Judaica Librarianship Volume 9 Number 1–2 152-158 12-31-1995 Recommended Judaica Reference Works, 1992–1995 Charles Cutter Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Micha F. Oppenheim Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York, NY Follow this and additional works at: http://ajlpublishing.org/jl Part of the Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Information Literacy Commons, Jewish Studies Commons, and the Reading and Language Commons Recommended Citation Cutter, Charles and Oppenheim, Micha F.. 1995. "Recommended Judaica Reference Works, 1992–1995." Judaica Librarianship 9: 152-158. doi:10.14263/2330-2976.1199. Recommended Judaica Reference Works, 1992-1995 Charles Cutter and Micha F. Oppenheim Brandeis University Jewish Theological Seminary Waltham, MA of America New York, NY The purpose of this column is to recom­ Museums This illustrated almanac has 56 chapters mend current Judaica reference sources, Press divided into six sections: (1) Ancient Near both general and specialized. It is intended Sephardic studies East (peoples, religions, languages); (2) to serve as a guide to new tools for schol­ Travel World of the Bible (geography, Jerusalem, arly research as well as to more popular1 calendar, warfare, musical instruments, but reliable works. The annotations Alcoholism and drug addiction weights, metals, jewelry, animals, plants, describe the scope and use of each work. miracles); (3) Old Testament; (4) lntertesta­ 1 . Berg, Steven L. Jewish Alcoholism mental Period; (5) New Testament; (6) This column lists selected reference mate­ and Drug Addiction: An Annotated Bibli­ Bible in Civilization (translations, art, fic­ rials that appeared from 1992 to 1995. ography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, tion, drama, poetry, music, motion pictures, Works published in 1990 and 1991 that 1993. 160 p. ISBN 031327603x. $55. stamps). Includes index. were not reviewed in prior columns are included as well. Hebrew reference works This classified, annotated bibliography is 4. Chasidah, Yishai. Encyclopedia of are starred, and Hebrew bibliographic data divided into twelve chapters and cites 583 Biblical Personalities: Anthologized corresponding to the Romanized entry items. It covers such subjects as Jewish from the Talmud, Midrash, and Rabbinic appears at the end of the list. involvement in Alcoholics Anonymous, Writings. Brooklyn, NY: Shaar Press/ alcoholism in Israel, and minorities within Mesorah Publications, 1994. 541 p. $54.95. The reference works are classified under the Jewish community (women, youth, les­ the following subject headings: bians and gay men, blacks). The descrip­ Translation of /she ha-Tanakh, first pub­ tive annotations "focus on the Jewish lished in 1964. Contains bibgraphical infor­ Alcoholism and drug addiction material included in the citations" (p. xii). Archives mation regarding the lives of Biblical Includes an author index, a title index, and personalities gleaned from the two Tal­ Bible a subject index. Bibliographies muds (Bavli and Yerushalmi) and Mid­ Biographies rashic literature. Entries are arranged Careers Archives alphabetically by name in Hebrew charac­ Genealogy ters. Within each personality's life, the Hebrew language 2. Central Zionist Archives: Guide to the information is arranged chronologically, Hebrew literature Archival Record Groups and Collec­ from birth to death. Entries for famous indi­ Hebrew literature-Bibliography tions. Jerusalem: Central Zionist Archives, viduals such as the Patriarchs, Moses, and Hebrew printing-India 1993. 40 p. David are divided into sections, with a list History of the section headings at the beginning of History-Asia Includes records of: WZO (World Zionist the entry. Includes an alphabetical index of History-Canada Organization); the Jewish Agency; JNF the English form of the name. History-Czechoslovakia (Jewish National Fund); Keren Hayesod; Hovevei Zion organizations; the Jewish History-Hamburg 5. Day, A. Colin. Roget's Thesaurus of History-Hungary community in Palestine; the World Jewish Congress; the Central Zionist Archives' the Bible. San Francisco: Harper, 1992. History- Poland 927 p. ISBN 0060617721. $32. History-Soviet Union photograph collection, its printed material Holocaust collection (e.g., posters), and its library and Human rights newspaper collection (over 100,000 vol­ A reference book for people studying the Intermarriage umes); and of the Steven Spielberg Jewish Bible. It may be used to find answers to the Israel Film Archive. Not indexed. question "What does the Bible say Jewish education about ... ?" Bible concordances enable Jewish law Bible one to find verses containing a given word, Judaism-History while a thesaurus links passages with simi­ Judezmo 3. Almanac of the Bible. Editors: Geoffrey lar meanings. Includes a list of categories, Liturgy Wigoder, Shalom M. Paul, & Benedict T. an index of Bible references, and a subject Manuscripts Viviano. New York: Prentice Hall, 1991. index. Memorial books 446 p. ISBN 0130268992. $40. 152 Judaica Librarianship Vol. 9 No. 1-2 Spring 1994-Winter 1995 , rr 6. Muraoka, T. A Greek-English Lexicon 10. Macfas Kap6n, Uriel. Gufa espaiiola location far from the larger cities on either of the Septuagint (Twelve Prophets). de bib/iograffa judaica. Barcelona: Comi­ the East or West Coast" (p. VII). Geared Louvain: Peeters, 1993. 257 p. ISBN sion NacionalJudia Sefarad 92, 1992. 125 p. primarily toward Jews whose ancestors 2877230708. come from East Europe and the former This guide to Jewish books in Spanish is Soviet Union. Chapters on: How to Begin; "The present dictionary covers the Twelve divided into sections covering periodicals, Computers and Genealogy; U.S. Public Prophets alone. It was originally conceived bibliographies, Judaism, The Jewish com­ Records; Mormon Records; Jewish as a pilot project for exploring a whole munity, Jews in Spain, Sephardim, and Names; Back to the Old Country; Jewish range of difficulties associated with Septu­ Jewish literature. Each entry has full biblio­ Genealogical Resources in the Dallas ag i ntal lexicography .... [T]he Twelve graphical information. Includes author and Area. Includes three appendices: Foreign Prophets were thought to constitute a sin­ subject indexes. Language Alphabets; Map of the Pale of gle coherent literary unit most likely pro­ Settlement; Soundex Systems. duced by a single translator .... [l]t is Biographies hoped that this venture will provide a use­ 14. Kurzweil, Arthur. From Generation ful stepping stone towards a full-scale Sep­ 11. The Concise Dictionary of American to Generation: How to Trace Your Jew­ tuagint lexicon" (p. [vii]). Jewish Biography. Jacob Rader Marcus, ish Genealogy and Family History. Rev. editor. Brooklyn, NY: Carlson Publishing, ed. New York: HarperCollins, 1994. 388 p. 7. Watson, Duane F.; Hauser, Alan J. 1994. 2 vols. ISBN 0926019740. $200. ISBN 0062700979. $27.50. Rhetorical Criticism of the Bible: A Com­ prehensive Bibliography with Notes cin Contains almost 24,000 brief biographies History and Method. Leiden: E. J. Brill, Completely revised and updated (the first of American Jews, from colonial times up 1994. 206 p. ISBN 9004099034. $71.25. edition appeared in 1980), this detailed to those who died by the end of 1985. This guide to Jewish genealogical research pro­ is by far the largest such biographical dic­ A comprehensive bibliography of books vides step-by-step advice on gathering tionary ever produced. [See a full-length and articles on both the Old and New Tes­ information from family members and fami­ review in the APPROBATIONS section of taments, covering all the books of the ly papers, Holocaust research, and immi­ this issue. -Ed.] Bible. Includes introductory essays and gration and naturalization records. It also detailed tables of contents. Rhetorical criti­ includes information on how to locate birth, cism is defined as "a form of literary criti­ Careers marriage, and death records; how to do cism which uses our knowledge of ... research in Eastern Europe, and more. In literary composition practiced in ancient 12. A Guide to Professional Careers in addition, this work contains the "Bibliogra­ Israel and its environment to discover and the Jewish Community. Compiled by Tali phy of Eastern European Memorial analyze the particular artistry found in a Frank. New York: Council of Jewish Feder­ (Yizkor) Books," compiled by Zachary M. specific unit of Old Testament text" (p. 4). ations, 1990. 69 p. Baker (1993). This 64-page revised ver­ sion supersedes previous.editions with the "The objective of this guide is to outline the same title, also compiled by Baker (see Bibliographies range of educational and professional Judaica Librarianship vol. 2 [1985], p. 74 opportunities within Jewish community and vol. 5 no. 2 [1991], p. 231). This valu­ 8. Catalogue of Russian Language work in North America" (p. 13). Divided into able bibliography is arranged in three sec­ Books on Jewish Topics. Jerusalem: two major sections. Part one, entitled tions: General Reference Works, Countries American Jewish Joint Distribution Com­ "Career Alternatives & Educational Pro­ and Regions, Localities. The last two sec­ mittee, 1991. 85 p. grams," provides an overview of profes­ tions are arranged alphabetically by place sional fields, such as the rabbinate and the name. "This catalogue lists by 13 subjects books cantorate. Part two, "Resources & Refer­ in Russian published in Israel in 1980-91" ences," includes information about associ­ Hebrew language (Introduction, unpaginated). Entries are in ations, scholarships,
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