HOMECOMING EDITION As president of the Associated Students of Gonzaga university, it i. my pleasure to wel­ come each of die Al­ Gonzag ulletin umni and Friends pres­ ent on the Gonzaga VPL XX11. Spokane, Washington, November 15. 1940 No. 10 campus this Homecom­ Canadeo Versus ing weekend Af Ghesquiere in To some of you Al­ Washington State umni, Gonzaga may Backfield Duel seem to have changed The Bulldogs of Gonzaga and But 1 know you will the Titan, of Detroit university Final Gaine; Here find in it the same clash tomorrow afternoon at S basic ideal, and trad­ p. m. In Gonzaga stadium In the first renewal of grid relations be­ itions you cherished tween the two schools since De­ while you were here. troit walloped Gonzaga, 13-7. No­ Gonzaga will always vember 24, 1828. stand for the finest in It WIS be the annual Homeeom- Cougars Moid Ing game for Gonzaga. and Home­ ISaa. faaaa ST Aria Christian manhood. coming to a sense for Chsrle. E. I hope each visitor (Go.) Dorais, Detroit mentor. But Pre-Game edge Qua wfit be coming back not as Over Bulldogs on our campus, wheth­ It bay makes good, but as a er here for the first or strictly "show us- hen, t^o^msSlsTtsi^k^xXS- hundredth fame, will nqrusaa. feel he has found in It win be up to Dorai. to aror. Gonzaga a new friend. he*, better than John W. (Fusty! Hunton, the coach Spokane want and will return often. to bat for a year and a half as* Cheddy Thompson. President. ASGU. Tentative Starting Lineups GONZAGA DETROIT S* J0"** t-ELE-. Howard Keating 30 TEACHER . Can Charles E. (Go.) Dorsi. of De- Btudk Baker LT. Ed Rice 31 troh rrner pupil tomorrow afternoon in Gon- Stan (Jigg.) Wood JUG... John McManigal 42 hen hi. Detroit Titan, meet the Gonzaga George Yarno .C Vmce Banoni. 3 W. drm> Hunton? Maybe that'. Wendell Feldhahn RG. G Brovamey (c) I Bill Tewendorf RT Ted Pavelec 18 Dick Jordan .RE. Meryl Topfer 2f> Gene Fitzpatrick Q. John Biringer 46 Tony Canadeo (c) ...XH Al Ghesquiere 39 George Derr RH Bob Keens 36 Cecil Hate F. Clyde Johnson 13 start: OOSnUOS: 4*. Davlscourt .;, S. washy. « «*. DluwtoJt -•" *; IS, Sola*, cj; SB. ktcSreen, f: SS. BIBa, f. DETROIT: SZ, &%& ; 5. IscUHigMlav B; 43, George Otsaaanleae, h; Us, SOs CWsnpssts Rosters of Both Tessas on Page Tan Seattle Prep There Tonight PUPIL ONCE, MASTER .John (Pu«T) Huntoo wed te tain lessons in football lima GHOMSV but he"* mashi lid grisXron trickery now to become famed J^Sl Two GONZAGA BULLETIN MORE ABOUT BUIXDOGS-TlTANS Hunton's Second Season (Continued from Page 1) which has the outward appearance Ends Against W. S. C. Nov. 23 of the Notre Dame system only because it employs the basic John William (Puggy) Hunton, Rockne shift Is in reality all Hun­ 39, stocky, with a head brim-full ton. of trick football formations and New Stuff In Hunton himself learned It from new plays, will conclude his sec­ Dorais, and now it' remains to be ond season as Head Coach at I Detroit Attack | seen If a coach can stop himself. Gonzaga university one week from Can Dorais, who laid the foun­ tomorrow, when the final gun Dorais teams have been the des­ dation for Puggy Hunton's foot­ sounds for the Washington State pair of enemy scouts and this ball genius, take that same frame­ college-Gonzaga university game season they prove even more so, work apart again? Especially In this stadium. because "Gus" has added a lot of when It's executed with the bril­ Hunton came to Gonzaga from new stuff. In the opening game liance of Tony Canadeo and Cecil Gonsaga high school. He signed of the season against Wayne unl- Hare? his contract and just walked up­ Tomorrow afternoon will tell stairs to the college and there that story. ha was—Head Football coach of Highlight for Flsshasinii the university. A dream of el­ Tomorrow's game promises to even years standing had been real­ be the season's highlight when it ized. comes to razzle-dazzle and hiding Hunton Cranes to Gonzaga the ball. Hunton hates to run Thirteen years ago, young John plays In which the bail can be Hunton came to Gonzaga high seen—claims It detracts much school as English Instructor and from bis players. Dorais Is one football coach, dreaming some day of the the nation's outstanding of coaching Gonzaga university. "nifty" coaches — precision and Years were lean for the high smoothness are the tools with school than. Hunton proceeded which he executes bis gridiron to win seven city championships, magic. one state championship, and tutor POWEKFUL ED RICE . 205 More than a contest between his way through five undefeated pound Detroit left tackle, upon teacher and pupil in Gonzaga sta­ seasons—two of these unscored on. whom the Titans' first line of de­ KhtiN BUB KEENE BOBBING ALONG . It's Bob dium tomorrow afternoon, the Naturally, when Michael J. fense depends, Rica prepped at Keene, 180-pound, 5 ft 11 inch halfback for the Detroit game will be a battle between Al Pecarovlch resigned as University Detroit University high, has won Ghesqulre, brilliant triple-threat one letter In the university. Num- Titan.. A hard runner and shifty bail toter, Keene was mentor, John Hunton got the job. " 81. back from Detroit which barely They left him a squad with few switched from tackle to halfback in spring practice and three years ago produced Andy reserves and several sophomores verslty, for example, he uncover­ has been showing well there ever since. He's a Detroit Farkas, unanimous All-American hailed as great prospects. and professional football's leading ed a "man In motion" play that local boy, prepped at Mackenzie high in the motor city. ground gainer, and Captain Tony la new In the Titan repertoire, or Canadeo of Gonzaga. STUDENTS! at least one that has been little Cianadeo In the Mud Coupon Number Ten (10) in used. Tbe Wayne players found Forward Pass to Rockne Canadeo, gray, elusive—the Spo­ student pass book Is good for themselves confronted by a var­ kane Spook—has been proving adnilMiiaii to the Gonzaga stu­ iety of formations and a variety himself as a mudder this season. dent section at tomorrow's of plays from the same forma­ Dorais' First Grid Fame At his best on a dry, fast field, Hotiieoomlng game with the tion that simply bewildered them. Canadeo has been forced to play University of Detroit Do not As a result a pretty fair foot­ Kotrc Dame as Rocknc's back- In the mud all year. But his detach the coupon from the ball team was swamped 42 to 7. Born in Chippewa Falls, Wis­ book before presenting It at the Still Mora and More consin, July 2, 1891, Charles Ed­ field coach- One of his backs kicking has been excellent, regard­ that fall was the great George less of the soggy ball—his passing Pass gate. And Juat don't Still more new stuff Is due to ward (Gus) Dorais first broke Into bother to lend your pass book be sprung on future opponents the headlines In the fall of 1913. Glpp. exceptional despite its slipperin- Dorais and Blng at Gonsaga ess, and his running far above to anyone else. and the scouts might aa well tear For it was in that year the for- up their notes, beyond making the ward-passing team Of Dorais to In the fall of 1920 Dorais be­ par for the course. And par came Athletic Director and Head is plenty tough In Tony's league. Puggy Started Right Out general report that Detroit still Knute Rockne started Notre Dame uses tbe Notre Dame shift or on the road to fame and changed Football Coach at Gonzaga Uni­ Ghesqulre Is about the same That didn't bother Hunton. He's versity, where Bing Crosby served size aa Canadeo and does tbe used to making teams out of little the Dorais modifications of it tbe entire complexion of the game Even this statement wouldn't al­ of football. In a game with Army as student manager for the squad. same things. It remains to be material. He had Tony Canadeo Dorais came to the University seen If he does them as well or and Cecil Hare and Ray Hare. ways hold true, for Detroit some­ that year, which Army took on times runs from formations that more or less as a breather, Dor­ of Detroit In March, 1929. His as consistently. and Ralph Sclosser and Bert Ja- first two teams were mediocre or Gonzaga has come through the cobsen and Don Lansing, and that do not involve a shift or from ais completed twelve consecutive those In Which the players, already passes to Rockne and others. The due to many adjustments present season with a maximum was enough for him. Ha lost bis that had to be made. However, of injuries. Everyone on the club first two games, and then won are shifted when they take their result of the game was 35 to 13 places after the huddle. victory for Notre Dame and the since the opening of tbe 1927 seas- has been hurt at least once, and rats 11) first use of the forward pass, not Dorais has piled up an en­ tape Is still .more prevalant than as a mere threat: but as a real viable record of wins and losses. pads In most of the uniforms. offensive weapon. After two defeats by the Army But Gonzaga has been patched to­ and Notre Dame in the early part gether as fast as it fell apart Dorais captained the 1912 Irish of the 1927 season, his Titan teams eleven and was picked that same and for a patchwork piece, does went on to win nineteen conse­ quit* a job.
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