SERVING PICKERING SINCE 1965 News Advertiser PRESSRUN 46,600 ✦ 28 PAGES ✦ SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 2004 ✦ durhamregion.com ✦ OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/$1 NEWSSTAND HEALTH ISSUES WALK THEIR WAY Candidates have their say Students leave solid foundation News, 5 Community, 15 Public It was a registers pregnant its thoughts pause on extra Hospital avoids noon. “We have the coverage and we will not close the depart- units temporary closure ment.” of obstetrics In an interview Friday morn- Input gathered ing Hume Martin, president and By Danielle Milley CEO, said services would have on accessory Staff Writer to be temporarily closed and pa- apartment units AJAX – The Rouge Valley tients sent to Centenary if doc- Health System is breathing a tors were not found. By Jeff Hayward huge sigh of relief after staff and “There is the possibility of a Special to the News Advertiser administration worked hard to temporary program transfer PICKERING – A City proposal to avert a near crisis at the Ajax until we have an adequate num- legalize all accessory dwelling and Pickering hospital. ber of obstetricians on staff to units (ADUs) in Pickering was Hospital officials announced restore service,” Mr. Martin laid out for residents this week. late Thursday that the obstet- said. “We’re actively looking at Pickering planning staff held rics ward at the hospital would doing everything we can to find a public meeting Thursday in be temporarily closed from June dedicated obstetricians who will council chambers, looking for 16 to September because of a allow us to provide guaranteed input on the units, which in- shortage of full-time obstetri- service over the summer.” clude basement and accessory cians. But by late Friday after- The possibility of the closure apartments, and in-law suites. noon the schedule had been arose after the hospital found Although the City is aware they filled after many calls to other out it would only have two full- exist, they are considering a obstetricians in the area. time obstetricians to cover the bylaw that would require all “We’ve been very busy and summer months after one of its units be registered, something we’ve gotten the help that we physicians unexpectedly an- not currently done. need. We did not want to jeopar- nounced he was taking a leave of “There are 10 planning con- dize the care to the women of absence; another obstetrician siderations (for ADUs),” said this area,” said Dr. Terry Loga- had already resigned less than City planner Ross Pym, who ridis, chief of obstetrics at led a presentation on the ad- Rouge Valley, late Friday after- ✦ See Full page 16 vantages of registering ADUs. Amongst the areas the staff studied, are social aspects, Blaisdale STOP parking, type of dwelling, prop- MONTESSORI DON’T THROW YOUR MONEY AWAY erty standards, and taxation. A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo The presentation outlined School Roofing Windows that some ADUs do not meet OPEN HOUSE Doors safety standards and some Wed. June 16th at 7:00 pm He’s a hit owners aren’t declaring them Rotherglen Campus 403 Kingston Rd. W. on income tax. Pickering PICKERING – Pine Ridge Secondary School batsman Leonard Hosey makes “The City wants to know how LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE contact with the ball during a cricket test match with Pickering High School at many residents are in a house SAVE TODAY AT Call Head Office 905-509-5005 the Ajax Cricket Club on Wednesday. Hosey’s hit scored some runs, helping 12 mths - grade 8 Carroll Home Improvements 5 Campuses in Durham www.blaisdale.com 905-686-2445 Pine Ridge earn a 64-64 tie. ✦ See Residents page 5 A/P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, June 13, 2004 www.durhamregion.com Doing the dishes is about to become fun. HOMESENSE OPENS JUNE 15TH, 9:30AM With prices at 20 to 60% less than you’d pay at department and specialty stores, we’re making it easier to bring home brand name design and unique decor from around the world. That’s the fun of shopping at HomeSense. A brand new concept from the people who brought you Winners®. Durham Centre Mall Ajax 125 Harwood Avenue North Mon. – Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Harwood Avenue North & Kingston Road West) 905.426.5659 Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. N Call 1.866.HOME.707 or visit www.homesense.ca Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Ave. Harwood Durham for a complete list of store locations. Centre Mall Kingston Rd. To 401 Styles may vary by store. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 13, 2004 PAGE 3 A/P Whitby debenture request HUGEHUGE SALESALE has Region seeing red ONLY AT By Carly Foster lated projects. last week that it’s up to municipali- Staff Writer In 2002 and 2003, Whitby received ties to decide how to spend the GO DURHAM – After an angry debate, $3 million in GO Transit funds, money from the Region, and that VILLAGE CHRYSLER regional officials said they would which it used partially to fund reno- “everything was perfectly legal to re- again meet with Whitby to find out vations to the Region-owned but quest” the money. ONON NOW!NOW! why the Town is trying to get a Whitby-leased Centennial Building Mr. Anderson pointed out that if debenture for buses. on Centre Street. The balance is in a the Region takes over municipal D “This has a real impact on the rest reserve fund. transit, they don’t want to take over E of us,” said Pickering Councillor That news, combined with the a system “loaded with debt.” S Mark Holland at Wednesday’s fi- debenture request, has some politi- And that debt will have to be paid U nance committee meeting. “I take cians angry. for by all the municipalities, said F real exception to how this is being “This is a debenture that really Coun. Holland. E handled.” shouldn’t even be happening,” said Whitby Councillor Gerry Emm, R Whitby has asked for a $1.9-million Regional Chairman Roger Ander- who received notes from Mr. Nix debenture through the Region to son. “I really don’t want this to come during the meeting, said that refus- R purchase six buses. Questions are down to Whitby challenging the Re- ing a debenture request from a mu- E being raised, as Whitby - along with gion’s authority.” nicipality would be “out of order.” F every municipality in Durham - re- Councillors were particularly con- Jim Clapp, the Region’s commis- F ceives GO Transit money that is fused after learning that it was Whit- sioner of finance, had suggested in a O supposed to be used for transit-re- by Mayor Marcel Brunelle who report that Whitby use the $1.4 mil- moved a previous resolution that the lion in GO money it will receive this O GO money only be used for transit- year plus the remaining transit N Correction related purposes. money from last year to fund the See Page 27 for Details! On top of that, the Province in buses, rather than get a debenture. DURHAM – Incorrect information 2002 specifically said the GO money appeared in recent stories about had to be used for transit. Durham Region’s new no-smoking “The Government of Ontario ex- bylaw. Under the law, casinos, race- pects municipalities to reinvest tracks and bingo halls are allowed a these savings into public transit in designated smoking room that oc- order to address the growing con- cupies no more than 50 per cent of gestion problems in the GTA,” said their total space. correspondence from the Ministry of The News Advertiser regrets the Finance in 2002. Father’sDay error. Ken Nix, Whitby’s treasurer, said has never looked better Have your WIN $5000* worth of great prizes from these Father’s Day gift Makeover Madness participating retailers: wrapped for FREE! On now until Sunday, June 20th, when you FLOORING CENTRE spend $50 or more (same day sales, before taxes) at one or more Pickering Town Centre stores. Just redeem your receipts at the Guest Services kiosk to receive your FREE gift wrap. One gift wrap per person, per visit. Dolphine Pools Rick Suggested retail value: $2 – $7.50. from Boxes not included. Shoppers Drug Mart AAllll HHardwoodardwood FFlooringlooring DDepotepot LLtd.td. • Dr. Michael Todd • Dr. Kara • Petals & Home • Body Art • Durham Audiology Coming June 16 *See newspaper for contest details pickeringtowncentre.com A/P PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 13, 2004 www.durhamregion.com 7 Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Kathryn Ramsay, chairman of the Rouge Valley Health System board of directors, discusses with fund-raising committee chairman Gord Simmonds the hospital’s building plans for Ajax. OVER 1000 VEHICLES AVAILABLE IT ALL ENDS Hospital models its plans HURRY SUNDAY 5PM PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Redevelopment tively involved in the design and rede- tients (the current facility handles work will be velopment,” said Katie Cronin-Wood, 42,000 patients and was designed for hospital spokesman. 20,000); an expanded mental health An award-winning news team! available to public The hospital has completed the department with nine additional block plan stage of planning and is beds; and a complex continuing care By Danielle Milley waiting for those plans to be approved department with 30 beds. There is to Staff Writer by the Ministry of Health at the end of be an addition of 75,000 square feet RESTAURANT • CAFE • BAR • CATERING • SPECIALTY FOODS AJAX – The redeveloped Ajax and June or beginning of July. and 60,000 square feet are to be reno- Pickering hospital is finally finished - Once the plans are approved, the vated.
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