SHARPENING THE SWORD OF STATE BUILDING EXECUTIVE CAPACITIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICES OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC SHARPENING THE SWORD OF STATE BUILDING EXECUTIVE CAPACITIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICES OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC Edited by Andrew Podger and John Wanna Published by ANU Press The Australian National University Acton ACT 2601, Australia Email: [email protected] This title is also available online at press.anu.edu.au National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Title: Sharpening the sword of state : building executive capacities in the public services of the Asia-Pacific / editors: Andrew Podger, John Wanna. ISBN: 9781760460723 (paperback) 9781760460730 (ebook) Series: ANZSOG series. Subjects: Public officers--Training of--Pacific Area. Civil service--Pacific Area--Personnel management. Public administration--Pacific Area. Pacific Area--Officials and employees. Pacific Area--Politics and government. Other Creators/Contributors: Podger, A. S. (Andrew Stuart), editor. Wanna, John, editor. Dewey Number: 352.669 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Cover design and layout by ANU Press. Cover photograph adapted from: ‘staples’ by jar [], flic.kr/p/97PjUh. This edition © 2016 ANU Press Contents Figures . vii Tables . ix Abbreviations . xi Contributors . xvii 1 . Public sector executive development in the Asia‑Pacific: Different contexts but similar challenges . 1 Andrew Podger 2 . Developing leadership and building executive capacity in the Australian public services for better governance . 19 Peter Allen and John Wanna 3 . Civil service executive development in China: An overview . 49 Yijia Jing 4 . Building capacity: A framework for managing learning and development in the Hong Kong Police Force . 67 Hon S . Chan and Joseph Wong Wing-ping 5 . Building executive capacity in the Japanese Civil Service . 97 Hiroko Kudo 6 . Innovating training and development in government: The case of South Korea . 125 Pan Suk Kim 7 . Civil service training in the Macau Government . .. 141 Pauline Lai Pou San 8 . Building executive capacity in the public service for better governance: The Philippine Civil Service . 151 Alex B . Brillantes Jr and Maricel T . Fernandez-Carag 9 . Milestone programs for the administrative service in the Singapore Public Service . 181 James Low 10 . Senior civil service training in Taiwan: Current concerns and future challenges . 213 Su Tsai-Tsu and Liu Kun-I Figures Figure 4.1: The ‘learning trio’ .............................74 Figure 4.2: The police training hierarchy ....................76 Figure 4.3: From a curriculum-centred approach to a problem-based approach .........................79 Figure 4.4: The degree of emphasis between personal, professional and vocational development in each command course ......81 Figure 4.5: Number of officers to be trained in the ICC, 2000–01 to 2017–18 ................................83 Figure 4.6: Total budget for running the three command courses, 2006–07 to 2011–12 .........................84 Figure 4.7: Budget for running the three command courses per officer trained, 2006–07 to 2011–12 .................85 Figure 8.1: Reform framework for building executive capacity in the public sector for better governance ..............176 Figure 9.1: CSC organisational structure ....................190 Figure 9.2: PSD organisational chart .......................201 Figure 10.1: Senior-rank civil service training institutions ......219 vii Tables Table 3.1: Planned programs offered by the SMCPS ............59 Table 4.1: Establishment and actual strength of the Hong Kong Police Force, 2005–10 ...............................72 Table 4.2: Training targets of the three command courses, 2011–12 to 2013–14 ................................84 Table 4.3: Expenditure of Hong Kong Police College (HK$) .......87 Table 4.4: Overseas and Mainland Development Training (OMDT) program ..................................88 Table 4.5: Overseas Vocational Training (OVT) program .........88 Table 5.1: Recruitment numbers for the national civil service, 2014 ....................................107 Table 6.1: Korean Government legislation relating to training ....129 Table 8.1: Former chairpersons of the CESB and their accomplishments .................................155 Table 8.2: Positions in the Career Executive Service ...........158 Table 8.3: CES ranking structure .........................159 Table 9.1: CSC revenue from training ......................198 Table 10.1: Composition of the Taiwanese Civil Service (as at the end of 2011). .217 Table 10.2: Training programs provided by the DGPA .........222 Table 10.3: Number of TOP 100 trainees by sex, 2010–11 .......225 ix Abbreviations 4GP Four General Principles AASC Australian Administrative Staff College AIM Australian Institute of Management ANZSOG Australia and New Zealand School of Government AOs Administrative Service Officers APS Australian Public Service APSC Australian Public Service Commission ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations ATS Administrative Trainee Scheme AusAID Australian Agency for International Development BCG Boston Consulting Group BCS Bureau of Civil Service CCP Chinese Communist Party CELAP China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong CEO chief executive officer CES Career Executive Service CES-TLC Career Executive Service Thought Leadership Congress CESB Career Executive Service Board CESDP Career Executive Service Development Program CESOs career executive service officers CESPES Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation System CET cadre education and training CFAP Centre of Training for Public Administration CFJ Legal and Judicial Training Centre (Macau) xi SHARPENING THE SWORD OF StatE CIPD Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development CIRCLE Creative Innovations and Reforms for Committed Leadership and Effectiveness COAM Community-Organisational Attachment Module COTI Central Officials Training Institute CPDS-CES Omnibus Rules, Guidelines and Standards on the Continuing Professional Development System for the Career Executive Service CPM Centre for Public Management CSC Civil Service Commission (Philippines) CSC Civil Service College (Singapore) CSDI Civil Service Development Institute CSPTC Civil Service Protection and Training Commission CSTDI Civil Service Training and Development Institute DAP Development Academy of the Philippines DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade DGPA Directorate-General of Personnel Administration DGs Directors-General DOO Department of Organisation DOP Department of Propaganda DPJ Democratic Party of Japan DSP Deputy Secretary Program EFP Executive Fellows Program ELM Executive Leadership Management ELP Executive Leadership Program EMPA Executive Master of Public Administration ENA Ecole Nationale d’Administration (National School of Administration) FASID Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development FC Foundation Course FEI Federal Executive Institute GDP gross domestic product GE General Electric xii ABBREViatiONS HKPF Hong Kong Police Force HKSARG Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government HKUPOP Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong HRD human resource development HRM human resource management HURIS Human Resource Innovations and Solutions ICAC Independent Commission Against Corruption ICC Intermediate Command Course ICT information and communication technology ILS Integrated Leadership System INTAN National Institute of Public Administration (Malaysia) IPAM Institute of Public Administration and Management IPD Institute of Policy Development JAPSTC Joint Australian Public Service Training Council JCC Junior Command Course KMT Kuomintang KSAVA knowledge, skills, ability, values and attitude LAFIA Leading Australia’s Future in the Asia-Pacific LAP Leadership in Administration Program LATI Local Administration Training Institute LDP Leadership Development Program LDP Liberal Democratic Party LEAP Leader’s Enterprise Attachment Program LI Leading and Innovating LOGODI Local Government Officials Development Institute MAP Management Apprenticeship Program MAP-CPEP Management Apprenticeship Program Continuing Professional Education Program MAP-FCS Management Apprenticeship Program Foundation Course Series MATB Management Aptitude Test Battery MBA Master of Business Administration MBO management by objectives xiii SHARPENING THE SWORD OF StatE MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MDT Mainland Development Training MNSA Master of National Security Administration MOGAHA Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs MOPAS Ministry of Public Administration and Security MPA Master of Public Administration MPM Master of Public Management MPP Master of Public Policy MPSA Master of Public Safety Administration NACS National Academy of Civil Service NCCESO National Council of Career Executive Service Organizations NCSI National Civil Service Institute NOTI National Officials Training Institute NPA National Personnel Authority NSG National School of Government NUCESO National Union of Career Executive Service Officers O&M operation and maintenance ODT Overseas Development Training OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OJT on-the-job training OMDT Overseas and Mainland Development Training OVT Overseas Vocational Training PACE Pacific Executive Program PAP People’s Action Party PC performance contract PCAR Provisional
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