Wild Water Buffalo cgf{ © WWF Nepal 2019 All rights reserved Any reproduction of this publication in full or in part must mention the title and credit to WWF Nepal. Concept: Hariyo Ban Program and Sagar Dahal Text: Shyam Saru Review: Shant Raj Jnawali, Kanchan Thapa, Kapil Khanal, Suman Dhakal and Sunil Shakya Illustration: Bijaya Maharjan Map: Hari Basnet Design: Bishnu Achhami Citation WWF Nepal, Hariyo Ban Program (2019). Gaur. Illustrations ©WWF Nepal, Hariyo Ban Program Disclaimer This booklet is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of WWF Nepal and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. Morphology and Structure zf/Ll/s agfj6 The Wild Water Buffalo (Bubalus arnee Kerr, 1792), also cgf{ blIf0fk"j{ Plzof tyf ef/tLo pkdfxlåkdf kfOg] Ps 7"nf] af]ljg hgfj/ xf] . o;sf] tf}n known as Arna in Nepal is a large bovine weighing ^)) b]lv !@)) lsnf]u|fd;Dd x'G5 . o;sf] 5fnf v}/f], v/fgL b]lv sfnf] /+usf] x'G5 . nfdf] ;'l/nf] between 600 to 1,200 kg. The skin color of Wild Water 6fpsf] b]lv s'd;Dd nfdf], v;|f], kftnf] /f}+ cufl8tkm{ kmls{Psf] x'G5 . ;fy} clnslt ;fgf] sfg / Buffalo is ash gray to black. The moderately long, coarse em'Dd k/]sf] /f} 6fpsf]sf] cfufl8 efudf /x]sf] x'G5| . k'R5/sf] 6'Kkfdf afSnf] /fF} x'G5 . logLx?sf] and sparse hair is directed forward from the haunches to v"/ 7"nf] / km}lnPsf] x'G5 . l;ª 7'nf], 3'ld|Psf] / tLvf] x'G5 . the long and narrow head. There is a tuft of hair on the forehead, and the ears are comparatively small. The tip of the tail is bushy and the hooves are large. Wild Water Buffalo has long curved and pointed horns. Distribution and Population Wild Water Buffalo is native to Indian sub-continent, mainland South East Asia and currently occurs in the wild state in Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Nepal and Thailand. The presence of this species is unconfirmed in Myanmar and has been extirpated from Bangladesh, Laos, Sri Lanka, Vietnam. In Nepal, Wild Water Buffalo is found in lowland Tarai. Today they are confined in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve stretched in the lower Koshi basin. As a part of establishing original assemblage of large mammal, Government of Nepal has reintroduced 11 Wild Water Buffaloes in its former range in Chitwan National Park. Wild Water Buffalo was locally extinct due to disease from Chitwan National Park in the 1960s. The population census of Wild Water Buffalo conducted on 2016 recorded 432 individuals with 120 males, 182 females and 130 calves in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve. Global population of Wild Water Buffalo is around 4,000 out of which 91% live in India. ef}uf]lns la:tf/ / ;ª\\Vof cgf{ ef/tLo pkdxflåk / blIf0f k"jL{ Pl;ofsf] dWo e"efu tyf blIf0f k"jL{ Pl;ofdf kfOg] /}yfg] hgfj/ xf] . of] e'6fg, sdaf]l8of, ef/t, g]kfn / yfONofG8df kfOG5 . a+unfb]z, nfcf];, >Ln+sf / leotgfd h:tf b]zaf6 of] nf]k e};s]sf] cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 . Dofgdf/df o;sf] ;ª\\Vof af/] s'g} hfgsf/L 5}g . klxn] lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~hdf kfOPtf klg xfn g]kfnsf] sf]zL 6Kk' jGohGt' cf/If cgf{sf] Psdfq /}yfg] af;:yfg xf] . lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~haf6 ;g\ ;fl7sf] b;sdf cgf{ /f]usf sf/0f nf]k ePsf] lyof] . g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;g\ @)!^ df !! j6f cgf{ lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~hdf k'g{:yflkt u/]sf] 5 . sf]zL 6Kk' jGohGt' cf/Ifdf clxn] hDdf $#@ cgf{ /x]sf]df !*@ kf]yL, !@) efn] / !#) kf8f kf8L /x]sf 5g . ljZjdf /x]sf sl/a $))) cgf{ dWo] (!% ef/tdf /x]sf 5g\ . Habitat Wild Water Buffalo is dependent on the availability of floodplain grasslands, swamps and densely vegetated riverine forest. Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve has seasonally flooded grasslands and mixed forests of the Sapta-Koshi floodplain which is ideal for the Wild Water Buffalo. During the dry season, Wild Water Buffalo spends time lying and wallowing in pools of water and/or mud. Wallowing has a thermo-regulatory function. Wild Water Buffalo is widely dispersed and occurs in small herds in rainy season but in dry season they gather at permanent water holes in large aggregations. af;:yfg cgf{ k"0f{tof kfgL ePsf] 3fF;] d}bfg, w]/} 3fF; ePsf] gbLsf lsgf/fdf kfOg] ub{5 . logLx? a:gnfO{ ;'Vvf pi0f, ld>0f ktem/ h+un dg k/fpF5 . g]kfndf, ;Ktsf]zLsf] jif]{gL af9Ln] agfpg] 3fF;] d}bfg / ldl;|t h+un cgf{ nflu pko'Qm af;:yfg xf] . udL{ df};ddf cgf{ gbL lsgf/, kf]v/L, df6f]df cfxfn a:g dg k/fpF5 h:n] ubf{ o; hLjnfO{ udL{df zLtntf k|bfg ub{5 . lxpFbsf] df};d logLx? Pp6f :yfoL 3f]ndf 7'nf] ;d"x agfP/ a:b5g eg] udL{ dlxgfdf logLx? ;–;fgf ;d"x agfP/ 5l/P/ a:g ?rfpF5g . Feeding Behaviour Wild Water Buffalo is a selective feeder and wanders long distances in the course of grazing. The buffalo has a higher tolerance for saline water than do many mammals. Wild Water Buffalo prefers dense forest for grazing/browsing during the day time while they may feed in open forest with patchy grasslands during night. cfxf/ Jojxf/ 3fF; rg]{ dfdnfdf cgf{x? 5fg]/ rb5{g . o; qmddf logLx? nfdf] b'/L klg kf/ ug]{ ub{5g\ . cgf{df g'lgnf] kfgL ;xg ug{] Ifdtf w]/} x'G5 / logLx? g'lgnf] 3f]nsf] kfgL klg lkpg ;S5g\ . lbpF;f]sf] ;dodf logLx? 3gf h+undf r/0f ub{5g eg] /fltsf] ;dodf ;'Vvf ;-;fgf 5fl/P/ /x]sf] 3fF;] d}bfgdf a:5g\ . Reproduction and Life Cycle Male gets sexual maturity at 18 months and female takes three years to be able to mate. A male of Wild water buffalo can mate with many females. Wild Water Buffalo is a seasonal breeder and female generally gives birth to single offspring after the gestation period of 10-11 in October to November. The lifespan is 25 years in the wild. k|hgg\ / hLjg rqm efn] !* dlxgfdf / kf]yL # aif{df k|hggsf nflu of]Uo x'G5] . Pp6f efn] cgf{n] w]/} j6f kf]yL;Fu ;+;u{ ub{5 . !)-!! dlxgfsf] ue{wf/0f kl5 kf]yLn] Ps ;dodf Ps dfq kf8f jf kf8LnfO{ hGd lbG5 t/ slxn]sfxL b'O{ cf]6f;Dd hGdg ;S5g\ . ;fdfGotof kf]yLn] cS6f]a/ / gf]e]Da/ dlxgfdf aRrf hGdfpF5 . k|fs[lts af;:yfgdf cgf{sf] cfo' @% jif{;Dd x'G5 . Social Behaviour Wild Water Buffalo is both diurnal and nocturnal. Wild Water Buffalo uses the same dwelling routes repeatedly. The home range of Wild Water Buffalo seems different with the distribution region. For male, the home range lies between 15 and 20 sq km around the permanent water holes, if there are no human disturbances. However, solitary bulls can move outside the home range in the search of domestic females mainly in human dominated landscape. Young adult males form the group of up to 10 individuals, but older males are often seen single. Adult females form stable clans with young and maintain home ranges of 170 to 1,000 ha which includes areas for resting, grazing, wallowing and drinking. ;fdflhs Jojxf/ cgf{ lbp;f] / /ftL b'j} ;dodf rl/r/0f ub{5 . logLx? cfˆgf] df}lns / klxn]b]lv k|of]udf cfPsf] af6f]sf] dfq k|of]u ub{5g . cgf{n] cfˆgf] If]q, kl/l:ylt cg';f/ lgwf{/0f ub{5 . dflg;sf] x:tIf]k gx'Fbf / kfgLsf] 3f]n /x]sf] :yfgdf efn]n] emG8} !% b]lv @) ls=dL= ;Ddsf] If]qdf ljr/0f ub{5 . t/ s'g} s'g} efn] slxn] sfxL ;+;u{sf nflu 3/kfn'jf eF};L vf]Hb} al:t glhs} klg cfpFb5g\ . jo:s cgf{ !) j6f;Ddsf] ;+Vofdf ;d"x agfP/ a:5 eg] a'9f] cgf{ PSn} ljr/0f ug{ dg k/fpF5 . kf]yL cgf{, kf8f/kf8L ;lxtsf] sDtLdf #) ;b:osf] 5'§} ;d'x agfO{ !&) b]lv @)) x]= If]qdf ljr/0f ub{5hg\ . o:tf] If]qdf r/0f, kfgLsf] 3f]n / vfg] kfgLsf] ;|f]t ;d]t kb{5 . Threats r'gf}ltx? The major threats to Wild Water Buffalo in Nepal is possibility cgf{sf] nflu d'Vo r'gf}lt eg]s} 3/ kfn'jf jf h+unL e}+;L;Fu ;dfud of crossbreeding with domestic and feral buffaloes. eO{ cg'jf+lzs Ifdtfdf x|fz cfpg' xf] . Conservation and Legal Status ;+/If0f / sfg'gL Joj:yf Wild Water Buffalo is Globally and Nationally categorized as Endangered cgf{nfO{ cfO=o'=l;=Pg= sf] ljZjJofkL / /fli6«o /ftf] ;"lrdf ;+s6fkGg cj:yfdf in IUCN Red List. Wild Water Buffalo is also included in CITES Appendix ;'lrs[t ul/Psf] 5 . cgf{nfO{ ;fOl6;n] cg';"rL # df /flvPsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] III. According to National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1973 A.D. /fli6«o lgs'~h tyf jGohGt ;+/If0f P]g lj=;+=@)@( cg';f/ cgf{nfO{ s'g} (2029 B.S.) of Nepal, Wild Water Buffalo is legally protected mammal lsl;dsf] xfgL gf]S;fgL cyjf df/]df $),)))-&%,))) ?k}ofF;Dd hl/jfgf and killing or harming of Wild Water Buffalo is punishable crime with cyjf !-!) jif{;Dd s}b jf b'j} ;hfo x'g ;Sg] sfg'gL Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 .
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