Selbyana 25(1): 33-86. 2004. CHECKLIST OF MEXICAN BROMELIACEAE WITH NOTES ON SPECIES DISTRIBUTION AND LEVELS OF ENDEMISM ADOLFO ESPEJO-SERNA AND ANA ROSA LOPEZ-FERRARI Herbario Metropolitano, Departamento de Biologia, C.B.S., Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Apartado Postal 55-535, 09340 Mexico, D.P., Mexico. IVON RAMiREZ-MORILLO Herbario CICY, Centro de Investigacion Cientftica de Yucatan, A.c. (CICY) Calle 43 No. 130, Colonia Chuburna de Hidalgo 97200 Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. BRUCE K. HOLST* AND HARRY R LUTHER The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, 811 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236 USA. E-mail: [email protected] WALTER TILL Botanical Institute of the University of Vienna, Rennweg 14, A-1030, Wien, Austria. ABSTRACT. A summary of Mexicau Bromeliaceae diversity and distribntion is presented along with a checklist of species. The checklist includes information on type specimens, synonymy, distribution by state and municipality, and notes on endemism. Two new combination/status changes are made in Tillandsia (T arroyoensis, T glabrior). RESUMEN. Se presenta una sinopsis de la diversidad y distribuci6n de las Bromeliaceae Mexicanas, junto con un listado de referencia que incluye informaci6n sobre especfmenes tipo, sinonimia, distribuci6n pOl' estado y municipio, asi como datos sobre endemismo. Se hacen dos nuevas combinaciones/cambios de status en Tillandsia (T. arroyoensis, T glabrior). Key words: Bromeliaceae, Mexico, checklist, endemism INTRODUCTION ingo (CHAPA), Centro de Investigacion Cienti­ fica de Yucatan (CICY), Centro Interdisciplina­ The last ten years of bromeliad collecting, es­ rio de Investigacion para el Desarrollo Integral pecially in previously poorly collected states, Regional, Unidad Durango, Instituto Politecnico have brought to light numerous new species for Nacional (CHDIR), Centro de Investigaciones the Mexican flora, as well as new state and mu­ de Quintana Roo (CIQRO), Comision Botanica nicipality registers (Ehlers 1993a, 1993b, 1994, Exploradora del Estado de Mexico (CODA­ 1995, 1996a, 1996b, 1997,2000a,2000b,2000c, GEM), Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologi­ 2001,2002,2003, Ehlers & Koide 1994, 1995, cas, Instituto Politecnico Nacional (ENCB), 1996, 1998, Ehlers & Wuelfinghof 2001, Hro­ Field Museum of Natural History (F), Facultad madnik 1993, 1994a, 1994b, Luther 1997, Ra­ de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de mirez & Carnevali 1999, Ramirez et al. 2000), Mexico (FCME), Gray Herbarium Harvard Uni­ since the last summary of Mexican bromeliads versity (GH), Universidad Aut6noma de Aguas­ (Espejo-Serna & Lopez-Ferrari 1994, 1998). calientes (HUAA), Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos (HUMO), Intituto de Botan­ METHODS ica, Universidad de Guadalajara (IBUG), lnsti­ tuto de Ecologfa A. c., Centro Regional del Ba­ The following herbaria were surveyed for col­ jio, Patzcuaro (IEB), Y.L. Komarov Botanical lections from Mexico: Harvard University Her­ Institute of the Academy of Sciences (LE), Real baria (HUH), Natural History Museum (BM), Jardin Botanico de Madrid (MA), Manchester Division de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Museum, University of Manchester (MANCH), Aut6noma de Chapingo (CHAP), Colegio de Herbario Nacional de Mexico, Universidad Na­ Postgraduados, Universidad Autonoma de Chap- cional Autonoma de Mexico (MEXU), Univer­ sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor (MICH), Missouri * Con'esponding author. Botanical Garden (MO), New York Botanical 33 34 SELBYANA Volume 25(1) 2004 Garden (NY), Museum National d'Histoire Na­ TABLE 1. Species numbers of Bromeliaceae in Mex­ turelle (P), Marie Selby Botanical Gardens ico, 2004. (SEL), Universidad Aut6noma de Yucatan CUADY), Divisi6n de Ciencias Biol6gicas y de No. species la Salud, Universidad Aut6noma Metropolitana Endemic to Iztapalapa (UAMIZ), Universidad de Ciencias y Subfamily/genus In Mexico Mexico Artes de Chiapas (UNlCACH), United States Pitcaimioideae National Herbarium (US), Institute of Botany, Fosterella 1 0 University of Vienna (WU), Instituto de Ecolo­ Hechtia 49 46 gfa A.C., Xalapa (XAL). A total of 13,712 her­ Pepinia 2 1 barium specimens were recorded, and 100% of Pitcairnia 45 37 the determinations were verified. Bromelioideae The checklist (ApPENDIX 1) was compiled Aechmea 8 1 from a database generated and maintained at Androlepis 2 1 UAMIZ. Author abbreviations follow Brumrnit Billbergia 2 () and Powell (1992). Abbreviations of literature Bromelia 4 2 citations follow Stafieu and Cowan (1976-1988) Greigia 2 2 for books, and Lawrence et al. (1968) and Brid­ Hohenbergiopsis 1 () son and Smith (1991), for journals. Herbarium Ursulaea 2 2 acronyms follow Holmgren et al. (1990). All Tillandsioideae basionyms and some synonyms (ApPENDIX 2) are Catopsis 14 1 included. Distribution at state and municipality Guzmania 2 () levels in Mexico and the elevation range where Racinaea 2 0 species occur are listed after each species, as Tillandsia 192 133 well as the type collection. A voucher specimen Viridantha 6 6 is cited for each species. Taxa endemic to Mex­ Vriesea 2 0 ico are indicated with the word "Endemic." Werauhia 6 NOMENCLATURE SYSTEM cies present, 46 of which are endemic to the Nomenclature used in the checklist follows country. The genera with the greatest number of An Alphabetical list of Bromeiiad Binomials species in Mexico are Tillandsia (192 spp.), (Luther 2004), which recognizes the genera Ra­ Hechtia (49 spp.), and Pitcairnia (45 spp.) (TA­ cinaea (Spencer & Smith 1993), Werauhia BLE 1). (Grant 1995), Pepinia (Varadarajan & Gilmartin The states with the highest numbers of species 1988), and Ursulaea (Read & Baensch 1994). are Oaxaca (135 spp.), Chiapas (121 spp.), Ve­ The state of bromeliad systematics is in such racruz (91 spp.), Guerrero (88 spp.), Jalisco (72 fiux, however, that recognition, or not, of a par­ spp.), and Puebla (58 spp.). The highest number ticular genus poses a serious problem in a multi­ of state-level endemic species are found in Oa­ authored paper. Such is the case with the re­ xaca (30 spp.), Guerrero (21 spp.), Chiapas (17 cently proposed genus Viridantha (Espejo-Serna spp.), and Veracruz (12 spp.) (TABLE 2). A de­ 2002), which is not yet accepted by Luther crease in the number of genera and species from (2004) pending additional molecular data. A south to north and east to west can be observed compromise solution is presented here, with the in FIGURE 1. The low species numbers registered combinations in Viridantha placed under that for Michoacan, may be the result of a lack of genus along with the detailed distribution and collection in some parts of that state, particularly type information, and cross-referenced names in its southern and southwestern portions. are presented in Tillandsia. Several broad-scale Of the total of 2443 muncipalities that com­ molecular analyses proposed or under way may prise Mexico, only 1042 (42.65%) have records soon provide evidence to support or refute the of Bromeliaceae. The highest numbers of spe­ recognition of Viridantha as well as other re­ cies in the state of Chiapas are reported by the cently proposed genera. following municipalities: Ocosingo (49 spp.), Ocozocuatla de Espinoza (44 spp.), and La Trin­ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION itaria (35 spp.); in the state of Guerrero, Chil­ pancingo de los Bravo (43 spp.); Veracruz, Coa­ Mexico has 18 genera and 342 species of Bro­ tepec (29 spp.); and Jalisco, La Huerta with 28 meliaceae. Ursulaea, with two species, is en­ spp. Only 26 municipalities have records of demic to Mexico. Hechtia has its center of di­ more than 20 species, and 326 have records of versity in Mexico, with 49 of the 51 known spe- one taxon. ESPEJO-SERNA ET AL.: MEXICAN BROMELIACEAE CHECKLIST 35 TABLE 2. Bromeliaceae species diversity and endemism levels by state in Mexico and numbers of records in dataset used, 2004. Species wholly Mexican endemic Collection Municipalities endemic to species found records in with records Municipalities State Genera Species each state in each state database in collections by state Aguascalientes 3 7 1 5 23 6 11 Baja California I I 0 0 3 2 5 Baja California sUr 2 4 I 3 8 3 5 Campeche 6 25 0 I 284 II II Chiapas 15 121 17 27 2200 84 1I8 Chihuahua 2 8 0 7 24 10 67 Coahuila 2 5 0 2 41 11 38 Colima 8 31 2 19 99 8 10 Distrito Federal 1 8 0 5 29 6 16 Durango 4 17 3 13 94 13 39 Guanajuato 3 24 0 15 201 23 46 Guerrero II 88 21 60 1007 53 76 Hidalgo 6 31 I 19 371 46 84 Jalisco 10 72 II 49 1I39 76 124 Estado de Mexico 6 40 4 30 580 48 122 Michoacan 8 44 5 33 503 60 1I3 Morelos 5 26 1 21 391 20 33 Nayarit 6 34 2 15 181 17 20 Nuevo Le6n 2 9 1 5 55 9 51 Oaxaca 15 135 30 73 1482 171 570 Puebla 8 58 4 36 631 74 217 Queretaro 6 29 1 13 440 15 18 Quintana Roo 5 26 2 3 255 8 8 San Luis Potosi 6 27 0 14 187 36 58 Sinaloa 4 23 3 15 88 9 18 Sonora 3 10 0 6 55 10 72 Tabasco 10 28 0 1 252 14 17 Tamaulipas 5 19 1 8 143 22 43 Tlaxcala 1 5 0 3 13 7 60 Veracruz 14 91 12 33 2500 118 210 Yucatan 4 17 1 1 410 41 106 Zacatecas 3 14 3 10 23 II 57 _11411lm7 -111~1~ .'".5101 .,,- ..- N + + A+ " + ! + ~ ! + + + ~ \ , + + ~ General Species + + + ~ o 110 ZD '" .. .. .~ ~ + + + + + ~ .«4"""'" .ill"""'''' .1tO"""'" .$3'''''''''' .. - FIGURE 1. Numbers of genera and species per state in Mexico. 36 SELBYANA Volume 25(1) 2004 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ehlers, R. and R. Wuelfinghoff. 2001. Tillandsia aten­ angoensis Ehlers & Wuelfinghoff. Die Bromelie We thank the following herbaria for providing 2001: 45-48. specimens and data used in this work: CHAp, Espejo-Serna, A. 2002. Viridantha, un genero nuevo CHAPA, CICY, CIIDIR, CIQRO, CODAGEM, de Bromeliaceae (Tillandsioideae) endemico de Mexico. Acta Bot. Mex. 60: 25-35. ENCB, F, FCME, GH, HUAA, HUH, HUMO, Espejo-Serna, A.
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