AREA code 403 k FIND IT FAST IN THE TEILOW PAGES EFFECTIVE DATE JUNE 7th ..time saving ...step saving extension phones add convenience and L ^ IN THE WORKSHOP . KITCHEN CONVENIENCE BEDSIDE COMPANION Hii FOR THE FAMILY ROOM . directory SUtVIVALIPIP ■% W 1 W rtfc IN■■ ^ A• NUCLEARQP alberta know the correct WAR action to THOySANDS OF LIVES CAN BE SAVED IF THE PE IMPERATIVE mAT THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT TAKE SHOULD A NUCLEAR WAR OCCUR. "^p aND REMEMBERED. facts are LEARWB»^ emergency arrangements MEANING OF THE WARNINGS advance planning ^ fliere will be no time to make plans. Families ALERT WARNING etc. to provide fallout protection and emer- Sbrady Wast for tbree miimtes on sirens, horns, wms i BooHete oHteing advice on ^S^vailable free of charge from your local Civil Action to Taike ^ _ KSf Sg^tion,bSi0,000, orEdmonton. hy jriting to Alberta Emergency ,1 P^are to carry out your survival« pton- « T Sd you*and *' radu), alt stations w31 switch to a provmcial ne issoe the same instructions. ^ _ «P<n)le with BiSJeS^JSd read the lollowfeig booklets prepared by the M^bers <rf the Giva DdSraoice Corps .and omCTaccordance pf^ federal SURVIVAL im^geiusy duties, will report for service m previous mstTOetions^ yo^baSbnt fallout shelter SIMPLER SHEMERS TAKE COVER WARNING sirens ^and/or^ yiScni EMERGENCY PACK . , Ri^ and fajlitig note for tiiree rnimites ^ sni^^ livlna in Calgary or Edmonton should also read shc^ blasts OB horns, vydtistles, etc., for three nunu People ggJ^AL m MKELY TARGET AREAS, and blast shelters u ij «i Action to Take »'eoP'*'People falloutUvlng In rural on THEeomm^ltlM FARM should also read IN A BUILDING ^ ^ or into emergency supplies ^ K there is no prepared diettier, go into the from an interunr room on tte ground floor, j SSTmd^ter?Sur family should in covered be eq^ed. contoeis, wito adothing week and rablankets,ppW of windows. Rflmain tiuoTe told that you m j Sting heating and samtatiOT^gmpment,BATTEWOPERATED a first PUTpOORS , *.aiAa7 the above aid^Mtf spabE BATTERDBS. ' Go to the nearest shdter ot building and on the RADIO instructions. H jmu cannot reach shelter, ^ body, dispersal j 1 a 1 ground, face down and cover fba exposed pana a you live to a target area and plan to leave in case a IN A CAR Open car wasiing is sounded, learn your disperaal route and have the If yon are leaving a tarj^ area, do not y^n S&y supplies listed above rea^ for mrn^ate use. vnndows and have passengers ecouch on tw jfeiites SS^adcwtewffl inform you on the advisability of dia- are not leaving the raiget area, drive off mam for immediately following toe ^ert wammg. if you live and then goto neardt shelter and fellow insirHB toe target area, you should remain in your home. people to hnndtofflt. ^ .«,«fAiiT»oards could dday lifesaving messages. DONT USE YOUR PHONE. Jammed ™nr area nUl be attacked. PONT PANIC. Warnhi^ do not famfly are prohabty sheltered elsewhere. DON^ GO OUTSIDE. Msshig memhm® ciioviVAL PLAN. Contact your local Civil Defence Director. DO LEARN ABOUT YOUR COMMUNl^ SWVl ^ ^ ^ ^ DO ENROLL IN CIVIL DEFENCE ^L^ROTECTION - DO IT NOW. DO PROVIDE YOUR FAMILY WITH BLAST OK tmi- For farther loformationion i-ff"*"-* yo® IMiector of CivU Defence or write ALBERTA EMERfiEHCT MEASURES ORCANIZATION BOX 10,000 — EDMONTON ARNOLD J. LAVOIE honourable l. g. halmrast Co-ordinator Mlnisfer^tHGhait^ Alberta Emergency Measures Alberta Emergeney Measures province of alberta CALGARY Informotion Long Distance Repair Service 113 0 114 To Report Telephone out of order and For Information regarding new Subscribers, For assistance in making caii Change of Telephone numbers. Unsatisfactory Local Service Dial—113 Diai"O^ (Operator) Dial—114 A D Loam Landscaping Service Abbott Mrs R J 5724 2StSW 255-1591 Abramson Dy AiaoM Dent A ABLE ANSWERFONE 4603 37StSW..249-2864 Abbott T V 116SontmeCr 242-3881 1904b 20AvNW..\289-07Q3 MezzFIr GreyhoundSldg..266>1056 A & E AUTO UPHIRSTERY ABBOTTS TIRE SUPPLY Abramson Bengt 69X2 32AvNWBwiis ...288-S312 A ALWAYS ALL RIGHT CARTAGE 2015 3StNE..277-6375 S708EdmcntaaTr..276-1977 Abray Samud Glen BBWestGIeiOr 7/eb^sm 20-335 llAvSW..262-3292 A6FMANAGEMENTLTD After Hours Call Irwin A Abbott 289-9802 Abremenko H 249 20AvNE 277-0922 A ANYTIME CATERERS I321a 9AvSE 273-2088 309-1147 17AVSW..244-0550 Abrey J 228 13AvSE ...266-6831 Elwyn G Starr res 243-3603 Abbood Asber 3rdFlr 225 13A«SE 262-2519 Abt Peter 1340 87AvSW 2S5-LKI A CONSTRUCTION 4419RtchmondRd ..249-9063 Abboud DIb 1407 4(»StSW 249-4071 A & H Sales Ltd 3639 16StSE 273-1536 Abugov Jack 3833 12StSW .243-3519 A-1 BEAUTY SHOP 1002aCentrBStN..262-6686 Abboud Nicholas 4-407 2AvNE 266-6798 A 1 M STEEL LTD 4909KubaltaRd ...272-4051 ABUGOV & SUIBiERLAND Arehts A-1 CABINET SHOP 4128 17StSE ...273-5881 Abdal Mrs Jeannette 1902AifaO 272-2640 A & U Transportation Services Abday Ethel Upstrs 629 UAvSW 262-3724 IstFIr 1030 4StSW..266-%4I A1 CARTAGE LTD Hbib Plongs Mgr MezzFIr GreyhoundBldg..269-2153 Abear V L 6-605 l3AvSW 262-3481 AInmdavIta Corporation of Canada Ltd 220 3AvSW..262-1990 AMF Tubosccpe Inc 24 Hr Serv (252-4421 Abegg & RelnhoM Co 615LaocasttrBldg 263-1755 201 25AVSW..262-6838 A-1 CATERERS 315 S9AvSE 243-2423 7024Fant!llRd..1255-5459 Abel Albert 3611 24StNW 289-1289 Abzlnger J 6 1919 12StSW 244-7334 A-1 Cement Contractors Phillip Van der Veen Prop Len Goulet DIv Mgr res 243-1947 Abel David L 2143Halita(Cr 289-4680 ACAUA FLORAL llAv&lStSW 263-4475 1430 42StSW..249^4515 A P GREEN FIRE BRIOC CO LTD After Hoitis Cat! ras 252-0843 Art ELECTRIC (CALGARY) LTD ABEL DAVID L(OJITHIERS) LTD 2122 8AvSE..273-1134 David Abel Mgr 137 SAsSW..262-9939 2727 lAvNW..283-3668 D S Lane Mgr res 276-1082 ACADEMY ALARM INSTAUATTOIIS A-1 GUNITE SUPPLY LTD 816 9AvSW 262-6866 Abel E 928 35StSE 272-4503 439 UAvNE..277-4988 A & S DRILLING CO LTD A-1 JANITOR SERVICE Abel Edgar SOlSFalrmountOr 255-43U ACADEMY AUTO PARTS LTD /277-6767 Upstrs 818 SAvNW..283-0488 4508 33AvSW..242-1773 Abel Ewald 3707 IStNE 276-3108 804 38AVNE..1277-9382 A-1 PAINTERS & DECORATORS A V P VETERINARY REMEDIES Abel George 219 29AvNW 276-3018 ACADEMY AUnniATTC TRANSMISSK^ Ofc 204Bum$Bldg..269-2646 1802 lOAvSW..244-2781 Abel Mrs Olive SlOAndersonApts 244^778 LTD 804 38AVNE..^77-5140 If no answer call 2228GlenmountDr..249-2333 A & W Drive-Inns (Centre St) Ltd ABEL ROBERT Cribbing Contt asCapriAv 289-8822 V76-1511 A-1 Radio & Television Service ACADEMY BA SERVIIS 18Av&4St^ 262-5318 2510CentreStN..277-1130 Abel Mrs S 1815 lOAvSW 244-7203 Academy Electric 439 llAvNE 277^4988 2112 14StNW..289-9371 A & W Drive-Inns Ltd l7Av&39StSW ..242-4366 AbeFs—See Abels Academy Holdtngi Umlted 18X2 4StSW..266-4046 A-1 RENTALS 315 39AVSE 243-1414 A & W Drive-Inns Macleod Trail Ltd A-1 Caterers Phone 243-2423 Abele Frank 2711 BZAvSE 279-305 Academy Paiktog LlmKed Parfdng A-1 Rentals Sales & Service Ltd 70Av&Macleo(n'r..255-5091 18Av&4StSW..262^5318 A & W Drive-Inns (Southern Alberta) Ltd Abell His £ H UOJacquesLdgs 249-3276 315 39AvSE..243-1414 Office 1812 45tSW 266-4047 2120KenslngtonRd..283-0^ A-1 SAND COMPANY 2431 OAvNW....283-0060 ABEL'S PHOTO-FINiaiERS A & W Drive-Inns Supply Co Ltd 1425 9AvSE....273-5858 ACADEMY PHAIUBACY A-1 SHEET METAL PRODUCTS LTD Admlnstratv Ofc 1030 4StSW..263-1007 AcademyMedlcalBtdg..2^1361 316 lOStNW..283-3554 Aab J 1607 32AyNW 289-5818 Abelson A 1015 SOAvNW 289-5393 AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY SERVICE Aben Conrad 016WIndennersRd 249-13% D F McKeafpto res 243-1929 A-1 SIGNS 121 17AVSE 262-4054 AABEL AGENCIES LTD A-1 Store 6504BownessRdBwns 288-2525 Aben Henry 3-120 4AvSW 269-3628 K W Oliver res 2849269 A-1 Telephone Answerlno & l>plng Service V 502-239 8AvSW..266-4026 Abercromble Frank E S208Kenyd8leRd..249-2305 Acadsny Phystotfaeranr Cllnle- Aakeiterg Mrs R 10^2120 l6aStSW.....244-9591 Abercromble H Bsmt 1435 23AvNW 289-4170 12-735 8AvSW..269-2491 Aakertrerg Miss Solvejg lAcademyMedlcalBIdg..263-7%2 A-1 Typing Services 12-735 8AvSW 269-2491 Abercromble I D 4827ClaretSt 282-4661 10-2120 16aStSW..244-9591 Abercromble 1 H iSlsCentreAStNE ....277-41% ACADIA APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE A-THRIFTY RENT-A-CAR Aalund Knud Excvtng 4804ClaretSi....282-2352 Abercromble J F 1225 20StNW 289-1573 349 82AvSE..255-6888 Cor 9Av&2StSW..262-3800 Aamot Simon 522 12AvSE 269-^65 Abererofflble Mrs Joan Bsmt 215 lAvSW 263-0529 Acadia Balay 381 82AvSE 255-5411 A-WHBNIW CLEANERS & JANITOR Aardema Cecil 40InglewoodAutoCrt 272-2743 Abercromble R J 82ColeridgeRd 282-3971 A(aU)IA KAVTT SALON SERVKX 2328 SSAvSW..243-7911 Aardema William OOOdFairmountDr 252-2091 Abercromble V W 3043 6StSW 243-0349 AcadfaShoppIngCenirer.255^626 A & A AGENCIES LTD Rl Est (266-3888 Aaring B 2335 22aStNW ...289-3287 Aberg Richard S 40SWildwoodDr 249-9506 Aarlng Floyd D 2132HallfaxCr 289-1733 ACADIA CYCLE & SPORTS LTD 529 l7AvSW..•{266-3778 Abemathor W B 271Westmtnster0r ....242-1652 365AicadlaSboppln9Centre..252-0525 (269-6630 Aamoutse Abraham 3409 IStNW ....277-7093 Aberaethy H 114 12StNW 283-2742 Richard Armbrust Mgr res 242-4901 Aasen Olaf A 915 32StNW 283-0441 Aeadia Dental Laboratoty SlMIbertaCer 262-6739 Abemethy Mis J 605 21AvSE 273-5861 Acadia Eleetrenics 634o 17AvSW 263-4549 AA BB CO RUBBERSTAMP FACTORY & Aasen W G 3524BoultonRd 289-1788 Abemethy T H 2523CoclinuteRd ......289-3847 Acadia Esso Sendee ENGRAVING CO Name Plates Aastow C W 440 23AvNW 277-8404 Abey M 2-531 19AvSW ....269-7801 (hir 82A«&FaIinwuntDr..256-6577 510a 9StSW..262-5705 Aasiccw Jean Bsmt 111 20AvNE 277-3223 Ablaka John 104-1822 17StSW 244-9423 A A Intergroup Committee 509 3StSW ..266-1725 Abar Ivan W 8320 46AvNWBwns 288-5605 Ablo J 35ButlerGr 289-8665 ACADIA FAIRVIEW MEDICAL DENTAL A & A PLUMBING
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