Psychocutaneous Medicine Cutaneous Manifestations of Injectable Drug Use: Hidden Secrets Wioletta Bara ´nska-Rybak, DSc; Izabela Bła ˙zewicz, MD; Monika K ˛akol, MD; Mirosław Roter, MD; Roman Nowicki, DSc Practice Points Skin and soft tissue infections are the most common cause of hospital admission among injectable drug users. The most common microorganisms identified in these abscesses are Staphylococcus aureus, facultative gram-negative bacteria, and anaerobic bacteria. The strongest risk factor for skin and soft tissue infections is skin popping, or subcutaneous drug injec- tion, which introduces bacteria and irritating substances directly into the skin. Abscesses related to drug use are the most ddiction to injectable narcotics is a substantial common cutaneous manifestations among injec- source of morbidity and mortality in the world. tion drug users, often occurringCUTIS when the veins AAccording to the European Monitoring Centre become less accessible. In these cases, other for Drugs and Drug Addiction, an estimated 56,000 to techniques may be used to administer drugs, 103,000 individuals were dependent on drugs.1 There such as skin popping (subcutaneous injection) are many methods of drug administration, including or muscle popping (intramuscular injection). The intravenous, subcutaneous (skin popping), and intra- main risk factors for abscess formation include muscular (muscle popping) routes. When the veins skin popping, use of unsterilized needles, and become less accessible, drugs are injected directly injectionDo of speedball (a mixtureNot of cocaine and into theCopy skin or muscle, which can lead to multiple heroin). We present a case of recurrent abscesses cutaneous manifestations. Skin and soft tissue infec- accompanied by fever, hypersomnia alternating tions (SSTIs) are the most common cause of hospital with insomnia, diaphoresis, fatigue, recent weight admission among injectable drug users.2 Abscesses loss, and agitation following subcutaneous injec- related to drug use are the most frequent type of SSTI. tion of a tramadol, opipramol, and clonazepam The probability of its occurrence does not differ based mixture. Differential diagnoses included pyo- on sex, age, race, type of drug injected, anatomic derma gangrenosum on the basis of hepatitis C site of injection, or human immunodeficiency virus virus, skin lesions connected with human immu- status.3 The main risk factors for abscess formation in nodeficiency virus infection, vasculitis, endocar- injectable drug users are skin popping, use of unsteril- ditis, and serotonin syndrome. The patient was ized needles, and injection of speedball (a mixture treated with oral antibiotics, surgical incision, of cocaine and heroin).2,3 Cutaneous infections may and drainage of the abscesses, with conse- result in local disease but also may progress to life- quent improvement. threatening complications, such as necrotizing fasci- Cutis. 2014;93:185-187. itis,3-5 extensive cellulitis,6 pyomyositis,7 bacteremia, and sepsis. We present a patient with abscesses related to drug use from subcutaneous injections of a tramadol, From the Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergology, opipramol, and clonazepam mixture. Medical University of Gda ´nsk, Poland. The authors report no conflict of interest. Correspondence: Izabela Bła ˙zewicz, MD, Department of Dermatology, Case Report Venereology, and Allergology, Medical University of Gda ´nsk, Debinki A 24-year-old man presented with recurrent abscesses St 7, 80-211 Gda ´nsk, Poland ([email protected]). of 3 months’ duration that were accompanied by WWW.CUTIS.COM VOLUME 93, APRIL 2014 185 Copyright Cutis 2014. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Psychocutaneous Medicine fluctuating body temperature (range, 35°C–40°C), are scar formation, hyperpigmentation, necrotizing fatigue, muscle pain, hypersomnia alternating with panniculitis, and granulomas. Extension of an abscess insomnia, diaphoresis, tachycardia, weight loss into vital structures, pyogenic muscle infection, sub- (15 kg in 2 months), and agitation. One month prior cutaneous necrosis with involvement of fascia, bacte- to admission, the skin lesions were treated with oral remia, and sepsis are the most serious consequences of antibiotics, in addition to surgical incision and drain- SSTIs. Our patient had skin and soft tissue abscesses age of the abscesses with consequent improvement. accompanied by a fluctuating temperature. A bacterial The patient’s medical history was remarkable for hepa- infection with concomitant pyoderma gangrenosum titis C virus, which had been diagnosed 6 years prior, as was suspected at the day of admission to the hospital. well as mitral and tricuspid regurgitation present since The prevalence of and risk factors for abscess forma- birth. He was hospitalized 4 times for psychiatric evalu- tion have been examined in case-control studies.2,3,9,10 ation due to affective personality disorder, depressive Because this type of infection can result in high mor- episodes, and suicidal ideation. bidity, any identification of risk factors connected with Physical examination revealed 22-cm ulcers that abscess formation is relevant. According to Murphy were covered with necrotic tissue on the dorsal sur- et al2 and Binswanger et al,3 the strongest risk factor is face of the left foot (Figure 1), around the wrists skin popping, or subcutaneous drug injection, which (Figure 2), on the erect surface of the knee joints, and introduces bacteria and irritating substances directly in the groin region on the right side. On the second into the skin. The use of unsterilized needles also is day of hospitalization, subcutaneous hemorrhage and a risk factor for SSTIs,2 as contaminants and fillers trace signs of intramuscular injections were noted on introduced by the needles can predispose the patient the inner surface of the right thigh, which were not to infection by local tissue reaction (vasoconstriction). present at admission. The patient denied the use of The most common microorganisms identified in any drugs or medications during the hospitalization. these abscesses are Staphylococcus aureus, facultative Urine toxicology screening was negative for meth- gram-negative bacteria, and anaerobic bacteria.8 Swabs amphetamine hydrochloride, amphetamine, heroin, taken from the nose, throat, and skin lesions in our and opiates. Basic laboratory tests performed during patient did not reveal any pathogens, which is likely hospitalization revealed elevatedCUTIS aspartate aminotrans- because of recent antibiotic treatment initiated prior ferase (166 U/L [reference range, 10–30 U/L]) and alanine aminotransferase (264 U/L [reference range, 10–40 U/L]) levels as well as hepatitis C virus antibod- ies. Histologic examination of a punch biopsy speci- men showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and chronic inflammatory cells in the dermis without evi- denceDo of inflammation or necrosis Not of the vasculature. Copy On the fourth day of hospitalization, nurses dis- covered the patient attempting to inject a mixture of drugs—tramadol, opipramol, clonazepam, and an unidentified substance—into his venous catheter; for- tunately, the attempt was thwarted. The patient later confirmed injecting drugs in the locations where the ulcers were present because he was no longer able to administer them intravenously. He was referred to a Figure 1. Ulceration localized on the dorsal surface of detoxification center where he consented to treatment the left foot. and remains under the care of an addiction clinic. Comment Parenteral methods of drug administration (eg, skin popping, muscle popping) may result in acute and chronic skin manifestations.8 The pathogenesis of cutaneous abscess formation is multifactorial, includ- ing tissue trauma and ischemia, inoculation of bacteria, and irritation from the injected substances. Acute cutaneous manifestations include skin and soft tissue abscesses, necrotizing fasciitis, cellulitis, and pyomyo- sitis. The most common chronic skin manifestations Figure 2. Ulceration around the left wrist. 186 CUTIS® WWW.CUTIS.COM Copyright Cutis 2014. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Psychocutaneous Medicine to the patient’s admission. Injection of a cocaine and 2. Murphy EL, DeVita D, Liu H, et al. Risk factors for skin heroin mixture known as speedball also is a high risk and soft-tissue abscesses among injection drug users: a case- factor for abscess formation.2 According to Spijkerman control study [published online ahead of print June 5, 2001]. et al,11 human immunodeficiency virus infection is an Clin Infect Dis. 2001;33:35-40. independent risk factor for skin abscess formation, but 3. Binswanger IA, Kral AH, Bluthenthal RN, et al. High this finding has not been confirmed2; a laboratory test prevalence of abscesses and cellulitis among community- excluded this possibility in our patient. required injection drug users in San Francisco. Clin Infect In our patient, it was difficult to determine if the Dis. 2000;30:579-581. symptoms that were present at admission were con- 4. Callahan TE, Schecter WP, Horn JK. Necrotizing soft tis- nected with tramadol and opipramol overdose. The sue infection masquerading as cutaneous abscess following combination of signs such as fever, fatigue, muscle illicit drug injection. Arch Surg. 1998;133:812-819; discus- pain, hypersomnia alternating with
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