'72 r , i ,/,,; f; VISVA-BHARAI'I (Founded by Rabindranath Tagore) A central university and Institution of National Impoftance -, International Conference "Rodd M4p--1tor the pevelopme?lof Rural rourisrn in & around Birbhum" NOVEMBER 08.10, 2OI9 Organised Bg Vis u a-Bhar ati, S antiniketan In Collaboration with To'urism Department, Gout. of West Bengal Call for Papers FOCAL THEME Tourism is likel1' to be a growing industry in India for some tirne. It has tremendous potential due to peoples' interest in travel and desire to explore nature and religious sites' Tourism in India is expected to play a key role in the country's economic growth, human resource, culture, wealth of the country in terms of foreign exchange earnings, etc. Simultaneously, it has a direct bearing on local culture, socio-economic patterns of life, traditions, lbod habits, language, values and ethics of the local people due to irequent visits of national and international tourists to attractive tourist destinations, R-ural tourism is essentially an activity which takes place in the countrysicle. The rural totirisrm is cr:rrently the trend of the world and also got recognition as an important .i.st':'lment of grorvth ofthe rural communitie s. It is defined as - any form of tourism that ''i''\\'cases rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural locations, t.hereby contribgiing tc the development of th,e local community economically and socially as well as enabling interaction betwr:en tcurists and locals for a more enriching tourism experience. Birbhum is regarded as the 'Land of Red Soil'. Birbhum has a culture of its own and is immersed in the richness of the cultural heritage of India in general and West Bengal in parti,:ular. * Santiniketan was earlier ca-lled Bhubandanga (named after -Bhuban Dakat, a loca1 dacoit), and wasr;'owried by the Tagore family. In 7862, Maharshi Devendranath Tagore, Rabindrarrath's flather, gave the name Shantiniketan labod.e of peace).Santiniketan has manziged ,: preserve Bengal's fast-disappearing rural crafts culture through folk mark:ets, like th.e weekly Bondangaar Haat, and rural co-operatives, like Amar Kutir. Another unique feature of Santiniketan is its lush greenery and aesthetically laid out campus, which stands testimony to Tagore's belief that the close connect between man and nature should be the founding principle of education. The mud buildings, the frescrces and tree-lined avenues have a distinct architectural style, the hallmark of which is a dynamic simplicity. Here, there are cottage industries that specialise in pottery, leatherwork, batik print and woodwork. Birbhum is richL with ingredients of rurai tourism. It can be harnessed as a strategy for upgrading the qua-lity of life of the rural poor. If properly rnanaged, rural tourism in Birbhum and in Santiniketan in particular can reduce the existing backwardness of the rural community by diversifying employment opportunities beised on local tourism assets. The present cr:nference will focus on the various aspects of rural tourism in Birbhum and Sa.ntinik,:tan and how the opportunities in these areas for developing rural tourism can be translated into reality. Various Sub{hemes that can be explored are: 1. Tergore heritalge in Elengal 2. The heritage of Sanl.iniketan in the cultural ethos of India 3. H:lstory of Visva-Bharati as an Institution 4. Interface of Santinil,letan and Sriniketan in contemporary society 5. Rural tourisrn and its effects on native populations 6. Tracing the rural destinations around Birbhum ?. Tourism and the Distribution Channel 8" Financing Sustainalcilit.y [i-rjtiatives: Strategies for Rural Tourism Businesses Tourism's 9. Iloie in Supporting Community Well-Being: Feeding Families, Educating Children and Improving Healthcare lO. Sustainable, Planning and Design of Rural Tourism Facilities and Destinations 'Iourism 11. as a Tool for Sustainable Community Development 12. Cost Effective lrpproaches to Marketing and Operating Sustainable Tourism. Experiences IMPORTANT DAIES Sub,mission df nbstroct l4tn Oct.2019 Acceptonce of Abstroci l5rn Oct.20l9 Sending Registrotion fee with full pooer 28ih d oct.20tg Moil oddresi for sr:ndinq obstroct sircor.o [email protected] Nole: Word limit for the obstroct is preferobly 250 words typed in Times New Romon ond in l2 font size. No cbstroc will be published in obstroct volume withoui the receipt of the registrotion fee before 28'.10.2019. CONTACT PERSON Shri Anirbon Sircor Public Relotions Office. Orgonising Secretory Vi:;vo-Bhoroti, Sontinike t on- 7 31 235, E-rnoil: [email protected] M:+9] 9474084109 Dr. Avijit Bonerjee, Derporiment of Chinese Longuoge ond Culture. Convener Visvo-Bhoroti, Sontiniketon- /3 I 235, E- rn o il : o v'rjitch in ese@g m oil.co m M: +91 9434210858 PARTICIPATION FIEES Porliciponl INR Portiqipqnts I 000 Accc)rlpq!ying person 750 (Without Seminor Kit Rese<rrch Fellow/ Students/ (presenting I 200 Popers) About Visva-lBharati Fourrded by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore tn 7921, Visva-Bharati was declared to be a Centra.L Univr:rsity and an Institution of National Importance by an Act of Parliament in 1951. The President of India is the Paridarsaka (Visitor) of the the university, Governor of west .Bengal is the Pradhana (Rector), and the prime Minister acts of India as the Achalya (tlhancellor). The University was granted the status of a unitary teaching and residential university by a special ect of parliament. tlrearest kailway station: Bolpur station (roughly 150 km from Howrah station and i.akes ab,ou t 2 ar:id half- hor,rrs) "earest p,.i.:-?.,rt: i,,oikata airport (i64 km and takes about three hours) 3 For any additional information contact: ASSISTANT REGISTRAR & IN CI{ARGE PUE}LIC RELATIONS VISV,A-BHARATI SAN'I] NI KETAN-'7 3 I 23 !5 Mobile: 8637538400 E-mail: sircar. anirtran@gmail. com J. Dept. of Chinese Language & Convener of the Internationa-l Seminar Copy to: r,l. University Webm.aster - with a request to kindly upload in the University Website.
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