View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by University of New Mexico University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Board of Regents Meeting Minutes University of New Mexico Board of Regents 6-17-1948 University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for June 17, 1948 University of New Mexico Board of Regents Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/bor_minutes Recommended Citation University of New Mexico Board of Regents. "University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for June 17, 1948." (1948). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/bor_minutes/642 This Minutes is brought to you for free and open access by the University of New Mexico Board of Regents at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Board of Regents Meeting Minutes by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,,, ..· .. THE MINUTES OF.THE MEETING OF . THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO 1... -~ . ·June 17, 1948 The· Regent.,s of the University me~ on Thursda!, June 17, 1948, in the Regents' Room at 10:00 a.m. ' Present: Judge· Sam G. Bratton Mr. Jack Korber Mrs. John Milne Mr •. Tibo J. Chave.z Absent: Mrs. George W. Savage. Presi~ent John Philip Wernette, President-Elect Tom L. Popejoy, and Academi~ Vi~e-President France V. Scholes were present at the meeting. Mr. John Gaw Meem, the University architect, appeared Campus Plan before the Regents and presented a map of the campus showing te~tative r~co~endations for the locat~on of new buildings which, based upon an enrollment of 6,000 students in 1960, would be needed. Mr.. Meem_explained to the Regents that the proposed lo­ cations were based upon the theory tpat all classroom structures would .be located in an area of the campus where it would be pos­ sible. for the students to travel_ from one building to any other building in. the 10 minute time which- ·i·s~available between class . · hours. He also indicated that the location of tpe buildings should generally follow a pattern which would make it possible to have those units engaged in generAl areas of knowledge in clusters.as follows:. (a) Technological training in the southwestern part of the main campus (b) Fine Arts in tpe southcentral part (c) Home Economics in the southcentral part (d) Arts and Sciences and professional in the central part of th~ campus (~) Administrative in the northcentral part (f) Law and Auditorium in the northeastern part -- (g) All auxiliary buildings which are non-instructional in nature to be on the periphery and generally to .. \be .east of the .main campus Mr. Meem ' explained in.detail the new buildings which had been suggested b,y the Building Committee of the Faculty and he also indicated the proposed locations. .,•.-·· •.l It was the consensus of the ·Regents that the proposed . campus plan should be studied throughout the summer b,y the Regents, the architect, and the Building Committee, and that a final campus plan would be considered at a meeting to be held this fall. The Regents approved the locations recommended b.r Mr. Meem for the Printing Plant, the· Chapel, and the Heating Plant. · .. I Mr. Meem also presented to the Regents color sketches of the plans for a new Law Building and an Audi~orium.··These plans were initiated by Mr. Francis Wilson, Sant·a Fe· attorney. It was proposed that the building be located.in'the area immediately east of the President's Home and that the construction would be financed from do.nations made by Mr. Wilson and other members of the Bar and a legislative appropriation • ./ The Reg§mts approved. the plans and asked· MT •. Meem to convey the thanks and appreciation of the Regerits to Mr •. Wilson for his interest in assisting the University in this urgent building problem. ( . Additional The. Regents aut!Iorized~" a bond issue of $135,000.·00 for the_ Library Book financing of the additional library book stacks and directed' the · Stacks University attorneys to pre}?are the bond resolutions ;for the State Board of ·Finance arid the· Regents. The Regents also agreed that the · · firm of Boettcher and Company, ofDenver, would preparethe'pros-:' · I pectus and other pertinent' information for the sale or· these bonds, · which would coincide \>lith the sale of the: dormitory issue. · The · University Architect,. the Comptroller of the University,. and others· . were authorized to proceed with the sale of'the bonds and the other requirements for ·the construction of this unit~ · * * * * * *' Storage fa- · The Regents a1so authorized Mr. Meem- to prepate•::::plans and cilities plans specifications £or storage ·facilities to be lacated ,on larm near the authorized north nine holes of' the golf' course,·and which would replace the. storage facilities which will.be removed when the new dormitory is constructed. * * * * * * Next. Meeting It was agreed that the :Regents would ·meet on· August 10, 1948 to receive the bids from the bond buyers for the dormitory issue arid the libracy- 'issue and to also receive the bids from. the contrac­ tGrs for the construction Of t:q_e:>dormitory • ' .. * * * * * * Printing It was brought to the attention of the Regents by Mr. Plant Popejoy that the Printing Plant at the University was entirely in­ I adequate for present and ,future operations of this unit. It was •.'" recommended that a new Printing Plant Building, which would house the print·ing equipment and which would al-so ·make space available for the Journalism ~apartment, the staff which produces the Lobo, the Mirage, - and the-Thunderbird, the staff employed in the Information Division of ,,' ' . ' the University, and the Alumni Office, Qe constructea on the location south o'f Hokona Hall rec'ommended bY the University Architect ang the Building Commit'tee of the' Faculty, and that the University Architect be authorized to proceed-with the plans and specifications which would be presented to the Regents for final approva,l. The recommendation states that the· construction costs would be financed' from a bond issue which would be repaid from the net profits'of the printing plant and the rental ipcome from the building~ The Regents approved these recommendations. * * * * * * I ; .. A memorandum from Mr. PopeJOY to tpe Regents also.jndicated ·New Heating the need for the construction of a new Heating Plant Building. It Plant was pointed out th~t the prese~t heating fac~lities were inagequ~te to take care of the~ heating requirem~nts ~or, the: additio~al ~tru_ctures which have been located on the campus dur~ng the.past year and that it would be entirely unsatisfactory when the new Pharmacy Building and the new dormitory for men.were completed.' -It was estimatedl . 'that the new Heating Plant would cost appro~imately $290 000.00. • ' 1 t The Regents agreed that the Unbrersity Architect should be authorized to proc~ed with the preparation of ~he plans and sp~qifica­ tions for the new building and th~t Dean M. E~ Farris and ~rofessor I A. D. Ford· of the College of Engineering Faculty should prepate-·the plans for the installation of the heating equipment; these plans to be presented to the Regents for final approval. The funds for the construction of ~his building would come from a bond. issue, the security for whichlOuld be an allocation of part of the student fees which are now collected b.Y. the'University.'. · * * * * * * The proposed agreement between the University of New Mexico Agreement and Mr. and ~s. Raymond Jonson which 'makes provision for the transfer b~tween Ray­ of Mr. Jonson's property in Santa Fe to. the University and the. eon-. · mond Jonson struction of a new~home .and art gallery on the University campus was and University. presented to the Regents by Mr. Popejoy. This agreement was approved .. by the Regent!J with ~he understanding 1Jhat paragraph 5, dealing with tax liability, should be deleted and with the additional understanding that the officers of the Regents wohld oe authorized' to sign the ap­ propriate documents. The a~eement follows: I '~ ' AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and e~tered into this t day of June, 1~48, b.r and between REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called' "Regents"; and RAYMOND JONSON arid VERA JONSON, his wife, hereinafter c.~led . 11 Jonsons"; t · · · · WHEREAS, Jonsbns have execute~ and tendere~ to Regents a warranty deed conveying to the Regents property in the' City and County of Santa Fe, New Mexico, described as follows, to-wit: ' BEGINNING at"the southwest corner of Lot 1 of the ATAlAYA ADDITION to the City of Sarita Fe, marked by a t inch iron rod and wall; ' thence N. 10 de g. 33' W. 193 .• 7 feet to a point; thence N•. 75 deg. 40' E. 156.4 feet to a point r ' in arroyo; ·thence s. 42 deg. 41' E. 167.2 feet to a rint; thence s. 31 deg. 09 1 E. 145.7 feet to a · inch galvanized iron pipe; thence along the north side of East Buena. Vista Street, otherwi~e known as Camino de Las Animas, N. 86 deg. 34' w. 305.2 feet to the place and point·of beginning; being and intended to be the south portion of' Lot numbered One (1) of the ATALAYA ADDITION to the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico, reference being I . had to the plat of said Addition prepared by'George · · M. Neel, dated May 1:6, 1922; " ' and'have further tendered to the Regents a bill of sale conveying to the Regents as a gift, a collection of paintings, reference to which instruments is hereby made; and WHEREAS, the gift of the real estate above described h~s been offered and tendered to the Regents upon tpe condition that Regents would furnish the Jonsons and the survivor of them suitable living quarters on or near{ the campus of·t~e · University ~f New Mexico at Af.buquerque, NewMexico, for an~ during their respective natural lives, and further have re­ quested that the Regents sell the real estate and property .
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