•1^ ^K 'SeGtiori BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX 1. Selected Bibliography On Problepis of State GovernmentI 2. X N 2^' .«:& m f •:" ji'-'-<564iti' •'., .«?>. •^:-' . ^_>-. 1 'H SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PROBLEMS OF STATE GOVERNMENT* : / INTERNATIONAL CITY MAN-I^GERS' ASSOCIATION. Municipal Tmr Book, 1949; the authoritative resume . GExNERAL • of activities and statistical data of American cities. THE BOOK OF THE STATES; - SUPPLEMENT 1947/ Clarence E. Ridlev and Orin.F. Nolting, Edi­ Council of State Governments, 1313 E. 60 St., tors. 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago 37, 1949. 582pp. Chicago 37, 1947. 245pp-.S2;50. tables, "charts, bibls. SIO. 'THE Book OF THE STATES, 1948-1949. VOL. VIL KENTUCKY. GOVERNOR. Tour Kentucky Government, Council of State Governments, 1313 E. 60 St., 1943-1947. A report of progress during the term "". .Chicago 37, Jan. 1948. .780Dp. tables,, bibl. of Governor Simeon Willis. Frankfort,'1947. S7.50. llOpjp. illus. charts. THE BOOK OF THE STATES; SUPPLEMENT I, JANUARY LEAGUE, OF KANSAS MUNICIPALITIES. Calendar, " 1949. Council of State Governments, 1313 E. Kansas Slate and Local Governments, by Albert B. - A. 60 St., Chicago 37, 1949. 130pp. Martin. Capitol Federal Building, Topcka, BRCJWN, ESTHER LUCILE. Lawyers, Law'Schools and Aug. 1947. 48pp.-Bull. No. 123-47. S2.50. the Public Service. Russell SaEfc Foundation, 130 X.EACUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. A History of the League E. 22 St., New York City, 1948. 258pp. S3. Program, by Kathryn H. Stone. 726 Jackson PI., CALIFORNIA. PRINTING DIVISION. STYLE MANUAL. Washington, D.C., 1949. 58pp. .'1 Uniform Style Jor State Publications, Bulletins: and MASSACHUSETTS. GENER.AL COURT. SPECIAL COM-" , Legislative Printing. Sacramento, 1949. 48pp. - .MISSION RELATIVE TO THE ERECTION . • OF A CALIFORNIA. UNIVERSITY. BUREAU OF PUBLIC AD­ STATUE OR OTHER SUITABLE MEMORIAL TO MINISTRATION. Federally Oujned Property in Cali­ COM.MEMOftATE THE MEMORY OF THE LATE fornia. Elizabeth Ferina'and Edward F. Stani- GENERAL.GEOROE S. PAITON, JR. Report of the ford. Berkeley, Apr. 27, 1949. 35pp. mimeo. ... Boston, Jan. 1948. 16pp. House No. 150. .tables. 1949 Legis. Prpb. No. 7. SI. MUNICIPAL INDEX AND ATL.\S. .Xmerican City FORDHAM, JEFFERSON B. Local Government Law: Text, Magazine Corporation., 470 Fourth .\ve., New Cases and Other Afaterjals. Foundation Press, York City 16, 1948. 791pp. ilius. S5: : Brooklyn, N.Y,; 1949. 1060pp. S8. •, • NATIONAL NIUNICIPAL LEAGUE. A Guide for Charter • GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. Directory Commissions. 299 Broadwav, New York City 7, of Organizations, and Individuals Professionally En­ . 1947. 34pp. bibl. 50c. '• gaged in Governmental Research, 7948-49. 30 Rocke­ NATION.A.L RESEARCH COUNCIL. Haiffibook of Scien­ feller Plaza, New York 20, 1948. 48pp. SI.50. tific and Technical Societies-and Institutions of the HAWAII STATEHOOD COMMISSION. Hawaii on the United States and Canada. 5th ed. National Threshold of Statehood. 740 Eleventh St., N.W., Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1948. Washington, D.C., 1948? Folder, illus. •371pp. Bull. No. 115.S5 . "....; ^ ...• • HAWAII. UNIVERSITY. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE NEW JERSEY. DIVISION OF STATE LIBRARY, .AR- BUREAU. Directory of Agencies and Officers of the CHIVES AND HISTORY. Bibliography of Js'ew Jersey Territory of Hawaii. 4th cd. Honolulu 14, T.H., Official Reports, 1905-1945. Trenton, 1947. 256pp. Jan. 3, 1949. 48pp. NEW YORK (STATE). GOVERNOR. /'UA/JV Papers of HONOLULU CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PUBLIC RE­ Charles Poletti, Fiftieth Governor of the State, of Xew LATIONS DEPARTMENT: Hawaii Facts and Figures, • lorA", 7942. Albany, 1947. 197pp. chart. 1946-1947. General information about Honolulu, NEW YORK. UNIVERSITY. SCHOOL OF LAW. CITIZEN­ Hqwaii, and the territory, combined with business SHIP CLEARING HOUSE. The citizen^s participation statistics 1946-1947. Honolulu', Hawaii-, May in public affairs; a conference inaugurating the . .'. .1948. 46pp. tables. • under the joint auspices of the American Bar Associa­ INDIANA. DIVISION OF .ACCOUNTING AND STATISTICS. tion, the American Political Science Association,'the Roster of State and Local Officials, State of Indiana, Kew York University School of Law.'view York 7P4S. Indianapolis, 1948. 75pp. tables. City, 1948. 176pp. OGG, FREDERIC A. AND "P. ORMAN RAY. Introduc­ •Prepared by "Mrs. Lucile L-. Keck, Joint Reference Library. tion to American Government. 9th ed. Appleton- Note: For further material concerning problems of state Rovernment, consult bibliographies in previous editions of The Century-Crofts, Inc., New York City, Aug. 17, liook of the StaUs. 1.948. 1135pp. bibLS5. s. 783 a 784 THE BOOK OF THE STA TES to. PENNSYLVANIA. UNIVERSITY. INSTITITE OF LOCAL - -. Sliilistical Abitract of the I'nit,d States, 19IS. AND STATE GOVERNMENT. Government Consulting Government Printing Ofiice. Washington 25, Service; Professional Services at Cost for Local and D.C., 1948. 1054pp. tables, charts. S2.75 (buck­ State Governments. 3437 Woodland .-Xvc, Pliila- ram). delphia 4, 1947. folder. L'.S. C0M.MISSION ON ORC-.ANIZATIO.V OF THE EXKCU- PENNSYLVANIA STATE GHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Tivu BRANCH OF THE (iovKkNMENr. Personnel Pennsylvania" Handbook of State Government; a .Management; a report to the dm stress, February 1949. Ready Reference for the Business-man. State Cham­ Government Printing Office, Wasiiington "25, ber Bldg^Harrisburg, Nov. 1947. 61pp. D.C., 1949. 59pp. chart, 25c. PHILIPPINES. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS AND STATIS- 1 .:z:.z:..~.-Sj!?.n^niLAhMZ^JIi(I!L.'if .'{!S' ^••^'''''''"'' i^fo>"^l': a TICS. Facts and Figures about Economic and Social report to the Congress by the . ., February 1949. Conditions of the Philippines', 1946-1947. Manila, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, 1948.107pp. D.C., 1949. 51 pp. charts. 20c. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CLEARING HOUSE. Public ——. Office of General Services, and Supply Activities; a Adrninistration Organizations; a Directory of Un­ report to the Congress, February /f/P. Government official Organizations in the Field of Public Adminis- Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., 1949. tration in the United States and Canada. 1313 E. 60 52pp. charts. 20c. St., Chicago 37, July 1948. 216pp:.bibl. S3,50. •-. The Post Office; a report to the Congress, February PuBUC ADMINISTRATION SERVICE. Currerit Research 1949. Government Printing Office, Washington Projects in Public Administration. 1313 E. 60 St., '25, D.C., 1949. 21pp. table, chart. 10c. Chicago 37, 1947. 39pp. mimeo. bibl. Pub. No. --—. Foreign Affairs; a report to the Congress, February Sp. 43. SI. 1949. Government Printing Office, Washington . Current Research Projects in Pitblic Administra­ 25, D.G., 1949.77pp. 25c. tion, 1948-49. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago 37, 1949. Department of Agriculture; a report to the Congress, 39pp. inimeo. Pub. No. Sp. 48. SI. ^February 1949. Government Printing Office, RAYMOND RICH ASSOCIATES.- American Foundations^ Washington 25, D.G., 1949. 41pp. 20c. and Their Fields, edited by Wilmer Shields Rich : ". Budgeting and Accounting;^a report to the Congress, and Neva R. Deardorff. 30 E. 22 St., New-York February 1949. Government Printing Office, City 10, 1948. 284pp. S6. Washington 25, D.G., 1949. lOipp. charts. 35c. TENNESSEE. DIVISION OF STATE iNFORMAnoN. '7^C«-' 5 . The jVatiortal Security. Organization; a report to , nessee; the Nation's Most.Interesting State. 115 State the Congress, February 1949. Government Printing - Office Building^\Nashvillc;3, 1948. 36pp."'illus. Office, Washingtoii 25,^D.G., 1949. SOJDp. 15c. TENNESSEE. UNIVERSITY. DIVISION OF UNIVERSITY '. Veterans' Affairs; a report to the Congress, February EXTENSION. Guide to Technical Services Available to 1949. Government Printing Office, Washington State and Local Agencies in Tennessee; Published by 25, D.C., 1949.26pp. 15c. ...for the Tennessee State Planning Commission arid -.Department of Commerce; a report to the Congress, the Bureau of Public Administration. Knoxvillc, March 1949: Government Printing Office, Wash­ Apr. ]948i. 168pp. Pub. No. 185; ington 25, D.C., 1949. 34pp. 15c. TEXASIUNIVERSITW BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH. ——. Treasury Departnfeni; a report to the Congress, • A Selected and Annotated Bibliography of Literature March 1949. Government Printing Office, Wash- .on Public Relations, by William A. Nieiandcr. ington.25, D.C., 1949,^47pp. 15c. Austin 12, June 1948. 14pp. offset. Bibl. No. 3. -—. Regulatory Commissions}'~^~%eport to the Congress,' TOMPKINS, DOROTHY G. Materials for the Study of March 1949. Government PrintulgvPffice, \V'ash- Federal Government. Public Administration Serv- ington 25, D.C., 1949. 24pp. 15c.^\ icci 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago 37,1948. 338pp. S5. Department of Labor; a report to the Congress, U.S.'BURE.AU OF THE BUDGET. DIVTSION OF STATIS­ March 1949, Government Printing Office, VVash- TICAL STANDARDS. Report on the Statistical System ington 25j D.C., 1949. 22pp. chart. 15c. of Puerto Rico. Washington, D.C., May 1948. -. Reorganization of the Department of the Interior; • 53pp. inimeo. -' a report to the Congress, March 1949. Government U.S. BUREAU OF THE BUDGET. LIBRARY. Problem Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., 1949^ Areas: Selected References. Washington, D.G., 94pp. charts. 30c. June 1947. 33pp. offset. Social Security, Education; Indian Affa U.S. BUREAU OF THE. CENSUS. Checklist of Basic to..the Congress, March 1949. Gjjvern Printing Municipal Documents. Government Printing Of­ Office, Washington 25, D.Ct, 194 81pp. 25c. fice, Washington 25, DiC:, 1948. 92pp. State Reorganization of Federal Medi Activities; a and Local Government Special
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