SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Killeen, Texas Robert Gray Army Airfield (RGAAF) Security Surveillance Improvements at Robert Gray Army Airfield City of Killeen RFP No. 19-10 ISSUED FOR RFP Garver Project No. 17181082 Project Sponsors: Prepared For: City of Killeen November 6, 2018 This page intentionally left blank Security Surveillance Improvements at RGAAF Project No. 17181082 Issued for RFP November 6, 2018 SECTION I. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Security Surveillance Improvements at RGAAF Project No. 17181082 Issued for RFP November 6, 2018 This page intentionally left blank Security Surveillance Improvements at RGAAF Project No. 17181082 Issued for RFP November 6, 2018 SECTION 000001 CERTIFICATIONS SECURITY SURVEILLANCE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROBERT GRAY ARMY AIRFIELD PROJECT GARVER PROJECT NO. 17181082 CITY OF KILLEEN RFP NO. 19-10 I hereby certify that the applicable portions of this project plans and specifications were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Texas. APPLICABLE DIVISION OR SEAL AND SIGNATURE PROJECT RESPONSIBILITY Derek Mayo, P.E. General Plans and Specifications Digitally Signed: Matthew LeMay, P.E. Electrical Plans and Specifications Digitally Signed: Security Surveillance Improvements at RGAAF Project No. 17181082 Issued for RFP 000001-1 November 6, 2018 SECTION 000001 CERTIFICATIONS APPLICABLE DIVISION OR SEAL AND SIGNATURE PROJECT RESPONSIBILITY Michael A. Guzik, P.E. CTI Telecom Plans and Specifications Digitally Signed GARVER, LLC CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: TX ENGINEERING REGISTRATION NO. F-5713 TX ARCHITECTURAL REGISTRATION NO. 21507 CTI CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: TX REGISTERED CONSULTING FIRM B-17368 Security Surveillance Improvements at RGAAF Project No. 17181082 Issued for RFP 000001-2 November 6, 2018 CITY OF KILLEEN SECURITY SURVEILLANCE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROBERT GRAY ARMY AIRFIELD (RGAAF) TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Page No. I. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Certifications 000001-1 Table of Contents 000010-1 Request for Proposals 010000-1 Instructions to Proposers 010200-1 Bid Bond 010300-1 Proposal 010400-1 Statement of Proposer’s Qualifications 010420-1 List of Proposed Subcontractors 010440-1 Proposer Certifications 010470-1 Proposer’s Checklist 010480-1 II. CITY OF KILLEEN TERMS AND CONDITIONS General Terms and Conditions GTC-1 Conflict of Interest Questionnaire, Form CIQ III. CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS Contract 010600-1 Performance Bond 010700-1 Payment Bond 010720-1 IV. GENERAL CONDITIONS 010800-1 V. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 010900-1 VI. PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Split-System Air Conditioners 238126-1 Basic Electrical Requirements 260000-1 Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables 260519-1 Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems 260526-1 Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems 260529-1 Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems 260533-1 Underground Ducts and Raceways for Electrical Systems` 260543-1 Sleeves and Sleeve Seals for Electrical Raceways and Cabling 260544-1 Identification for Electrical Systems 260553-1 Wiring Devices 262726-1 Lightning Protection for Structures 264113-1 Lighting Poles and Standards 265613-1 Grounding and Bonding for Communications Systems 270526-1 Pathways for Communications Systems 270528-1 Identification for Communications Systems 270553-1 Communications Racks, Frames, and Enclosures 271116-1 Communications Optical Fiber Cabling 271323-1 Data Communications 272000-1 Video Surveillance 282000-1 Security Surveillance Improvements at RGAAF Project No. 17181082 Issued for RFP 000010-1 November 6, 2018 VII. SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Site Preparation SS-120-1 Trench and Excavation Safety Systems SS-130-1 Directional Boring SS-305-1 Security Surveillance Improvements at RGAAF Project No. 17181082 Issued for RFP 000010-2 November 6, 2018 010000 – REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) RFP NO. 19-10 SECURITY SURVEILLANCE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROBERT GRAY ARMY AIRFIELD CITY OF KILLEEN, TEXAS Notice is hereby given that the City of Killeen will receive competitive sealed proposals for SECURITY SURVEILLANCE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROBERT GRAY ARMY AIRFIELD, addressed to the C it y of Killeen, Attn: Purchasing Division, 802 N 2nd Street, Building E, 2nd Floor, Room 215, Killeen, Texas 76541, until 4:00 p.m (local time) on Friday, December 21, 2018. Proposal Submissions shall be plainly marked with the name and address of the proposer and “RFP NO. 19-10 SECURITY SURVEILLANCE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROBERT GRAY ARMY AIRFIELD.” A non-mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. (local time) on day, December 4, 2018 at the Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Airport Terminal Building, Third Floor Conference Room, 8101 S. Clear Creek Road, Killeen, Texas 76549. The Pre-Proposal conference will include a site visit where no pictures will be allowed by proposers. The Owner will provide pictures that will be distributed through addendum. There will be a second site visit on Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. (local time), meet at the top of the escalators at Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Airport Terminal Building, 8101 S Clear Creek Road, Killeen, Texas, 76549. The Pre-Proposal Conference and the second site visit are the only times proposers will be allowed visit the site, which is inside the secured airfield. RFP packets and specifications may be obtained from the City of Killeen website (www.killeentexas.gov), Demand Star (http://www.demandstar.com/), and ESBD (http://portal.cpa.state.tx.us). Questions should be addressed via email to Lorianne Luciano, Director of Procurement and Contract Management, at [email protected] and to Derek Mayo, Project Manager with Garver, at [email protected], with RFP 19-10 in the subject line. Questions will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, December 12, 2018. Questions will be answered in the form of an Addendum and posted to the City’s website. It is the proposer’s responsibility to obtain and acknowledge all Addendums. The project includes, but is not limited to, installation of a new Video Security System including fixed and Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) cameras, head end equipment, infrastructure improvements (conduits, junctions, fiber, and electric service) at Robert Gray Army Airfield. Improvements include primarily high technology items supported by the following improvements: underground utilities, mechanical, electrical, and interior improvements as shown on the plans and indicated in the specifications to support the new video security system. Award of the contract will be made based on evaluation criteria identified in the RFP documents, which includes a price proposal as part of the evaluation criteria. The project sponsors may elect to shortlist firms and host interviews. Proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check upon a national or state bank in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum proposal price payable without recourse to the Owner, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company, as a guarantee that the Proposer/Offeror will enter into a contract and execute performance and payment bonds after given a notice of award. Such bid guarantee shall be made payable to City of Killeen. The successful proposer must furnish a performance and payment bond upon the form provided in the amount of one hundred per cent (100%) of the contract price from an approved surety company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as surety, or other surety or sureties acceptable to the Owner. Mechanics and laborers on the project shall be paid not less than the minimum hourly rates set out in Prevailing Wage Determination Number TX-160279. Proposal prices must remain in effect for 90 days after the RFP opening date. Security Surveillance Improvements at RGAAF Project No. 17181082 Issued for RFP 010000-1 November 6, 2018 The City of Killeen reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities in the proposals deemed to be in the best interests of the City of Killeen, and to reject nonconforming, nonresponsive, or conditional proposals. City of Killeen, Texas Lorianne Luciano, Director of Procurement and Contract Management Security Surveillance Improvements at RGAAF Project No. 17181082 Issued for RFP 010000-2 November 6, 2018 SECTION 010200 INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 1. PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL The procurement of a contractor will be made by competitive proposals. This will include a price proposal on the prepared form available in the RFP documents along with a proposal from the Proposer to demonstrate its qualification to provide the owner with the best product. 1.1 PRICE PROPOSAL: Each price proposal must be submitted on the prescribed form (Price Proposal) and Unit Price Schedule(s). All blank spaces must be filled in legibly (either typed or written with ink). All blank spaces for prices on the Unit Price Schedules must be filled in and the extended total for each item shall be entered in figures only. If the unit price and the extended total of any item are not in agreement, the unit price shall govern and the extended total is corrected to conform thereto. Erasures or other corrections on the Price Proposal form or Unit Price Schedules shall be initialed by the signer of the proposal. All Price Proposals must be signed in ink by an individual authorized to bind the Proposer. All price proposals must be regular in every respect and no interlineations, excisions, or special conditions shall be made or included in the Proposal by the Proposer. Proposers must quote on all items within the schedule and additive alternate. Failure to do so may disqualify the proposal. There must be a price on all items that may appear on the Unit Price Schedule(s). No proposal will be considered which covers only a part of the work. A conditional proposal will not be considered. The Price Proposal and Unit Price Schedule(s), along with other specific section items required in Section 17 below for the sealed proposal, shall not be altered and these sections shall be submitted in their entirety. Submission must be at the place, and at or prior to the time specified in the Advertisement for RFP.
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