This application does not appear to have carried out any form of landscape assessment. This development is within the Yorkshire Dales National Park and should take into account the landscape impact of the proposal, if this is the case then before Natural England are able to proceed any further with the consultation a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment is required. This should include a photomontage of the proposed development in a winter setting, with a map to demonstrate where the photographs were taken from. We refer you to the Landscape Institute Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for further guidance. Harrogate Police Station The recommendations below provides a summary of the issues relating to Designing Out Crime, which should be addressed prior to planning permission being granted, in order to ensure that the development provides a safe and secure environment for all users; C/48/615B 25 Aug 2020 Schedule No:3 - introduction of clear signage to show route of Public Right of Way (PRoW) - re-locating of cycle parking currently near to Unit 11 - introduction of physical barrier between PRoW and parking area - consider introduction of formal surveillance to car park near to aggregate store - provision of security lighting to each unit - provision of appropriate lighting to internal routes and car parks Wildlife Conservation In summary; Officer Impact on European Protected Species (EPS) and Priority Habitats - So long as the applicants can demonstrate (a) no harm to populations of EPS (to be established by results from bat activity surveys) and (b) realistic feasibility of creating replacement OMHPDL Priority Habitat, I would conclude that the proposals are not contrary to Local Plan Policy W1 provided the mitigation and compensation measures discussed above are secured. Biodiversity enhancement - a clear distinction must be made when negotiating the S106 between measures required to mitigate or compensate for loss and that which is required in order to enhance wildlife proportionately. Although there are still matters to be negotiated/decided about the proportionate enhancement to be obtained, I do not think it is demonstrable that the proposal is contrary to Policy W2. Trees & Woodlands In summary, the Trees and Woodlands Officer has commented that; - there has been significant tree and vegetation removal which was been agreed through the S211 notification and through that process we agreed for some tree groups and trees to be retained. Those tree groups should still be retained and shown as such on a comprehensive landscaping plan, - an arboricultural method statement should also be submitted which would show the RPAs of the retained trees overlain on the plan, position and specification of protective fencing, any ground protection needed. This will dictate the ground surfacing. - there will need to be a comprehensive landscape plan for the site which should include a greater level of plantinng than currently shown. - due to bat activity/ vulnerability the landscaping should strengthen and thicken up tree cover around the north end of the depot site, thickening up of the existing trees and vegetated areas around the edges of the new parking area on the quarry floor and new aggregate store, plant north of the rebuilt stone building south C/48/615B 25 Aug 2020 Schedule No:3 west of Hoffman kiln and the banking along the far side (west side) of Hoffman kiln, - a biodiversity enhancement plan is required.
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