v HUGO GERNSBACK,Edifor 1 R ihid i'eeae - FM Carrier Stabilization 4. High-Fidelity Amplifier Clamping Circuits 4 THE ANTENNALYZER SEE PAGE 536 MAY 1946 25c CANADA 30c "' INSULATED COMPOSITION RESISTORS 1/2 Watt 1 Watt 2 Watt ±10% Tolerance NOW ... OHMITE makes available to you three Little Devils of exceptional ruggedness and stability! Resistance value and wattage Millions of these tiny molded fixed composition re. are marked on every unit for sistors have been used in critical war equipment and in quick identification. the nation's foremost laboratories. They meet Joint Army - Navy Specification JAN -R -11, including salt water immer- sion cycling and high humidity tests. They can be used at their full wattage ratings at 70 °C (158 °F) ambient temperature. They dissipate heat rapidly -have low noise view level and low voltage coefficient. Enlarged Ratings for maximum continuous RMS voltage drop are high: 500 volts for the I watt unit -1000 volts for the I watt unit -3500 volts for the 2 watt unit. Units Meet Joint Army -Navy Specification JAN-R -11 have high insulation breakdown voltage. AVAILABLE FROM STOCK IN STANDARD Little Devils are completely sealed and insulated by their wire, RMA 10% TOLERANCE VALUES molded plastic construction. Leads are soft copper hardened immediately adjacent to resistor body -strongly TYPE SIZE RESISTANCE MAXIMUM LIST anchored -and hot solder coated. LENGTH DIAM. RANGE VOLTS PRICE Light, compact, easy to install. All units color coded. 10 Ohms Resistance value and wattage are marked on every unit 1/2 Watt 3/8" 9/4" to 500 13c for quick identification. Available from stock in Standard 22 Meg. RMA values from 10 ohms to 22 megohms. 10 Ohms Devils are ready for any job anywhere. And /6n9 Little ... I Watt Y332" to 1000 17c they're low in cost. Order them now! 22 Meg. 10 Ohms AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH OHMITE DISTRIBUTORS 2 Watt 116" 56" to 3500 25c 22 Meg. OHMITE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4896 FLOURNOY STREET, CHICAGO 44, U.S.A. Send Now for BULLETIN No. 127 Gives complete data and list ae Reefice wed of RMA values. Includes di- mensional drawings and handy color code. Write for it today! HMUTIE RHEOSTATS RESISTORS TAP SWITCHES CHOKES ATTENUATORS BILL, YOU'RE ALWAYS FOOLING 1 I'LL TRY, MARV,e ('IL A PREP LESSON WITH RADIO-- OUR SET WON'T SEE WHAT I CAN 00 SNOWED BILL NOW NE COMP WORK- -WILL YOU FIX IT? WITH IT TONIGHT IILC3E GOCD PLQ7 a M tvE SEEN STUDYING AT HOME WITH THE SAY, I'VE SEEN THEIR I HELLO, - - GOT YES, NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE JUST ADS BUT I NEVER THOUGHT I CAN'T FIND OUT BILL JOE --I'M WHAT'S WRONG A TOUGH ONE STUMPED-- BUT LANDED A SWELL RADIO JOB,TOO LISTEN I COULD LEARN RADIO -- FOR AS TO FIX 7 WHEN ARE ihE CLICKS I SHORT THE GRID AT HOME GUESS I'LL MAKE A SINCE LET ME YOU A RADIO EXPERT? CONNECTIONS... HERE'S YOUR TROUBLE I'LL MAIL FOOL OF MYSELF IN THE FIRST I F STAGE I LEARNED HELP YOU -- A COUPON GC I\' WITH MARY THIS TEST BEFORE I EVEN STARTED FORA FREE THE COURSE, FROM A LESSON RIGHT FREE LESSON THE AWAY N. R. I. SENT ME G t! THANKS' I WAS ON, $O GLAD YES, PM CONWNCED NOW SOON I CAN HAVE MY YOU CERTAINLY KNOW JUST BILL-IM OUR WORRIES A TINKERER. A FEW I ASKED YOU TO FIX THAT THE N.R.I. COURSE OW'N FULL-TIME RADIO RADIO. SOUNDS AS ARE OVER I HAVE MONTHS AGO, BEFORE OUR RADIO' IT GOT IS PRACTICAL ANO REPAIR BUSINESS, OR BE GOOD AS THE DAY A GOOD JOB AND I STARTED THE N. R.I. YOU STARTED THINKING THOROUGH. I'LL READY FOR A GOOD JOB I BOUGHT IT! THERE'S A BRIGHT --841T ABOUT RADIO AS A ENROLL NOW. THEN IN A BROA06AST(N6 STATION COURSE N.R.1.'S -SO CAREER, AND NOW FUTURE FOR US 1OAN MAKE EXTRA AVIATION RADIO, POUCE 10 "J METHOD-GP/ES A ' YOU Re GOING AHEAD iN RADIO MONEY FIXING RADIO OR SOME p FELLOW THE PRACTICAL $O FAST! IN SPARE OTHER BL SY RAOIOS KNOWLEDGE AND EUObENCE TIME WHILE RADIO FIELD TO BE A SUCCESSFUL t.a rNrif _"11.4sif LEARNING. RADIO TECHNICIAN You Build Those and Other Radio Circuito I will send you a Lesson with 6 BIG KITS OF PARTS I SEND TOUS on By the time you've conducted 60 sets of Experi- ments with Radio Parta I supply, made hun- dreds of measurements and adjustments, you'll Radio Servicing Tips FREE have valuable PRACTICAL Radio experience for a good full or part-time Radio jobl TO SHOW HOW PRACTICAL IT IS TO TRAIN AT HOME FOR SUPERHETERODYNE CIRCUIT (right) Preselec- tor, oscillator-mixer -first de- GOOD JOBS IN RADIO tector, i.f. stage, diode deteo- tor- a.v.c. otage, audio stage. Bring in local and distant I want to give every man who's interested in Radio, stations on this circuit you either professionally or as a hobby, a copy of my build yourself! Leeson, "Radio Receiver Troubles -Their Cause and Remedy'- absolutely FREE! It's a valuable lesson. Study it-keep it-use it- without obligation! And MEASURING INSTRUMENT (above) with it Ill send my 64 -page, illustrated book, "Win you build early in Course. Use it in practi- Rich Rewards in Radio," FREE. It describes many cal Radio work to make EXTRA money. jobs in Radio, tells how N.R.I. Vacuum tube multimeter, measures A.C., fascinating trains you D.C., and R.F. volte, D.C. currents, re- at home in spare time how you get practical experi- sistance, receiver output. enoe with SIX BIG KITS OF RADIO PARTS I send. This "Sample "Lesson will show you why the easy -to- gaasp lessons of the N.R.I. Course have paved the way A. M. SIGNAL -GEN- to good pay for hundreds of other men. I will send it ERATOR (left) build you without obligation , , , MAIL THE COUPON! It yourself! Provide. to amplitude - modulated Future for Trained Men is Bright ìi make EXTRA money axing Radios In signals for test and spare time while learning. 1141 LEARN Radio experimental purposes. Mks, Television, Eleotronhx prlaelples from my easy -to -gram Lessons- Gives valuable practical Tk Radio Repair trueness M booming PRACTICE whet you beam by Nullding real ROW. Thera L good money axing Radler Radio Otreuits with the vEs kits of Radio hi your spars time or own full time ban- parts I send -USE your knowledge to make ned. And trained Radio Techn(clons also EXTRA money while getting ready fer a good find good Fey opporWnitiee in Polies, Avia- run time Radio lob. tion and Marine Radio, In Broadeasttrsg, Radio Manufacturing. Public Address work, Find Out What N.R.I. Can De for YOU etc. Think of the boom coming now that new Rados can be model And think of even MAIL COUPON for Sampio Lesson and MR. I. E. SMITH, President, Dept SEX railer opportunities when Television and 64 -page book. FREE It's packed with tads NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE. Washington 9. D. C. runt® are &satiable to the public] Out about opportunities for you. Read the details Into Radio NOW. abort my (tune. Read letters from men I Mall me FREE, without obligation, Sample Leseon and 64 -page book trained. telling what they are doing, earning. about how to win metes. In Radio and Teievlsion- Electrons®. (No Many Beginners Soon Make Si, salesman will roll. Please write í1S Just MAIL COUPON In an envelope or paste plainly.) s Week EXTRA in Spare Time H on a penny postal. -i. E. SMITH. President Dept. SEX. National Radio Institute, Pioneer Age The day reo enroll I start eond1n EX- Home Study Radio School. Washington 9. D. C. TRA MONEY JOB SHEETS to help y w I Name Our 32nd Year of Training Men for Success In Radio Address City Zme State 14E1 o If you are a war veteran. check here L RADIO -CRAFT for MAY. 1946 517 The IRC is a commonsense selection service TYPE BT INSULATED METALLIZED and of the controls you need for complete TYPE BW INSULATED WIRE WOUNDS ...the perfect combination. The controls in the IRC Century Line trois for the widest variety of replace- were carefully selected after exhaustive ment needs. study of IRC sales records and of the Best of all, it's not necessary for you requirements of receivers and equip- to actually stock all the 100 Century ment now in use. Line types ! We recommend you main. These studies showed that the num- tain a minimum stock of at least the ber of types previously listed could be 18 Type D Controls listed on page 6 reduced considerably, yet give ade- of IRC Catalog #50- they'll handle quate coverage. But it also proved that 8776 of your replacements -and you reducing the number of available types can depend upon your IRC distributor POWER WIRE WOUNDS... rugged, . moisture proof, completely dependable. to anything less than the 100 now for other types, as required. comprising the Century Line, would And don't forget, only IRC controls make the service engineer's replace- give you such quiet, smooth, depend- ment problem extremely difficult. able performance ! ... because they're On that basis, we established the the only controls with the famous Century Line -not too many, not too IRC Metallized Element, the Five few -but just right to give you Finger Contactor, and the Silent properly designed, easily installed con- Spiral Connector ! YOUR IRC DISTRIBUTOR is the man to know when you need any type of resistor..
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