J ^ a m ia j g e ^ p a g l « ^ ; lY g k ^ I ..M ------------/ 7 6 th y e a%r,No.293 r , Tw inFaiis, IdI d a h o _______ ' u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 . 1 9 8 i 2 5 ^ ^ | ' GO • P l e jq i s l a i t o r s 5 s e e slTFlU C tr e v i e; w I Dy BR UC: Kk h a m m o n i ) ing. Policy-iy-making. decisions of Ihisis lype are ,\n exchanhange eontract signed recenil; a n d KON'Z Zf K I,l,A K _ - properiy inn itiie realm of elei'liii offici;leials repre l,iah I'ouer.MT ami t.iglil Co. a n d ' th e i TimcsNcw:c’lisiinfcrs s e n t ing I h e public."pi P o u e r Adn\iliii m istra l ion red u c ed tioiionu'ow — -------- I'oni roversTsy has surroiinilitl llie liireiireeincnilH-r eli-clrie bilh;ills hy :r> p e rc en t am i tlio.se commission:nsince ll issuetlanonlerlluiial liHiketfeeiI fjiriners byly 4114 percenl Ulaiio i’ouer Co. e 'p ( ‘e1s III b o i .s k Republican legislative ieatliLMilers c a lliil O cl. 1. ehan>;nging the nielliwl thal ldalt»11) I'Duci-I Cll jiign a siminilar il; exchiiiige. alllmugli liicic ilillei'eiK 'c B T • . Mondav for Uio formatiim ot a com m ittwllw lo rcvu-w must use losi• set elw lneal rales. b e lw irn il.s Ihose of ttie fit;iler;il_lii’A ____^ Ih c Id a h oI PublicP i UtiiitiraCommission:—:-----------------------------T h e - o r d c:reiim r inate(rthe decllnina'iilriit(K-k-r;m-> ------- .;vsieiiufeii■e le ss pronounced"” T h e groufoup claim s lhal Ihe PUC liasJ ovoverstepiH-il for poucr iused in irrigntion. uincli■h inereiived --Wi. didid sign; otl iiii Ihese. and illl IS social m Z / ■ a u ttioirity rit; in structuring rales anilI in diclaliiig eleclricily eieosis lo.large. Iiigli-litl irngnigiiimn rmii . cngineiTingng in that il c h an g e s u lio' pays^ uli.il Iv W pri«‘stocoic o n su m ers. p a n ic s. II alsoal inereiisc'tl some coinnicnieiTial and ;iinount," .Swisher.S« siiid. Large miiuslrienes. such as sR I In a close}sed-<loor nnvtm" ; -v. theh e le1 a d e i'sh i|i in d u s tria l r;irales while dirreasing ollicih e rs \iid il a lu in in u in:i companies,ci are uiulerwritiniing Ihe suIi- w agri^od to3 ask.n: nex • .."!islali\alive Couneil liustiluttHl in\■nverled rales under uhieh tuHiieoum'i.Ntun .sidles in e.\cti'.\etiange for p o u e r supply g u aiirantei's n ' to e s ta b lisish h an inti li' > • ni;-. '• ''"to mom o re c le a rly u s in g ia rg e•amouMlsol a jxwer pay highere r ri a l e s ..jf ii,^. i.,,I.egisluUire wanls us lo <iniinil a llo u iu g . '.il' I define Ihele iro le of ‘'c, i i ' Mousiouse Spi'akiT , l’t:c Presi“Sidenl l’err> .''wislicr agreedL‘(l lhat M.iiie It,use <e.xch;ichaiigei i'oiitracis,..l')ii_suri:.i;ji\.e_would-------- — --------- H ||fli*__ltaiph.0lTn5tn s te a d. U •■.-________-_ _____ ________ dc c i>^ionK-l)v-)v -llie eoiiimihwuii h a ve-tic*cn:cnhaM-tl-i.» wiirp[.r.:;'lic:h e sa id —_________ _____________ havlave calU ■ •,-imn in'lniiiHii'i' "social eiigiiijm i'criiig. ' ifl'e ile d iFie jio u.ei e r c M 'I m e v c ,|„ m till, = ^ = i :he inlroduclion ot new. more■e expensive ^ of Ihe St.-'.: ..'ig thtlu- IM'i’." eonlracis tluiliat grew oul of liic feileralll :N o iUhm'xI power fromom Idaho Power's \'almy.. :N ev.. :iiid O lm ste a dJ s a id . P o w e r Hill asonee.xainplc.a> Rourdnian.n. (Ore.. coal generaling planl:nl». Swi.slier ; is no s ta ll . ;•'> lo r ilillie PI f. iir Inverted rrales. howeviT. were 'in ■■'•^l'"iix'ii sa id Ihe invenverleit rale. opjMisiil by ilie• hRepulilu-an jin v o th e•r r appoiiili .'1, . to eiigaui-1 111 real price ininereases." .S^islier saul. •'Ild;in tl'' It'adet'sliip.p. i>isiu'iiledlo retleel aeliialseriTMi'eeosls. ~ '■ igineering.; Miiiigg :ii:iii(l g r o » ili le n d e il lh a lI imosl ol lhe niiiiinissiiiirs- ivreiili'< r.ile ()thcr»iM- I. CHFR ■ III- S lid liii'nc IniildiTs iiiiiinglil inslail _________ _ ___________ EE B B Y S W IS2 £ F 1 E !2 __________ mitnagenu‘1iienl."hfv- d e c isio n s h;ihav i' [ini'cil I'lecii’ii'iiv ihhi-n i-i lu llll' R E P. RALll\L P H O L M S T E A D I :..defends deds-cisions " T h a i isi s li l i e n i .c --------- »Sec£UCPageA2 _______ J ^ e c : e s s i om l _______________ v i e w I d l v i cd e s """ e c o nl o m i ss t s NKW YORK lUlMi Kionomisls tieavy idand wiii lasl iiilo Ihc spring." were divided Mondaylay ovei' the said Ciriireenspan. now v^,ltll I Reagan administral ion'sIl’s finil official Townsendid-Grwnspan C & Co in New i acicnuwlodKemeiil th:il:it Ull' tin iiw l Y o rk , Slaleslsina'liK lit'rwtession. fs T<‘chnicaleally. K v an s .s;iid. lhe na- L J J I Wail Streel reacicd skeskeptically aud tlon's lackK’kluster eeoiiDinie perfor- slocks saf>ged. m a n c e mnighl ig fil lhe da.ssieal ilefiiii- Tlic governmoni reporporle<i housing tion ol a recessionrc lii;il lalls tor luo starts In Seplember plupluinincK'd to consecutivtive quarters oi a ikvline in Iheir tlilrd towesi levelI on ri'cord • a ttieUnissNsNationall*ro<luel. showing one Ind^try analystan called In tlie- second-tiuarltTs the UNf* "an unmitRQled aisiisler"e r " th a t mean.*; d r o p p w i hyhy a revised 1 (i pereenl. liut- Ihc rcccssion will e .deeper,d lhan Fvans.saidlid the et'onutnie slump is nol c x p ce led . JjAKi.-l l)U«Ci ised and was priinanly eon- >i'V Uut Michatl Kvans of Kvans Kco- lincHj/otiielie housing seclor nomics. a Washinginglon-based "The mma a in sla tistic a l rOiLson lluil . I forecasting firm, saidd heii was sur- we're prob•obably nol in a rwession is prised the Reagan adiadministration lhat sincee June J new orders for ea'iiital conceded so early lhatlat th e c u rre n l g o o d s irea re up Ift' perct’iii in re a l slow dow n is a recession.n. terms."Kvans Kv siiid. p f I “ If it is a recession, il vwould Ih* the Tlie goviovemment is seliwluled to ' mildesl one we’ve eyer•r >iliad." Kvans release Itsits preliminary re(KJil UVd- sa id . n e s d a y on Die third-ijuarler C>M’. The I)ow Jones industriistrtal average, uhich Kvarn in s priH licii'd uituld he dou n which represents perperccnt of the t percenlII followedf l)v another 1 piT- value of ali stocks tradedJed on Ihe New cent declimline in th e fourth ([uarler. York Slock Kxcliangc.e. Ilosl lo "Next yearye ue should Ih* liaek on - - -647.13 following Presiderident Reagan's -Irartrngainain.” liesaid. - • - ------------ comment Sundin lhat "I think this is .Mien Sinai,Sii senior i'conoinisl at WBSm* miI.' / a lig h t a n d . 1 ho p e .slio rtrt recession."rc Data Resoi•sources Inc. economie con- Analysts said Wall StreetStn was un- suiting lirrirm said: "Tlie issue is not — cflrtain-whother=tlieenati<iation-:isrinrfltczrwhclhcn\'c v c ‘rritrnTevc5?ioinmrnow7Z t. g rip of a rec essio n . lo n g it w iltiiib I c ." House Speaker Tiionlioinas "Tip" Sinai pre)ri'dictc‘d Ihe eeonuiny uouldI ■■■■ ■ k)SANFX3U>irtb7Tii^K.i;"'SU! H O'Neill called Reagan’ian’s reci'ssion pjek up t>yl>y Ihe second ha lf of ne.xl pronouncement "a devaevastating ad- year, bulll hI e .said llie lirning of Itio[ Smoothiniig steps mission. Instead of theth( promised tumuruundind would depend on tmu • A t tthe t com ^‘ of Addison Avei Reagan recovery, wc hav(lavc tw n given mucti thele recessioni cjn bring down venue and sldewalic as! peoplepe and traffic pass by. T w in F a lls lh a t Is beingDg Vw ldeocd to m a k e H ' E assUaQd U Drive, Lex Christiansen ■ th e K ca g an R e ce ssio n ." interest ratratesand inflalion. ^ n o ^ T w in ____ Eastland.Driv.i'riv.e..ls_one.of_the streets inI It safer for lumlng vdilcletildes. - _. ■ ! for a new Alan Greenspan, forme•mer ciiairman "We're[• inii a period ol stagnation."; F a llslls smooths out the surface fo of the Council of Kconoinlomic .\dvi.sers said Dr.r. Kieliard Hahn, chieff ----------------------------------------- under President Ford, saidsa availalile c“conomistst of the Chaml)er of Coin- d a ta c le a rly in d ic ated thatlhat a roei‘ssion m erce off thetl fnilc'd Stales.
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