University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Electronic Texts in American Studies Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1898 Early New England Catechisms Wilberforce Eames Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/etas Part of the American Studies Commons Eames, Wilberforce, "Early New England Catechisms" (1898). Electronic Texts in American Studies. 56. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/etas/56 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Texts in American Studies by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. EARLY NEW ENGLAND CATECHISMS A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF SOME CATECHISMS PUBLISHED BEFORE THE YEAR 1800, FOR USE IN NEW ENGLAND Read, in part, Before the American AntiQuarian Society, at its Annual Meeting in Worcester, October 21, 1897 BY WILBERFORCE EAMES Worcester, Mass. P ress of C harles H amilton 3 1 1 M ain S treet 1 8 9 8 ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT. Preliminary Account, r>--19. Andover Catechism (1738), 49-51. Salem Catechisms (1641-1648?), 19-21. Sandwich Catechism (1793), 51, 52. Boston Catechisms (1642-1669), 21-27. Hingham Catechisms (1794-1817),52-54. Rowley Catechism (1642), 27-29. Machias Catechism (1797), 65, 56. Newuury Catechism (1642'?), 30, 31. Indian Catechisms (1654-1;95), 57-68. Ipswich Catechism (1648), 32. Westminster Assembly's Shorter Ca.te- Cambridge Catechism (1648),32-34. chism (1647), 68-74. Dorchester Catechisms (1650), 34-37. Westminster Assembly's Larger Cate­ Roxbury Catechism (1650?), 37, 38. chism (1647), 74-77. Chelmsford Catechisms (1657-1796), 38-42. l\Iiscellaneous Catechisms (1668?-1798), New Haven Catechism (1659), 42-44. 77-103. Hartford Catechism (before 1663?), 44-46. Appendix (English Catechisms, 1556- Hampton Catechism (1663), 46, 47. 1657),104-111. Norwich Catechism (1679), 47, 48. CATECHISMS. Abbot, Robert, Milk for Babes (1646), 23n. Davenport, Joha, Catechism (1659), 42- Allen, Robert, Treasurie of Catechisme 44; (1669),27. (1600), 106. Eliot, John, Indian Catechism (1654-1662), Ball, John, .Short Catechisme (1616'1- 57,58. 1653),106,107. --Indian Primer (1669-1687?), 60-62. __ Short Treatise (1629-1670), 107-108. Exposition on the Church Catechism Baptist Catechism (1795), 98, 99. (1688), 78, 79. Biddle, John, Twofold Catechism (1654), Extracts from a Catechism (1798), 99. 109,110. Fiske, John, Watering of the Olive Plant __ DUal Catecheses (1665), 110. (1657),3S--40. Blake, William, Farmers Catechize --Appendix of Catechism (1668), 41. (1657),110,111. Fitch, .Tames, First Principles (1679), Brown, Clark, Catechism ill Three Parts 47,48. (1797), 1!l;, 56. Indian Primer (1720-1747), 65, 66. Broxolme, Charles, Good Old Way (1653), Jacobites Catechism (1692), 80. 15n. Linaker, Robert, Short and plaine In­ Burr, Jonathan, Catechism in Four Parts struction (1591), 105, 106. (1793),51,52. Master aod Scholar attending Catechis­ Calvin, John, Catechisme (1556-1580), ing (1787), 97. 104,105. Mather, Cotton, A, n, C, of Religion Calvinus, Arminius, Catechism (1795),98. (1713),90. Cobhead, Thomas, Briefe Instruction -- Addresses to Old Men (1690),79. (1579), 105. -- Another Tongue brought ill (in Colman, Henry, Catechisms (1817), 54. Indian, 1707), 62-65. Cotton, John, Doctrine of the Ch urch -- Cares about the Xurseries (1702), (1642-1644), 21-23. 80, 81. --Milk for Babes (1646-1699?), 23-26. -- Frontiers Well-Defended (1707), --Spiritual Milk (1656-1672), 24, 25. 83,84. ----(in Indian, 1691), 62. -- Man of God Furnished (1708), 84- Cotton, Seauorn, Brief Summe (1663), 89. 46,47. -- Maschil, or, the Faithful Instruc- Crashaw, William, Milke for Babes tor (1702), 81, 82. (1617'?-1633),23n. Much in a Little (1702), 82, 83. Danforth, Samuel, Catechism (1650?), Scriptural Catechism (1691), 79,80. 37,38. Sum of the Matter (1709), 89. IV Supplies from the Tower of David Sergeant, John, Morning Prayer, etc. (in (1708), 87-$9. Indian, 1740?), 66. -- Way of Truth laid out (1721), 91. Shepard, Thomas, First Principles (1648- Mather, Richard, Catechisme ,(1650),34- 1747),32-34. 37. Short Catechisme (1646), lon. Mayhew, Thomas, Indian Catechism Shorter Catechism (1739),92. (165-?), 68. Shute, Daniel, and Ware, Henry, Com­ Norris, Edward, Catechism (1648?), 19, 20. pendious and Plain Catechism (1794), Norton, John, Brief Catechisme (1660- 62....54. 1666),26,27. So shorte a Catechisme (1591), 106. --Brief and Excellent Treatise (1648), Some Deductions from Divine Revela­ 32. tion (1782), 96, 97. Noyes, James, Short Catechism (1642?- Stinton, Benjamin, Short Catechism 1797),30,31. (1730), 93n.; (1746), 93; (1766), 95. Packard, Hezekiah, Catechism (1796),41, Stone, Samuel, Short Catechism (1684- 42. 1720), 44-46. Perkins, WiJliam, Foundation of Chris­ Vincent, Thomas, Explicatory Catechism tian Religion (1691-1682), 7-16; (in (1673),89".; (1711), 89; (1729), 92. Indian),62. Wadsworth, Benjamin, Help to get Peters, Hugh, Milke for Babes (1641), 19. Knowledge (1714),90,91. Phillips, Samuel, Orthodox Christian Watts, Isaac, Gatechisms and Prayers (1738),49....51. (1745-1747),93,94. Pierson, Abraham. Some Helps for the --Catechisms for Children (1792), 98. Indians (1668-1873), 68--00. --First Catechism (1788), 97. Primer (1668?), 77. --First Set of Cater,hisms (1748, 1763), Protestant Tutor for Children (1686), 78. 94; (1770,1773),95,96. Racovian Catechlsme (1662), 109. -- Preservative (1745-1766), 93-95. Rawson, Grlndal, Nashauanittue Menin- --Second Set of Catechisms (1748), nunk (1691),62. 94. Robinson, John, Appendix to Mr. Per-, Westminster Assembly, Confession of kins (1621i?-1656), 11-14. Faith (1656-1723)j 76, 76. --Brlefe Catechisme (1642), 12. --Larger Catechism (1647-1762), 74-77. --Ivst and Necessary Apologie (1644), --Shorter Catechism (1647-1786), lIS- 12. 74; (in Indian, 1795-1818?), 67, 68. Rogers, Daniel, Practicall Catechisme Willard, Samuel, Compleat Body of (1632-1640), 108, 109. Divinity (1726),91,92. Rogers, Ezekiel, Chief Grounds of Chris­ Worcester Association of Ministers, Cat­ tian Religion (1642-1648), 27-29. echism (1821-1649), 99, 99, lOOn. Scripture Catechism (17W?), 94. Scripture Truths and Precepts (1791), 97, 98. EARLY NEW ENGLAND CATECHISMS. THE early New England Catechisms-forerunners of the New England Primer-form a branch of the literature of education in America which is worthy of retrospective study. Although the subject offers an interesting field for bibliographical research, a satisfactory treatment is difficult because of the scarcity of material. Notwithstanding the many catechisms that were printed, both in this country and abroad, for the use of children hertl, but few copies have come down to our own times, and of many editions nearly every vestige has been lost. It has been truly said of these early books for the education of youth, that "they were considered too small and unimportant to be preserved in the libraries of the learned, and the copies that were used by children, were generally worn out by hard service or otherwise destroyed." 1 One phase of the history of educational and entertaining books for children has been treated by Mr. Charles Welsh, in his work entitled, A Bookseller of the Last Oentury, being some Account of the Life of John Newbery, and of the Books he published, with a Notice of the later New­ berys, London, 1885. This volume contains a descriptive catalogue of children's books, filling one hundred and eighty pages of an appendix. The same author's paper, On some oflhe Oh,t1dren's Bookq of the Last Oentury, was read before the" Sette of Odd Volumes," in London, and was privately printed in 1886 for members of the club. Newbery was one of the pioneer publishers of children's lLivermore's Origin o/the New England Primer (1849), preiaoe•. books in England, and his example was followed by Isaiah Thomas in this country. In 1896 Mr. Andrew W. Tuer's Ilistol'Y of tlte ~EIorn Book appeared in London, in two volumei':l, quarto, treating that subject fully; and in Sep­ temher of 1897, there was published Mr. Paul Leicester Ford'i':l masterly treatment of Tlte New En,gland Primer­ a model of eritical research and fine bookmaking. M.Y remarks will relate chiefly to some of the catechisms for ehildren and older persons, which were llsed in New England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It would not have been possible to gather material, in the way it ii':l here presented, without the use of the remarkable colleetion of catechisms bronght together half a century ago hy :VII'. George Livermore of Dana Hill in Cambridge. When his library was disperi':led by public sale in 1894, the collection referred to was i':lecured almoi':lt intact for the Lenox Library, now a part of the New York Public Lihrary. The credit for thii':l paper, therefore, is largely due to Mr. Livermore, to whom we are indehted for gath­ ering the material and saving it from destruction. There was, moreover, an earlier owner of a portion of this col­ leetion of catechisms, a contemporary of the Rev. Thomas Prince, in the last century, to whom we are under obliga­ tions for the preservation of some of the oldest American catechii':lms now extant. I do not know his name, and can only i':lay that he had nine of these little publications, dating between 1G56 and 1740, bonnd together in one volume. l The catechismi':l are now separate, having been broken apart some time before the Livermore i':lale, but the evidence of their former condition i':ltill remaini':l. 1 They were arrange!l ancl bonn,l in the following orcler: (1) Cotton's Spiritual .Jlilk/ol' jJoston RaVes, Cambritlge. 1656; (2) Noyes's Short Catechlsl1t, Boston, 1714; (3) Fiske's Watf!l'ing of the Oli lie Plant, Cambridge, 1657; (4) Norton's Brief Cate­ ell hWH', Calnbridg'e, H)(m; (5) S3aborn Cotton's Brir;f StUnlltA ••.
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