We] vamea JOURNAL OF AMERICAN AMATEUR MYCOLOGY VOLUME TWO 1975 NUMBER ONE PUBLISHED BY THE NORTH AMERICAN MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION We] vamea JOURNAL OF AMERICAN AMATEUR MVCOLOGY VOLUME TWO 1975 NUMBER ONE I— CONTENTS H1 The Molel: A Study wnh a Moral. Lows C. C. KRIEGEH With an Introduction by JOHN A. STEVENSON Desert 6 Forays In the Owyhee v. ,. ELLEN TRUEBLDUD ..,, ............... .11 0! V. , And a Touch Cyanide W. Scorr CHILTON ............ ..... V 13 Amam'ta phalloides in California. , . DAVID ARORA ...................... 15 Mushroom Posxage Stamps . JEANNE and FAT PETEHSON..... ...... ........... Course Intentional Poisoning _ _17 The at an _____ W SCOTT CHILTON Lfixemuel Ray Hesler .19 A. J. SHARP .................................. An lncidemoi Mushroom Poisomng 23 ARNE BENSON On Morals 27 Two Specues of Fa|se . .............. (Gymmftral in Utah ________________ KENT H. MCKNIGHT Book RevieWS. V 40 KNTGHToN MRS. D. MS! 5H .............ALLEW STANLEv. ..... and WM. Barnes Cog/<5 Errata 46 ......................... INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRIBUTORS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE J. Dennis Pollack, Editorin-Chiet Mc/lvar'nea solicits and will consider for publication original technical reviews. All be Harry Knighton, Business Manager articles, shorter communications, and copies should submitted in triplicate, typewritten. double spaced, with ‘l to IV: inch margins. Tables C. Wayne Ellett should be on separate pages. Referencing should follow the style in the magazine Science published Richard Grimm set by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. This style was Gene Rose chosen because of its simplicity, adaptability, and availability as an example in most public libraries. Authors please note that this referencing style permits the inclusion, in the section titled Referencesand Notes, of personal EDITORIAL ASSISTANT comments. ' Photographs should be printed on glossy paper, should be slightly contrasty. Phyllis Redshaw Photographic copies of drawingsor figures should be sent with ten manuscript rather than the original artwork. Submit all photographs or artwork in duplicate and no larger than 8 X 10 inches. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Additional information and assistance for contributors will he made avail~ able on correspondence or after receipt of manuscript by the Editorvinvchief Howard E, Eigelow D. H. Mitchell All manuscript: will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee of ML'III/ainea. Amherst, Massachusetts Denver, Colorado Original technical articles will also be reviewed by at least two otherAssOciata Editors. Harold H, Burdsall, Jr, Clark T. Rogeraon Madison, Wisconsin Bronx, New York Editorial onices Business Otiices c/a Dr. J. D. Pollack cla Harry Knighton W. S. Chilton Catherine B, Scates Department of Medical Microbiology 4245 Redmger Road Seattle, Washington Post Falls, Idaho The Ohio State University Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 5072 Graves Hall Wm. Bridge Cooke Robert L. Shaffer 33: West 10th Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio Ann Arbor, Michigan Columbus, Ohio 43210 L, F. Grand Donald M, Simons OFFICERS OF Raleigh, North Carolina Wilmington, Delaware THE NORTH AMERICAN MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION K. A. Harrison Alexander H. Smith Harry Knighton, President, Portsmouth. Ohio Kentville, Nova Scotia Ann Arbor, Michigan Raymond H, Hunde, First Vice President, Peoria, Illinois Dorothy Brown, Second Vice President, Spokane, Washington Samuel J, Mazzer Leo J. Tanghe Elsie Knightan, Secretary-Treasurer,Portsmouth, Ohio Kent, Ohio Rochester, New York Neil Waterbury, Membership Secretary, Toledo, Ohio Kent H. McKnight Harry D. Thiers Beltsville, Maryland San Francisco, California Orson K. Miller, Jr. BeniaminWoo Mcllvaim is copyrighted by the North American Myculogical Biacksburg, Virginia Seattle, Washington Association, 1975 McI/vamea is publishedby Custom Printing Companyat Minrord, Ohio iii THE MOREL A STORY WITH A MORAL Louis C. c. KRIEGER with an introduction by? John A. Stevenson ’ INTRODUCTION L, c. c Krieger (73734940) was the creator 0f the fines! series of paintings of the fleshy fungi ever pram/cad in America. The late 0. 6, Lloyd said of his work, “Such perfect/an 0f illustration has neyer been reached by else in this fl: anyone caunny and Europe only by solid/er. There may neyer be another as Compete/l! as he." N0! only do Krieger‘s plates approach perfectID/l ortistieaiiy, but rhey are ieehnieo/iy correct as we// 10 the most minute detaiL Mr. Krieoer gained his mch/Dglca/ backgmund during the years he wes employed as an artist by Professor Far/0w 0f Harvard Uniyersiry. Many uf his painll'ngs have been published In an extensive article in The Nana/1111 Geographic Magazine (1920) anti In The Mushroom Handbook [1935, renrinied in 7957 by DuverPub/icari'ons,/m: i In spring the the mushroom-lover's fancy lightly turns to , laigive us, 0 shade oi Tennyson , thoughts of moreis, The more pleblan vegetables, Includlm] Mr. Jiggs' favorite, may be well enough when the luscious moral is not abroad, but let the breath of gentle Zephyrus cause grim Boreas to loosen his cold I] n on the olod, and our mvcophagisl begins to think oi Cianking his “UH Lillie that he may hie forth in quest ol the nearest orchard where the caveled hing. abound 1 Uiiiiutl Slillus Depanmzm oi Agriculture, SCience nesuuioh Diyisinn, Beiisyiiio, Maryiand 20705 thi Er] Proi Keni H McKnight Mt louno this article in sioyensoh's ‘Topicul File“ rm LnuiSC c Krieger iiwaswrinen C tiliMay 24, i92i,andweheiieye n h.» been Dr H A Kellyox now published va lEviewmq the original m5 thought it We his 'luu iantastie" olier n to Meiiyaino 't rouders, and intiuiiu .i which Mr, Slcvcnsnn short inunti on has recently pplicd and u at his or L C K touy iwrtraii c which wus ungiiullv publishm in MVL‘a/oyia 33 Mi, i94i Louis CHARLES CHMSTDPHER KRIEGER You do not mean to tell me, "beloved reader," that you have contrived to survive Without knowing - thus far the moral? WELL!! Perhaps you may "Morels in the spring, and apples in the autumn; what a lucky mortal feel disposed for you to make amends your past, wellnigh unpardonable, neglect are. Tell me, are morels ever offered for sale in our markets?" also noble a member of the vegetable kingdom. “Not In Europe it is not unusual to see a peasant woman offering, at a If this be true and between me, and the doorpost, I fancy price, the few specimens she has succeded in finding in the vicinity of . I you, sincerely hope it is if . this be true, say, then make haste, summon all available her own hamlett Centuries ago, before the rigid laws governing forest ingenuity, your and follow our toadstool-hunter on one of his forays, for it is conservation were paged, the peasants, anxious to enlarge their meager possible to profit even from a fool, and toadstooI-people, if we to believe incomes, would set fire to woodlands in order to secure a great crop of their are "safe-andrsane" brethren, are fools, unmitigated fools. motels, for, you must know, the morel has a penchant for growing on bumt- But - let me whisper in your ear - unless you proceed with the utmost over wooded areas as well as in orchards; but, pray, do not let this bit of caution and perspicacity, you will have some difficulty in learning just when information kindle within you the desire to kindle someone's woodlot. At our super-inscrutable friend sallies forth into the mushroom-bearing fields. least think it over. Once the reason for your incendiarism became known, He knows the psychological moment; you do not. you might have a morel-hungry nation following your example, with results Auspicious signs of the mycophagist’s prospective intentions are, as deplorable as the culture of Lamb’s Roast Pig.” sudden \he and inexplicable avoidance of his best friends, and his unusually With such conversation, both diverting and instmctive, it is long before suspicious not movements about the time when the first robinrredbreast pulls his the machine turns into a very muddy and rutty old lane at the end of which wriggling breakfast from your front lawn: when the aforesaid west-wind can be discerned the entrance to the Simmons orchard, the tops of the trees lovingly waits locks about your your face and glorious Orion has definitely touched with the lion of "rosy~fingered"dawn. One more jolt and a loud dropped below the horizon. This time at hand, you must clutch Dame squeak from "Lizzie," and you two early wayfarers alight and enter Fortune by the forelock, rise long before dawn every morning, dress for a mushroom fairyrland. Dew is on the grass, and in the mudholes an_d numerous wet outing ll” without noiselessly), and then place yourself at there are evidences of recent heavy rains. rear door m(open your just a m,chink) to watch the mycophagist's, as it happens, "Ideal moral weather! - There should be an abundance of the little neighbor’s your garage. 'sponges’ this spring. Last year, and the year before, they were aggravatingly At “Lizzie‘s” first yawns and stretches you make ready; as she pokes her few, - with this long period of rest, the 'spawn' should be in condition nose of the out garagedoor you prepare to leap; when she starts you give one to send up a bumper crop." mighty spring, hop on the tender and shout at the nonplussed driver that The new of the orchard, walking a couple of ahead, iust henceforth, what owner paces come may, you, too, propose to partake of that clbus concludes with these words. when a most satisfying “Ah" hastens deorum, that food of the gods, heavenly your step the motel, . have you qualms of until you, too, standing by the mycoohagist’sside,.give emotions conscience at carrying bold vent to your out so a proposition? Away with them: every» by reiterating the same ioyful exclamation. thing is fair in love, in war, and in the hunting of morels. "See what we havell - One - two ~ six - fifteen, the first fell Caught thus, the wily fellow will ten » .
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