PAGE 4 UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKER—DETROIT, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1939 UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKER The Upper Crust It’s A Great OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Inti. Union, United Automobile Workers of America, affiliated with the ClO—Published weekly; System! yearly subscription to members 60c, to nonmembers $1 —Entered as 2d-class matter April 26. 1937 at the postoffiice at Detroit, By JOHN PAINE Mich, under the act of Aug 24. 1912. Federated Press Publication Office: 281 W. Grand Blvd, Detroit—Lafayette 79M -I! INFORMATION#. Mayor LaGuardia has warned New Yorkers of an impending water shortage. Why not a mu- MEMBERSHIP nicipal vineyard project? » • • Turkey wurst Sausage casing dealers have announced a new wiener, consist- ing of ground turkey meat to be served with cranberry sauce on a 37S 000 roll. Hope for distribution by Thanksgiving. • * * The Seattle electrician who rigged an electric eye to close his windows and make his toast when the sun comes up should EDITED DY THE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE DOARD, UAW-CIO continue his research. ' I What we need is an automatic cold shower for the front porch, to be turned on by the shadow of WHAT IS the landlord. CHRYSLER UP TO? • * • The prize mystery of the season is why Chrysler Corp. Irrepressible is acting the bullhead in its prolonged lockout over the A 145-lb. Chinese laundryman in New York made the headlines speedup and arbitrary discharges. when he grappled w ith a 200-lb. A corporation that made $25,000,000 the first half year robber and shot the man w ith his own gun. stood every chance of doubling that in the prosperous second The Japanese army would un- half. But it seems bent on throwing its money away by defy- derstand. * • • ing the state and federal governments, to say nothing of the As a sports writer would report powerful UAW-CIO. a strike: A fighting gang of huskies from And this after the union won over of all votes cast the International Union swept in the Sept. 27 labor board election. through all opposition on Factory Two theories are going the rounds. St. to down the highly touted of Old Boss by $150,000 One that the corporation was staked by Wall Street team is to 0. and the Natl. Association of Manufacturers to provoke and Coach John P. Organizer an- nounced before the payoff that prolong this fight with the union. Sounds dumb, but not “Could you please tell me why the papers are in cahoots impossible, his men would be satisfied with when you consider the rumor that Ford is financ- w’ith Chrysler?” nothing less than upped wages to ing the anti-union campaigns over the radio and at Olympia. the tune of 150 grand. The Boss Chrysler was dumb in ’37—maybe he’s still dumb in ’39. aggregation retorted they Charlie Chaplin as Dictator play on those terms and The other is that the corporation is not losing money at wouldn’t By JOHN R. CHAPLIN. Federated Press walked off the field. all by keeping the men locked out but is engaged in a stock- A substitute squad, consisting HOLLYWOOD—(FP)— Charlie tlated with the guild, but are now market gamble to push down the price of its stock and buy of alumni from some of the best Chaplin is reported to have sent stalling on . prisons, was hastily recruited to sure to come. it cheap for the advance that’s pictures of himself as Hitler, in Latest bigtime hoax perpetrated wear the ivory and black of Old Corporations have beat down their own stock for the his new film, The Great Dictator, here is the signing of Doris Jor- Boss. The duel between the two New York. advantage of insiders be fore this. In a war period this may to a dozen friends in dan, “sensational” New York pho- squads was confusing at times But not one of them has betrayed tographic model, as Gary Cooper's because Boss rooters insisted that not be so far-fetched. his confidence in letting the press leading lady in “Vinegaroon.” It the blue-shirted Internationals What’s the difference if scores of thousands of workers get hold of the portraits. turns out that, under another wr ere actually wearing red jer- suffer, so long as the insiders cash f Charlie’s production is going on name, Doris was for years a Hol- seys. full speed. His cast to date in- lywood extra wf ho couldn’t get a A precedent was set in the Take your choice of theories. himself, Goddard, cludes Paulette . break . The unfinished sym- annals of the No-Ivy League Jack Oakie, Reginald Gardiner, phony w'hich John Garfield played when the referee inflicted Henry Daniell, Maurice Mosco- in “Four Daughters” has been fin- 6-month penalties for roughing on UAW FILMS WORTH SEEING vich, Lucien Prival, Emma Dunn, ished by Composer Max Steiner, half of the Boss players. The re- Bernard Gorcey, Billy Gilbert, and will shortly be published, mainder could the workers who have seen the movies produced not check Auto by Chester Conklin, Bernard Siegel, under the title of “Symphony steamroller march of the union- UAW Cameraman Michael Martini are unanimous in de- Hank Mann and Eddie Gribbon. Moderne” . ists, and when the state militia Charlie’s half-brother, Sidney manding more of the same. First reports of Europe's war arrived the game wr as over. Chaplin, assisting him on * * * is the being Hollywood’s The Cleveland convention film was followed by the one And reports are that losses gains Unczeched direction. from where the de- strike, and Goddard come Peru, It is encouraging that, although on the Briggs known as The Fight for Sole Collective Charlie Paulette finds willvacation in Mexico City when partment of commerce that war conditions will keep neutral Bargaining. Hollywood films will take all film is But when that over Denmark and Norway out of the the finished. playing Now in preparation is the movie on the GM tool and die, willbe remains a deep Hollywood the time which, in pre- New York World’s Fair next war days, wr as devoted to French engineering and maintenance strike. mystery . year, extinct Czechoslovakia will . More than 30 Bette Davis has made her peace films. contem- be back. hits wherever shown. in • » • All these films prove instantaneous Warners, and returns to the porary history classes univer- with throughout Ifyour local wants a showing write the UAW-CIO Educa- shortly to star in sities the land have Thar's Cheese in Them Thar studio “The Cagney picture, blvd, Woman Brown.” No details have decided to use the Craters tion Dept., 281 W. Grand Detroit. “The Roaring Twenties,” as a text Scientists England are going been given out as to the settle- in Your members will see the union in action—plenty of period . ahead with plans for a space ship ment of the slowdown which about that able to moon. action. It is inspiring stuff. arose from Bette’s refusal to do Universal is planning a new reach the That’s the British for you—- many films a year as the studio version of Nathaniel Hawthorne's as carry on! . wished to assign to her . “House of Seven Gables” . Out * * • Complete closed shop has come of 3,500 extras w'ho worked on Cognac and poppy seeds are THEY TWIST FIGURES picture de- of into effect in motion “The Hunchback Notre Dame.” higher because of the w’ar, and How the New York chamber of able,” the editorial continued, “be- veloping and printing laboratories William Dieterle gave spoken vacations in the south of France commerce twisted statistics to cause the improvement in indus- here, as the Ray Mercer lab, last lines or bits of action to 982. are barred by the neutrality act. make it appear that strikes trial relations took place in years holdout, signed with the Inti. Al- Which means not only that they The average worker will have than of comparative prosperity throughout the country more when, liance of Theatrical Stage Em- got their checks adjusted up to $25 to be satisfied with beer and plain labor board on a basis of past experience, the doubled since the ployes . The Screen Publicists for the day. but also that they rolls. And a trip to Florida. was set up is exposed by an edito- extent and severity of strike Guild (unaffiiliated) is talking of got the chance all extras wr ait for * * * rial in the New York Post Oct. 31. stoppages should have increased. striking unless the producers sign —the chance to be noticed by pub- Financial Forecast "The method of the chamber of “There are more revealing facts the agreement which they nego- lic and producers. The government now has commerce is very simple,” the about the board’s 3 year history. $17,010,033,770 in gold. editorial said. "It has taken the Since October. 1935, it has han- If’ all of the gold bars were three years of deepest depression, dled a total of 23,949 cases. Of UAW Medical Advisory Council piled one on top of the other, they 1932-34. and compared them with these, 19.974 have been settled, would undoubtedly fall over. (Members their questions on health and * • « three fairly years. 1936-38. more than half of them by agree- are invited to send Rood Advisory 281 West It's System! Every student of labor history ment of both parties.’’ compensation to the UAW Medical Council, a Great service.) knows that the number of strikes WRECKERS BUSY Grand Blvd., Detroit. There is no charge for this falls off w'hen business is bad and Renewed efforts to cut the heart GROUP INSURANCE give me protection for 12 months Jackson Hears increases with a rise in the in- out of the Wagner act were start- Medical and hospital insurance of the year, or does it STOP pro- dustrial index.” ed by the U.
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