S4978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 24, 2007 ‘‘(I) provisions relating to nitrogen oxide SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS (37) Landon Peacock; and sulfur dioxide emission reductions; (38) Seth Pelock; ‘‘(II) provisions relating to allocations of (39) Tim Pierie; nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide allowances; SENATE RESOLUTION 167—CON- (40) Joe Pierre; and GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY (41) Adam Pischke; ‘‘(III) such other provisions as the Admin- (42) Jarad Plummer; OF WISCONSIN MEN’S INDOOR (43) Ben Porter; istrator determines to be necessary.’’. TRACK AND FIELD TEAM ON BE- (44) Nathan Probst; SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS COMING THE 2006–2007 NATIONAL (45) Codie See; FOR DEPOSITION MONITORING. COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- (46) Noah Shannon; (47) Chris Solinsky; (a) OPERATIONAL SUPPORT.—In addition to TION DIVISION I INDOOR TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPIONS (48) Mike Sracic; amounts made available under any other (49) Derek Thiel; law, there are authorized to be appropriated Mr. FEINGOLD (for himself and Mr. (50) Joe Thomas; for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2017— KOHL) submitted the following resolu- (51) Jeff Tressley; (1) for operational support of the National tion; which was considered and agreed (52) Christian Wagner; and Atmospheric Deposition Program National to: (53) Matt Withrow; Trends Network— Whereas the success of the Badgers indoor S. RES. 167 (A) $2,000,000 to the United States Geologi- track and field team was facilitated by the cal Survey; Whereas, on March 10, 2007, in Fayetteville, knowledge and commitment of the team’s (B) $600,000 to the Environmental Protec- Arkansas, the University of Wisconsin men’s coaching staff, including— indoor track and field team (referred to in tion Agency; (1) Head Coach Ed Nuttycombe; this preamble as the ‘‘Badgers indoor track (C) $600,000 to the National Park Service; (2) Assistant Coach Jerry Schumacher; and field team’’) became the first-ever Big 10 (3) Assistant Coach Mark Guthrie; and Conference school to win the National Colle- (4) Assistant Coach Will Wabaunsee; (D) $400,000 to the Forest Service; giate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I (5) Volunteer Coach Pascal Dorbert; (2) for operational support of the National Indoor Track and Field Championship, by (6) Volunteer Coach Nick Winkel; and Atmospheric Deposition Program Mercury placing first with 40 points, 5 points ahead of (7) Volunteer Coach Chris Ratzenberg; Deposition Network— second place finisher Florida State Univer- Whereas, on February 24, 2007, in Bloom- (A) $400,000 to the Environmental Protec- sity, and 6 points ahead of the third place ington, Indiana, the Badgers indoor track tion Agency; finisher, the University of Texas; and field team won its seventh consecutive (B) $400,000 to the United States Geological Whereas the Badgers indoor track and field Big 10 Championship by placing first with 120 Survey; team secured its victory through the strong points, 27 points ahead of the second place (C) $100,000 to the National Oceanic and At- performances of its members, including— finisher, the University of Minnesota, and 31 mospheric Administration; and (1) senior Chris Solinsky, who placed first points ahead of the third place finisher, the (D) $100,000 to the National Park Service; in the 5,000-meter run, with a time of 13:38.61, University of Michigan; (3) for the National Atmospheric Deposi- and placed second in the 3,000-meter run, Whereas numerous members of the Badgers tion Program Atmospheric Integrated Re- with a time of 7:51.69; indoor track and field team were recognized search Monitoring Network $1,500,000 to the (2) senior Demi Omole, who placed second for their performances in the Big 10 Con- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- in the 60-meter dash with a time of 6.57; ference, including— tration; (3) senior Tim Nelson, who placed fifth in (1) Demi Omole, who was named Track the 5,000-meter run with a time of 13:48.08; (4) for the Clean Air Status and Trends Athlete of the Year and Track Athlete of the (4) senior Joe Detmer, who finished fifth in Championships; Network $5,000,000 to the Environmental the Heptathlon with 5,761 points; and (2) Joe Detmer, who was named Field Ath- Protection Agency; and (5) freshman Craig Miller, sophomore lete of the Year and was a Sportsmanship (5) for the Temporally Integrated Moni- James Groce, junior Joe Pierre, and fresh- Award honoree; toring of Ecosystems and Long-Term Moni- man Jack Bolas, who finished fifth in the (3) Craig Miller, who was named Freshman toring Program $2,500,000 to the Environ- Distance Medley Relay with a time of 9:35.81; of the Year; mental Protection Agency. Whereas the success of the season depended (4) Ed Nuttycombe, who was named Coach (b) MODERNIZATION.—In addition to on the hard work, dedication, and perform- of the Year; amounts made available under any other ance of every player on the Badgers indoor (5) Chris Solinsky, Demi Omole, and Joe law, there are authorized to be appro- track and field team, including— Detmer, who were named First Team All-Big (1) Zach Beth; 10; and priated— (2) Brandon Bethke; (6) Brandon Bethke, Craig Miller, Luke (1) for equipment and site modernization of (3) Brennan Boettcher; Hoenecke, Steve Markson, and Tim Nelson, the National Atmospheric Deposition Pro- (4) Jack Bolas; who were named Second Team All-Big 10; gram National Trends Network $6,000,000 to (5) Nathan Brown; Whereas numerous members of the Badgers the Environmental Protection Agency; (6) Joe Conway; indoor track and field team were recognized (2) for equipment and site modernization (7) Ryan Craven; for their performance in the NCAA Indoor and network expansion of the National At- (8) Joe Detmer; Track and Field Championships, including— mospheric Deposition Program Mercury Dep- (9) Victor Dupuy; (1) Ed Nuttycombe, who was named Divi- osition Network $2,000,000 to the Environ- (10) Peter Dykstra; sion I Men’s Indoor Track and Field Coach of mental Protection Agency; (11) Stu Eagon; the Year by the U.S. Track and Field and (3) for equipment and site modernization (12) Sal Fadel; Cross Country Coaches Association; and network expansion of the National At- (13) Jake Fritz; (2) Jack Bolas, Joe Detmer, Stu Eagon, mospheric Deposition Program Atmospheric (14) Ryan Gasper; James Groce, Tim Nelson, Demi Omole, Joe Integrated Research Monitoring Network (15) Barry Gill; Pierre, and Chris Solinsky, who were recog- $1,000,000 to the National Oceanic and At- (16) Dan Goesch; nized as 2007 Men’s Indoor Track All-Ameri- mospheric Administration; and (17) James Groce; cans; and (4) for equipment and site modernization (18) Eric Hatchell; (3) Chris Solinsky, who was named Divi- (19) Luke Hoenecke; and network expansion of the Clean Air Sta- sion I Men’s Track Athlete of the Year by (20) Paul Hubbard; tus and Trends Network $4,600,000 to the En- the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country (21) Lance Kendricks; Coaches Association, and was the first Uni- vironmental Protection Agency. (22) Andrew Lacy; versity of Wisconsin men’s track athlete to (c) AVAILABILITY OF AMOUNTS.—Each of the (23) Nate Larkin; be named national athlete of the year; and amounts appropriated under subsection (b) (24) Billy Lease; Whereas several members of the 2007 Badg- shall remain available until expended. (25) Jim Liermann; ers indoor track and field team were also (26) Rory Linder; members of the 2005 University of Wisconsin SEC. 6. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS. (27) Steve Ludwig; men’s cross country NCAA Division I Cham- Title IV of the Clean Air Act (relating to (28) Steve Markson; pionship team, including— noise pollution) (42 U.S.C. 7641 et seq.)— (29) Zach McCollum; (1) Brandon Bethke; (1) is amended by redesignating sections (30) James McConkey; (2) Stu Eagon; 401 through 403 as sections 801 through 803, (31) Brian McCulliss; (3) Ryan Gasper; (32) Chad Melotte; respectively; and (4) Tim Nelson; (33) Craig Miller; (5) Tim Pierie; (2) is redesignated as title VIII and moved (34) Tim Nelson; (6) Joe Pierre; to appear at the end of that Act. (35) Pat Nichols; (7) Ben Porter; (36) Demi Omole; (8) Codie See; VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:50 Apr 25, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00114 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP6.074 S24APPT1 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with SENATE April 24, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4979 (9) Chris Solinsky; Rookie of the Year, Christine Dufour was Whereas, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has (10) Christian Wagner; and named to the All-WCHA Third Team and was played a critical role in virtually every (11) Matt Wintrow: Now, therefore, be it WCHA Goaltending Champion, and Erika major advance in breast cancer research over Resolved, That the Senate— Lawler was named to the All-WCHA Third the past 25 years, with research investments (1) congratulates the University of Wis- Team; to date of more than $300,000,000; consin-Madison men’s indoor track and field Whereas Coach Mark Johnson, who won an Whereas, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has team, Head Coach Ed Nuttycombe, Athletic NCAA championship as member of the Uni- advocated for more research on breast cancer Director Barry Alvarez, and Chancellor John versity of Wisconsin men’s hockey team in treatment and prevention, with the Federal D. Wiley, on an outstanding championship 1977, was a member of the gold-medal win- Government now devoting more than season; and ning 1980 United States Olympic hockey $900,000,000 each year to breast cancer re- (2) respectfully requests the Secretary of team, and is one of the few people who have search, compared with $30,000,000 in 1982; the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of won a national championship as both a play- Whereas, Susan G.
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