1 Summer —2014 جلنة احلياة والعائلة - Family and Pro-Life Committee - Newsletter Pro-Life update The month of May was full of Pro-Life events, starting with our first Newsletter, the Precious feet project, to the March for Life in Ottawa on May 8. On June 5, 2014 Quebec has become the first Canadian province to legalize medically assisted death. Bill 52, entitled “an Act respecting end-of-life care”, In This Issue passed in the National Assembly by 94 votes to 22 . Health Minister Gaétan Page 1 Pro-Life update Barrette said the law will come into force within 18 months, On July 17th, Liv- La famille maronite ing with Dignity and Physician’s Alliance Against Euthanasia, filed a lawsuit before the Superior Court of Quebec challenging the unjust law, which Page 2 The History of introduced euthanasia in Quebec and Our Bishop His Excellency Paul Abortion in Canada Marwan Tabet issue a document against Bill 52. Page 3 Pope Francis let- ter to March for Life– Les difficultés rencontrées par la famille maronite (Fadi Ishak) Cardinal Collins letter to Ceci n'est pas un article scientifique, mais plutôt un message d'une personne Justin Trudeau الثىرة الجنسية qui travaille au sein de la famille et qui s'adresse à toutes les familles maro- Page 4 وانتشار اﻹجهاض في .nites au Canada العالم Il y a bien des rapports scientifiques qui parlent du changement dans la struc- ture familiale ainsi que les facteurs qui affectent cette structure (les situations Crisis Pregnancy Hotline économiques, technologiques, etc.). Nous, les maronites, avons un facteur de 1-800-395-HELP English plus: nous sommes des immigrants. Ce qui signifie que nous sommes toujours 1-855-871-4442 French tiraillés entre deux mondes: notre pays d'origine et notre pays d'adoption. Important dates Cette situation nous affecte dans nos comportements: nous avons souvent un sentiment de rejet, d'incompétence, d'intolérance de la part des autres cul- First Sunday of Oct 5 tures, etc. Nous sommes donc habitués à vivre avec toutes ces contraintes, 2014 mais il reste un point majeur dont on a de la misère à contrôler, qui est notre rapport avec nos enfants. À maintes reprises, nous avons de la misère à faire passer le message qui parle de la beauté de notre culture d'origine, de nos valeurs d'origine, et nous devons également affronter cer- taines positions que nos enfants prennent face à certains sujets sociaux. Il est bien évident que lorsqu'on parle d'une société, il ne faut pas que ça prenne une forme d'histoire: un enfant qui ne vit pas les valeurs d'une société ne peut pas se lever pour la défendre. countinue on page 3 2 The History of Abortion in Canada (part 1) 1969 – The Criminal Code is amended to decriminalize abortions done by a doctor in a hospital after approval for the procedure has been given by a “therapeutic abortion committee” who judged that a woman’s life or health “would” or “would be likely” to be affected by continuation of pregnancy. No obligation for either doctors or hospitals to participate in abortion. Within a couple of years, abortions are covered under the publicly funded health care system even though government ministers had reassured opponents it would not be. 1973-74 – Henry Morgentaler sets up an abortion clinic in Montreal contrary to law. He is arrested, charged, found innocent, decision appealed, found guilty. This happens three times. Finally the Quebec government stops charging him and he continues to do abortions in Montreal. 1975 – A petition of over 1 million signatures, the largest in Canadian history, is presented to parliament requesting protection for the life of the unborn. 1975 – Joe Borowski, former NDP Minister of Highways in Manitoba, launches a court case asking that the 1969 amendments to the Criminal Code be declared invalid, and declaring that the outlay of public money for abortion is un- lawful because it contravenes the Canadian Bill of Rights. 1981 – The province of Quebec sets up Abortion Clinics as part of its community health services. These CLSC’s operate outside Canadian law but with the financial backing of the government of Quebec. 1982 – Henry Morgentaler announces plans to establish a free standing abortion clinic in Winnipeg. Shortly thereafter he opens one in Toronto. In Manitoba, the College of Physicians & Surgeons refuses to license the facility. 1983 – Morgentaler is charged with illegal abortion, along with abortionists Dr. Leslie Smoling and Dr. Robert Scott. Morgentaler and Scott are also charged in Winnipeg. 1985 – The Ontario jury acquits the abortionists after accepting Morgentaler’s use of the defense of necessity. The Ontario Court of Appeal reverses the decision. Morgentaler asks the Supreme Court to hear the case. 1986 – Eighteen year old Erin Shannon dies at Ottawa Civic Hospital following a “legal” abortion. 1986 – Roussel Uclaf, manufacturer and distributor of RU-486 signs an agreement with the World Health Organization at the Population Council making RU-486 available to these agencies worldwide. 1988 – The Supreme Court of Canada in a split decision strikes down Section 251 of the Criminal Code; declaring it unconstitutional. Provinces respond by setting up their own regulations on the performance of abortion. In Manitoba where the Morgentaler case was in abeyance pending the Supreme Court decision, the government now permits abortions outside of hospitals but refuses to pay for abortions from public funds. Morgentaler announces a five year plan to open clinics in all provinces. 1988 – The Borowski case which had been going to court parallel with Morgentaler’s is declared moot since the law on abortion no longer exists. 1989 – Various proposals are made to draft a new abortion law. One submitted by Gus Mitges MP, which would have prevented all abortions, comes closest to passing. In the end no proposal receives majority support. 1989 – Barbara Dodd in Toronto and Chantal Daigle in Quebec go to court to try to get abortions after their boyfriends got injunctions to prevent them from doing so. Dodds gets the OK from the Supreme Court of Ontario, aborts, then regrets her decision. Daigle is refused by Quebec’s Superior Court, goes to Supreme Court and is given the go ahead even though she has already had an abortion in the U.S. Now no father can prevent abortion of his child. 1989 – A new abortion law, Bill C-43, is presented in the House of Commons. It passes May 29, 1990 and is sent to Senate for debate. Bill C-43 retains abortion as a criminal offence but permits it on very broad grounds. http://abortionincanada.ca/history/abortion-in-canada-timeline/ 3 Pope Francis has sent a letter to thousands of people before over 20,000 Canadians gathered on Parliament Hill in who converged on Parliament Hill in the annual March Ottawa for the Canadian March for Life. for Life 2014. The annual pro-life march occurred a day after Liberal leader “I am deeply concerned about your decision that citizens who, in conscience, seek to assure the protection of the most vulne- rable among us are not acceptable as candidates in your par- ty,” the cardinal wrote in his new letter. He noted Pope Francis’ message of support to the March for Life, in which the pontiff assu- red participants of his “spiritual closeness.” Justin Trudeau said pro-life supporters would be banned from “It is worth noting that running for office as candidates of the Liberal party. if Pope Francis, as a But it was the Pope's message that was read aloud to an en- young man, instead of thusiastic, peaceful crowd that organizers projected would top seeking to serve in the 20,000. Sent from the office of the Vatican Secretary of State priesthood in Argentina, had moved to Canada and sought to Pietro Parolin, the Pope offered his support and prayers. serve in the noble vocation of politics, he would have been ineligible to be a candidate for your party, if your policy were "His Holiness Pope Francis is pleased to greet everyone taking in effect,” Collins wrote. part in the 17th National March for Life in Ottawa, and he as- sures them of his spiritual closeness as they give witness to Suite : Famille en évolution the God-given dignity, beauty and value of human life," the message read. Bien entendu, nous savons que lorsqu'on parle de notre cul- ture, on raconte à nos enfants: on était, on faisait, on "He prays that this event foster greater respect for the inviola- était...etc. D'un autre côté, si l'on parle de la situation de nos ble right to life of each person from conception to natural enfants, de leur environnement, ils se baignent dans la tech- death, and support the efforts of all who labour to ensure that nologie et l'internet. Je me souviens d'un groupe de jeunes qui this fundamental human right receives adequate legal protec- parlaient de la compétence de leurs parents dans ce domaine. tion. Une fille disait aux autres, ''mon père se plaignait qu'il n'était "To the organizers and participants, and in particular to those pas capable d'envoyer son message et lorsque j'ai regardé, j'ai who aid women in crisis pregnancies and their children, the vu qu'il écrivait dans la barre d'adresse!!''. Holy Father cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing as a pledge J'ai le privilège d'appartenir à un groupe de prière, le groupe of joy and peace in the risen Lord." marial, et ce qu'on a réussi à vivre ensemble pourrait remédier The Pope sent similar messages in recent weeks to March for à bien des situations.
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