A BIMONTHLY REPORT TO MEMBERS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND VOL. XXVII, NO.6 Letter NOVEMBER 1996 Environment Wins at the State Level Director’s Message EDF Turns to Every Member DF’s successes in California, Colorado, E North Carolina, and Texas show the To Help Meet Deadline for importance of environmental coalitions act- All-0r-Nothing Challenge ing at the state level. With the trend to move power from Washington to individual states, his is a crucial time for EDF’s 21st Century targeted state action can sometimes yield TCampaign, the fundraising effort to dramatic benefits for the environment. strengthen EDF’s capability to take on some of the most critical environmental challenges NORTH CAROLINA of the next century. We North Carolina’s General Assembly has must raise $500,000 approved landmark legislation that begins from our members to to reshape environmental policy in the qualify for the Kresge state, including appropriating as much as Foundation’s $1 million $60 million a year for a Clean Water Man- all-or-nothing challenge Stan Coe agement Trust Fund—the largest appropria- Ecologists Dr. Douglas Rader and Dr. Joseph Rudek grant. tion for environmental protection in North and North Carolina EDF director Melinda Taylor If we are successful, Carolina history. The legislators acted in helped persuade the state legislature to pass Kresge’s grant will provide the advanced response to public outrage on pollution that landmark environmental legislation. computer equipment essential to the success is fouling rivers and killing fish. EDF of our efforts to protect global oceans, helped lead a coalition of environmental especially along the coastal plain where it is engage businesses in reducing waste and pol- groups in crafting the legislation and fight- concentrated. The new law requires permits lution, create environmental regulations that ing many efforts to weaken the bills. for hog farms, better training of operators, work, protect wildlife and habitats, and help One of the bills orders tougher regula- and annual inspection of the facilities. The China meet its energy needs without mas- tion of the state’s rapidly growing hog package of bills includes funds for hiring sive environmental damage. We’ve come a industry, a major source of water pollution, Continued on Page 3. Continued on Page 5. Alliance Projects Aim to Make Businesses Greener he Alliance for Environmental Inno- S.C. Johnson, based in Racine, WI, is Tvation has enlisted two major Ameri- a leading maker of household and con- can corporations, S.C. Johnson Wax and sumer products, including cleaners, Starbucks Coffee—each a leader in its insecticides and repellents, and personal field—to participate in joint projects care items. The company’s major brands that will build environmental improve- include Raid, OFF!, Drano, Glade, Edge, ments into the design and development Future, Pledge, and Windex. of their products and packaging. EDF The Alliance-S.C. Johnson task force and The Pew Charitable Trusts created will focus on how to integrate environ- the Alliance to engage businesses in Lewis Green mental objectives into Johnson’s product reducing waste and pollution. EDF’s Studying possible alternative coffee cups at Starbucks design and development process. The work in the landmark McDonald’s and headquarters in Seattle are Starbucks environmental affairs aim is to make environmental considera- Paper Task Force efforts showed that specialist Karen Humphrey, EDF scientist Kevin Bryan, Star- tions an integral part of all of the com- environmental-business partnerships can bucks director of environmental affairs Susan Mecklenburg, pany’s products—from the initial prod- lead to innovative solutions. and EDF economic analyst John Ruston. Continued on Page 3. Rush Hour Blues 5Variable bridge tolls could help clear the air—and traffic jams. Back to the Earth 7Population and Climate 4 An EDF study suggests that world Composting at home (and Inside elsewhere) can reduce waste 6For the Birds population may be a key variable for and save money. Ecologist David Wilcove stabilizing atmospheric carbon dioxide. turned a childhood fascination into a career. 100% Recycled (75% Post-Consumer) Paper Totally Chlorine Free Please Share or Recycle News Briefs South Texans Strongly Prefer Clean Electric Energy Future Tripp Named to Task Force on Texas electricity customers prefer solar Scientifically selected customers were Closing Fresh Kills Landfill and wind energy and energy efficiency polled both before and after they had an EDF General Counsel James T.B. Tripp is above all other options, according to recent opportunity to deliberate among themselves serving on a task force to find alternative polls conducted by three Texas utility com- and ask questions of experts. EDF energy ways of managing the 13,000 tons per day of panies. The polls asked consumers how the program manager Karl R. Rábago served as New York City solid waste that are now being companies, West Texas Utilities, Southwest- an expert on renewable energy and environ- dumped at the notorious Fresh Kills Landfill, ern Electric Power Company, and Central mental concerns. the largest in the city.The state and city have Power and Light, should meet new demand When asked which options the utilities agreed to close Fresh Kills by the end of for electric power over the next several years. should pursue first and second, over half 2001. The issue is how much of this waste the customers chose efficiency and renew- will be exported and how much recycled. ables—far more support than for fossil fuel Tripp and Barbara Warren of Staten and imported power options. Customers Island, the other environmentalist named to were also willing to pay more for clean the Task Force, are urging a major reorienta- energy and expressed strong concerns tion of the city’s solid waste strategy, away about global warming and air pollution from disposal and toward intensive recy- problems. cling and waste reduction strategies, includ- “These poll results send a strong mes- ing composting of food and yard waste and sage to utilities about what it takes to satis- use of economic incentives to increase recy- fy customers,” said Rábago. “Everyone says cling. (See related article on page 4.) Lower Colorado River Authority customers will rule in the competitive EDF’s energy program is working to give con- future. These companies and the Public sumers practical options for clean energy, such as Utility Commission now have an opportu- BECAUSE OUR FUTURE this West Texas wind farm. nity to make that slogan into reality.” DEPENDS ON IT..... New Approach to Restoring the San Francisco Bay and Delta A technical report prepared by EDF and The report, Restoration of the San Fran- The Bay Institute of San Francisco outlines a cisco Bay-Delta-River System: Choosing Indi- new scientific framework for measuring the cators of Ecological Integrity, is being used by health of the entire San Francisco Bay-Delta- the Federal/State consortium responsible for River system. The proposed set of ecological designing an ecosystem restoration plan Photodisk, Inc. indicators represents a major departure from under the 1995 Bay-Delta Accord. EDF Your gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds the old approach of measuring the success of attorney John Krautkraemer negotiated the will help EDF confront some of the individual small projects piecemeal. accord shortly before his death. most critical environmental challenges now and in the next century: air and water pollution, loss of wildlife and Get EDF Letter Online habitat, global climate change. And, you’ll benefit by: The full text and graphics of EDF Letter, - avoiding capital gains tax as well as other EDF publications, are avail- - receiving an immediate income tax able on the World Wide Web at deduction www.edf.org. Members who read the - avoiding probate costs newsletter online can opt not to receive it Please help us provide for the future by mail, simply by sending an e-mail by providing for yours. request to [email protected]. For more information or a personal proposal, please contact: “One day, all non-profit organizations Anne B. Doyle, Dir. of Planned Giving, EDF Jay Thomas/International Stock will have well-designed and useful sites on Box 66, 257 Park Avenue South, A new approach, which EDF helped develop, con- the Web,” said the online magazine Better New York, NY 10010 (Phone 212-505-2100 or siders the San Francisco Bay-Delta ecosystem as a Worl d recently.“Let’s hope that they look at e-mail: [email protected].) whole rather than piecemeal. EDF’s example.” National Headquarters California Office Rocky Mountain Office Texas Office 257 Park Avenue South 5655 College Avenue 1405 Arapahoe Avenue 44 East Avenue New York, NY 10010 Oakland, CA 94618 Boulder, CO 80302 Austin, TX 78701 Letter 212-505-2100 510-658-8008 303-440-4901 512-478-5161 Editor: Norma H. Watson Assoc. Editor: Tim Connor Capital Office Membership Line: North Carolina EDF Project Office ©1996 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. 1875 Connecticut Ave., NW 202-387-3525 128 East Hargett Street 6 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Published at NY, NY ISSN 0163-2566 Washington, DC 20009 Fax: 202-234-6049 Raleigh, NC 27601 Boston, MA 02109 202-387-3500 Internet: [email protected] 919-821-7793 617-723-2996 Visit EDF Online at www.edf.org 2 Coalitions of National and State Groups Win Important Victories Together Continued from page 1. a generation, would earmark more than $600 key role in a wide coalition that defeated all more hog farm inspectors as well as for million for direct environmental restoration but one of the bills and convinced Gov. Roy cleaning up the Neuse River and other pol- efforts throughout the San Francisco Bay- Romer to veto the bill that passed both luted waters, restoring and protecting wet- Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta watershed.
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