Tw«nty-Twe TOttANCE PRESS Thursday, January 15, 300 Automobile for S«U 200 Automobile for Sal* 200Autemobil** for Sal* 200 Automobile for Sal* 200 Automobile for Sal* 200 HAVING TROUBLE WITH YOUR WASTE-LINE? I,m Not Touched... When your old car starts' eostjng you money, that's the time fo trade up to one of our low cost Safety Tested late models. We have just what you're looking for! '58 Olds 88 Holidoy Coupe $3195 just crazy enough '57 Oldsmobile Fiesta Station Wgn $2995 With Refrigeration '56 Olds 98 Holiday Sedan ........................ $1995 '56 Olds Super 88 Holiday Coupe $1795 to give these cars away '56 Mercury Montclair Coupe ............. $1595 '55 Olds 98 Holiday Sedan ..........._ .. $1595 '54 Olds Super 88 Sedan ............................. $1195 '54 Ford Victoria Coupe .......................... $ 995 '54 Mercury Convertible Coupe ....._..... $ 895 '53 Olds Convertible Coupe ........................ $ 895 '58 MORGAN '57 HILLMAN '56 Austin Healey '53 Dodge Club Coupe ........................... $ 595 T-4 Roadster Estate Wagon Ovardrive, 4 Snaad. '49 Chevrolet 4-door sedan ....___ $ 95 $1795 (MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSt PROM) $1995 $1195 Harbor Motor Co. '57 FIAT '57 METROPOLITAN '55 TR-2 230 and 300 W. Anaheim TE 4-1 166 Roadster Coupe Roadster In Wilmington OPEN WEEKDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS $2195 $1195 $1595 IN ... '57 TR-3 '57 RENAULT '53 M.G. V W's HERMOSA Hardtop Coupe Dauphine Roadster '»7 KARMA »HIA, SIG ENGINE . «4M $2195 $1295 $795 '55 VOLKSWAGBN DELUXE BEACH SEDAN '« VOLtfSWAGIFN ITS '59 FORD V-8 WAGON ...............................___________ $2695 DELUXE SEDAN. 1700 Original Milan 'M AUSTIN HEALY LE MANS MW '57 CHEVROLET V-8 4-DOOR WAGON ._____._.:.. $1795 'M PORSCHE SPEEDSTER HAPD Automatic A SOFT TOP »24?» 'SI THUNDERBIRO, POWER '57 FORD V-8 9-PASSENGER COUNTRY SQUIRE........................ $1995 STEERING, POWER BRAKES, Pow»r «.f^»rlno *nd br/tk»«., whlt» w*ll tlrn. SOFT TOP. IMMACULATE *7W M MGA, RD'iT tlWS '57 MERCURY MONTCLAIR HARDTOP .........._.........__........ $1795 '54 BUICK. CENTURY, HARD . PxHin, M»*t»r, Aiitomnllr TOP, STICK TRANS. W9*> 'U MERCURY MONTCLAIP '57 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE .............___............. $2595 «,»lrk «,hifl, 770 tng. HARDTOP COUPE »1W » 'S7 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR HAPD TOP. 9000 ACTUAL MILES »239S '56 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE :._±.-.._..._.._.____..... $1395 BEAVER bower Pnck. Hc«t#r, Automatic iS CHEVROLET V-B NOMAD, ALFA ROMEO LANCIA POWER STEERING AND BRAKES »l<Wi '56 PONTIAC CATALINA COUPE ... .....................__..... $1295 Radio, Haater, Automntie, Power Staarln* and raka* '«7 FORD RANCHERO, IMMACU­ LATE, POWER STEERING *1795 '54 BUICK CENTURY HARDTOP «_ _«««_.......«___..... $ 795 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. '54 THUNDERBIRD-BOTH HAPD AND SOFT TOP CONTINENT­ PONTIAG Hermosa Beach FR 4-0921 AL KIT. PRICED FOP QUICK '56 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE ..........._.-JL«.l_._ ........ $2595 SALE) THE Pull P«»war "Nothing Down With Good Credit" 'M TR-3 ROADSTER-HAS »OTH HARD AND SOFT TOP A Open Evenings and Sundays RARE ONE! "Every Used Car on Our Lot Is Planily Priced" . RIVIERA Eager VOLKSWAGEN GOING'S FINE THE CAR 2601 Pac. Cst. Hwy MARSH and CARLSON Hermosa FR 6-3488 Beaver WE NEED YOUR TRADE-INS EAGER FOR Studebaker and Packard Dealer "AT TO GIVE YOU THE '59 400 N. SEPULVEDA, MANHATTAN FORDS BEST '59 With These Low, Low FA 1-1797 ' FR 6-9469 CHAS. Year-End Sell-Out-Prices Soderstrom PONTIAC '57 Buick Special Riviera ... ..................... $1989 Ford '57 Ford Del Rio Wagoh ..........___ .. $1889 THE DEAL! '57 Chevrolet 4-door $1589 nth & Utti and Pacific Avr LEADER Kott&Sinolar, Ltd. TE $1489 LO AS '56 Chevrolet V-8 Bel-Air Hdtp Sed Buick '59 San Pedro '55 Oldsmobile 88 Holiday Sedan $1489 THE TIME: '55 T-Bird $2295 JANUARY CLEARANCE '56 Pontiac Star Chief Catalina $1389 Automatic, PHH, R»r| $199 '55 Chevrolet V-8 Bel-Air Coupe ...... $1389 Right now! There's no better 1954 Cadillac 57FORDJ2095 USED CARS OeVllle type coupe, power steering, '55 Buick Special Riviera .................. ..:.... $1289 Falrlane "500" 4-dr. Hardtop, full power brakes, hydramatlc, electric time to learn why '59 Buick power. windows, radio, heater Special of ''53 Chevrolet Bel-Air Sedan ................. > 689 the year-- DN. $1795 '54 Hill man ...................................... $ 689 sales are skyrocketing. Bu­ '57 FORD $1995 Country Sedan, Station Wagon, 4 1955 FORD .......... ........................... FULL PRICE $1099 '53 Ford V-8 Sedan ;......;,.......................,........ $ 489 Door, Full Power. v Brokaw LO AS ick has the style! Buick has Country S4ulra. Radio, haator, Pord-o-matlc. Low GMAC Terms Save 100's of Chevrolet the ride . and Buick has 1952 CHEVROLET .. ..FULL PRICE $ 599< 2901 Pacific Coast Hwy. Dollars on Two »4-Ton furnltura bed truck. Hat stap-ln gate. Hermosa Saach PR 2.1151 AVALON MOTOR CO. the performance that makes 1958 Oldsmobiles $ F»ch full r>r Take Over Payments 59 I9S4 STUDEBAKER ........ .FULL PRICE $ 899 ON run i >v " r /»' r- SPOTLESS Buick and Opel Headquarters V It Station wagon. N*w paint, n«W flnlth. Excellent condition. 195 r' Pontiac MO. it THE car to buy THE CECIL L. OIR1CT PACTORY OtAI f R heater Original Mint and tfrtarUw HERE'S WHY 900 West Anaheim car of the year! Come drive 1957 BUICK FULL PRICE $lb99 riiv,!bl« Batty C»ll Kwv PR 4-7*44 THOMAS Super hardtop. Power steering, power brakes, dynaflow. YOU SAVE' to go »fV MfPC.M""' MONTCLAIP Wilmington TE 4-6580 Two door hardf' , power steertno, Cvrnino* Buick '59 and prove it to AND SONS hrake*. m* lo, h*r!*r, v/hlie wall tf LOW OVERHEAD >•'*•,. e,ff, I hev« |cit received d«> Cadillac, Olds, 1954 OLDSMOBILE FULL PRICE $ 899; li«ery of my n~v IfSf Mercury ft yourself. •"tilt <*crlflr« this ona owner beauty OUTLYING GMC Trucks Suptr M convtrtibl*. Radio, hcatar and hydramatlc fnr the befit «"er this *"erk. Prlvft!" prrf" TA TERRITORY 1 BOB KEEPER-PLYMOUTH Fiat, Alfa Romeo THE. PLACE: 7th to 8th 1958 Chevrolet VOLUME ' fa*ion v/acfon, K-rlfiir, ft pass "VV> The Fabulous FIAT M P V,i, pAvyerollrie, power «teer- | DEALING! 336 West Anaheim mo, radio, h»*Vr, white walls, 6-Z ! I 9la»s HURRY! Only a few '58 Plymouth* left. Butler Buick $2695 ALWAYS "Right" Your Own Deal 1958 PONTIAC "Your Authori/ed Ford Dealer 400 South Sepulveda LEFTOVERS -'* Brokaw KFB No Money Down Plan Row* and row* of beautiful mints ft 100 Cars To models to choose from an»i all dls WILMINGTON "29 Years" TE 5-5513 "I Year Guarantee Available" Manhattan FR 4-8968 counted from *1000 to »7ftOft Cata tin*'-, ^tarfhl^f Boonevillrs Con- Chevrolet TrtU Up to 5 Year, to Pay - "30,000 Mile Warranty" - ' etc Al I MUST 7901 .P*r.'fir Coast Hwy. <.-. roen VITTOPIA rr»i/pf KFBP $ ' down will handle Herm/*-,* P-enrh PP T1H1 1C, radio. h»»t»r »rvl whlt^walh wiir r«w T inn^ Bank of Amerl '57 Plymouth Hardtop ca i-tnancino Liberal trade allow ITS JUST A SHORT 1956 Cod.Mac anre ft all carry full new car Take Over Payments 'M OR SOTO SnorMm<»n M T Aiitn , Continental Kit DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE KF-BP $8.75- Weel *0 Special, 4 door, Hvdramalk, full warranty A, service ON THIS h«at«r, r"w*r «t»*rlna, l»ow«r hrah*», pnwer, air ren'M'oned, ona local Very low mlleane one-owner car at Your '55 Old',mobll« Hardtop owner with pushbutton drive, bin radio, Bob Beaver Pontiac *M cash and $5$ I? per , month car Money Saving 'M PLYMOUTH t door Suburban Auto­ KFBP $ 8.25 Week heater, heavy doty wbltewall tires HITHORI7ED FACTOKY DRALK* Local Direct Factory eyment Ask for 8«n To»R*rv matic, radio, h*nt*>r, whlt»wall* $2995 a, other extras. Just whet you bave Credit Mar FR 4-W4A bean searching for come t Inspect 'M FORO VICTORIA SEDAN. Automat­ It whether you buy or not. CLEAR 900 Pacific Cst. Hwy. AUTHORIZED DEALER Trip KFBP Open Sunday 'til * p.m. FM 4444) 1941 DE SOTO 4 dr Good tires, ic, radio, htatar, powfr stearlna, whltf- $ 8.98 Week ANCt SALE PRICKD CHEAP' W wait- tlrat. down Bank of America financing, FOR brakes, II«M» & 1 yr. old engine liberal trpde ft, free 7 day trial ex­ Clean dependable transportation. 1*5. WHERE 'M CHfVROLfT SEL AIR Hardtop S«- KFBP, $ 9.25 Week change BOB BEAVEP, PONTIAC, PR 9-«1«3 dan. Automatic, radio, haatar, whlttwalli ti4ff Used Car Dept , »oo Pac Cst Hwy , 1953 Chrysler ITS EASY TO SAVE Hermosa Authorized factory dealer. 4-door. Automatic transmission, ra­ J7 CORD COUNTRY SEDAN, four- DODGE - PLYMOUTH PR 4-A931. Open Sunday. dio, beater "erv iood condition. Talc« over payments on '58 door Automatjc, radio, h«at»r, powar KFBP $12.28 Week Iwy. See the "WIDE TRACK" '5» Pontlae Ponflac station wagon. Call ataorln*, whlt«wall| SUM Harmo«a B»ech 1-1131S1 $495 IMPORTED SIMCA Ben Topper, FR 6-0901. W« 0iva SAM Qr Stamps "CHEVROLET 1953" DODGE POWER-GIANT TRUCKS BUICK 1957 Beautiful Be! Air type 7 door Fully 33 CHEVROLET hardto* ?-deor. R* NO PURNITURfc LOAN factory equipped Sparkling finish *- Brokaw 1st Choice Used Cars dlo, heater Take over payment* BOB Home ot RIVIERA HARDTOP About i?* per month Call Henry NO SALAR\ LOAN it «. the economical sper)«| that i<- h«av> duty custom whitewaM tire* (Most Every One A Local Trade-in) PR 4-W44 fullv factory enlopped Com»s from -It's lual the car you have been Chevrolet NO MONIY DOWN* wenlthv ft e»( |ii<iive Palo'i Veide' <i»archlnq fo> BIG SALE <4*t COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . REBUILT '4§ Ford truck F^tate^ ,rn%«llnn«l hatoam S1A99 PULl Pf ICE, IW down and about 7901 Pacific Coast H wy.
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