386 THE HOSPITAL, March 4, 1899. The Institutional Workshop. THE LEAGUE OF MERCY. required to reach locally the classes to whom I specially re- ferred. Itis etsiiitial that any suoh organisation should be sj MEETING AT MARLBOROUGH HOU*E. deviled as 'o pn-vent the possibility of comp3tltion with exist- A large and icflaentially-attended meeting was hi'd all ing o-g missions for the banefio of hospitals hke the Hospital Marlborough House on Wednesday, March lsb, fo promnta Sunday and Hospitul Saturday Funds, whilst it opens up 1he establishment of a Leagua of Mercy. H.R. E. the new and avoids oil ground by interesting thosa members of Prince of Walks occupied the chair thi communi y who have not hitherto subscribed regularly, For the purposes of the work of the League a president] if at all, to hospitals. About a year ago a committee was will be appointed for each Parliamentary dlv;sion wi hin the a pointed, of which Mr. E. A. Hambro was chairman, which metropolis and the neighbouring counties, bub it h^s only bai under contideration many proposals and plans for been possib'e in the time available before the de unu-e of devising some scheme which would meet the objects already the Prince of Wales for the Continent to appoint presidents explained. Infinite trouble was taken to test, as far as for 52 divisions oub of a total of aboub 100 bo whl.sh pr-si- praeticahla, the various proposals submitted to the considera- dents will be elected to control the L ague org mixtion. tion of ihe commiotee, and to ascertain to what extent it The following have agreed to become presidtn s of tne would be fflAsible to intarest a large number cf new people in Parliamentary divisions given in brackets ag*iu?o their t ie work of the hospitals to the extent of giving a small names, and most of them were present ab the meeting : annual subscription. Ia the end it was determined to Duke of Westminster Hanovtr M ?r- a (St. George's, Sq'iar ), org*uise League of Mercy based upon the plan of the of Lome Ca ndeu Con- quis (Kensington, South), Marquis ( GuiH founded by the late Duchess of Teok. The purpose bridge), Earl Carrington, G.O.M.G. (8% Panels, ^ esr), for which the League of Meroy has been established is to Earl of Clarendon (Watford), Earl of Dartmouth (LewUhmi,), prnm"te tha welfare and to further the objects of the Prince Earl of Mansfield ? (St. Pancra?, Nnrt^), Ejri f Ma.n:n of Waleb'b EoBpital Fund for London, and in every way, (Chichester), Earl of Onslow, G.C.M.U, (Wesfcmio?t>- ) R.?l hut eapt-cial y by encouraging personal service on the ofVerulam (St. Albans), Lord Farquhar (M ^rylebone, We8r), pnrt of large numbers of persons, to further the Lord Harris, G.C.S.I., G.C.S.E. (Fiversham), L?rd J >mea iateiesti and to promote the adequate maintenance of Hereford (Chelsea), Lord Medway (Ashf<rd) Lord of hoRpitals and othtr institutions for the relief Northbourne (St. Augustines), Lord Wolverto (x\>sbiry, of sickness an t suffering, and espeaially those institutions Central), the Lord Mayor (City of London), Right H m. Str which are supported by voluntary contributions. To W. M.P. Sir W nicuker Hart-Dyke, Barb., (Dirtford), effectually carry out the work of the League London and Ellfs, Bart. (Kingston), Right Hod. Sir Arthur H*vi?r, ttie ho ne counties will b~ divided into a> number of distriots Bart. Sir Trevor Lawrenoe, Btrn. (East Berks). representing the present Parliamentary divisions. A pre- Sir D. (Rngate), Fitzroy Maclean, Bart. (fiythe) Sir W? sident will b< appointed for each district, who will sub- D. Bart. Sir W. D. Crund il Pearson, (Colchester), (D >ver), divide ia into 30 smaller areas, to eash of whioh he will Sir Donald M.P. Currie, KC.MG., (Paddingtoi. N-irt-o), appoint a vice-president. Each vice-president will select 20 Sir H. P. K.C. K.C.V.O Major-General Ewart, B., (vl.ld?n), member?, each of whom will undertake to find 20 subscribers Sir Charles M.P RightHon. Hall, K.C.MG., ('insnur-y, of one shilling a-year and uowards. In connection with the Sir Harben Hon. W. F D. Holborn), Henry (Hampstead), League an "Older of Mercy" has been established which Smith, M.P. Mr. H. Cosmo 0 M P. (Strand), Bonaor, will he conferred as a reward for gratuitous personal services Mr. Edmund M.P. (Epsom), Boulnois, (VLaryleb ne, Eis?), only rendered in the relief of sickness, suffering, poverty, or Mr. M,P. Mr. Edward H[ Sydney Buxton, (Popfar), Byas discress, and which will have only one class. All persons and Mr. (Bow Bromley), E. CaBsel (St. George's, Hanover recommended for admieslon to the Order must in the first Mr. F. S. M.P. Mr. Square), W. Cornwalds, (Maids one), instance be Bubmiotad by a president or a lady president, M.P. General Gol 8 C. Gold, (Saffron Walden), worthy, eitner on the recommendation of a vice-president or a lady M.P. Mr. Frederick Gordou (Hammersmith), (U.rrow), vice-praBidont, or other wise to the Grand Presidents No person E. Harris Mr. A. Hambro (Sevenoaks), Mr. John (White- can be admitted to the Order unless his or her name has been D.D. chapel), Very Rev. S. R. Hole, (Rochester), Mr. approved and sanctioned by the Queen as Sovereign of the G. B. Alexander Hubbard (Ealing), Mr. Hudson, M.P. Laague on the submission of the Grand President. The Colonel Lient.-Coioar J Li k- (Hitchin), Hughes (Woolwich), Older may ba worn on all occasions, but will not M.P. Mr. E. C. wood, (Epping), Macrory, Q (P?ddiogton, confer any rank, dignity, or social precedence. Provision Hon. W. F. B. Main M.P South), Massey. waring, (^inabary, bas been made to effectually preserve pure this most honour- A. Nairne Mr J. Central), Mr. P. (Camberwell), R.nnd, able distinction, and no member of the League will be eligible Mr. J. of M.P. (Harwich), Sebag-Montefiore (isle Lnauet), to receive it who has not rendered the required gratuitous Mr. H. C. MP. Mr. A H. Tarloton Stephens, (Hornsey), servlue te the League for five years at least. The organisa- and (Deptford), Mr. W. P. Treloar (Croydon). tion has toe merit of simplicity. It is devised so as to prevent In the H.R. EL the Princk cf Walks opening meeting, s*id: the multiplication of committees and complicated machinery, Lords and have invited nere My Gentlemen,?I you this and bas the furoher advantage of embodying a plan by to discuss a and to asfe morning very important question, wtich every penny of the money subscribed through the for your assistance and in me to co-operation enabling carry gra uioous personal service of its members shall go direct to ib into effect. In letter to the dated my public, February 5::h, tbe hospitals without the deduction of one penny for when the Prinoe of Wales's Fund for London 1897, Hospital expenses. 1 have felt that in a work of this kind the ladies was I invited of onu fhit inj instituted, subscriptions per could render very material assistance, and it has therefore annum and upwards from all classes to this F iud 1 then been decided to a in each Parliamen- " appoint lady president Our attention will be conoenbr-itad a*i said, upon endeavour tary division. I have the pleasure to inform you that the to Beoure annual wno subscriptions from those hava nut Princess of Wa^s has oonsented to become the Lady Presi- hitherto contributed." Io has regularly been pointed <ut by dent?(hear, hear)?and that I myself desire to do all I can the medical and to me press, represented personal ly, c&ao, to "dp the good work by taking the ofEoa of President. to this some accomplish objeot successfully, oig*uid?tton is (Hear, hear.) It is of course impossible to aosu- March 4, 1899. THE HOSPTTAL. 387 rately forecast the result, but I am confident that, with the zjalous co-operation of the presidents ?nd larfy presidents and of the lidies and gentlemen who will become vica-presidents and members, a very considerable sum must ba added to the yeatly income cf the hospitals as the result of the work of the League of Mercy. In thanking all who have already consented to accept tha office of presi- dent of the League ia the various Parliamentary division;, I may add that it is hoped that a large number of la iies and gentlemen will spontaneously offer their services as vica- presidents and members in each Metropolitan division as well as in the neighbouring couities. There is evidence to show that a great number of willing workers are a^ailabla who have not previously had the opportunity to tender their gratuitous services and to devote a portion of their time on behalf of tl e hospitals. (Applause.) His Royal Highness invited a discussion of the details of tho scherr.e. Lord Caerington said he would like to ask if he was right in assuming from what he h*d heard that it was to ba distinctly understood that the cesoration was to be awarded for personal service only, and that no donation or eubsorip- tion, however large, would entitle any person to so great an honour. The Prince of Wales : I am very glad you have asked this question.
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