MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 2. PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1883. Nq. 24. detained at home by a broken hip. He spoke Petitions for new lodges at Monroe, Strong Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, of the Grand Secretary, Ira Berry, who had and Bluehill were refused. No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. sufficiently recovered from his broken leg to Permission was granted to remove Mon- Twelve cts. per year in advance. 5^“ Postage be present. He recounted the various duties mouth Lodge from North Monmouth to Mon­ prepaid. of his position which he had fulfilled, among mouth Center, and for Cumberland Lodge to other things attending the admission to the meet alternately at New Gloucester and Gray. Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for A resolution of thanks to Rabboni Lodge half an inch fo.r one year. Order cf Gov. Robie. He stated that the initiations the past year were 805, a gain of for their excellent exemplification of work No advertisement received unless the advertiser, was adopted. or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in 123 ; the membership 19,469, a gain of 478. good standing. For some years the membership had not The Grand Officers were installed by Past advanced until this. He alluded to the un- Grand Master Drummond, the following ap­ The Song of the Prodigals. fortunate depletion of the income of the pointments being made: charity fund for the past year, in consequence DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. BY AUSTIN DOBSON. of a large share of it having been taken for Albert Lovejoy, 2d, Houlton, 1 “Princess! and you, most valorous, Wilford J. Fisher, Eastport, 2 taxes by a decision of the Supreme Court. Nobles and barons of all degrees! Henry R. Taylor, Machias, 3 Hearken awhile to the prayer of us— The consequence is that many poor widows Beggars that come from over the seas! George A. Wheeler, Castine, 4 'Nothing we ask or of gold or fees! and destitute aged men will have to do with- James T. Roberts, Foxcroft, 5 Harry us not with the hounds, we pray; Hiram Stevens, Carroll, 6 out their annual donation this year. The So—for the surcote’s hem we seize— Benjamin Ames, Thorndike, 7 Give us—ah ! give us but Yesterday. address was able, and was received with Simon B. Littlefield, Stockton, 8 “Dames most delicate, amorous! much applause. Joseph O. Cobb, Union, 9 Damosels blithe as the belted bees! The Report on Finance showed a good Charles W. Stetson, Damariscotta, 10 Hearken awhile to the prayer of us— Henry F. Blanchard, Augusta, 11 Beggars that come from over the seas! condition of the finances. Nothing we ask of the things that please; H. Owen Nickerson, Readfield, 12 Weary we are, and worn and gray; A large amount of business was received Summer A. Patten, Skowhegan, It! Lo—for We clutch and we clasp your knees, F. C. Whitehouse, Brunswick, 14 Give us—ah! give us but Yesterday.” and referred to the appropriate committees, Nathan U. Hinkley, Phillips, 15 “Damosels—dames, be piteous! ” and at noon the Grand Lodge called off until James L. Bowker, Bryant’s Pond, 16 (But the dames rode fast by the roadway trees) two o’clock. Albert W. Larrabee, New Gloucester, 17 “ Hear us, O knights magnanimous! ” John Bradley, Cornish, 18 (But the knights pricked on in their panoplies) Tuesday Afternoon. Nothing they got or of hope or ease, Winfield S. Dennett, Saco, 19 But only to beat on the breast and say: The Grand Lodge called on at two o’clock. Cor. Gr. Sec.—William O. Fox, Portland. “ Life we drank to the dregs and lees; Grand Chaplains—Revs. Caleb Fuller, Hal- Give us—ah! give us but Yesterday! ” Routine business occupied the first hour. At lowell; Charles C. Vinal, Kennebunk; Ed- envoy. three o’clock the annual election of officers win F. Small, Saco; T. B. Gregory, Rock­ Youth, take heed to the prayer of these! commenced, and the following were chosen : land; John Gibson, Portland; George G. Many there be by the dusty way, Hamilton, Oakland; William G. Haskell, Many that cry to the rocks and seas, G. Master.—Wm. R. G. Estes, Skowhegan. “ Give us—ah! give us but Yesterday! ” Lewiston ; L. H. Bean, Skowhegan ; William D. G. M.—Fessenden I. Day, Lewiston. Walker, Thomaston ; George E. Forbes, New S. G. Warden.—Wm. H. Smith, Portland. Gloucester; A. F. Palmer, Lamoine; Tho’s . MASONRY IN MAINE. J. G. Warden.—Goodwin R. Wiley, Bethel. A. King, Portland. G. Treasurerer.—Frederic Fox, Portland. Grand Marshal—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. Annual Meetings. Grand Secretary.—Ira Berry, Portland. S. G. D.—Joseph M. Hayes, Bath. Finance Committee.—Oliver Gerrish, Port- J. G. D.-—Ben Moore, North Anson. GRAND LODGE. land ; Albro E. Chase, Portland ; S. Clifford Grand Stewards—Turner Buswell, Solon ; The Grand Lodge of Maine opened in Belcher, Farmington. Augustus Bailey, Gardiner; William A. Bar- Trustees of Charity Fund.—A. M. Weth- Portland, at nine o’clock Tuesday morning, ker, Rockland; Edward P. Hahn, Lincoln­ erbee, Warren ; E. Howard Vose, Calais. ville. May 1st, with a large attendance. Grand Master King and Grand Treasurer G. Sw. Bearer—Algernon M. Roak, Auburn. There were present of Past Grand Masters, G. St. Bearer—Samuel G. Davis, Denmark. W. O. Fox declined a re-election. Hiram Chase of Belfast, J. H. Drummond, G. Pursuivants—Frank E. Sleeper, Sa- batis ; Albro E. Chase, Portland. Wm. P. Preble and Timothy J. Murray of Wednesday May 2. G. Lecturer—Timothy J. Murray, Portland. Portland, Edward P. Burnham of Saco, and The Grand Lodge met at 2 p. m. The af- G. Organist—Geo. M. Howe, Portland. G. Tyler—Warren O. Carney, Portland. C. I. Collamore of Bangor. The venerable ternoon was mostly occupied in the exempli- An invitation from the City Government Past Junior Grand Warden Oliver Gerrish, fication of the third degree by Frank W. of Portland to lay the foundation stone of a of Portland, was also in attendance. Parker, Master of Rabboni Lodge, of Lewis- monument to George Cleeves, the first settler, Grand Master Marquis F. King, of Port- ton, and his officers. The work was finely July 4th, was accepted. land, presided, with his full attendance of done, and the hall was crowded with a deeply Grand Lodge closed at 12:30. officers. In his annual address he referred to interested audience. the deaths of Past Senior Grand Warden A charter was granted to Warren Phillips Isaac Downing, of Kennebunk; of Grand Lodge, at Cumberland Mills. GRAND CHAPTER. Steward R. E. Paine, M. I)., of Camden, and Tuesday, May 1. Thursday, May 3. Gordon R. Garden, a prominent member of The Grand Chapter of Maine met at seven the Order. He also spoke of Past Grand The Grand Lodge met at 8 o’clock in the p. m., Grand High Priest Joseph A. Locke Master Cargill, of East Livermore, who is morning. presiding. 186 .MASONIC TOKEN MAY 15, 1883. In his annual address he alluded to the Grand Master—Marquis F. King, Portland. Cambridge, 157, Cambridge. John W Cole, m; John H Mitchell, sw; Frank L fraternal dead, and called attention to the D. G. Master—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. G. P. C. of W.—Charles W. Haney. Belfast. Chadbourn, jw; Charles C Hale, sec. jewels and altar which had been draped in G. Treas.—Leander W. Fobes, Portland. Jefferson, 100, Bryant’s Pond. William mourning for General Grand High Priest Grand Recorder—Ira Berry, Portland. Day, m ; A Mont Chase, sw; S L Ethridge, Bower, lately deceased in Iowa. G. Chaplain—Wm. J. Burnham, Lewiston. jw ; Alden Chase, sec. G. M. of Cer.—C. C. Hayes, Portland. The report on returns showed 4,107 mem- G. Capt. of G.—Wm. A. Barker, Rockland. Somerset, 34, Skowhegan. William H bers, being a gain of 67. G. Conductor—Albert M. Penley, Auburn. Fuller, m ; Geo A- Barnard, sw ; Charles V Richards, jw ; Charles M Lambert, sec. The following officers were elected : G. Steward—Joseph M. Hayes, Bath. G. Sentinel—Convers O. Leach, Portland. Day Spring, 107, W. Newfield. Thomas G. High Priest.—Frank E. Sleeper, Sabatis. Closed. B Stone, m ; Ai Q Mitchell, sw ; George W D. G. H. P.—Manly G. Trask, Bangor. Whitcher, jw; John P Wood, sec. G. King—James M. Nevens, Bucksport. G. Scribe—Archie L. Talbot, Lewiston. Lebanon, 116, Norridgewock. Fred G G. Treas.—Rufus H. Hinkley, Portland. Danforth, m; Charles W Farrand, sw ; O Grand Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. GRAND COMMANDERY. F Hall, jw; William J. Haynes, South Nor­ ridgewock, sec. Committee of Finance—J. H. Drummond, Wednesday, May 2. Portland ; Oliver Gerrish, Portland ; Nathan Phoenix, 24, Belfast. Dr J M Fletcher, m ; Woodbury, Lewiston. The Grand Commandery of Knights Tem- C E Tibbetts, sw ; G R Sweetser, jw ; J C At 10:30 the Grand Chapter called off until plar met at 7 o’clock, Grand Commander Cates, sec. nine o’clock Wednesday morning. Edward P. Burnham, of Saco, presiding. Lewy’s Island, 138, Princeton. Charles A Hon. Benjamin Dean, of Boston, Grand ;Rolfe, m ; Charles F Heath, sw ; Samuel O Hoar, jw; Naaman Horsman, sec. PFerfnescfay, May 2. Master of the Grand Encampment of the Eureka, 84, St. George. Nathan Batch­ The Grand Chapter met at nine o’clock in United States, was present and received with elder, m; Charles G Crocker, sw; Joseph the morning. Permission was given to Union full honors. A Studley, jw ; Suel A Wheeler, sec. Chapter to continue at Norway, and for The business was routine. The following Bar Harbor, 185, Bar Harbor.
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