KENTUCKY STATE USBC BOWLING ASSOCIATION VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 KSBA NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2014 TWO NEW MEMBERS INDUCTED TO KSBA INSIDE THIS ISSUE: KSBA Hall of Fame 1-2 HALL OF FAME DURING ANNUAL Ceremony MEETING Richard Saylor - 2, 5-6 2014 KSBA President (Article Written By Pete Atkeson) has been a director, Vice- Lindon Memorial 3-4 President and President. Youth Challenge Two new members of fill the requirements nec- Welden has been an ac- Kentuckians Compete 5 the Kentucky State essary to be elected. tive member of the Ken- USBC Bowling Associa- in 2014 USBC Senior A brief synopsis of the tucky State USBC Bowl- Championships tion were inducted into bowlers elected to the ing Association for elev- 2014 Kentucky Open the KSBA Hall of Fame Hall of Fame follows: en years, serving on a 6 during the KSBA Annual Tournament Hancel Welden: Hancel, number of committees. Meeting on November 2, 31st Annual KSBA 62 years old, has been In his spare time Weld- 7 2014 held in Paducah, Senior Tournament Kentucky. The new mem- around bowling for about en likes to hunt and fish. bers were: James E. Noe 52 years. He is a lifetime His biggest catfish he has Interesting & Odd 8 Facts About Bowling (Service) and Hancel K. member of the Henderson caught was 42 pounds. That is a lot of fish to Welden (Service). USBC Bowling Associa- Tips To Becoming A 9 tion as well as a member bread and deep fry. When Better Bowler To be elected into the of their Hall of Fame, Welden isn’t fishing he KSBA Hall of Fame one inducted during the 2000 doesn’t mind listening to Special Olympics 9 is either nominated for season. His highest game music. Some of his favor- News From Around their service and/or per- to date is a 280 with a ites are Elvis, Creedence 10 The State formance in the sport of 757 serving as his highest Clearwater Revival bowling. They must also series. A 200 average (CCR) and the Beatles. News From Around 11-12 show, through their com- represents Welden’s best The United States petitive skills, leadership If there were a couple and/or contributions, that of things about bowling KSBA State Jamboree 12 they have enriched the he could change Welden reputation and progress mentioned that “We need Did You Know…. 13 of the game of bowling. more advertising. Our local paper doesn’t do a Upcoming Tourna- 14 Up to two bowlers can be ment & Events elected into either the whole lot for bowling, Performance or Service not even reporting the KSBA Board of Di- 15 categories for a maxi- scores we turn in. The rectors other item would be the mum of four overall. 2014 59th Annual 16 lane conditions where KSBA Handicap Typically, during the they could be made more State Jamboree held on Bowling Tournament (Hancel Welden—picture taken consistent from week to the 2nd full weekend of week.” July, the Hall of Fame by Pete Atkeson) Committee reviews any His wife’s name is Ra- nominations submitted average. In 2011 Welden chel and they have six and then select those that won the Doubles and children—five boys and SPECIAL POINTS OF fulfill the requirements Team titles in the KSBA one girl, ranging in ages INTEREST: necessary to be elected. State Tournament when it from 16 to 45. The Weld- was held in Lexington. en family lives in Hen- Hancel Welden There are some years in derson, Kentucky. which there are no nomi- While serving with the James Noe nations submitted, or Henderson Association In closing Welden men- those that are, do not ful- for twenty years Welden (continued on page 2) P AGE 2 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 TWO NEW MEMBERS INDUCTED TO KSBA HALL OF FAME DURING ANNUAL MEETING (continued from page 1) and patient man, who is easy going to grow the numbers of bowlers tions “I’m really excited about be- and gets along well with all the involved. He always worked to ing elected into the KSBA Hall of bowlers. He has always strived for make everyone feel welcome com- Fame, it’s something I have always quality in bowling. He always fortable, whether he was acting as a wanted to happen. Bowling is a makes his teammates and others bowler or business owner.” sport I’ve enjoyed for most of my feel comfortable and still competi- life.” Welden adds that “Bowling is tive. Also, as an alley owner, he did for those who like to get out and much to help the community, host- have some fun. Enjoy the friends ing Special Olympic events, hosting you bowl with. It’s not just some- functions for local church groups thing to do, it’s a sport.” and even hosting the Team event James Noe: James, of Mt. Vernon, for the 2004 State Tournament. Kentucky, has been a fixture in the Noe has bowled in many city, Madison County USBC Bowling local and state tournaments during Association for almost a half centu- his bowling career. His highest av- ry. While active as a league bowler erage in a season was a 199. Noe’s for 46 years Noe was also the owner best game was a 280 and highest Consider possible candidates for inclu- of Madison County’s first bowling series was a 750. sion into next year’s class of Bowling center, Maroon Lanes, for eighteen Jack Noe further mentioned Hall of Fame inductees. Submit your years. “James, in all the years he has been nominations to the KSBA Association Jack Noe, who submitted the bowling, has acted as a ambassador Manager before the KSBA State Jam- nomination, stated “James is a quiet for the sport and worked diligently boree in July 2015. RICHARD SAYLOR—2014 K.S.B.A. PRESIDENT (Article Written By Pete Atkeson) he realized teaching would not sup- This firm was eventually bought out Richard bowled for the first time port his family the way he would by G& C Multi-Services where he when he was on R & R during a like. It was then that he hired on currently runs a parts counter. A tour in Vietnam May of 1971. He with Bell South, working there for total of 11 years has been spent do- bowled several more times after that ing this kind of work. while in the service. Saylor has been married for 30 When his enlistment was up in years to Nan and has three chil- 1972, Saylor joined an industrial dren—two sons and a daughter bowling league that his father from a previous marriage, ranging (Isaac) was a part of. Saylor is a self in ages from 36 to 39. -taught bowler who picked up some When not bowling, Saylor likes to techniques while watching others spend his time golfing and fishing. bowl. His highest average was a Living near Lake Barkley gives him 198 when he was living in Louis- plenty of opportunities to fish. ville. His best game was a 279 and the best series was a 735. Getting back to bowling, Saylor mentioned a couple of pet peeves: Over the years, while working in (Richard Saylor—picture taken by Pete one deals with the lack of respect different locations, Saylor has Atkeson) bowlers show today. For example a bowled in Winchester, Lexington, bowler may have a string of ten in a Paris, Louisville and Paducah. twenty five years before retiring. row going in the tenth frame and Where Saylor worked had a lot to Still needing to earn income, since bowlers on either side don’t seem to do with his moving around. After he wasn’t eligible for a pension, care and continue to bowl as if graduating from Morehead State Saylor started with another firm that nothing were happening. Back in dealt with hydraulic machinery. University with a degree in history (continued on page 5) KSBA NEWSLETTER P AGE 3 LINDON MEMORIAL YOUTH CHALLENGE SPRINGS FORTH FROM A TRAGIC FIRE (Article Written By Pete Atkeson) don Memorial Youth Challenge. It level in 1998 and continue to do Imagine, if you will, living the was a way Jim could reach out to so.” life of a foster child, one filled with others as Linville and Norma Jean The inaugural Lindon Memorial the uncertainties of life, never had reached out to him when he was Youth Challenge was held last year knowing when you might be moved about ten years old. at Eastland Lanes in Lexington, KY from one family to the next, endur- Jim said “Our parents were very and thirty-seven kids (29 boys and 7 ing one challenge right after anoth- loving and generous people, they girls) from Kentucky, Indiana and er. Then, at long last, you are placed had taken in over 100 foster kids to Ohio participated. Over $2000 in with a family that loves you and better their lives. I was a ten year scholarship money was awarded takes care of you, making you feel old boy when I became one of those with $475 going to the first place as though you’re one of them. Pret- kids. I like to say that I was the boy, Zach Schnieder of Cynthiana, ty good feeling—right? You better lucky one because I was blessed to KY and $120 going to the first believe it. be able to spend the rest of my life place girl, Jenna Coldiron of Cin- This is exactly what happened to with them which brings us to why cinnati, OH. Jim Land.
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