.•. ,. ¥¥ u ••• uuuuu VOTE FOR O)nl~- ··nub 'ilark JOY! CHAPEL ~AY QUEEN BY SPRING *- * ..... Volume ·XXXIV. Number 13. Wake For~st, N. C., Friday, January 7, 194,¢ * * Telephone 4956 L~~g--D~Iayed. Work On Chapel EXAM SCHEDULES · May Queen, One Attendant, ·y•~ 8e .·(oiQpleted. _.In ·the .Spring January 17-25, 1949 To Be Nominated Monday North Carolina ijaptists ...,, ............. ________.........,'\ Morning 9:00-12:00 Mternoon 2:00-5:00 Plan to Complete GRADE -E 3rd hr. T T S Classes Jan. 17 English 1 Four Classes Will Choose Everything - 7th hr. T T ·s Classes jan. 18 2nd l:}r. W M F Classes SENIORS Court in Meetings Any student who has 4th hr. T T S Classes jan. 19 4th hr. M W F Classes Wednesday The long delayed work on the grade E which was assign- 5th hr. M W F Classes jan. 20 5th hr. T T S Classes All Seniors graduating ·,interior .of the -chapel has begun ed during the last twelve 3rd .hr. M W F Classes jan. 2_1 7th hr. M W F Classes in January or .June 1949 Nominations for May Queen and and presentt plans· call· for the months may apply for are- 2nd hr. T T, S Classes Jan. 228th hr. M W F Classes , should have purchased Maid-of Honor will be made Mon- - th k b M 1 • t' ·· 't t be their invitations from rep- , · comple ton of e wor Y ay ; exanuna Ion pernu o lst hr. M W F Classes Jan. 24 6th hr. M w F Classes day morning at a call-meeting of Scaffolding has been completed used ·.during examination resentatives in the lobby all students, John Matthis, presi- . ana the work on the ceiling is .period, Grady Patter- 1st hr. S Classes Jan. 6th hr. S Classes of the Bookstore during Ul s. T T 25 T T ·der way. Plans call for the con- · h 1 · d this ·week. dent of the student body, said • son, Re<ri .. trar, announced. "No devi'ati'on f"om this posted schedule is allowed c ape perlO T t· '11 b h ld struction of a ceiling, the plas- c~ • For the benefit of those today. he mee mg Wl e e teringf th of llthe · walls, d theth finishing1 inApplication Reg~'strar's m-uSt office. be made tee"except by special authorization of the Executive Commit- Seniors unable to get their in Gore gymnasium at 10 o'clock o e ga anes, an e comp e- . invitations this week, invi- Monday morning, January 10. tion of the stage. English 1 examinations will be given January 17, tations will be on sale for Due to construction work being The entrance lobby is to be.fin- 2:00-5 :00. the last time Monday, Jan- done inside the Chapel, it will be ishedspecifications according and tomarble the originaltrim is WFDD w·ll1 Add .. .... ~ uary 10, beginning at 8 impossiblethere. to hold the meeting to be usEd. Seats for several o'clock and extending ., Candidates for May Queen hundred more persons will be pro- 18 ( (i . through chapel period. must be seniors. Those girls who ;;~::., w;:: ::"';~;~~ ~:-:;. age ames Religious Focus Week Committee ~~b~ ro:·~:~~.\~.:.u":' w~ E!,':ii.~= ~~·~" .U:":: To Its· Schedule Plans Program for February 6th ·Howler Entreats ~}~q~i:~~.:~~/~!~~ :,'::: Present plans are to install a - FII 0 Only coeds with C averages ~re permanent public address system L I St t• ~ eligible to run for tqe honors. A and to complete the stage. The OCa a IOn 0 c arry Extensive plans are being made way said, "In selecting the speak- Sen·tors i ut list of women students who meet new curtain and stage lights will · Mutual Ne work for the 1949 Religious Focus Week ers and visitors we have tried to A SheetS this requirement has been prepar- thenable the Little Theater to stage Programs ll ak F b get those which the students ctGIV.Ity ed by the Bursar, and will be .e;~ productt"ons m· the chapel. which wi t e place e ruary wanted. We would like to impress . The..... original plans called for 6th through the 12th. Eli Gallo- upon everyone that this is not just ~ · Nominationsposted on campus should today be based(Friday). on W ~;nscoting. around the ·Wall but Radio Station WFDD will broad- way, B. S U. student secretary an- a B. S, U. proJ·ect ·but is being • this..... will not be installed at the cast eighteen Southern Confer- nounced that the arrangements sponsored by the campus as a IG roup p lCt ure S ch e dul e 1s beauty,The queen personality, and her and courtintellect. will present time. Two colors will be ence basketball games during the were almost complete and that the whole.'' · · Posted on Bulletin reign over the second annual Mag- used on the walls with the darker next two months through an ar.,. program is being arraDged, · as The visiting speakers invited Board nolia Festival, which is schedul- trim being used in place of the rangement with Station WRAL- nearly as possible, in accordance were: Rev. J. Winston Pearce ed for next Spring. The event is wainscoting. The floors will be · with the wishes of the students and Mrs. J. Winston Pearce from sponsored jointly by the music de- left as they are for the present FM in Raleigh, Woody Woodward, and faculty as revealed by ques- tlie First Baptist Church of Dur- A 'schedule for group pictures of partment, the Women's Recrea- because of the prohibitive_ cost and local station manager, announced. tionnaires distributed after last ham, Dr. Claude Broach "'rom St. · - tt'on Association, and the L1'ttle the fact that it is impossible to The first game• in this series year's Religious Focus Week. John's Baptist Church of Char- organizations and a list of seruors Theater. purchase pews at this time. The will be broadcast Saturday night A committee composed of Bob lotte, Dr. Carlton Prickett from the who 'have not yet turned in their John Matthis, who will pre­ construction :work is being paid when Duke meets ·Temple in Dur- Winecoff, B. S. U. secretary, Eli First Baptist Church of Burling- activity sheets are now posted on side at Monday's meeting, will for by the Baptist State Conven- ham. In addition to these•basket- Galloway, Student Secretary and ton, Rev. J. Boyce Brooks from a bulletin board which has been be assisted by Merle Silver, presi­ tion. ball games which · originate Dr. J. Glenn Blackburn, College the First Baptist Church of Rox- placed on the door of the Howler dent of . the WRA, and Judson through the facilities of the Dix- Chaplain,• laid the general plans boro, and Dr. L. B. Moseley of the Trueblood, editor of the Howler. ie FM Network, WFDD will carry for the week-long program, Dr. F~st Baptist Church of Pitts- offices. News of progress, on pro- The 1949 May Court will appear .. Raleigh_., ... MilR...... S ~I"{@~. programs from_ the Mutual Net:.. J. A. Easley, ,.P.xofessor. Charles b1u'gh, Pennsylvania. duction of the yearbook and other in this year's annual, editor True- , -· r· . · · - · -· ~ """--"· ·~,_.,·.:_.. wor-k, ·.mostlY: Ed- a, n~..vs,~n·ature:· · 'M. 'Allen,~ '""C~~S&Ve:dS;·:l\!fit.:." .:.'-~F'tlieme'·6r. ·the: week"'will· be' infO!:mati.on-will·be posted on this blood has announced. As Moot Court Juage Several programs Of this type ton Marney and Wilhemenia Wal-' "Christian Faith and Larger Liv- board from time to .time. Election Tuesday started this week, including· the lace composed a committee to ing.'' Plans include worship ser- Howler photographers are hit- five minute news· summary by Bill choose the theme and topics. vices. morning and evening, Sem- ting a peak of activity during the The election will be held in the Mr. Carroll Weathers, '22, prom- Henry each night at 9:55 p. m. Mr. Galloway stated that those inar groups each evening and in- two-week period before final ex- OLD GOLD AND BLACK office inent Raleigh attorney and Wake Variety shows, also will be fea- in charge had· made a special ef- formal discussion each evening at ams, so that they can complete as Tuesday, January 11. Polls will Forest trustee, will serve as. chief tured, among them being "Can fort to make this year's program a the various rooming places and many pictures as possible before a be open from 9 until 5 o'clock justice of the final moot court ses- 'You Top This?", a comedy show, campus-wide activity and not just fraternity houses. There will also January 15 deadline. They are On ·wednesday morning, Janu­ sion of the semester, next Thurs- "Twenty· Questions," an unusual a group-sponsored undertaking. be classroom visitations by th~ concentrating . particularly on ary 12, during chapel period, the day night at 7: 30. quiz program, and "Boston In commenting on this Mr. Gallo- visiting speakers. group pictures for organizations various classes will meet separate- The court will be asked to· de- Blackie," a dramatic detective , and on pictures of intramural ly to elect two representatives for cide whether or not, or under what program. Eac' weekday night at athletics, and they hope to finish the Court from each class. No re- conditions, • a charitable, institu- 7: oo the news of the world is • • all pictures in these two categor- quirements are necessary for these tion can be sued. Had. this case analyzed by Fulton Lewis, Jr. AED _New Member- ies in time for the deadline.
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