PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-~VOL. 16. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 31, 1878. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, BUSINESS CARDS. THE P.TlESa Cap and Bells. Fiat Money In Use. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTS _MISCELLANEOUS._ PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Wanted. •‘A from THURSDAY OCT. 31. gift Charlie, papa see! H*w ua Itrrd(uiible Paper Curreiey Af- LADY and two MORNING, ’Tis queer such an idea should strike Urn, At 109 Exchange Portland gentlemen desiring to study fected Price* and Public iu St., German under Pror. To buy this puppy-dog for me!” Opiniea A Ludwig Triest, would the Terms : a like to find a dear, ’tis but ’tis just liko him!” Southern State*. Eight Dollars Tear. To mail subscribers few partners in order to get cheaper We do not read anonymous letters and communl “Yes, queer; Seven Dollars a Tear if paid in advance. lerms. For particulars write Ph. B. PoBt Office Box & —Boston Transcript. ALLEN catlonB. The a me and address of the writer are in 1836. oc29dlw CO., all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publication George Cary Eggleston’s entertaining book, THE MAINE STATE PRESS AT THEIR the Punic war was not Wanted. but as a guaranty of good faith. No, gentle Aramlnta, “A Rebel’s which has been la published every Thursday Morning at $2.80 a STEPHEN BERRY, Reoollectious”, jast experienced housekeeper to take of the We cannot undertake to return or com- a fight between two paragraphers. It isn’t pro- year, it paid in advance at $2.00 a year., chargo preserve republished in an attractive contains an front at form, AN kitchen State Reform School. Apply munications that are not need. nounced that way.—Vox Hnmana. Book, Job and Card by letter or in person to instructive chapter concerning the Rates of the Printer, on “money” Adyebtisino: One inch of space, oc29dlw E. Store Middle Street, No. 3T PLCM STREET. WENTWORTH, Supt. with our length of column, constitutes a “square.” which "erriog brethren” were fur- Spacious EVBfir Doting mother: “Yes, I shall be to St 50 first week: 75 cents regular attache of the Pbsjs 1b furnished happy per square, daily per Wanted. are now showing the finest stock of nished during the Rebellion. The financial week alter; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continu- with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. give yon the wages yon ask; but I shall ex- ing other after first week, 50 cents. HIATT and Salesmen to work on commission or system of tbe Confederate States resembled every day ADAMS, Pullen, Editor. All steamboat and hotel you to love the dear children.” “I Hall Insertions, or 75 cents; one by the month. Enclose to railway, pect Norse; square,three less, AGENTS stamp shall be to do but ol very closely wbat the theories of the Green- week, $1.00: 50 cents per week after. P. F., Press Office. managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding very happy so, ma’am; additional. Constable for Portland, oc23dtt__S. coarse—that will be Folks. backers woull if Special notices, one third credentials of every person claiming to represent our extra.”—Funny produce these theories were Under head or “Amusements” and “Auction Asa Wanted. and ourual. once pat into practical operation; and we rec- $2.00 per square per week; three insertione Sales,” MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to assist in cook- as an over-crowded street car or less, $1.50. Coroner for Yesterday, ommend the perusal of the extracts Cumberland County, and housework at the Mount Cut- following Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State A ing general a West ler House, Maine. Address The was making its way up Philadelphia from Mr. Eggleston’s financial chapter to all Press” (which has a large circulation in every part 81 1-8 EXCHANGE STREET. Hiram, Financial Chronicle of New York oc22d2wHIRAM BASTON. hill, both horses suddenly fell dead from fright. who are of the State), for $1.00 per Bquare for first insertion, Custom prints the market price of the bank stocks of persons enamored or fear that they and 50 ce ate per square for each Insertion. Service of precepts of all kinds a specialty. Con- Ready-Made Clothing saw a fat man 330 hail- subsequent Wanted, They weighing pounds will be of the current heresies of the day: Address all communications to fidential advice given, and services rendered in the about twenty different cities. It lists 320 the Chronicle-Herald. detection and arrest of criminals. Business attended to be found East of Boston. This Clothing is of ing driver.—Philadelphia “Tbe financial system the Con- PORiLAND PUBLISHING OO. Gentlemen boarders at No. 16 banks. adopted by to at all hours. Of these only 90 are quoted above federate government was aDd also table boarders ac« singularly simple Jang dlf IMyrtle St; free from technicalities. It consists! iu commodated. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE par. With more than two-thirds of them the “Hereafter,” says the Graphic, speaking of chiefly tbe issue of Treasury notes enough to meet all entertainments!- sep!2dtf value has so shrunk that the shareholders Marble, who is about to retire to a farm, “he BUILDERS. FROM the expenses of the government, and in the cannot get back even the money they put in. Mose his own grass. And the Graphic is mis" present advanced state of the art of printiog taken. Mr. Marble is no mower.—Buffalo Kx* there was but one difficulty incident to this CITY HALL The undersigned have this day associated the a And these are the “bloated monopolies.” selves under tne firm name press. process, namely, the of together, 50LaborerWanted _ impossibility having Fin© and Domestic Fabrics. the notes in ibe at tho office of tic Portland Water French, English The St. Louis signed Treasury Department as Republican says that "Chi- Dry those tears as JPitto© cb Douglity APPLYCompany, No. 33 Pinna St, Porllaud. freely flowing— fast they were needed. There happened, is a Lfst trumpet and drumming! — to bs several thousand Giand and will on business as and sepll dtt cago doing great deal of talking about di- however, young ladies iu Course carry Carpenter, If Dufterin’s going, at Richmond to light and remunera- Amy Builder., rect trade with means are willing accept Mexico, hut St. Louis The Campbells comiDg. OPENING ENTERTAINMENT, tive employment at their homes, and as it was CUSTOM DEPARTMENT! to do —Punch. Rear of Sager’s Stable, Oak St. LOST AND FOUND. something more than talk, and by the really a matter of small moment whose name Oct. 31st. Thursday Evening time they bore, they were oat in sheets to H. n. PITTKE. We feel confident in asserting that in this will be Chicago has got done with its banquets A True Artist: Mamma |~to Tommy, who given G. ¥M, DOUGHTY. Department these young ladies, who; signed and returned and excursions the Iron Mountain Road will has been allowed for a wait at » * * • Martinez English Opera Company March 11th, 1878. *marlldly Lost. found one of the few miuutes to them for a consideration. HRAVY fleece lined Kid Glove with iur trim- be running through trains from St. Loui3 to table!—“Now, Tommy, kiss me, and go to It was to be had almost for asking. * » » will produce the pleasing Opera of bed.” Tommy ftn footman!- “Do imir ever kiss A med wiisf. The finder will be rewarded by the of the Mooey was so easily g jt, and its value was so city Monlezumas.” the miasu9, Charles? sill eaviDg it at 88 Oxford Street. oc:28dtf CHOICEST STOCKS Footman—“No, utterly uncertain that we were never able to Mason and I ROSE OF CASTILE Builder, Tommy—"Then wont!”—Bunch. determine what was a fair for ! A Washington to the Boston price anything. Residence 227 Found. —OF' despatch We fell into ahanit of whatever was Full Chorus! Efficient Orchestra! Appropriate Congress Street, paying Journal “A who is re- that to-morrow we Scenery and Elegant Costumes Agent for the Pettengill Iron Chimney Cap. Or- article of the greatest value to those who says: gentleman Taltnadge's has been raised to twelve asked, kuowiug should have ders for all kiuds of salary to more. Evening tickets. 50 eta; resei ved seats, 75 cts, for Masonry promptly attended to. ANhave Cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any as one of the men pay Speculation became the easiest All garded managing in the thousand dollars a and he earns it too. A sale at Stockbridge’s and at the door. Doors open at work done by me wairanted to give satisfaction. lisease of the Throat, Chest, or Lungs. Sirup of year and surest thing imaginable. The speculator 7 o’clock; curtain at 8 o’clock. Tickets lor the course Cedron is the article. It can be had at auy orug AND AMERICAN CLOTHS Potter and who has man saw no risks of loss. IMPORTED investigation, recently can’t afford to pound himself ail to article of mer- •m pieces Every of live One Dollar. oc26d5t vumnnuujLiu. 5 ore. oc29dlw* entertainments, No.disappointment. returned from a visit to New York where he chandise rose in valae every and to Portland, April 23, 1878. apr24tnovl and kick the staffing oat of a new pulpit fifty- day buy ever shown in Portland, from which we are now prepared to furnish anything this week and sell it next was to has conducted the thus ex- two times a for less than that. Talmadge investigation far, year make an enormous profit quite as a matter of Ehnnlnin IMefahe.
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