DOCUMENT RESUME ED 117 050 SP 009 746 . TITLE AIAW Handbook-Directory 1975-1976. INSTITUTION American Alliance. for Health,, Physical Education, and 'Recreation, Washington, D.C. National Association for ' . / Girls and Women in Sport. PUB DATE 75 NOTE' 18111.. AVAILABLE iROM AAHPER Publications Sales,_1201 Sixteenth Street,. Washingtonr D.C. 20036 ($6.00)- EDRS PRICE MF-$006.Plus Postage.' HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Athletic Programp; *Directoriesr*Females;, *Organizations 4Groups); 0:Womens Athletics; Womens Education IDENTIFIERS *Association Intercollegiate Athletics Women ABSTRACT This is the handbook/directory of the Associatidn for .Intercollegiate Athletics 'for WOmen (AIAW). It begins with an introduction which discusses the history, structureo and membership of the AXA-W. Next .are lists of executive boad memberb, headquarters staff,L'and members of committees. The constitution, bylaws, and. code of ethics of the AIAW are presented in the following sections. Rules /And questions concerning recruitment of student athletes mre included . as well as. AIAW regulations for the awarding of financial aide. She. folflowing,sectionl concern AIAW eligibility rules, rule infractions, anAIAW policies. Thee final sections present a position f3aper'on intercollegiate athletics for women, anda position statement concerning women on men's teams. The appendix includes a schedule, national championships, information on local organizations and regions, sports council members, tournament sites, forms,. special publications, a directory of AIAW member institutions, and a sport listing. (RC) II s.. ***********************i*******************************-**************** Documents' acquired by ERIC iftclude manY-informal unpUblished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC-makes eyery effort * * to obtain the best copy. available. Nevertheles4 items of marginal * * reproducibility, are often encbuntered and this affects the quality, * * of the micrbfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service.(EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original documelt. Reproductions * * supplied WEDRS are the bOst that can be made fro* the original. * ***********4******************44**********************k**************** ASOdIATI FOR .INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS FOR WOMEN I- AIA KNIDBesDK- IT 'RECTORY F 1975-1976 U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION A WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS THIS DOCUMENT HAS .SEEN REPRO- PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL BYMICRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM BY . THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN. FICHE ONLY HAS QEEN GRANTED *TING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENTOFFICIALNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OPERAT TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONSTHE NA EDUCATION POSITION bR POLICY ING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH TIONAL INSTITUTE OFEDUCVTION ot.77sfeif FURTHER REPRODUCTION pERMIS THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES SION OF THE COPYRIGHTOWNER National Association for Girls and Women in Sport American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation a A 0 publications Copyright 1975 o National Atsociation for Girls and Wonien in Sport American Allianc.e for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 1201 _Sixteenth Street, N .W.,Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 833:-.5485 .11 4 A ;) Gopies'of this directory are available. Order from:,AAHPER Publications Sales. 1201 Sixteenth Street, Washington, 6.9. 20036 a N . CONTENTS Page 00 Introduction - 1 History 1 Structure . 1 Membership 1 Classes Fees, Services and Deadliries 2 AIAW Executive Board 4 . Headquarters Staff 7 General Organization Chart 8 Line Staff. Organizational Chart 9 Committees of the Executive Board 41a 'Executive Committee 10 Constitution and Bylaws 10 Ethics and Eligibility 10 Handbook , 10. ominating 10 ports AdvisoryCilmmittees 11 National Championship's 11 0=4?National Junior/Community Championships 13 National Small College Championships 13 National Invitational Small College Championships 13. USFHA/AIAW National Field Hockey Championships . 13 Chairpersons for New 'Championships 14 Delegate Assembly , 14 historian/A rchivist 14 ReSearch 14 ,Ad Hoc Committees 14 9 Special .Committees 15 Constitution .". .. 16 Bylaws 20 Code of Ethics 33 Coaches 0 . 33 Players 36 Administrators 38 Officials f 39 SpeCtators .. 40 Recruitment of Student-Athletes 42 /UAW Regulations for the Awarding of Financial Aid to Student-Athletes . 44 Administration 0 44 # Eligibility for Those Receiving Financial Aid for Athletes 47 Eligibility for Transfer Student to Receive . Financial Aid foi Athletes 47' Limitations of financial Aid for Athletes . P 1 de MAW Eligibility Rules 53 Eligibility Rules for AIAW Member. Indtitutions 53 Junior/Community College Eligibility Rules - Exceptions 57 Verification of Eligibility 58, MAW Rule Infractions- Procedures and Penalties 59 .Procedures for Rule Infractions - General 59 Procedures for Rule Infractions National Championships 60 Procedures for Rule Infractions - - Subsequent to National , Championship Event 61 ,$) Penalties for Infractions 62 .Appeals 62''' Request for Mitigation of Penalty 64 Polibies fOr AIAW Institutions and Procedures for _National Championships 65 Interpretations and Referrals Procedures. , 65 --% Sunday Game Policy 666 `Chaperones 6 Awards and Momentos 66 Television, Radio and Movie Rights 66 Research 66 Bidding for Criampionshipe", 68 Position' Paper on Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 70 Position Statement - Women on Men's Team 71 Appendix Schedule of'/NationalChampionships 74 Development of Local Organizations 76 j Procedures for Changing Regions % 76 -.. United States Collegiate Sports Council 77 Rotation of Tournament Sites 78 Financial Assistance Form 79 Player Appeal Form 80 Affidavit of Eligibility 81 Special Publications 82 Directory of AIAW Member Institutions 83 Region 1-A - '84 1 Region 413 I 89 Region 2 92 Region 3 97 Region 4 . 100 ( Region 5 ........ ..... 104 Region 6 110 Region 7 114 Region 8 . .... - 116 Region 9 122 Sport Listing:. ........ ...... 125 Regioh 1-A 126 Region 1-B . 132 Region 2 . 136 Region 3 142 Region 4 147 Region 5 . 151 Region 6 158 Regiori 7 164 Region 8 Zs' 167 Region 9 173 O 0 INTRODUCTIzON HISTORY Th Association for Intercolleigate Athletics for Women will continue to guide AIAW fo,Iromen (AIAW) was formally organized in national championships; gile assistance to 1971-72. It replaced the Commission on Inter- regional and leiCal governing grotiPs; and collegiate Athletics for Women (ClAW) which implement at the al level, the use of -originated in 1967. This Commission establish- policies establishe AIAW. ed the national championships and encouraged orga zan of colleges and universities and/ ,ficers of AIAW elected, by'member institu- or organi ations of women physicaleducators ti ns include: president-elet,, commission- to gover intercollegiate competition for er t?f junior/communitycollege national women at the local,state and regional level. chaMpionships,commissioner of national chaM ionships,ethics and eligibility The AIAW proVides a governing body and lead- chair person, and treasurer. In addition, ership for initiating and maintaining standards for 19-76 three representatives ore elect- of excellence in womenks intercollegiate ath- ed from each of the nine'regions by member letic programs .In addition the AIAW con- schoolsom that region, one representing ducts seven national championships .It is large col ges , small colleges and junior/ anticipated that championships for small communicolleges .(Candidates must be colleges,as well as more junior/community faculty meers at active member institu- college championships will be added in the tions .)The resident-elect_serves one future. year in pat sition, one year as presi- dent, and one ear as past president. All Colleges and universities ye encouraged to other officers s rve for two years . acti4ely support the AIAW through member- ship if (1) they subscribe to the belief that The following co mittees have been appoint- the focuth of women's intercollegiate 'athletics ed for 1975-76; n mi ating, ethics and should remain on the individual participant eligibility, consti on and bylaws,`hand- in the primary role ad college. student, and book, sport commies , archivist, research (2) they support the policies under which such committee and dele ate assembly. programs have been conductedby.the NAGWS (formerly DGWS) , CIAW and AIAW. MEMBERSHIP STRUCTURE ( Classes The Association for Intercollegiate Athletics Active Member 1. The institution isn accredited college or university of hiher ed,ucation in 1InstitutiOns in the process of becoming ac- the United States oits territories .1 credited that have "correspondent" or "can- didacy"'status are eligible for membership . 2.The institution proides an intercolle- giate athletic progam for women. o 3.The institution is willing to abide by the Affiliate Member pOlicies as stated in the AIAW ,Handbook and in the operating code. Affiliate membership is open to any organiza- tion not eligible for active or associate 1_ mem- 4.The institution is required to join the bership but interested in supporting AIAW appropriate regional organization. Membership applications may be obtained from AIAW recognizes, the following as the official the AIAW Program Assistant, 1201 Sixteenth organizations of regional governance: Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. 'Region 1 Eastern (EAIAW). FEES, SERVICES AND ,DEADLINES, A Northeast B Mid-Atlantic The official Membership year is from*Septem- Regiqn
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