Volume XXVIII Issue 4 April 2002 From the Village Views Board: The June issue will be our editor's final edition. The paper has been a vital component of our community for over 33 years. In or- der to continue, we are in urgent need of a new editor and report- ers. You do not need to be an experienced journalist. An interest in writing about events and people in your community is sufficient. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Cyndy Finnigan at 831-5121 as soon as possible. The future of this paper depends on you! April Council meeting highlights By Bren Fries ri The signs are here!! The signs are here!! Wooster Pike will soon be adorned with new village signs. Jim Peterkin presented the proposal to Council and the design as well as 'Terrace cost met with full approval. The Park signs (see picture) will replace the old ones on Wooster Pike and work will be completed within six weeks. Miami Ave Changing of the Guard Jack Brown has tendered his resignation as Terrace Park Trea- surer, effective immediately. Due to time constraints, Mr. Brown did not School Levy 2002 Village Chairs (i-r:) Sandra and Ford Taylor, Mindy and Brack Weigel. Betsy and Mark feel he could serve effectively in his Porst chair the Levy Committee, along with Sandy and Terry Donovan of Mariemont. (not pictured) See present capacity. However, before page two for a letter to the Community from the Porsts. leaving his post, Jack found an able volunteer in Mr. Lawrence Williams. Mr. Williams bring to Council years Looking back in Terrace Park of both academic and practical ex- he felt the current council would feel perience in accounting. Council the same way. By Cyndy Finnigan Department of Natural Resources it was originally proposed. The idea took the opportunity to ask Larry a Another resident and business The following is a glimpse into for a full exposition of its propos- resurfaced when Milford agreed to few questions, and Mark Porst com- owner on Wooster Pike approached events that were featured in spring als for a hiking/bicycle trail along development of the trail from mented that he had worked with him Council to volunteer her efforts in and summer issues of Village Views the old railroad right-of-way. Ter- Loveland to the Terrace Park vil- in the past and looks forward to his regards to some strategic planning in 1986, when Ellis Rawnsley was race Park rejected the plan when lage limits. contributions both on the Finance for the small business corridor in the editor: Committee and as our Treasurer. Terrace Park. The pedestrian situa- Mr. Williams will be on the job within tion at Wooster Pike is certainly not The Terrace Park Garden Club Community House concerns recall the week. "friendly." Needed are improve- began a major five year landscap- Randy Hailer has served Ter- ments to sidewalks (especially in a ing project at the elementary bomb shelter plans race Park admirably for over 21 connector to Milford) as well as im- school, involving removal of bushes (article as it appeared in the July 1986 issue of Village Views) years, both in the Maintenance De- proved crosswalks. She asked what on either side of the building to partment and as our Village Arborist. Council was prepared to do and in accomodate new dogwood trees Concern over Terrace U.S. civil defense authori- Unfortunately, his colorful career doing so asked the question "Can and ground cover; along with burn- Park's Community House re- ties were actively promoting comes to an end (in a full-time ca- we continue to let Wooster Pike de- ing bushes and landscape timber. calls that the village 25 years construction of private bomb pacity) on June 28. We'll miss Randy cay?" While Council had no specific A ban was issued on public ago voted a $250,000 bond is- shelters. None were built here, and the wealth of knowledge he solution to her issues, they thanked use of the the Community Build- sue for what was described on but one was built on Indian Hill brought to the job. if you see him "out her for stepping up to help in this ing, pending emergency action to the ballot as a "public building." by Hulbert Taft Jr., who later died and about" these next couple of regard. correct serious electrical prob- The building was intended to be in a propane gas explosion in months, please wish him well! Police/Fire/EMS lems. Only village related gath- a community nuclear blast and the shelter. Residents Speak Out Tired of the village siren wak- erings such as council meetings fallout shelter. The Cold War The shelter here was to In what is hopefully becoming ing you from a sound sleep? Well, and court sessions were permit- was then at its height. It was have been built against the Elm a trend, some residents attended no longer. Chief Carle reported ted. A childrens' play, staged by never built due to a successful Avenue side of the old gravel the Council meeting to discuss spe- that the siren has been pro- the Terrace Park Players, was al- court challenge of what oppo- pit. While no plans were ever cific issues. One resident on Park grammed to be inhibited between lowed to go on with a fire depart- nents contended was too vague finalized, it was to be a struc- Avenue is very concerned about the the hours of 10 p.m. -6a.m. daily. ment member present. The Ter- a proposal. ture of heavy concrete with unrelenting use of his street as a Our Fire/EMS volunteers will still race Park Building Official, Willis It was a time of real concern, earth above to house village cut-through by Terrace Park citi- be alerted at home. Toon, said he "thought it should for 1961 was the year of the offices and emergency ser- zens. Specifically, he is worried Chief Bacon was glad to notify be demolished" calling the build- breaking of relations with vices, and with medical facilities about the rush hour periods and the Council that a repeat sex offender ing a "mass of code violations." Castro's Cuba and of the ill-fated and food storage as well as a speeds at which cars hurtle through was indicted on two counts of stalk- Council and the Mayor, Les Bay of Pigs invasion attempt. It haven for residents. his neighborhood. His family dog ing and menacing. He is currently Overway, pledged a real effort to was followed in 1962 by what has John Jordan was mayor at was killed recently, and he asked behind bars at the Clermont County save the historical building. Resi- been described as the "eyeball to the time. Village council mem- Council exactly what it would take Prison and is not expected to see dent Faye Corey stated it would eyeball" confrontation of Presi- bers who joined in submitting the to institute some precautions on the outside world for quite some be an outrage if the building were dent Kennedy and Premier issue to the voters were Gordon Park? In his discussion with this time. Additionally, Terrace Park Po- destroyed. (see boxed article fol- Khruschchev over Russian mis- Hickenlooper, Robert Jenkins, resident, Mayor Startsman stated lice Officer Jim Pruitt is to be con- lowing this one) sile buildup in Cuba and a U.S. Henry Miller, George Rummell, that numerous options had been gratulated on his behind-the-scenes Members of the volunteer Fire Navy blockade of that island. Jack Shank and John Stevens. considered by previous councils, but work that led to foiling a check fraud Departments from Terrace Park and ultimately it was decided that noth- Milford burned three buildings on ing should be done. Based on that, Council continued on page 3 the Terrace Park Lumber Co. prop- erty, clearing the way for planned Mountain Dulcimer Spring Festival construction of a dozen homes on will be held Village Community Meeting the tract. (Now Denison Ave.) Saturday, April 20 Gerald Harris, who was Ter- Wednesday, April 24 7:30 p.m. race Park Elementary School Prin- at the T.P. Community Building. Terrace Park Community Building cipal at the time, was named to re- place outgoing Mariernont High Nationally acclaimed dulcimist and master teacher David Dr. Gerald Harris, School Principal Charles Berny. Schnaufer will teach and perform in Terrace Park, April 20. The Mariemont Schools Superintendent, Cincinnati Dulcimer Society offers Mr. Schnaufer's workshops for Harris had been principal of will discuss the May 7 school district levy. Mariemont Middle School before elementary and advanced strummers at $15.00; and his 8:00 p.m. coming to Terrace Park in 1984. concert for a donation of just $5.00 at the door. Please come and bring your neighbor. Terrace Park asked the Ohio Letters to the Editor Village Views welcomes reader To the Community Dear Editor, mail. Signed letters to the edi- As a member of the community for the past 11 years, I have seen tor must be received by 9 p.m. Smart Choices. Strong Students. many changes take place in our school district and community.Soon the on the second Monday of the School Board will ask us to make another change, that being an increase month. Please limit length to Support Mariemont School levy 2002. in our taxes. Initially, like many others, I had concern about another in- 350 words. Letters over 350 You may have crease in taxes. We did, however, spend a lot of time this year really words will be published as sub- seen looking at the school system and all it has to offer our four children.
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