University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1982 The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 11-10-1982 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 087, No 58, 11/ 10/1982 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1982 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 087, No 58, 11/10/1982." 87, 58 (1982). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1982/140 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1982 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 87 No.ss. Second in-state finalist to visit as -more candidates considered By Craig Chrissinger port for any one candidate. of mutually supported interactions and Taina Kuusisto Jaramillo also has said he does not between the university and the three be1ieve Governor-elect Toney national laboratories." With the second in-state presiden­ Anaya will interfere in the Regent's Hull worked on the Manhattan tial finalist, Provost McAllister Hull decision through his two Regent Project at Los Alamos during World Jr. set to address the public on Fri­ appointments in 1983. Regents Cal­ War II. day, UNM Board of Regents Chair­ vin Horn and Colleen Maloof's He received his doctorate and man Henry Jaramillo said Monday terms end Dec. 3 I. bachelor's degree in physics from there is a "likelihood that others "I don't sec any credence to Yale University and was an assistant may be invited." that," Jaramillo has said. "Weha:ve and associate professor of physics "The Regents have spent a con­ never, ever seen a governor inter­ there from 1954 to 1966. siderable time during the last few fere. The governor would be fool­ Between working at Yale Uni­ weeks' looking at candidates' files," ish, I think, to intervene in a case versity and State University, Hull Jaramillo said. "At the conclusion like this." · served as chairman of, and a profes­ of these public forums, we will de­ Jaramillo added that Anaya's sor in, the department of physics at cide if others should be invited. power of re-appointing Regents Oregon State University from 1966 There is interest in possibly looking would have little effect on Hom and to 1969, at six to 10 others, but no decision Maloof as Horn intends to retire Hull is a fellow in the American has been made at this point.'' from the Board and Maloof also is Physical Society and a member of Jaramillo has said two possibili­ thinking of stepping down. the American Association of Phy­ ties for additional candidates .arc Hull will be the fifth of six final­ sics Teachers. John Aragon, president of New ists to address the public in a forum AI Utton, UNM professor of in­ Mexico Highlands University, and noon Friday in UNM's Rodey ternational and resources law, will Warren Armstrong, president of Theatre. speak noon Nov. 15 in Rodey Eastern New Mexico University. Hull, 59, has been provost and a Theatre. Regent Calvin Horn also publicly physics professor here since 1977. Donald Langenberg, deputy acknowledged he has done research Previously, he was at the State Uni­ director of the National Science on at least one other candidate who versity of New York at Buffalo. Foundation; Alex Mercure, former was screened out by the Presidential Hull said that probably the most UNM vice president for Regional Search Committee. important achievement of his time as and Community Affairs; John At the same time, Jaramillo said provost is the "movement of the Prucha, vice chancellor for he hopes the presidential selction is university toward the support of the academic affairs at Syracuse Uni­ made by Dec. I. state and high technology develop­ versity; and Paul Rosenblatt, profes­ ''There has been a Jot of input as ment, while at the same time main­ sor of English and fanner dean of the to the type of individual people see taining the Strength of the humani­ Coll~ge of Liberal Arts ·at the Uui­ as president," Jaramillo said. "I ties and social sciences. versity of Arizona, addressed public have received letters recommending "A part of that is the development forums during the last four weeks. one or another person, but 99 per­ cent of the letters require no re­ sponse. NOT APPROVED: This photograph that appears on ASUNM •'The support has been very wide­ senate candidate Kevin Bersell's posters was rejected as "in­ spread for all the finalists,'' Jaramil­ appropriate" by the ASUNM election committee. Bersell, who lo said. "There is no clear-cut sup- came up with the idea in order to "grab somebody's eye," has been busily placing stickers over the offending portion of the Senate elections poster to comply with committee standards. underway today Voting in the ASUNM senate Election ad censored election begins at 9 a.m. today at any of the 14 ballot boxes placed at nine locations on campus. by ASUNM committee Five ballot boxes will be in the SUB, two at Mitchell Hall, and one By Terri Jenkins barred from continuing his or her each at the School of Nursing and candidacy. Pharmacy, Johnson Gym, Marron Nude ads featuring Kevin BerscH, "Invalidation of his candidacy Hall, La Posada Diiling Hall, the ASUNM Senate candidate have would be the ultimate worst result,'' Anderson School of Management, been the center of controversy on Gallegos said. Farris Engineering Center and the campus this week. Bersell said he has placed "cen­ bus stop across from the campus BerseU, a dietetics and nutrition sored" stickers over the area of his police building. major in the department of home campaign poster designated objec­ Only undergraduates may vote in economics, said he wanted people to tionable by the ASUNM Election the election. A valid UNM ID must notice his name. "I wasn't trying to Commission. He said the photo· be presented at the polling place. make a mockery of the election or graph had been taken by his brother Read profiles of the candidates on anything," Bersell said. His ad last year. pages 6 and 7 in today's Daily posters, depicting him nude in a Gallegos said she met with Lobo. view from the back, have twice been Bersell to delineate areas of the ad rejected for campus use by the which would have to be covered. ASUNM Election Commission and "My best approach was to grab Flu epidemic Attorney General Karen Gallegos. somebody's eye," BerscJJ said. "I Jeff Alexander Gallegos said Bersell had first tried an innovative, original expected to hit A MOUNTAIN oft~~gistration materials dwindles fast as Elaine submitted the ad for her approval, approach with humor. Apparently it Candelaria stuffs one of 25,000 envelopes to be mailed to which she withheld. Bersell then (the ad) got a lot of attention.'' NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - A students for neld spring. Candelaria is one of seven who have took the full-length poster to the BerscH said he believed ASUNM "moderate-sized epidemic" of the ASUNM Election Commission was afraid the ad would invalidate flu could strike the United States this been stuffing envelopes which should all be in the mail this which unanimously ruled it "not the entire election, or have an winter, giving one of every 10 week. · approved." adverse effect on the funding pro­ Americans aches, fever and the risk vided ASUNM by the New Mexico of developing fatal pneumonia, a Gallegos said ads and campaign State Legislature. doctor said Tuesday. Time to think spring materials rejected by the ASUNM The 24-year-old native of Miami, Dr. Robert Couch, professor at committee must be re-submitted for Fla., said he would be a good senator the Baylor College of Medicine in approval before postittg. If the because he is slightly older, has Houston, said the cyclical nature of as registration nears candidate with the questionable traveled, atid worked at different viral diseases indicates a Bangkok­ material proceeds with posting the jobs in different situations. type flu will spread throughout the Spring registration packets were 29 to Dec. 10. Seniors may register ad around the campus, the candidate "But I don't think I'IJ win, " nation from early December to mid­ mailed out beginning last Thursday on the first day of registration, re­ can be charged with violating cam· Bersell said. "People will have two February, with its greatest cottcen· and should be reaching students this gardless of ID number. paign rules, she explained. ways of looking at it. One, they'll tration in January. week. "Violations of the campus cam­ say, 'Who is this idiot?' j or, two, ''Our predictiott is a moderate· The packets will c:ontain aJI Students who miss their registra­ paign code can then be taken to the 'That's different, wild, cute- I'll sized epidemic this winter," he necessary registration materials ex­ tion day may sign up for classes by Student Court for any violation," votefor him.' " Bersell said persons said, explaining that would affect cept the spring schedule of classes. appointment between 3:30 and S Gallegos said. After court proceed· he queried didn't find the ad in ques· about 10 percent of the population, RegistrP.tion by appointment is Nov, p.m. before Dec:. lO. ingst the candidate then could be tionable taste. · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · .ttl Pa~e 2. New Mexico Daily Lobo, November 10, 1982 t'age .i, New Mexico Daily Lobo, November 10, 1982 r---~----------~--------~--· I ~~sT 1-HOUR 1Anti-nuclear weapons program Paid for by the ASUNM Elections Commision ;:r~ .
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