St. Anthony of Padua Parish Mass Schedule Pastoral Staff Pastor: Fr. Dale W. Staysniak Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:00pm Parochial Vicar: Fr. Peter T. Kovacina Sunday: 8:00am,10:00am, Deacon: Rev. Mr. Gerard Blanda 12:00pm DRE/Pastoral Minister: Mr. Randy Harris, M.R.E Pastoral Minister: Sr. Roberta Goebel, OSU Monday-Friday: 7:00am, 8:00am Principal: Mr. Patrick Klimkewicz Parish Secretary: Mrs. Joyce Fanous Holy Days: Vigil - 5:30pm Music Minister: Mrs. Nancy Tabar 7:00am, 9:00am 5:30pm, 7:00pm Parish Directory Parish Address: 6750 State Road Confession Schedule Parma, Ohio 44134 Saturday: 3:00pm-4:00pm Parish Office: (440) 842-2666 or by appointment Religious Education: (440) 845-4470 Parish Office Hours: Mon /Wed/Thurs 9:00am - 7:00pm Tuesday & Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Stay Connected Parish Website: stanthonypaduaparma.org parmastanthony School Directory @parmastanthony School Office: (440) 845-3444 School Website: stanthonyofpaduaschool.org Parmastanthony ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Barbara Hendricks 7:00AM Norman Nicola Dolores Nadvit 8:00AM Sam Ciulla Mary Jane Precario Anna Zakarowsky TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 7:00AM Albert Maroun 8:00AM Betty Cehlar WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 7:00AM Theresia Helmlinger 8:00AM Edward Rymut THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 7:00AM James Gresko, Sr. Contributions for February 9/10, 2019: 8:00AM Geniveve Peters Total Offering: $14,890.86 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle. Sunday Collection:11,467.88 7:00AM Gertrude Dybiec Faith Direct: $3,423.00 8:00AM Dr. Valeriy Moysaenko Poor Box:$158.00 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, St. Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr. 4:30PM Stanley Franczak 6:00PM The Stross-Mrzena Family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. 8:00AM For People of the Parish (living & deceased) 10:00AM Howard & Lisa Snyder 12:00PM Zappala Family SUNDAY THOUGHT Please Pray For: Ed & Helen Bartkiewicz, Irene Bednar, Luke 6:17, 20-26 Bob Boger, Roseanne Buzinski, Maxine Cerny, Joe & Marcia Demko, Ray Dmytriw, Margaret Double, Norbert Erker, Rita Fecek, If someone told you that being poor, hungry and Greg Findura, Anne Kilbane-Friedl, Sandra & Logan Friedl, Frances despised by other people would make you happy, what Funtek, Sam Gappa, Josephine Gaul, Andrew Gerda, Robert would your reaction be? I suspect that you might think Gielski, John Gladden, Frank Gumina, Rose Marie Hewitt, Ron that the person was just kidding you. But put those same Hicks, Celeste Hurley, Marian Jarabek, Colleen Jarvis, Millie Jasany, words in the mouth of Jesus, like we will read in this Janet Johnson, Pat Jones, Bill Kaine, Lou Ann Keith, Betty Kilbane, Donald Kotarsky, Anthony William Kronholz, Cynthia Kufleitner, weekend’s Gospel, and they may not even faze us. Andrea Lagzdins, Dorothy Laquatra, April & John J. Lieske, Pat Possibly because we have heard them so many times Lieske, Corinne Lipinski, John Mackin, Elizabeth Madar, Thomas before, or possibly because we have just stopped Madej, Edward & Josephine Maskulka, Lenore Masterson, Claudia listening. But in fact we need to be troubled by them. Mazanec, Peyton McCarthy, Rosemarie Medvin, John Metzger, They are very clear statements. Jesus teaches us that true Dorothy Nagy, Jane Najlepszy, Mary Niec, Ann Marie Niziolek, happiness in the Beatitudes is not found in riches, well- Rose Nosse, Dora Oney, Agnes Padar, Gabe Papke, Marla Perko, Timothy Petro, Carrie Piechowski, Nicholas J. Precario, Nick, & being, or human approval. He wants to impress upon us John Precario, Brian Puhaulik, Jan Ravas, Christopher Reeves, Leigh the astounding mystery that happiness is not dependent -Ann Revay, Kendall Rossi, Mary Sabo, Lorraine Schmidt, Sue on our human circumstances. No one’s happiness is tied Seda, Robert Setele, Margaret Sheridan, Helen Smith, Joan Smyke, to any human being or thing. True happiness can only be Doug Stos, Sylvia Stibley, Diane Straub, Richard Tabar, Alice found in God. Tucker, Richard Turocy, Loretta Vacca, Annie Vorndran, Beverly Von Alt, Margaret and Mary Williamson, Cathy Yappel, Christopher Yurko, Amanda Zmecek. 1 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 17, 2019 CELEBRATING THE SAINTS Saint Isidore of Seville, Bishop (+636) Isidore’s family came from Cartagena to Seville, Spain, during his youth. His older brother, Saint Leander, became Bishop of Seville. His sister Florentia and brother Fulgentius are also venerated as saints. Isidore was educated in the calm atmosphere FORGIVENESS BRINGS HEALING provided by his family and their monastic connections, Sometimes the smallest hurts and resentments, or a sharp contrast to the chaos that was then engulfing those incurring a major life change, are held onto Spain, as the Roman culture succumbed to the tightly, causing anxiety, stress, physical discomfort or incursions of the pagan Goths. illness. Forgiveness can bring healing. It may not be When Isidore succeeded his brother as bishop so easy to achieve, but with God’s wisdom, and some in 600, he spent himself working to protect and pass spiritual tools, there is hope for moving forward. on the deposit of Faith. Two important councils in his If you are a woman 18 years or older, and you are see bear witness to Isidore’s careful leadership, and he finding it difficult to forgive, to be forgiven, or to had a strong hand in creating the uniform Spanish accept forgiveness, consider attending the third annual liturgy, the Mozarabic Rite. Isidore strove to collect Prayer Breakfast of the Women’s Faith Ministry on and preserve the learning of the ancient world, both Saturday, March 2 from 8 am to 12 noon. Please join pagan and Christian. His Etymologies, a massive us for Mass at 8 am in the chapel followed by encyclopedia, became one of the most significant registration and a full breakfast in the hospitality sources for the scholars of the Middle Ages. After room. Our speaker is Father Peter Kovacina, who will thirty-six years in his see, Isidore prepared consciously provide insight and encouragement into the for his death, giving away all he had and making topic, Forgiveness Brings Healing. public penance. He died in sackcloth and ashes on A goodwill donation will be accepted during April 4, 636. registration, although not expected. Seating is limited. In Isidore, Pope Benedict XVI emphasized, For an accurate meal count, your RSVP is required by scholarly contemplation met the “realism of the true February 22 by calling the parish office at (440) 842- pastor.” Isidore is popularly considered the patron of 2666 or by email at [email protected]. the internet and its users, including those who are struggling with online addictions. Saint Isidore’s feast day is celebrated on April 4th. SEMINARIANS OF THE WEEK CONGRATULATIONS This week, we pray for Anthony AND THANK YOU Donatelli, Cameron Ferrell, Nathan The Ladies Guild would like to Frankart, and Noah Furin. thank everyone who supported our Valentine Raffle this year. Through your generosity we realized a profit of over $800.00. The winners of the raffle are Kay Brichacek $150.00 in gift cards of WEEKLY MASS REMINDER her choice, Jim Gresko $75.00 in gift cards of his “It is clear, therefore, that sacred tradition, Sacred choice and Darlene Saxon won the chocolate and nut Scripture and the teaching authority of the Church, in basket. Again, thanks to everyone who supports our accord with God's most wise design, are so linked and Ladies Guild. joined together that one cannot stand without the others, and that all together and each in its own way CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY CORNER under the action of the one Holy Spirit contribute “Our Lord needs from us neither great deeds nor effectively to the salvation of souls.” from Dei profound thoughts. Neither intelligence nor Verbum, 10c; promulgated by Pope Paul VI on Nov talents. He cherishes simplicity.” — St. Thérèse 18, 1965. (This is the document on divine revelation of Lisieux from the Second Vatican Council) 2 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OHIO PRE CANA DAY ST. MICHAEL THE Please keep the eleven couples ARCHANGEL attending PreCana Day here at St. The Women’s Faith Ministry invites Anthony parish today in your prayers. all parishioners on Tuesday, February We pray Heavenly Father, through the 19 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. for a discussion intercession of the Holy Family, that these couples on the background of St. Michael the will treasure the gift of marriage that reflects the love Archangel, defender of the Church and chief opponent of Christ for the Church. of Satan, followed by a brief history and recitation of the St. Michael chaplet. Since the St. Michael chaplet MARRIAGE AND FAMILY rosary is unique, handouts will be provided to follow “Sometimes we can become irritable over small along. The evening will close with refreshments and things. Next time this happens with your spouse, try fellowship. This program will be cancelled if weather taking a deep breath and responding with a ‘gentle is severe and other events in Parma are cancelled. love.’” — Daily Marriage Tip for February 6, 2019 from http://www.foryourmarriage.org. PSR NEWS There are no PSR classes tomorrow, February 18, HEY CATHOLIC! DID YOU KNOW… 2019 due to Presidents Day. Classes resume next Did you know that the construction of St. John the Monday, February 25, 2019. Evangelist Cathedral began in 1848 and was completed in 1852? Retaining the same lines as the original, the cathedral was rebuilt and enlarged PSR REMINDER between 1946 and 1948. https:// Parents of second grade students preparing for saintjohncathedral.com/history. First Communion. There is a mandatory parent meeting Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. BROOKE TAYLOR IS ON AM 1260 THE ROCK! Beloved Cleveland radio personality Brooke Taylor has joined the AM 1260 The Rock lineup on Wednesday mornings at 8 AM with her program, Good Things Radio.
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