Long 'Van' ~- Short'Va"" ('('uts X",ns Spot... til.. ('op,­ A I"i..tu)·"s SJ•.iO '·..ar Volume III, No. 19 \\EEK END!' 'G DLCLMBER 14. 1934 Puhli'hed \\', ,kly This and That Gigantic Radio l\lonopoly Is Charge(I BylIforri. Ha.ting. ALL THI hubbub about the Sponsors Jllust Cut Down Big .Ch&~ii5 ncglc:ct of the Arn(;ClGtn mu· Sl ian has h.IJ at least one re~ult. Il has, wlthout question, brought Advertising, Says Heifetz Denounced young. fro \: 'r:Il. °ER JA~SSE.· into a.lmo::;t unprcccdent<:d, for an Prie~t ~merkan <.onJuctor, fame. By At the ten· W-orld Greets Suggests 2 llii IIl1tt~S der age of ,5 By Th< .1IlCROI'IIO.\CS Sp lal and to the :1e­ it~t Aitt~.· l/"',:.r!.Ji11K' (J/1 Cf)l"rt'j/JOJlJ(:'" compall j ment Christmas on QII or tngaging Ch.1rges that the National and Co- ~ companie~ publicity, Mr. I lumbiJ: broadlasting con­ Air Networks I stitule a monopoly h,1\ e ~en Jaid JANSSEN has Violinist Pnlises appeareJ as Announccmcnts of radio pro­ bt-fort" the BroaJCJ:.t DiYision 0 ~ he Chri~tmas ~t·.lson guest conduc­ grams for lhe Progress Of I Fedtral Communications Comr:iis­ tor of tilt: include a greeting by the King of sion by the Yer)' Re', JOliN B. New Yo r k Engbnd, J. mutual greeting be­ Radio liAR. LY, C S, P IJhilha r monic twc:tn 2') countries, religious scc\­ Father H \R TY. he.d of the _las! ices and J. broalkast or a Chri t slonary S<xit;ty of .... P..... l I he (the two Sun· U) :'\{OJuns H.4,STJ. (.S th~ -k~ d a)' conccrt~ mJ.s 0pUJ, Apostle in tate of .. T ew Yo.. over w hie h , lo,t of the follow109 program, lor a oumbc:r of p:J.rs, JASCHA lompareJ the national Lhains 0 an will be hro.ull.l..t over til( (om­ I IUJ-I·.rz. \\0£1...1 fameJ \iolinist, "Q(tOpus . cru:.hin~ small inJe nd­ MORRI< H.'STJ"GS he pre sided w C' c c broad· bined ,'I\( \X EAF and \X'JZ net· r<:fuscd to mJke ':1.O)" radio .lppcar­ e:nls .tnJ fLlUnting Jem.1nds of cJu· cast o\'er the CBS-WABC net­ \\ ork'). anrelO. (.;ltocs for J bt:tter JCJI in rJJio. \\'or~) ..1nJ later in the season he The fJ.n1.o11) c.lt.lcombs of Rome, \\'ithin the J.l\t three: rtars thi.') HIS att.1l.k '\;'l,S contained 10 a v.ill cne in the same capJ.Clt}· for Italy. will be the scene of a litur· emintnl musl~i.ln has been heard brief filed" ith Ihe fCC in suprvrt theet wttks. gical !'ot"r\'i(c of Olncic:nt songs by at least half a dozen times as solo­ of the Jrivc: of non-profit or,ga;ljza. La')l Suml.ly h<: conJuctcJ the thc 13e:neJict ine Chorr and a de· i,t in lon(erts prepared e'-'pecially lIons for a. s!X"rihC .lllotment of ht" Be occh(:')tr,l in it.'i H o'''o<.k scription of the L.ltacombs by Re\. for the radio audienc.t". radio channds. \\ hr thiS (han~e of heart! (oncut. \'\'ILLlA 1 • { 1)t {( I v of St .\n­ 1ft: tn Hn LO~ kgl latlH r.. p- ~Im's Priority III \X·J.~hin ton, D .. ponwrs of rJ.dio pro­ r~$cnt tiY4: of Ih T tonal' I. 1agazlOc'i ,galore h ,e vtll1ted gram~ rtctntl),· ha\ e discm·· C. ThIS ,,,'I be broad sr, l 1 t'O'1 of B"03.t..c.uter hi picture and told or how the er<:d thac the fine mu:.icdl P• f on ( 1'1 I mas Oay bnef opposing ny S )0 nEt man on or re laue ot pcogrdm C.in aho be a prof­ The KI g 01 Egland " \I >en ' ther by /a.. vr.. I pc prl tor '\\ as dcte:rm cd on a itable program:" 1r HHI' Z rol I 1 r plte III f th r s a pc i I ~r eung to t IS count v 1--ro at \ on .aId I d 1\ IOtC\ e-\\ s durng • hdid.ly pr Nan, to be H. JAr ..,th The II OP" ea.d at ~ A l. aloe (hr l m,"'h~'·s d " rk past ears, ASOl IF mas Da At 8 A I.n nat n< "'" ithin (he few } H rz. o per 0 l' I I ra~ 0 has made ~U("1 con')jd­ Yo I b hnKe {err (hr t e 0 I t r h erable ~[rides burh ((,hnkaH\" mas' of man) lanJ;Uae-es. Hons be: .Jlu ted , ER R and imelltcruaJh that musi. ·}{A. SrI and GRI rn "H ( "'1 ht:' would be man to F ther HAR saId on ntlC rae tlOns, by pia) ng ciJn~ C.1I1 now ~ con~ider it P[R[II. .( K' f lmous Christna op· ",ay ,SoJr;'tthing like: rlu.. at [he "F xis tin g hro;'ldC:;5ti ',g l>1ano in nlm Ie tlit 'r' s and dOIng !oc:rioush ali In :Jrti .. cic me­ () her odd Job,. era, ",ill It' lroadcast from the: dium.. heginning, and again at the trlletur<: !'ohoulo Ix: to n So·and·~o~ (, du_ted rom college JANS i\fetropolilan Opel:!. Hou\e in .....C:H:rthdc.::.), l bdic:ye «':00. of a program. down in pare and should be Iargdy r(:rnodd~d .lnd 1"(:­ SE \ a.s t, ~n more insist nt on Nc\"\' York. thl'f(; art stilJ impro\ l'lllents manufaetur«.:rs. of )uch·ano­ Chri~l: la~ ",u"h, do nOt wam to interrupt huilc alon~ rhe: bl:sr Ame i­ F ruing the music I I lise j Ic A mornill.J; carol to be made. th~ concert; they merd) \~i<lj,h can lin<:s.... urn J up. c\cntuaI1y OlS a .stu service in German will corne (rom "Spon(,or') mu.. c cut do't\'n to Mate.: thilt it i~ th«.:ir plc:as- "A monopoly J.lrl'i!{ y de:nt of composit ion and conduct· the Zion Luthe ran Chur(h. 111 BJI· their adn:rtbing to a mini· (e j ,p III timore. mum. «( Ii 11... 0 P.. e J) ('0 BEUlio To,u· ~ontents of i1u~ "T#u·ltl n.·oEulct....;tI BroaJ(asts from the enJs of the 'Sotln(1) of Sdencc:" IS th<: titk ~ ell f/.l.'bn BIJX Gc . 1.0 IB.-.RDO, (rl(aIJilI b) ... I" \\ ·n· P ., 1 earth \"ill be heard onr the CBS· '.00 \'I:·OR to the: ~O~t unique proI-;cam put lASCH.\ H[JFETZ r LErn rr 111 C Itf 1000 \\ 1A1 . \~·l ..wk II el J \\'ABC network this coromg \\Tin· \'\ ABC :\et'" ork ~o J~(tJA HIIFI TZ tlolrml P.tge 1 on the air f.tr. It ,\ill be per/oj of Ittllft' al mllJj ter. 9."" \\TEf PAllt PICKL'S P.lge 2 10.~0 \\ 1.\\ heard hepnning SaturJ.lY Dtcc:m- QI1 'b~ radio P , ! Arrangtlnents are being made 10"''' \\"JZ ~tr,,(Jrk (\\ 8 ..... L \\·td .• JACK fir:". T r01l1t'Ji.m P.'ge. 3 S;n.• onh) ber 8, at ".30 P.• I and will be Tim .",.1 1'/..:1 to present a series of programs 12.00 '\:1")()0 \\OR \\BZ t\"'HZ nut Dn.1. AOAMS P,tge 4 broadcHt on SUCCC'S~jH Saturdays b) l\10RRIS HASlJr\G~ ~,,:/~ I f rom Morocco and Egypt, brlOW OD Sat.) I.DDII DUCHIN P,lg' .5 (IJS.\X·.~IJC ing nati\·c mu:.ic .\OJ songs to this P.M. thereafter o\'er [he JACK BE""Y tell, ,I 101 < 01/ (oiolte/ TOOPNA(iU' Pag~ -" ne:h~ork countr)' hlll/it'lj P.· e 3 CA'·.' DH" 10' 1,,1 Pager, 1.15 \\ :o.K....... ·tt..crk 1:o.Ic.D., TlItl.• fri.) The: 1. rs on the fir ... t pro.t:r.~m Sla!l~n DirtdlJr) P., ROSA Po. 'SILLE P.IKe 7 Spccial broadcasts ffom Sp.lin S.OO \X'HZ t ·c.e j,n 111411'1. ~~r. 01'1 Y and Ital}' are included in t'he new S.U5 \\OR will b<: a fjshwotm .tnJ a };olJ- R"b,!ro Lal1e PmL P J;e S ~t't 6. '0 \\ JZ ... "rlc ' I J b ') J"I.IY J- Leo. 'ARD P , ]OLn BILL IJ JA, 'E P.I, e 9 globe-trotting radio tour. The " rAt" • 'f,"'Ork f ~tr.1nge noi"e~ 6. '5 \\. HI lli; I. The m:t ( ) S J' . b LT JAM[ • fllro. , /el10,. P.lge 10 opera at Milan, Ital) , will b~ . III 10JII) ) FS ROY Pol" 5 6.55 \"( AB( • ·u..·ork these: se mlOglr nOiseless crt~t Irts E.-fiIOri.:1J ROSI fAR'! LA. '1: P ge J~ broadcast and programs art to he 10.00 \\ (" . P , 11.00 \\ 1.\\ (nul t.>O \\ fClluda,) \\ ill be brou,!:ht [Q listc.n.<:rs· e:lrs Ro Po f I Je GLE GRAY Pa ,, I heard f rom Venice, Florence and 15 Turd.,- al 030) by no; of thc ound mJcro· le11. p~'.:Jm nl J FL IlR I> L P '14 . 'apks, including a f"'t,hand "'OR .,<: P 7 -ope Yo luch magOtfie SO lid Chtl"rt'11~ P t (JtR 01. I. FARRAR P ge 1 de:.cription of the exca"ation ac­ C, 'I)AL P e 9 10.000 hllion times.
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