UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/3216 ,·COUNCIL 20 Nay 1954 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH ---------_._--._, LETTER DATED 18 NAY 1954 FROll TH3 REPRESENTATIVE OF ISRAEL ADDRESSED TO THE PRESIDENT 0,' THE SECURITY COUNCIL I have the honour to transmit herewith a list ~f incidents which have occurred on the Israel-Jordan border during the period ~arcb 30, 1954 to ~BY 11, 1954 and to request that the list be made available to the members ~f the Security Council and circulated am~Lg all the members of the Go!ted Natiol"J.s. Please accept, Sir, etc~ (Signed) Aban Eban Ambassador and Per~anent Representative of Israel to the United Nations - __ .._--------- S/3216 English Page 2 ,, LIST OF INCIDEi'lTS IIllICH OCCURRED ON THH ISRAEL-JORDAN BORDER DURING TllE PERIOD 30 MARCH TO 11 MAY 1954 1. On 30 March 1954, ~t 2100 hours an Israel patrol was attacked by automatic fire near Kessalon. 2. During the night of 30..31 March 1954, starting at 2,00 hours the village . of 1'-1evoot Eetal' was attacked for two hours by fire from across the borderG 3. On 31 March 1954, at 1230 hours Jordanians opened fire near Hartuv on an Israel passenger train. 4. On 1 April 1954, at 0200 hours fire i,,15 opened on Mt'''voot Betar from the direction of' Wadi Fu~in. 5. On 3 April 1954, at 2350 hours an :81'.1el patrol clashed with a band of armed ,infiltrators in the Hevoot Betar area, driving it back across the border. 6. On 4 April 1954, at 1800 hours Arab Legionnaires stationed on the City Wall of Old Jerusalem opened fire on a house in the New City. 7. During the night of 4-5 April 1954 armed Jordanians attempted to raid Ramat Hakovesh. One Arab infiltrator was killed by his own hand grenade. 8. During the night of 6-7 April. 1954, Moshav Aminadav near Jel~usalem was attacked by Jordanian raiders. The exchaIlge of fire lasted for half an hour. 9. On 11 April 1954 at 2].00 hours Jordanians opened fire from the direction of Khirbet Khafira on Maaleh Hahamisha. 10. On 11 April 1954 at 2300 hours shots were fired on Ramat Rahel from the direction of Bethlehem and Sur Bahir. 11. On 12 April 1954, at 1630 hours an Israel patrol in the vicinity of Maaleh Hahamisha ''las attacked by automatic fire from Khirbet Khafira. 12. On 13 April 1954 a tractor driver, while ploughing at Xad Hannah, was severely vlOl.mded by shots fired from across the border. 13. On 13 April 1954 an Israel patrol vas attacked near Kiryat Yearim by automatic fire from Katanna. 14. On 14 Apri;L 1954 a geological survey team was fired at by Jordanians Dear Elath. 15. On 15 April 1954 ~ordanian raiders attacked a watclIDlan at Ramat Rabel with automatic weapons. 8/3216 English Page 3 • 16. On 17 Apri~ 1954 fire was opened on Israel Forces' at Shaar Hagai trom Deil' Ayoub. 17. On 19 April 1954 an Israel patro,l was fired OD near Shaar Haga! by machine guns from Khirbet Hirsha.. 18. On 24 April 1954 an Israel Police Patrol at Khlrbet 1111n was subjected for 2 and 1/2 hours to fire from rifles, machine guns and three-inch mortars. 19. On 26 April 1954 a band o~ armed marauders penetrated into Moshav Nahasaeya and withdrew after an exchang~ of fire. 20. On 27 April 1954 Kibbutz Nachshon near Latrun was attacked. by .. ~f'le ri1'e from across the border. 21.. On 27 April 1951~ Jordanian mines were detected nesr Ahu7"am. 22. On 27 April 1954 two m~mbers of the Jordanian National Gual"d attempted to kidnap an Israeli citizen near Neveh Yamin. 23. On 30 April 1954 an ambush of armed raiders was detected on the Af'ula­ Hedera Road. The raiders withdre,v after an exchange of fire. 24. On 1 May 1954 a lI'al1. was stabbed and robbed near Hartuv by four armed marauders. Their tracks led to the NORI-mn ls land near Latrun. 25. On 4 May 1951j. a villager of Mevoot Betar, an his way to WOI'll; at the water pumps at Ras El Arar, found the rO<3,d blocked by a pile of pipes and was fired at from ambush by Jordanians. 26. On 4 May 1954 automatic and rifle fire was directed fram Kakun on Israeli watchmen guarding a team of harve3ters. 27. On 5 May 1954 tw·o Jordanians, tryinG to crOSs .from the. No-Man t s land nOl---th of Beit Nube into Israel territory were repulsed. Later, heavy automatic and rifle ftre was opened from across the border. 28. On 5 May 1954 an army vehicle, which had brok~n down near the junction of Shaar Hagai and Hartuv roads, vas fired on. 29. On 7 May 1954 a night watchman from Kaste~ was killed on his way to Arza. His sten-gun and two magazines were taken. Tracks of three men leading to the border were discovered. 8/3216 English Pase 4 30. all 9 l-hy 1954J at 0600 houl"'(l, an Israel police patrol ''TaB attaclced by Jordanian armed forces e,'c Khirbet H].in. 1J.1fO members of the patrol were seriously \founded and later killed 1:1 cold blood and dragged into Jordan territory by advancing Jordan forces. At 0930 hours an Israel army unit arriyed at Kht'rbet Illin and drove the Jordanians beel\: to the demarcation line. During the fightine one Israeli soldier was killed and two others were W'JW'~ded. The bodies of' the two policemen were returned to Israel on the morning of 10 J.1ay J_95l~ at the Manc1elbaurn Gate in Jerunalem. 31 .. On 10 Mr,.;,r 195)l-, at 0430 hours, the command caT of' an. Israel border patrol ,ms shot at from acr':JS the border on the Zeita road. The command car ""as hit. 32, On 10 HJy 1951~, at 0430 hQUl'G, an Israel border vatl'ol on the Shmreika .. Road ,me attac~;:ed b~r elements of' th'~ Arab Legion. ,.3. On 10 }./c.;y 195t~, at 0530 hours" an Isr;3.el border patrol \Tas fired at by Arab Le~ic~ai~es ne~: Kasses villase., 34. On la l-1~" 195:} 1 e.t O~ 'lQ hours, a'l ISY'8el border patrol was attaclted by a unit of the k~t·;,b Le;3ioll on the Falame road. 35. On la Ma,y 1951~, duri 19 th0 lnol~nine -the Arab L~gion opened heavy ftre on an Israel bOl·J.~r paGX'ol no::th·east Cl' E;yal. 36. On 10 r-1C~F 195:+, a.t ::..lcOO ho·~.rd, :fire ,was opened by Jordanians from the direct::'0::1 of K~':_~;"':'].;'re on \'i..'.la/121,'8 iofOrk::'ng ill the fields of Eyal and Nil' :S:.l,:::'u. le :::::J:'2~1 bo:.',:'er pa'Gl"ol r-.::turned the fire. One member of 37. On 11 M&"jF 195~·} at 194.0 hours, Arab Lel3i,onuaires fired into the Musrara Quarter of Jerusalem. ,.""n""-"-~' I f' - ',"-.
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