Price € 1,00. Back issues € 2,00 L’O S S E RVATOR E ROMANO WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Fifty-third year, number 36 (2.662) Vatican City Friday, 4 September 2020 Announcement by Pope Francis at the first public General Audience after lockdown Day of prayer and fasting for Lebanon One month after a massive explosion at a fertilizer and to help it emerge from this grave crisis, Dear bishops, priests, consecrated and lay per- storage facility in Beirut, Pope Francis expresses his without becoming caught up in regional tensions. sons, continue to accompany the faithful. Of you, and the Church’s solidarity with the troubled nation. In a special way, my thoughts turn to the bishops and priests, I ask apostolic zeal, poverty At the General Audience, 2 September, he calls for a people of Beirut, who have suffered so greatly and austerity. Be poor together with your poor worldwide day of prayer on Friday, 4 September. The from the explosion. Brothers and sisters, take and suffering people. Be the first to give an ex- following is the English text of the Pope's words. courage once more! Let faith and prayer be your ample of poverty and humility. Help the faithful strength. Do not abandon your homes and your and your people to rise again and contribute ac- Dear Brothers and Sisters, heritage. Do not abandon the dreams of those tively to a new rebirth. May all alike foster con- One month after the tragedy that struck the city who believed in the dawn of a beautiful and pros- cord and renewal in the name of the common of Beirut, my thoughts turn once again to Leba- perous country. good and a genuine culture of encounter, peace- non and its people, so sorely tried. The priest be- ful coexistence and fraternity. Fraternity: a word side me has brought the Lebanese flag to this so dear to Saint Francis. May this concord be a Audience. source of renewal in the common interest. This will prove a sure basis for the continuity of the Today, I would repeat the words spoken by Christian presence and your own inestimable con- Saint John Paul II thirty years ago, at a crucial tribution to the country, the Arab world and the moment in Lebanon’s history: “Faced with re- whole region, in a spirit of fraternity among all peated tragedies which each of the land’s inhabi- the religious traditions present in Lebanon. tants knows, we are aware of the extreme danger that threatens the very existence of the country: For this reason, I would ask everyone to join in Lebanon cannot be abandoned in its solitude” a universal day of prayer and fasting for Lebanon (Apostolic Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic on Friday next, 4 September. I intend to send my Church on the situation in Lebanon, 7 September own representative to Lebanon that day to be 1989). present with its people: The Secretary of State For over a hundred years, Lebanon has been a will go in my name to express my spiritual close- country of hope. Even in the darkest periods of ness and solidarity. Let us pray for Lebanon as a its history, the Lebanese people maintained their whole and for Beirut. And let us demonstrate our faith in God and proved capable of making their closeness by concrete works of charity, as on other land a place of tolerance, respect and coexistence similar occasions. I also invite our brothers and unique in that region. How true it is that Leba- sisters of other religious confessions to join in this non is more than a State: it is “a message of free- initiative in whatever way they deem best, but to- dom and an example of pluralism, both for the gether as one. East and for the West” (ibid.). For the good of And now I ask you to entrust to Mary, Our the country and the world, we cannot let this leg- Lady of Harissa, our hopes and our fears. May acy be lost. she sustain all who grieve for their loved ones and I encourage all Lebanese to persevere in hope instil courage in those who have lost their homes and to summon the strength and energy needed and, with them, a part of their lives! May she in- to start anew. I ask political and religious leaders tercede with the Lord Jesus so that the Land of to commit themselves with sincerity and openness Cedars may flourish once again and spread the to the work of rebuilding, setting aside all parti- fragrance of fraternal coexistence throughout the san interests and looking to the common good entire Middle East. and the future of the nation. Once again, I ask And now I ask everyone, to the extent it is pos- the international community to support Lebanon sible, to stand and pray in silence for Lebanon. Wednesday catechesis The Holy Father expresses condolences Only together can we Dutch Cardinal Adrianus Simonis dies emerge from crises Cardinal Adrianus Johannes Simonis, Archbishop emeritus of Utrecht, the PAGE 3 Netherlands, passed away on Wednesday, 2 September, at the age of 88. Upon learning of the death of the Dutch Cardinal, Pope Francis expressed his condolences in a telegram addressed to Cardinal Willem Jacobus Eijk, who succeeded the late Cardinal as Archbishop of Utrecht. The Church has lost someone “with a great pastoral heart”, said Cardinal Eijk. The Message for the following is the English text of the Holy Father’s telegram. Care of Creation Saddened to learn of the death of Cardinal Adrianus Johannes Si- monis, I send prayerful condolences to you and to the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Archdiocese. Commending his soul to the lov- ing mercy of Jesus the Good Shepherd, I join you in giving thanks to Almighty God for the late Cardinal’s faithful witness to the Gospel, his years of devoted episcopal ministry to the Churches of Rotterdam and Utrecht, and his valued efforts in the service of ecclesial commu- nion. To all who mourn Cardinal Simonis in the sure hope of the Res- urre c tion, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of con- solation and peace in the risen Lord. FRANCISCUS P P. PAGE 4/5 SEE NEXT WEEK’S EDITION FOR THE BIO GRAPHY OF THE L AT E CARDINAL page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 4 September 2020, number 36 The encounter with people Francis and the VAT I C A N General Audiences BULLETIN ALESSANDRO GISOTTI One hundred eighty-nine. Many days separate the last General AUDIENCES Archbishop Ettore Balestrero, titu- NECROLO GY Audience with the faithful in lar Archbishop of Vittoriana, Saint Peter’s Square, on 26 Feb- Friday, 28 August Apostolic Nuncio to the Demo- Bishop Antonio Bayter Abud, ruary, from the one that took H.E. Ms Juvita Rodrigues Barreto cratic Republic of the Congo M X Y, titular Bishop of Sucarda, place on 2 September in the San Vicar Apostolic emeritus of De Ataíde Gonçalves, Ambassador Bishop Felix Gmür of Basel, Damaso courtyard of the Inírida, at age 86 (21 Aug.) of East Timor, for the presentation Switzerland Apostolic Palace. A long time of her Letters of Credence Archbishop Hippolyte Simon, that seemed even longer because, Monday, 31 August Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, Arch- Archbishop emeritus of Clermont, thanks to the catecheses and per- bishop of Perugia-Città della Archbishop Brian Udaigwe, titular France, at age 76 (25 Aug.) haps even more to Francis’ ges- Pieve, Italy, President of the Itali- Archbishop of Suelli, Apostolic tures and spontaneous expres- an Episcopal Conference Nuncio to Sri Lanka sions, the General Audiences have become an anticipated Bishop Dodë Gjergji of Prizren- event, followed not only by Cath- Prishtina, Kosovo CHANGES IN EP I S C O PAT E olic faithful, but also by many Presentation of the new Missal of The Holy Father accepted the Ambassador of who, even if separated from the the Italian Episcopal Conference resignation of Bishop Jean Marie Church, have listened to the Saturday, 29 August Vu Tât from his office as Bishop Japan Pop e. of the Diocese of Hung Hoá, Viêt Just as in the case of the morn- H.E. Mr Seiji Okada, Ambassador Nam (29 Aug.). ing Masses at Casa Santa Marta, of Japan, for the presentation of the now more than 300 General The Holy Father accepted the his Letters of Credence Audiences are also characterized resignation of Bishop Giacinto- Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, first and foremost by the en- Boulos Marcuzzo from his office Prefect of the Congregation for counter with the People of God. as Auxiliary Bishop of the Patri- the Evangelization of Peoples That is the heart. The homilies archal Diocese of Jerusalem for pronounced during morning Latins (29 Aug.). Mass are as brief as the cat- The Holy Father appointed Father echeses at the General Audiences, Gheevarghese (George) Kurisum- often enriched by the addition of Ambassador of moottil as Auxiliary Bishop of the off-the-cuff comments and not Archieparchy of Kottayam for rarely by dialogues with the audi- East Timor Syro-Malabars, India. Until now ence present. “If you read” — he he has served as syncellus for once stated — “you cannot look Syro-Malankars. The bishop-elect people in the eye”. has taken the name Gheevarghese Francis instead devotes a long Mar Aprem (29 Aug.). H.E. Mr Seiji Okada, 64, is time, at times surprisingly long, Bishop-elect Mar Aprem Kur- married and has two children. to meeting people in person and isummoottil, 59, was born in He holds a law degree from in particular the frailest, the sick, Tiruvalla, India.
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