Map 31 Cirta Compiled by E.W.B. Fentress, 1994 Introduction Map 31 Cirta Map 34 Numidia Gsell’s AAA, an extraordinary research tool, covers the whole of the tell and the pre-desert. Compiled in the first decade of the twentieth century, it draws upon all the available reports from local archaeologists, as well as upon the labors of the Brigades Topographiques, who marked ancient sites and features on the 1:50,000 maps. Clearly, some areas were better served than others. The large French community at Constantine (ancient Cirta), for example, supported its own archaeological society and journal, so it is not by chance that the surrounding area is very well known. The visible difference, however, between settlement in the more mountainous areas and that on the high plains to the south is a genuine reflection of ancient conditions. In areas such as the upper valley of the Oued Soummam (ancient Sava/Nasabath fl.), numerous sites are marked, but almost all of them are tumuli. Directory references are almost exclusively to AAA, which regularly gives all the known classical references to a toponym. Major sites are also covered by other works, notably Gsell (1901). Another important source for Roman occupation in the area around Sitifis is Février (1967). The number of sites known in the area covered by the two maps is much larger than those that have been marked. The latter include sites with an area exceeding one hectare, together with any of special significance; consequently, all small farms are omitted. The many unnamed settlements may be reckoned to date to the Roman and Late Roman periods. Unnamed forts are in most cases Late Roman; tumuli are probably all pre-Roman. Sites marked as tumuli may be cemeteries as well. The dating of the great Numidian cemeteries is never certain, and probably extends over several centuries. The roads have been studied in detail, first by Gsell himself, then by Salama, whose work (1951; 1980) has been invaluable in preparing the maps. Roads shown are based on the work of both these scholars, with some modifications of my own. Desanges (1962), with the adjustments found in his edition of Pliny (1980), is followed for the placement of tribal names. The Late Roman topography of North Africa, which derives mainly from Christian sources, has been the subject of two essential studies, one by Desanges and Lancel (Desanges 1983), the other by Lancel (1991). X. Dupuis and P. Salama have offered advice on the more dubious attributions. In spite of the rich epigraphic record, our inability to match toponyms with sites remains acute. For over 90 sites we can make a reasonably confident attempt. Yet 80 other toponyms attested in such sources as Augustine and TabPeut cannot be identified on the ground, while more than 20 settlement sites (villages or larger) remain anonymous. Directory All place names are in Algeria Abbreviations AAA S. Gsell, Atlas archéologique de l'Algérie, Paris and Algiers, 1911 Augustine, Epistulae 1*- S. Lancel (ed.), Augustin: Lettres 1*-29*, Etudes Augustiniennes, Paris, 1987 CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum ILAlg S. Gsell (ed.), Inscriptions latines de l'Algérie, 2 vols., Paris and Algiers, 1922, 1957 484 MAP 31 CIRTA Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference D4 Ad Portum? RL Zebacha Hakkert, Lex. 2AdPortum2 G4 Ad Rubras? RL Henchir Ain Kerna AAA 18.173 C4 Ad Sava Municipium RL Hammam du Guergour AAA 16.6; EncBerb 21 Hammam Guergour C2 Africum Mare See Map 1 F4 Ain bou Merzoug ACH monument and cemetery Camps 1961, 581 F4 Ain Smara RL AAA 17.275 F4 Alpes Numidicae CIL 8.22210 E3 Am(p)saga fl. HRL Oued el Kebir AAA 8.5; EncBerb 4 G4 Aquae Thibilitanae RL Hammam Meskoutine AAA 9.144; EncBerb 22 Hammam Meskoutine D3 Assarath? fl. R Oued Nil AAA 8.1 F3 *Astora? HRL Stora AAA 8.194 H3 Asuccuris? RL Ascours AAA 9.81 F4 Azimacia R Le Hamma AAA 17.128 H4 Bagrada fl. ALG / TUN See Map 32 F4 Bou Nouara ACH Camps 1961, 581; EncBerb 10 G4 Calama HRL Guelma AAA 9.146; EncBerb 11 E4 Caput Amsagae R Azziz ben Tellis AE 1913.225; EncBerb 4 Ampsaga F4 Caput Amsagae R Sila ILAlg 2.6865; EncBerb 4 Ampsaga Caput Saltus Horreorum Pardalarii = Castellum Aurelianense Antoninianense E4 Castellum Arsacalitanum RL el Goulia AAA 17.111; EncBerb 12 Castellum C4 Castellum Aurelianense RL Ain Zada AAA 16.319; Février 1966, 220, 223; Antoninianense/ EncBerb 12 Castellum Caput Saltus Horreorum Pardalarii E4 *Castellum Caldis RL Mechta Nahar AAA 8.173; ILAlg 2.3445; EncBerb 12 Castellum C4 Castellum Dianense RL Gellal, Sidi Messaoud el CIL 8.8701; AAA 16.368; Hamdi Février 1966, 220, 223; EncBerb 12 Castellum E4 Castellum Elefantum RL Rouffach AAA 17.93; EncBerb 12 Castellum F4 Castellum Fabatianum? RL Ksar Mahidjiba AAA 17.172; EncBerb 12 Castellum C4 Castellum Gurolense RL Bir el Khreba? AAA 16.331; EncBerb 12 Castellum E4 Castellum Mastarense RL Beni Ziad AAA 17.94; EncBerb 12 Castellum *Castellum Medianum Matidium Alexandrianum Tilirvense? = Vicus Augusti Castellum Ro(...) = Civitas Nattabutum F4 Castellum Subzuaritanum RL Ain Sadjar AAA 17.271; EncBerb 12 Castellum C4 Castellum Thib(...) RL Ain Melloul AAA 16.371; Février 1967, 66; Soyer 1976, 142; EncBerb 12 Castellum B4 *Castellum Turrense RL el Mehiriss ILS 9382; AAA 15.82; EncBerb 12 § Kastellum Matidiae Castellum C4 Castellum Vartan(...) RL Koudia Adjela AAA 16.359; Février 1967, 66; EncBerb 12 Castellum E4 Castellum Zugal RL Ghoumeriane AE 1930.55; EncBerb 12 Castellum F3 Celtianis RL el Meraba AAA 8.91 § Castellum Celtianum EncBerb 12 Castellum C3 Centenarium Aqua Frigida L Tala K'frida AAA 7.61 E4 Chettaba HR sacred caves Alquier 1929, 132; EncBerb 12 E3 Chitouai R valley of Oued el Kebir Desanges 1962, 56 C3 Choba HRL Ziama AAA 7.68; EncBerb 13 F2 Chullu HRL Collo AAA 8.29; EncBerb 13 Collo MAP 31 CIRTA 485 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference F4 Cirta/ HRL/ Constantine AAA 17.126; PECS; Berthier 1980; Constantina L EncBerb 13 E4 Civitas Gentis RL Aziz ben Tellis AAA 17.214; Lancel 1991, 1397 Suburburum/ Idicra? G4 Civitas Nattabutum/ RL Oum Krékèche AAA 18.135; Lancel 1991, 1451-52 Castellum Ro(...) §Rotaria L Constantina = Cirta D4 Cuicul RL Djemila AAA 16.233; Allais 1971; PECS; EncBerb 16 G3 Culucitanis? HRL Sidi bou Mérouane AAA 2.2 G3 Djebel Felfela HR AAA 9.3 G3 Djebel Taya HR monument and mine Alquier 1929, 129-40 E4 *Emadaucapensis? RL Ain Kerma AAA 17.384 A3 Feratenses See Map 30 A3 Fer(r)atus M. See Map 30 Fines Africae et Mauretaniae? = Tucca? D4 Fons Camerata? RL Hammam des Beni AAA 17.10 Guecha F4 Fundus Seneci(...) R Chettaba? AAA 17.120; Bertrandy 1991 G4 Gadiaufala HRL Ksar Sbehi AAA 18.159, 179 § Gazophyla E4 Garbe? RL Ain Tamda AAA 17.44 B3 *Gebalusii R?L S Muslubium Desanges 1962, 53; EncBerb 20 Gedalusii G2 Giddaba? M. L Chetaibi area EncBerb 20 G3 Giddibenses? L Chetaibi area EncBerb 20 Giddaba D3 Goulos? fl. R Oued Jinejène AAA 7.79 H3 Hippo? Akra HRL Cap de Garde AAA 9.9 H3 Hippo Regius HRL Annaba, formerly Bône AAA 9.59; Desanges 1980, 201-203; EncBerb 5 Annaba F4 el Hofra H Cirta suburb Künzl 1979; EncBerb 13 Cirta, 1969 C4 Horrea RL Ain Roua AAA 16.78 Idicra? = Civitas Gentis Suburburum D3 Igilgili HRL Jijel AAA 7.77 G3 Jemmapes RL walled settlement AAA 9.38 D4 el Ksar RL AAA 16.168; Salama 1980, 106 D4 Koidamousioi R Oued bou Salah Desanges 1962, 57 C4 Lesbi? RL Tirermine Oulemouta AAA 16.3 D3 Machoures R Babors Desanges 1962, 59 E3 Marchubi R E Am(p)saga fl. Desanges 1962, 60 § Malchoubi B3 Masinissenses L near Petra Desanges 1962, 61 B4 Mauretania HRL RE D4 Med(iana?) RL Oued Arair AAA 16.418; Lancel 1991, 1420 F2 Metagonium Pr. R Cap Bougaroun AAA 1 E4 Milev RL Mila AAA 17.59; ItMiller 937 D4 Mopth(i?) RL Mons Galand 1949 C3 Muslubium HRL Sidi Rehane AAA 7.57 C4 Musoni RL S Sitifis Desanges 1962, 65; 1980, 340-41 H4 Nador AC Camps 1961, 577 486 MAP 31 CIRTA Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference Nasabath fl. = Sava fl. F4 Nicives RL near Tigisis / Hodna Desanges 1962, 124 H4 Niniba RL Haniniba AAA 9.214 D4 Novar(icia?) RL Beni Fouda AAA 16.216 B4 Numidae R Thubursicum Numidarum Desanges 1962, 128 E4 Numidia HRL RE D3 Numidicus Sinus AAA 8.24 E4 Numituriana?/ RL Ain Tine AAA 17.66 Saltus Caeliae Maximae E4 Oued Athmenia RL AAA 16.262 E3 Paccianis Matidiae?/ RL Merdja AAA 8.5 Tucca? D4 Pagus Thigillava RL Mechta Djillaoua AAA 16.269 G3 Paratianis RL Mechta el Hadjar AAA 9.4 B3 Petra L M'lakou AAA 6.1 A4 Phoimios fl. H?R Oued Sahel AAA 7.12 E4 *Phua RL Ain Fua AAA 17.162 § Cast. Phuensium EncBerb 12 Castellum C4 Praedia Iulii R el Anassar AAA 18.23 A3 Quinquegentiani See Map 30 G3 Roknia AC Camps 1961, 577 F3 Rusicade/ RL/ Ras Skikda AAA 8.196 Thapsus H A3 Rusazus? HRL Azeffoun AAA 6.70-71; Desanges 1980, 172-73 F4 *Saddar RL Ain el Bey AAA 17.276 § Respublica Saddaritanorum E3 Salassi(i) R el Ma el Abiod Desanges 1962, 68 C3 Saldae HRL Béjaia AAA 7.12 F4 Saltus Bagatensis RL el Aria AAA 17.158 Saltus Caeliae Maximae = Numituriana? G4 Saltus Poctanensis RL Bordj Sabath AE 1972, 221 (no. 697); Desanges 1989 P(h)osphorianus C4 Sapadenses RL Ain Timeridjine AAA 16.121 D4 Satafis RL Ain Kébira AAA 16.177 B3 Sava fl./ R/ Oued bou Sellam / Oued AAA 7.12.19; 16.6 Nasabath fl.
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