Thursday, November 12, 1959 4-D TORRANCE PRESS Torrance Press Circulation 45,386 J&, Largest by Far in the Area MO Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sale 300 Automobiles for S*lo 200 AutomoUles for Sal* 200 Furniture 116 Appliance* Pets, Poultry A Supply 157 Miscellaneous fer Sale 173 Automobiles for file TV'S FOR SALE I Co-Signed Fermale boxer, has ears clipped, hols and Is AKC registered. Re Used Car Buyer: Call TE Dear onable price, 1 yr. old. I Got Stuck! 5-5145. Baker's AKC re*> "You Get Only pupplei, MILK can eat ma 2 COCKER Spaniel torn* reliable party Ittered, reasonable. 1411 W. 244th Rambler Town nut of trouble and obtain real bargain for themselves. My equity St. DA A-2092. I* FREE. Balance now owing, $263. What You Pay For" Payments of $3 50 a week Include ANNUAL Boat Salts A Service 160 refrigerator, table-top range, 9-pc. An expression that is certainly true but there is an ex­ living room tet, automatic washer, 20c qt. BOATS J-pc. chrome »et, 1 bedroom set, ception to every rule. When you can buy a really qood CASH I CARRY Used Car Sale beds, TV, vacuum Select se* of bunk cleaner, rug, baby bed, Baby Ten- used car within a few dollars of dealer wholesale, or way da, drapes, dishes, pillows and New 16' the average current retail price, this is an excep­ spreads. Miscellaneous Items In­ below clude toaster Iron, clock, pots and USED tion! WhyP-j-Bcause we are primarily a retail store for As low as vxint, etc. Also reducing machine MITCHELL end radio. Auk for No. *07, Item* VERBURG new Imported Cars»and sef up to wholesale our trade-ins. Year Written m through UJ. See daily 9:109., Glass Boat However, if we can retail our trades for ANYTHING Vin. 11-6. Store at LINCOLN FUR 10 h r> F.vlnrude motor, W«lttrln« NfTUffR Warehouse, 400 N Haw­ over wholesale we are better off, and by passing the Warranty 87 trailer. All tor $ thorne, opposite Safeway, next to Kenneth Chevrolet. DAIRY saving', on to you you are better off also. TV $2250 1 OR 8-8909 New 16' x 96" Please Try U$ and Compare 19 Half & Half ............23c pt. Per Month Dolphin Skim Milk ............ 12'/? c qt. No Cash Needed With No Cash Boat with ? M HP Evanrude elect, '56 Ford V-8 mot Or I H»co 1r«ll«r. All ter $ I Am SALE Victoria. Radio, heater, automatic, Punch ...................... I6c qt. good cleen cer that runt well. $2695 1025 NEW '60 RAMBLER TRADE-INS '57 Plymouth Desperate Kelly Wholesale $925 All sets carry a Belv. Hardtop. Aufo., ra­ V-e«vlng by plan* Monday for Used 15' 2093 W. 174TH overseas oil field In Arabia. Left dio, heater, power steering. my furniture and appliances at DAvis 9-119! '55 Chrysler warehouse. Storage paid until Nov. Wizzard "New Set Yorker hardtop. Radio, heater, 10th. Must find reliable party to oad w 2 -35 HP. Evlnrude elec. OPEN DAILY New eke over my large equity FREE, tank, all for automatic, power windows, brakes, steer­ motor. Bait ing and seats. A lovely clean car In $ $I395 balance now owing $2*3. Payments of 115.42 a month Includes refrig­ Guarantee.11 $795 lop condition erator, table-top range, 9 piece liv­ 1050 Wholesale $950 ing room set, automatic washer, AUCTION Kelly v piece chrome set, 1 bedroom set, Unfinished tewing machine, electric percola­ tor, twin beds, electric I r oner, Tuesday 7:30 p.m, '56 Chevrolet '56 Oldsmobile '56 Ford vacuum cleaner, dishes, pillows, 1 Yr. Picture Tube Ski Hull '56 Mercury miscellaneous items. Ask for lot Saturday 9 a.m. Monterev 9 pasesnger wagon. Radio, NO. 507, Item* in through 160. See $400 heater, automatic, power brakes and Sedan Hardtop Victoria dally 9:30 to 9, Sunday 11 to 4. 3 Mos. Parts tool*, steering. This car Is perfect. Stored at WAREHOUSE Of* LIN­ Furniture, appliances, $I225 COLN FURNITURE. 400 N. Haw- This Week Only! Bldg. Material*. Etc. Kelly Wholesale $1100 Auto and sharp. Check it. Loaded. Full power. This car is show room fresh. thorne Blvd. OR 8-1909. Bring it in or Call 9 Newcomers 21" Admiral TORRANCE '55 De Soto Console) Plre Pllte convertible. Radio, heater, W you've shopped, you know It's Boat Mart FA 8-6961 automatic, power steering and brakes. tough to get credit In most stores This car looks good, this car Is teed. '57 Pontiac '53 Studebaker '58 when you're new In the City. It $850 t very easy at LINCOLN FUR- $79.95 1545 W. CARSON We Buy or Sell Kelly Wholesale $750 NITURC. See croups from model Safari Wagon Champion Edsel homes, movie studio*, bankrupt TORRANCE For Commission facto, finance Co. repossessions, c room* with stove, refrigerator, 21" Motorola FA 8-4747 '54 Jaguar XK 120 Loaded. Full power. A dandy little 6 cyl. Many Loaded. A lot of car for washer, living room fables, lamp*. 1311 W.Carson Roadster. Has new clutch, tooks pretty good miles left. litfle money. Bedroom, box spring, mattress, end Is good chroma dinette, bunk beds, as low Trailers fer Pale U7 Torrance $895 s $24*. Free delivery. Pick UP $79.95 Kelly Wholesale $800 payment plan. Open eves, to 9 p m. Sat. 9 to 6; tun. 1? to *- 19M 2 BDRM , 35 ft. transa trailer L. B. Stark, Owner '55 Lincoln Furniture, 400 N. Haw­ home. $2300 or make offer. Mu*t Leonard Burleson '55 Buick '57 Dodge thorne Blvd, Cor. 172 St., Haw- *ac. 25331 Walnut, Lomita lot 70. '55 MG Roadster morn*. OR M909. 21" Admiral Audioneer A oood straight little cer. Has a few l/? door console Trailtr Rentals 169 minor dents. Century Hdtp. Hardtop Rambler Thmlc Guns Kelly Wholesale $1000 $I095 Lomoreaux Like new, auto., radio, heat­ Wagon. Sharp. Check this Lost Our $79.95 Auto., radio, heater, power Mobile Home Lodge Think "Ames" er, power steerinq, new one. & Pflciflr steering. tires. Bannlno Blvd. at Realty BEST BUYS, BEST TRADES. Wt THE $505 SPECIAL Contract Street!. Wilmington, clean & quiet PAY MOST $» NEW, USED, 21" Packard Bell for particular adults. ANTIQUES. TTRMS AT NO IN­ '51 NASH HEALEY Ow M smtt apartment building. Must VACANCY FOR TEREST. OPEN 10-10 DAILY, 11 ftovlda'te all brand new 4 room Con'jOlft SUNDAYS. In excellent condition mechanically. *eyM from storage at below the 35' & 45' & EXPANDS HANDGUN HEADQUARTERS whffTeeele price he paid. All groups TE 5-2-144 Registered Colt Dealers Needs minor body work. Include genuine long-wearing Nau- Attention New Car ahyde living room. Nevermar dl- $79.95 et, full bedroom, all new furniture Miscellaneous for Sale 1^3 AMES GUNS plus new guarantee. Frigldalre and O'Keefe stove All $299. Pay M.So 1200 PICO BLVD. Buyers week FRIENDLY FURNITURE, Storage Sale Torrance. 21"Philco SANTA MONICA 7067 Torrance Blvd., WARDROBE S1A.SO UP; pink mar­ Open week-days 9-6 p.m. Mon. and door console length mirror $-0930 Full ble top drimer full Frl. til 9 p.m. FA and bed; large antique iplnet desk J. LANSING MAHOGANY SPEAKER 505 M5; Otheri $10 up; Governor Win- SYSTEM C-34 WITH 130 A 175 DUNCAN-PHYFE dining table and 6 $79.95 throp maple secrptary »S.1; Ranges DLH AND X1700 CROSStiVER Pacific Coast Hwy., Hermosa Beach chairs, china cabinet. Excellent S7 UP; Automatic washers $18 UP; $J50. H. H. SCOTT 210E AMP condition. DA 6 5584 after 4:30. antique) & modern bed* $5 up; PRE AMP $110 BOTH LIKE THE BARGAIN CAR STORE cribs $.1 up; bedroom set* $35 up; NEW CONDITION, ALSO 1 TON Furniture Wanted 137 che*M ft dressers $4 UP; 100 stands HOTPOINT AIR CONDITIONER FR 4-0921 , OR 8-9638 il.V) up; fireside chairs, small fan $115. FRIGIDARF ELEC. STOVE DELL'S PAY MORE FOR GOOD . back $32.50 each; organs and pianos ' MO. GE MOBILE MAID DISH USED APPLIANCES I $90 each; dinning S, dinette* $8 UP; WASHER $110. ALL EXCELLENT FURNITURE. FR 2-8467. glass front bookcases $15 UP; wood CONDITION. stoves $76 UP; lezy tusan ranch FR 5-1763 Appliances 142 $79.95 table $75; sewing machines $10 UP; period couches $25 UP; Japanese HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR, large tea service $20; lerge maple hutch family size. '59 deluxe model, dla FREi FREE - FREE $85; refrigerators $15 up; late re- defrost. Holds 9« Ihs. froren food trlgerator del lie $19.50; Walnut hos­ Moving will let reliable party have 21" SylvanicT pital beds $35; pictures, mirrors, for balance I owe bank $184.7? or Spectacular Buy! FREE wheel barrows, books, sinks, mo­ take over my payments $9.43 Oak Table Model tors, (taint, barrels. 10,000 ether month. No cash needed. Next pay ment due Feb. 15, I960. See at at Items. Britain's Biggest Seling Car $79.95 14111 S. Vermont, Gardena. PA Weekly & Sun, 9-4:30, closed Mon. 1-3810. In England, where compact cars were born, McMAHAN'S Gordena Storage Miscellaneous Wanted Rambler Town YOUP 18611 S. Western FURNITURE, TOOLS, MISC. Morris Outsells All Others Two 21" G.E. AMOUNT Thanksgiving Table models DA 4-8508 DA 4 8508. 500 and 501 W. Anaheim KELVINATOR FOODARAMA refrig­ Trucks*for Sale 171 TURKEY $79.95 erator and free7"r combination. Regular $699.95. Salfl--save more 'S7-1* TON GMC Pick UP, hydrama TE 5-66*8 Open Eves. than half, J299.95. Term*. $14.8$ tic, rebuilt latrly. .10,000 actual per week. No money down, first fi at LIB­ mile*.
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