State hits porno scene with Ichabod By Sheryl Lieb like baseball, basketball, and football. plot, for Ichabod is on the way to the position as a resident of university So Ichabod somehow manages to Staff Writer The time is the summer of his Raleigh-Durham airport; and now the life. This is vital to the understanding combine the two choices by cam- Editor’s Note: The following book. eighteenth year, a time marking his reader is beginning to recognize the of the profundity of the novel and its paigning for the rights o'f'the jocks of Ichabod Rides Again, was copy-' experimentation with other Sports various names that arise in the suc- subsequent message, for as it_is ini- Hanson College who he felt were righted by the Berkley Medalian Books (the bedroom variety, to be Specific) ceeding chapters that reveal that tially put to Ichabod by his room- denied the basic rights enjoyed by the in April 1972. It was published by before leaving home to go to Hanson Hanson College seems to be the mate, he has to immediately decide other students. lniating his crusade Berkley Publishing Corporation. 200 College and really test his sexual, pseudonyi‘n for NC. State University. what side of the fence he wants to with a rally of jocks, Ichabod said, 3 Madison Ave, New York. N. Y. knowledge and maturity. During registration Ichabod dis- straddle. That is to say, be a jock or a “...I want it known here and now that 10016. OF COURSE, Ichabod’s father has covers quickly that he will not be northern hippie (since he is from New we the students will not allow the The literary world has found N.C. decided that Ichabod is going- to permitted to study law because he is York and the latter choice would jocks of this college to be treated like State University, and after reading a Hanson College to study law (previ- the holder of a computerized orange certainly be in character, according to second-class citizens. We the brothers pornographic tribute to our illustrious ously he had wanted his son to be a card; he is labeled “jock” and is the southern attitude described by the and sisters of the jocks demand that campus, one might almost Wish to cast dentist), although Ichabod does not informed by all that he must stand in novel’s author). (see ‘Universiti'. ’page 5) the literary light back in the shadows. know what he wants to pursue with the appropriate line and take the We The novel in question is called the exception of sexual pleasure. designated courses for all Hanson’s Ichabod Rides Again, written by However, by habitually viewing Perry “jocks.” “...he was lost and assigned Irving A. Greenfield. Does the Mason during that all important to Basket-Weaving I, Body-Building, author’s name strike a familiar note to summer of his eighteenth year, our Baseball Science, and Football anyone? hero unconsciously begins to acquire a Ethics...” Ichabod is introduced as a gangling facility for legal jargon and rationale. THIS SITUATION PROVIDES the youth preoccupied with manly Sports Now comes the thickening of the basis by which Ichabod chooses his Technician Volume LIV, Number 45 Monday, January 14, 1974 « No conflict seen with city property By Nell Perry THE WILL CONTINUES “... pro- He explained that the expense of Staff Writer vided that if the city of Raleigh landscaping and maintaining the area Alittle bit of North Carolina State should at any time use or allow to be would involve use of manpower, University isn’t even constructed on used the said lands or any part thereof equipment, and money which could university land. The land belongs to for any purpose other than that of a be used elsewhere in the park. There- the city of Raleigh as a part of Pullen public park then this conveyance fore, the clause about “use for park at?" Park. shall become null and void ...” purposes only” in the will is not The area involved is located at the Selling the land to the university is, violated, according to Nelson. east end of Cates Avenue along Pullen therefore, impossible. And it can also NELSON DOESN’T see the sale of ' ." rte Road. The city actually owns 45 be argued that leasing the land to the decals as a violation either. “The park rill Spaces of the Berry parking lot and university violates the will. has concession stands and amusement tor most of the football practice field. Past city attorneys questioned the rides to make money.” photo by Caram MISPLACEMENT OF the chunk of university’s use of the park land but He added, “The fact that the uni- Sandy Yarborough leads enthusiatic State fans as they cheer the land occurred when the present Pullen present Raleigh city attorney, Broxie versity is another public agent en- Wolfpack on to an 80-74 win over Maryland on national TV during I'IZ Road was constructed in the early Nelson, feels the lease is justified. hances the arrangement. It’s a lot “I THINK THE city is on fairly Super Sunday. With this victory, State should replace the Terrapins 50’s. (see 'Pullen 's, ‘ page 5/ as the third ranked team in the nation. How does the university justify safe ground having leased the park selling decals to park in the lot or property to the university particularly restricting use of the field to practice Since the lease resulted from the exten- football? There is a lease between the sion o‘f Pullen Road,” he stated. In Sunday rally city ahd the university stating that According to Carl Denton, city although the city owns the land, the traffic engineer, Pullen Road coming university is reSponSible for main- from Hillsborough Street, used to turn taining the area. sharply to the right where the parking The Simplest solution to the prob- lot is now constructed and cut across Penalty condemned lem would be for the university to the present athletic field. Cutting out buy the land from the city. But that’s that sharp curve made the section of park land on the university side in-‘, impossible. By terms of the 1887 will ‘By Howard Barnett Williams finished “his speech by He continued, saying the things he f R. S. Pullen, the city was to have accessible to the remainder of the park. StatiWriter welcoming the group to Raleigh. said might “grate on some raw nerve he land of present-day Pullen Park The Tarboro Conterned Citizens “where laws are made," and said, “I endings" of his colleagues in the legi- ‘... for the uses and purposes of a Because of the inaccessibility, Nelson feels, “it is actually more Movement Sponsored a “solidarity certainly support you.” slature. or cause him to be chaslized oublic park for the use, enjoyment, rally” in support of the abolition of DURHAM COUNTY Represen- or even censured, but if it did, “so be nd recreation of the inhabitants and beneficial to the park not to use the area.” capital punishment in Raleigh’s tative H.M. Michaux spoke also, it." iSitors to the city of Raleigh...” Memorial Auditorium Sunday. Present saying he was “bitterly Opposed" to HE THEN LISTED a number of at the rally were a number of capital punishment, feeling it was incidents where blacks were brutally speakers, including two represen- “arbitrary and sporadic" in implemen- murdered, including Dr. Martin ew Arts looking tatives from the North Carolina Legi- tation. He called it “racism at its Luther King, Jr., ending with the slature. genocidal best.” question, “Where was the death The rally consisted of songs per- Michaux quoted statistics showing penalty then?” or substitute group formed by various choirs and speeches the number of blacks and poor people The audience, which was pre- by various interested parties. The given death sentences as opposed to dominantly black and consisted of y Kathie Easter time that they can tour is in April and speeches were led off by Reverend middle class whites, giving as the 400 to 500 people. was enthusiastic. Assistant News Editor the Coliseum won’t be available. They [eon White, who presided over the “most significant” figure the fact that but orderly. After the speeches were also asked for a $5,000 increase in rally. ’ no white defendant has ever been over, the people were encouraged to New Arts will decide this week price.” A NUMBER OF PEOPLE repre~ given a death sentence for killing a stay for “some singing and Shouting," hich group will replace the Doobie NEW ARTS WILL choose from a senting various churches spoke in black man in North Carolina. as Rev. White put it. Most did. rothers who were scheduled to list which includes Billy Preston, Ike opposition to capital punishment for rform here last October. and Tina Turner, Canned Heat, Mar- religious reasons, most pointing to the The Doobie Brothers were origi- shal Tuckerand Joe Walsh to substi- exhortation in the Ten Command~ ally scheduled to perform here Oct. tute for the Doobie Brothers perfor- ments, “Thou Shalt Not Kill." Said Bicycle violations 2 for Homecoming, but cancelled mance. “We are looking into other one minister, “We are not just repre- eir appearance for New Arts, as well Coliseum dates so that we can have a senting our people, but the Lord Jesus dates at East Carolina and Clemson, wide choice of performers,” said Christ.” With the late sunrise due to the thing white or reflective when riding . work on a new album. McDonald. State professor Oliver Williams, a State of North Carolina adopting during dark hours.
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