r FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1972 PAGlfi TW5!NTY;F0UR > iiattrtfPBtpr iEttming l|?ralb At the Center The Weather Coventry With Glenti Gamher Fair arid humid tonight, lows In the 70s with a 20 per cent iPage 5 lEupnt« 5 to a U ) chance of rain. Hazy and humid, a chance of showers Sunday, Tax Deadline Aug. 1 Manchester— A City of Village Charm high 95. Gardening Tax Collector 'Audrey Bray ting by Qreg Locke, Curt Le­ VOL. XCI, NO. 243 (FOURTEEN PAGES— TV SECTION) ts reminding Coventry residents Doyt smd Dwayne Beagla. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1972 (Classified Advertising on Page 11) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS and property owners that tsuc- Other members of the Coven- es on the Grand List of Octo- try All-Stars are Dave Blwell, ber 1, 1971 are due and payable Ken Qoodale, Kevin Qraen, l^u prior to August 1. , LaBrec, ^Lee Martin, A1 i Frank Atwood Payments may be made dm Nominees Open either at her office In the Town Tomanelll, Sm U W^*®ce, Bill ■'What Is the of the automatic controls, twice a day. Mr. Devanney points out, Is Hall or by mall. In which case Seatim pretty flowers?" summer; If the winter basically residential, which Is these wishing a receipt should ^ become elec- ' r / " sun Is unusually bright, the his reason for not putting up a enclose a stamped, self-address- PP i„ the ReaU Secret Talks This Is a quesUon asked many ^^tered three Umes sign. It Is a reason also for the ed envelope with their payment. of M l Campaign Race times a day at the checkout a day. Lantana plants. Mrs. Bray will hold addlUon- counters in the Highland Park white flies and aphids are Moths and CaterplUars al office hours for the ^nven- aimltcant must be 18 years Market on Highland St. at Wyl- pests of the Lantana and are The helpful Extension Service lence of taxpayers beginning ^ cltlsen of the United ivo -Tho nnawer "ijin . conttoSed in the g^Tcenhouse reminds us that the snow-white July 22 when her office will be 0,^,.. o. well as a bona fide On a New Note ^ both with sprays and with sys- months that have been flutter- open from 9:30 a.m. to noon, resident of the town In wMch ho A row of eight Lantana plants Insecticide, watered into Ing around street lights recently The same hours will apply also fo r^ m lss lo n . MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) —, A new coalition has n iw w \JL ucviit-cuto. orA TJnrtAn mnthfl thft Afliilt nn .Tiilv 9fl ^ HO^W^l in hanging baskets extends l^vanney rem its arln*n«mrm* iv^os hnnrn will be 7 to ^ven new leadership to the Democratic party — and A Possibility set-oao fho*fnont of the otore there have been no pests on stage of the elm span-worm. On July 28, hours will bo 7 to Barry Young, Hemlock P t, Is George McGovern and Thomas F. Eagleton have less under the e d ^ of tb« ilreh his plants at the Store. The sys- The females have been laying 9 p.m. In addition to the regu- a surgical patient on the fifth than tour months to shape it into a national majority to roof Graceful drools \dnes insecticide that came eggs on the underside of lar week day hours. floor of the Tomkins_______ ________ Building, wm the White House from Richard Nixon. STar a pAfuslon of smafl flow- '^0' I" t»»e the branches or In ®n,vices Bills amcuntlng to *60 orless They left here BYlday, buoyed ----------- ----------------. Le Due Tho Returns to Paris er clusters in a color that has greenhouse may be sUll effec- where ^ hatch ^mo 1" ^ .. ^ th ^aven, where he will remain for by a DemocraUc National Con- Mprinv.,-., been described as rosy lilac f'®' Mr. Albasl points out spring w^®n they^^^ totaling more han *60 may venUon marked by relaUve In- *o ‘ he nomination Is PARIS (AP) — Hanoi Polit­ immediate resignation of South 10-week break and will continue buro member Le Due Thb re­ against a background of green «t®t with a ^ v e d park- ca te ^ ill^ s to feed on f o l l ^ paid in two InstallmenU, the jje would appreciate hearing temal harmony and a lack of ele^Uon*'®"' Vietnamese President Nguyen next Thursday. The Commu­ leaves ^ front of the store the again. These are the naked, first this month and the second from his friends external disruption, to wage a ... jj i n .u turned to Paris today and said Van Thieu ,and the setting up of nists have always insisted teat Lantana is a tropical plant plants are nicely isolated from brown "inch-w ori^” 1^^ in January 1973. -------- campaign they hope will t ^ - addition, the Democrats he is prepared to hold new se­ a coalition government In Sai­ the plenary sessions must go on cret talks with Dr. Henry Kis­ And thHvA** In hot weather with weeds which act ahead of the hairy, and larger bills are sent out for thd Manchester Evening Herald t o r ^ tel T neran Joll^l what promises to be the gon. before any secret talks can be ggg^g most massive effort In history singer if Kissinger has "some­ s t i r f u T l s u r -I^^ese flowers ^ost plants for the insects, catej^llare of the ^ y m ^ j ^ „ a r y payment, Coventry coreapondent, Holly The semipublic plenary ses­ held. Tho and Kissinger met for thing new" to discuss. will continue blooming and the Mr. Albasl says the systemic Persons who recently pur- Oantner, tel. 142-8798. Already, its shape seems sions of the Vietnam peace the last time May 2 In Paris, vlnes will grow longer until insecticides are "wonderful." ®®®"' ™® »te^ *H ars are pu- chased property In town and clear: Despite the pledge of a Tho, returning from Hanoi by talks resumed Thursday after a with no apparent results. fall Picked up by the plant roots, who did not receive a tax bill national campaign, tee empha- way of Peking and Moscow after an absence of about two John (Jack) Devanney, own- they are carried through the in the coccoon stage. The male should contact Mrs. Bray at her Jane Fonda sis win be on the Industelal m u o Z « ^nu er of High land Park Market plant tissues with the sap, and jnoths are sm ^l and office. She warns residenits that Eastern and Midwestern heart- N ovem ^r months, spoke briefly with was attracted to Lantana when since both white fUes and « they did not receive a bill and On Red' Radio land and tee Pacific coast. ~ newsmen at Le Bourget Air­ he saw It at Rockport, Mass., aphids are sucking Insects, the will Iw in almost c o n s ^ t flight, taxes due, it is their re- TOKYO (AlP) — Actress Jane Funds wlU be plentiful, and tee minorities. port. where it hangs from light poles chemical takes effect when sponsibility to contact her. Fonda has gone on Radio Hanoi organization that carried ^ woman and a Tho has held a series of pri­ __ females. These ere white, very along the street and where he they feed on the sap. Coventry All-Stars and denounced the U.8 . bomb- black man to head tee Demo- vate talks with Kissinger in tee Bombers Rattle ------------------------------------------------- cratlc National Committee past. He was asked If he is also saw it across the front of Taking care of a -----Lantana--------- in and so heaw with einra that The Coventry American ing of dikes In North Vietnam, symbolizes tee new team’s a Rockport grocery store. the home during the— winter-------- cannot^fly T l ^ stay League All-Stars of the Uttle the Vietnam News Agency re- ready to meet with President He bought his first plants months is difficult. Tliey are ^®^ cannot hopes for breaking tradlUonal Nixon’s national security advi­ 5 John Devanney uses hose to water Lantana plants in hanging baskets at his ^ii^erev^tSey h^tch IJ^ually^n Lea|ue have been Invited to ported today, food store, the Highland Park Market. Some customers identify the store as three years ago, learned how to evergreens, w h l^ hold Uielr ^ ^ parUclpate in the Tolland Tour- Tbe agency said the broad- patterns. sor again. Quang Tri Area “ the one with pretty flowers across the front. (Herald photo by Becker) take care of them and makes leaves and must be kept grow- ® '” ® « « y y,ls weekend. In addl- cost was directed to "all the M cGovern Despite tee emoUonal uplift He replied: "If Mr. Kissinger it his personal responsibility to ing with no dormant ^ rio d Di- ^ ®^a „ „ „ Inter-town play U.S. servicemen Involved” in teat always comes from the cli­ has something new to say and see Uiat Uiey are watered and rections are to cut them back J“^® '*®" raids against North Vietnam, max of a convenUon, even shows an Interest in seeing me, SAIGON (A P)— U.S. B52 bombers killed nearly 300 when It takes place at 3 a.m. I am ready to see him to dis­ North 'Vietnamese troops and smashed t^ieir equipment South Windsor fed regularly® *' and turned oc- when. they^ are taken In the- These einrs also will hatch next ^he locallOCai team defeatedaeieaiea Col-v-/Oi- Earlier, the agency reported caslonally so that all sides of house, reduce the amount of w s o j ^ Chester in the first all-star game that Miss Fonda had visited an Tries Out and mariy television viewers cuss a correct solution to tee in massive air strikes on two sides of Quang Tri City, '^ e me^Ume^^ments this week, 6-6.
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