Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 1-29-1959 Spectator 1959-01-29 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1959-01-29" (1959). The Spectator. 633. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/633 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. SpectatorSEATTLE UNIVERSITY Volume XXVI Seattle, Washington, Thursday, Jan. 29, 195! No. I- 54th Annual Homecoming Queen Bernice Baumgartner Gov. Albert D. Rosellini crowned Bernice was a princess in her sophomore year. member of the Double-Quartet for the second Baumgartner of Seattle University's 54th Queen An English Lit. major from Yakima, Bernice year, has participated in the spring plays, variety annual Homecoming at the USF game last night. has been active in the Sodality, as a Spur and in shows and Gems of Light Opera for thepast three The coronation of the Queen was part of the the inter-hall program. She is president of Bor- years. She was recently chosen as a cast member Homecoming activities during halftime intermis- deaux Hall this year. for "The Curious Savage," to be presentedin late sion. February. BERNICE is a senior, making her QUEEN BUT MOST of her spare time is spent in second appearanceon the Homecoming Court. She After graduation this spring Bernice hopes to musical and dramatic activities. The Queen is a go to graduate school. 2 THE SP E CTATOR Thursday, Jan. 29, 1959 Seven MUN Delegates Chosen The seven delegates to the Model United Cugna, head of the Political Science Depart- Nations, at the University of Southern Cali- ment and moderator of the SU Model United April 22 to 25, have been chosen. Nations. Selection was made on his own ob- frniaThe delegates are Joe Demo, Jack Mc- servations and the recommendations of the Laughlin, Jane Merryman, Mary Kay Panisko, students in the group. Kay Prentice, Franc Schuckardt and The delegates will begin immediately to uck Simmons. prepare for the April convention,according to The two alternates are John Brennan and Jane Merryman, delegation chairman. semary Hebner. They will take the place of There will be a meeting for all delegates f delegate unable to go. and alternates Feb. 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the ErySelection lounge. was made by Mr. Charles S. La- Chieftain Fall Raise in Room, MRS. C. T.ECKSTROMpoured tea for freshman Pat Sto- Board ker, brother Dick, and Mrs. Henry Stoker at the Open A yearly increase of $60 inroom last Sunday at Marycrest. and board will go into effect fall House quarter, 1959, according to the Rev. Edmund B. McNulty, S.J., business manager of studenthous- ing and food services. Parents And Faculty Guests Room and board which is now $560 will be $620. This is an in- crease of $20 per quarter. It will At Marycrest Open House be effective in all the dormitories Parents of women resident students and members of the and halls. 25, Father McNulty statedthe raise SU faculty were guests at Marycrest Hall on Jan. at a is due to "increased cost of oper- teain theirhonor. Tea,coffee and cookies were servedbetween ation, utility, labor and food." 2 and 4 p.m. This willbe the first increase in Parents weregreetedas they ar- room and board rates since 1953 when the new dormitories opened. rived by hostesses Miss Agnes At that time room and board was Reilly, dean of women, and the GetWILDROOT $500 but no meals wereprovided directors of the women'sresidence on week ends. halls. Mrs. C. T. Eckstrom and CREAM-OILChariie! With the opening of Marycrest Mrs. R. Wilier, both of Tacoma, GOV. ALBERT D.ROSELLINI chatted for a minute with and Xavier, meals wereserved on poured. weekends and the roomand board Following social, Homecoming Queen Bernice Baumgartner and senior Prin- $60. the guests were rate was increased invited to tour the five women's cesses Michele Mulherin and Sue Mooring at the Alumni residence halls:-Bordeaux, Mary- Luncheon Saturday. crest, McHugh, Providence and St. Course On Space Theresa's. Alumni Honored Dr. Moore PHOTO CREDITS To Be Offered page The "Challenge of Outer Space" The front picture of the the a program offered 1959 Homecoming Queen was At Olympic Saturday is title of by Kaminske, Phinney Lunch for the public by the Seattle Jun- taken 5711 Aye., by special arrangement with HomecomingWeek officially sity president;and members of the ior Chamber of Commerce, with Hal Building pic- U., Boeing Airplane Mr. Kaminske. J.PaulSbesdt,* hairscientist,»«y« . "Emb< Saturday the Alum- Board of Regents. Seattle Co. supplied by your wall-groomedlongarl" >ened at and others. The program willbe on tures were taken and hair Special guests 1959 Schmid, "«ri»l So. BmrrUBillIM., WUUtmnUU, Luncheon in the Grand were the Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., from Feb. the Rev.Leo A. S.J. Por- H.T. Hotel. Homecoming Court, Seattle Sea- Pigott traits of the Homecoming Court illroomof theOlympic 17 to March 10 in Audito- by Arnt, DR. A.MOORE,presi- fair Judy Paulson, and the rium. were taken Jon 111East- Ju»t allttl*bit WALTER Queen lake. EBB Ident of the Seattle U. associates, varsity basketball squad. Further information on thepro- ■II of Wildroot 'W- pictures f OSJrt guest. He was pre- Raymond Siderius was luncheon gram can be obtained by calling Other were taken by was honored the Spectator staff. >nd...wowpC^aQy{/ sented the 1959 Distinguished chairman and William E. Boeing, Dick Clark at the Seattle Jaycee Service Awardof the Alumni As- Jr., University regent, was hon- office, MAin 2-5060 or MAin sociation by John D. Spellman, orary chairman. 4-0900. alumni president. Toastmaster of the event was LOOKING graduate Color, Cutting and clarity, as well as Carat- Willard Fenton, a 1946 Weight contribute diamond's value. Your of athletics T' to a and former director rVdr^^gSJW'// Friendly Broadway Jeweler is your best FOR CONVENIENCE here. adviser. Speaker for the luncheon was i^^SvA l/V^fYA ]^»^ii^( TJrvv\ Direct Buying, out of the high rent location, the Rev. Harold O. Small, S.J.,> fct^^ai^^^O plus your s!u. DISCOUNT, will save you INPAYING BILLS? who spoke on "Builders of the SMMRHn money on Engagement Rings. University," a to per- tribute those " sons responsible for the physical J FRANK KIEFNER, Jeweler fgflfljl jwHSgl Low tost CHECKMASTER at development of Seattle U. Father IBS^ 512 Broadway N. EAst 4-4410 J^BBHJ Peoples saves timeand provides pres- K Smallis a former University JBL EBBS ■PP^flpjmtmmmmm perlriaflent financialrecords. ident. TERMS IF DESIRED AMONG THE GUESTS at the "-*-J LARKY N. ERILKSON '»» head table were: the Most Rev. NANCY MICWON '"■ ~--4^fl^fl^B «■ Thomas A. Connolly, archbishop »■■" »— of Seattle; the Most Rev. Thomas E. Gill, auxiliary bishop; Gov. Al- ■ ii-im wmm^^^^^ bert D. Rosellini; David Levine, hamburgers ■ i19* Try ... rm,plm Num.l BankolVubiafwa city Council president; the Very a i Rev. A. A.Lemieux, S.J., Univer- 59* PIZZA GIL'S f 1 mm* mSmimmZ2i—!!l— Just10c percheck plusa25c monthly I89* CHICKEN & FRIES PIZZA "■»— ~f fn-- m maintenancechargegives youCheck- I I convenience; 20* SHAKES ■JßJßJß^! '.">^j|^^^ Master Automatic Ipen forYourConvenience I PUPPY I H^" supply of free, personalized checks, 8 a.m.to 8 p.m. S^^ nO cnar8e f° r unused checks, no 10* BEVERAGES : | 290 1 ■Rhto^ minimum balance. * 4 Chairs 39* FISH & CHIPS I " Waiting £ No Off Broadway ■»■PEOPLES JOE'S DELUX I /^fiir 1001 E. PINE II BARBER SHOP f I-wl# V VJILm EA. 5-3450 I 1106 BROADWAY I Across from Campus 1122 MADISON STREET MAIN 4-IDIO " Authentic Italian Specialties ♥ 9019 Aurora LA 2 -9982 'ttM:}StvMw:::iii#& iSSSSiSwSSSKsSHSiSiS W^w-^M-MWsW: Ws^W&23!-388&' Thursday, Jan. 29, 1959 THE SP E CTATOR 3 Sociology Meeting Announced; "The Meaning of Social Work" Ugly Man Entries Music Main Fare For Alums will be the topic for the Feb. 4 Sociology Club meeting. Speaker 16 Sponsor Candidates will be Miss Helen McDonald, a Clubs Variety Friday supervisor of the Catholic Chil- The Alpha Phi Omega Ugly Man on Campus Contest dates At Show Nite dren Service. The talk will be at are Feb. 16-20, according to chairman Jim Nagle. Clubs have The Variety Show for alum- 8 p.m. in the LiberalArts Building, the Pigott Room 202. entered 16 candidates The winner will be given two ni is Friday in Au- ditorium at 8 p.m., according dinners at an "exclusive Seattle restaurant," according Nagle. to co-chairmen Mary Hanify, to Frank DeMartino and John Atmosphere may any girl the Collegiate He take from Vhay. Homecoming Court ora girl of his Among the performers will be own choice on the date. Andy Mirkovitch, playing "Ebb The contestants and their spon- Tide" on his accordion; Fred Lan- sors are: Don Barrett, McHugh ouette, singing "Road to Manda- and, Hall; Don Ogorek, Providence lay," "Danny Boys" with the accompaniment of the Double- Hall; Geraghty, Girls; Jim Town Quartet, "Once inLove with Amy." Jerry Laveil, Spurs; Pat Martin, "One Fine Day," from "Madame Bordeaux Hall; Gary Koontz, In- Butterfly,' 'will be Janice Morgan's tercollegiate Knights; Chuck selection. Sue Junkin and Patty Schmitz, Xavier;Pat Brady, Scab- Hatten will pantomime "Indian Love Call" and "Tennessee Wig bard & Blade; Mark Ruljancich, Walk." ASSU; Bob Fretwell, Sailing Club; The trio of "Parsons" will pre- Dan Zimsen, Sodality. sent "Jericho," "The Fox" and "Sinner Man." The Parsons are The Marycrest candidates are: Vhay, Fecker and Elroy POOP-DECK Turner, John Jack PETE'S Paul second; Don Willis, Pettyjohn.
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