Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:18:33 Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:18:33 Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council Waste Water Discharge Licence Application Form Kilmore Quay Village and Environs For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Agglomeration Licence Category 1001-2000 EPA Ref. N o: (Office use only) Environmental Protection Agency PO Box 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wexford Lo Call: 1890 335599 Telephone: 053-9160600 Fax: 053-9160699 Web: www.epa.ie Email: [email protected] EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:18:33 Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council Environmental Protection Agency Application for a Waste Water Discharge Licence Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007. CONTENTS Page SECTION A: NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY 6 SECTION B: GENERAL 10 B.1 AGGLOMERATION DETAILS 10 APPLICANT’S DETAILS 10 CO-APPLICANT’S DETAILS 11 DESIGN, BUILD & OPERATE CONTRACTOR DETAILS 11 B.2 LOCATION OF ASSOCIATED WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT(S) 12 B.3 LOCATION OF PRIMARY DISCHARGE POINT 12 B.4 LOCATION OF SECONDARY DISCHARGE POINT(S) 13 B.5 LOCATION OF STORM WATER OVERFLOW POINT(S) 13 B.6 PLANNING AUTHORITY 14 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. B.7 OTHER AUTHORITIES 15 B.8 NOTICES AND ADVERTISEMENTS 16 B.9 (I) POPULATION EQUIVALENT OF AGGLOMERATION 16 B.9 (II) PENDING DEVELOPMENT 17 B.9 (III) FEES 17 B.10 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAMME 17 B.11 SIGNIFICANT CORRESPONDENCE 18 B.12 FORESHORE ACT LICENCES. 18 SECTION C: INFRASTRUCTURE & OPERATION 19 C.1 OPERATIONAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS 19 C.2 OUTFALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 20 Page 4 of 35 EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:18:33 Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council SECTION D: DISCHARGES TO THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT 21 D.1 DISCHARGES TO SURFACE WATERS 21 D.2 TABULAR DATA ON DISCHARGE POINTS 22 SECTION E: MONITORING 23 E.1 WASTE WATER DISCHARGE FREQUENCY AND QUANTITIES – EXISTING & PROPOSED 23 E.2. MONITORING AND SAMPLING POINTS 24 E.3. TABULAR DATA ON MONITORING AND SAMPLING POINTS 25 E.4 SAMPLING DATA 25 SECTION F: EXISTING ENVIRONMENT & IMPACT OF THE DISCHARGE(S) 26 F.1. ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT ON RECEIVING SURFACE OR GROUND WATER 26 F.2 TABULAR DATA ON DRINKING WATER ABSTRACTION POINT(S) 31 SECTION G: PROGRAMMES OF IMPROVEMENTS 32 G.1 COMPLIANCE WITH COUNCIL DIRECTIVES 32 G.2 COMPLIANCE WITH WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR PHOSPHORUS REGULATIONS (S.I. NO. 258 OF 1998). 33 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. G.3 IMPACT MITIGATION 33 G.4 STORM WATER OVERFLOW 34 SECTION H: DECLARATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ANNEX 1: TABLES/ATTACHMENTS ANNEX 2: CHECKLIST Page 5 of 35 EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:18:33 Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council SECTION A: NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY Advice on completing this section is provided in the accompanying Guidance Note. A non-technical summary of the application is to be included here. The summary should identify all environmental impacts of significance associated with the discharge of waste water associated with the waste water works. This description should also indicate the hours during which the waste water works is supervised or manned and days per week of this supervision. The following information must be included in the non-technical summary: A description of: − the waste water works and the activities carried out therein, − the sources of emissions from the waste water works, − the nature and quantities of foreseeable emissions from the waste water works into the receiving aqueous environment as well as identification of significant effects of the emissions on the environment, − the proposed technology and other techniques for preventing or, where this is not possible, reducing emissions from the waste water works, - further measures planned to comply with the general principle of the basic obligations of the operator, i.e., that no significant pollution is caused; − measures planned to monitor emissions into the environment. Supporting information should form Attachment N o A.1 A Description of the Wastewater Works and the Activities Carried Out For inspection purposes only. Therein Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. The wastewater generated within the village of Kilmore Quay and its environs does not at present under go any form of treatment. The sources of Emissions/nature of emissions from the Waste Water Works As outlined above there is no wastewater treatment plant for Kilmore Quay Village and environs, and thus there are presently no plant emissions. Page 6 of 35 EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:18:33 Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council Quantities of discharge Currently there are no treatment plant discharges, as outlined previously. However, there are 2 discharge points from the Kilmore Quay Village and Environs agglomeration at present, the Primary Discharge Point(SW1), located above the high water level on the west side of the quay wall and a Combined Storm Overflow discharge (SW2) located on the eastern side of the quay wall. Neither of these discharges are equipped with any form of flow measurement. Under the Preliminary Report undertaken as part of preparations for provision of a new wastewater treatment plant for Kilmore Quay Village and Environs, a 35 day flow and load survey was conducted for the period 22 nd April to 26 th of May 2006. This flow and load study indicated an average discharge volume of 173 cubic meters per day. As this period was outside the peak tourist period an additional desk top calculation was conducted, which estimated a peak loading volume of 263.13 cubic meters per day. An extract from Preliminary Report is attached in appendix A. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Effect of emissions From ambient monitoring conducted as part of this license application, there are appears to be no measurable impact on receiving waters Technologies Not Applicable. Techniques Not Applicable. Page 7 of 35 EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:18:33 Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council Prevention of Pollution It is the ultimate intention of Wexford County Council, pending the availability of funding, to provide a new wastewater treatment plant for Kilmore Quay Village and Environs. The provision of this treatment plant forms part of the proposed 11 Village Bundle Scheme, which is currently included in the “Water Services Investment Programme for Wexford” 2007- 2009. The expected date for commissioning of the new treatment works for Kilmore Village and Environs is 2011/2012. However, this is subject to national funding From the Department of Environment, Heritage and local Government. The scope of works involved, is the provision of a new wastewater treatment works, which will discharge at a new sea outfall to the north of the existing discharge point. It is intended that the current primary discharge point will be utilised as an emergency overflow from the proposed new pumping station. A new Discharge License application to cover these works and the enlarged Agglomeration will be applied for at the appropriate time. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Toxic Substances Analysis of samples taken of the receiving water at the foreshore of the sea outfalls (primary discharge point and secondary discharge point ) and of the discharge from primary discharge point shows that the level of dangerous substances are below the limits specified in the Dangerous Substances Regulations. The agglomeration discharges are therefore compliant with the requirements. Measures planned to monitor emissions into the environment As outlined previously, a new wastewater treatment plant is planned for Kilmore Quay Village and Environs, as yet a final decision on the method of Page 8 of 35 EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:18:33 Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council procurement has not been finalised, and therefore, it is not possible to outline an exact monitoring programme, which will be put in place for emissions from the proposed new plant. However, regardless of the method of procurement, it is Wexford County Council’s intention to put a monitoring programme in place which will be compliant with all statutory requirements. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Page 9 of 35 EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:18:33 Kilmore Quay & Environs Wastewater Discharge Licence Application Wexford County Council SECTION B: GENERAL Advice on completing this section is provided in the accompanying Guidance Note. B.1 Agglomeration Details Name of Agglomeration: Kilmore Quay Village and Environs Applicant’s Details Name and Address for Correspondence Only application documentation submitted by the applicant and by the nominated person will be deemed to have come from the applicant. Provide a drawing detailing the agglomeration to which the licence application relates. It should have the boundary of the agglomeration to which the licence application relates clearly marked in red ink . Name*: Wexford County Council Address: County Hall Spawell Road Wexford Co Wexford Tel: (053) 9176500 Fax: (053) 9143406 e-mail: [email protected] *This should be the name of the water services authority in whose ownership or control the waste water works is vested. *Where an application is being submitted on behalf of more than one water services authority the details provided in Section B.1 shall be that of theFor inspection lead w aterpurposes services only.
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