DMP (DNR DIVISION) 2018 CONTENTS SN Activities Pages 1. Annexure-1 - Lists of BSNL Telephone Nos. 2-25 2. Annexure-2 - Army Assistance & Details of Military hospital & 25-26 important telephone nos. 3. Annexure-3 - List of hospitals in Danapur Division / E. C. Railway 27-30 4. Annexure-4 -Location of ice Factory & telephone nos. 30 5. Annexure-5 - List of Traditional Boat Man. 30-32 6. Annexure-6 - List of Earth Moving Equipment & Cranes Agency 32 7. Annexure-7- List of BSNL telephone No of Divisional Emergency 33 Control office 8. Annexure-8- List, location of ART/ARME/Bulldozer/Crane/TW of the 33-34 Division and adjacent Division/ Rly 9. Annexure-9 - BSNL telephone no. of 34-36 a) higher authorities of Civil Administration b) National disaster response force c) Disaster Management Organization/Bihar d) District Administration covering DNR Division. 10. Annexure-10 - List of Public utility telephone no. for Emergency at 36 Patna. 11. Annexure-11 - Forms of ex-gratia and cash withdrawal from station 37-38 12. Annexure-12 - Information in Performa by medical on injured /dead 38-39 Persons and List of Injured Persons in Train 13. Annexure-13- Reporting of train accidents telephonically to Railway 39-40 Board. 14. Annexure-14 - Telephone no. of Railway Administration (HQ, Adjacent 40-41 Divn, Divn &Security Deptt.) 15. Annexure-15 - Fire Services 41 16. Annexure- 16 – Telephone Nos. of hospital, Blood Bank, Ambulance & 41-43 Police administration/Patna. 17. Annexure- 17 – Fastest approach to accident site 43 18. Annexure –18 –In case of any severe accident railway to requisition 44 helicopter on hire. 19. Annexure- 19 – Telephone no. of CRS& CCRS 44 20. Annexure – 20 – CUG numbers of Running Staff of LPs/ALPs 45-59 21. Annexure – 21 – CUG numbers of Guards 59-65 22. Annexure – 22 – CUG numbers of SMs 65-66 23. Annexure – 23 - CUG numbers of TIs 66 1 DMP (DNR DIVISION) 2018 1 LIST OF BSNL TELEPHONE NO.Annexure- I Station Authority Office Resi Fax Mobile Remarks Stn. (KM) STD Code HWH KmsHWH District/HQ Distance from Distance from 755.35 DM(Varanasi) 0542 2385585 2348080 27 MP, Chandauli Sri M. K. Pandey 251000 9415023457 11 DM 262557 262555 9454417516 11 262500 262501 9415356244 SP 262480 262479 9454400262 11 9415902255 SDM 262722 262721 9454417060 11 WI 262660 11 SP(Rly) Allahabad 0532- 9454400338 2624128 Police CNL Room Chandauli 262460 100 Commandant /RPF/MGS 72140 72141 11 Commandant-36- Batallian/PSC 0542 2668228 2668227 GRP/MGS 72902 9454404415 11 Commandant DNR 9771449700 9771449701 RPF/MGS 72160 72141 72140 GRP/ DLN 9454458289 IPF/ DLN 9771449715 Fire, Chandauli 254092 9450535456 NGO/Varanasi 27 Fire MGS 255344 101 11 Rly. Hospital-MGS RLY 72823 9794848501 72822 78211 CMS-MGS 257033 256245 9794848500 72800 72801 Rly. Hospital- BXR Rly 85551 8084051200 44 05412 CHANDAULI 85550 Rly. Hospital- DNR 06115 82861 9771449500 190 282861 CMO 260497 9415289763 Sadar Hospital 262164 NGO/Varanasi, 0542 27 Lions Club 255344 254090 R K S A 2551727 SPGHospital, Varanasi, 0542- 27 221472 BHU, Varanasi 2317050 27 Heritage Varanasi 2369994 2369995 27 Round Specialist Doctor BSB 27 Dr. B K Katiyar,Neuro 2316999 Dr. D Chakravarty,Ortho 2325177 Dr. S K Poddar, Neuro 2311849 Dist. Hosp. Chaundauli 9794106565 9415274023 Kuchman 744.25 PSC/Kesavpur 9984588753 8 KCA P. station,Tarapur 9452166397 5 State Ayurvedic Hospital ½ DrGoberdha vishwakarma 246691 0.08 Dr. Sakil Ansari 9451721600 0.05 Dr. J. Yadav 787365535 0.03 Dr.SudheshwarSingh 244025 0.05 S.Ram 244075 0 Station Manager Sakaldiha 737.03 SDM 246474 9454417060 SLD Station Manager 85617 7766917669 Police station 246226 9454403189 Kamlapati Tripathi sadar Hospital ,CMO 9452037355 Primary Health Center 246911 246351 9794106565 6 05412 CHANDAULI Dr. A R Ansari 246488 9450243104 0.03 Dr. V. P. P. Pandey 246719 9450243471 1 Dhina 723.43 Police station 2444033 9454401627 0.1 2 DMP (DNR DIVISION) 2018 DNA Station Manager 7766917670 PrimaryHealth Center 7309781543 Barahani, Dr.RKSingh 9415274023 PrimaryHealth Center 8765000499 7 Amja,Dr. Shailendra Dr. H.N. Upadhaya,BAMS 9369270696 0.1 Dr. M. Shamim 9415393596 0.05 Zamania 711.01 MP, Gazipur Sri M. K. Sinha 9415209958 ZNA DM 2220204 2226240 9454417577 32 2220240 SP 2220568 2220867 9454400275 32 2624128 SP (Rly) Allahabad 0532 2624128 9454400338 GRP/CNL/ALD 0532 2624128 SDM/ ZNA 9454417078 4 Police.CNL Room,GAZ 9454417476 32 SO, ZNA 9454403450 4 SHO, ZNA 9454403450 4 CO, ZNA 9454401627 4 Commandant /RPF/MGS 72140 72141 44 Commandant-36- Batallian/PAC 0542 2668228 2668227 60 Police station/ZNA 252066 9415010381 0.5 GRP/DLN 244246 9451526481 GRP/MGS 72902 9454404415 44 RPF/DLN 9771449715 13 Fire Station, GAZ 0548 101 9415848833 2220222 Fire MGS 0541 44 2255344 05497 GAZI PUR Rly. Hospital-MGS RLY 72800 72833 9794848500 72801 Rly. Hospital- BXR Rly 85550 Rly. 85551 8084051200 44 Govt Hospital/ZNA 252631 9415345422 8005192658 NGO/Varanasi, 0542 60 Lions Club 255344 254090 R K S A 2551727 SPGHospital, Varanasi, 0542 221472 BHU, Varanasi 0542 2317050 Heritage Varanasi 0542 2369995 2369994 CMO/Gazipur 222022 220271 9415200066 32 Dr. B.N.Gupta, Station Manager 85808 85520 PrimaryHealth Center 054972520 9044406336 ZNA, Dr. Jamil Ahmed 29 Sunder hospital/ZNA 05497- 9453811731 100 m Dr. Tanzir Ahmed 252131 Dr. V.S.Yadav, Dr. B.D. Singh 9919189919 0.1 Darauli 704.75 Police station/DLN 252066 9454400447 7 DRV GRP/DLN 9451526481 Dr. D. Kumar 9616022350 100m Dr. Ramagya 9450247676 ½ Dr. Arif Nasim 9628751000 500m Dr. R. C. Agarwal 5 Dr. Sudhaka 8 SM 85565 244225 Dildar nagar 697.45 Police station/DLN 244240 9454400447 DLN G.R.P 244246 9451526481 IPF/DLN 9771449714 Postal Authority/DLN 244227 9771449715 05497 GAZIPUR Stn. Manager 244225 85565 7766917673 Primary Health Centre/ DLN , Dr. M.R.Alam 9415614796 500 Dr. S.P.Singh 244580 9415804431 0.1 Dr. M. Mukund 9453498455 0.1 Dr. N. N. Tiwari 244266 9415242196 0.5 Dr. Arif Nasim 9628751000 500m 80 beds Dr. Jagram Sharma 9415886534 0.5 Bhadaura 689.4 Po. Station/ Gahmar 265133 9454403449 8 BWH STN Manager 85569 7766917672 Block Hospital/BWH 232254 9451059905 300 m 3 DMP (DNR DIVISION) 2018 Dr.M.PChaudhary,MS 9415624225 Dr.A.K.Ansari, 232254 9452321778 Dr. R C Mishra 232211 22513 9450590140 410m State Health Unit 232430 2-Jan Gahmar 681.7 Police station 265133 9454403449 0.2 GMR DM Gazipur 9454415577 9454415377 SP, Gazipur 9454400275 GRP, GMR 9451526481 GRP, BXR 9771449714 SM/GMR 265094 85574 7766917675 Dr. C.L.Singh 8738840284 0.1 Fire Brigade 9415848833 0.1 Public health centre 9450833596 2 Dr. C.LSingh 265174 9889733031 0.3 Dr. Firoz Khan 9838751052 0.3 Rly Hosp. BXR 9771449521 0.4 Dist. Govt. Hospital 9450833596 25 Dr. Onkar Nath Singh 9451594269 0.1 Dr. Alok Nath Singh 9451594269 Chausa 676.52 DM BXR 222336 9473191239 CSA SP 222030 222375 222375 9431822981 SDO/ BXR 222001 222151 9431800090 DSP 222031 9431800090 SRP/Patna 2222239 2580992 9431478289 Fire Brigade 222110 Blood Bank 227939 Police station/BXR 9431822327 1 9431822335 PHC Chausa 9431021214 Ambulance 102 GRP Thana 85,562,577 85,613,576 227993 9431822695 IRP/BXR 85614 9473197589 RPF/BXR 85-572 564 9771449714 CMO 224163 224162 9431684590 3 Sadar Hospital,BXR 224628 9470003163 Dr R C Pd,incharge 225756 Rly. Hosp. BXR 9771449521 Station Master 273620 85560/33 7766917676 Govt. Hopital/ Sarej 9431021214 4 Dr.Kamal Singh 1.5 Dr. R.B.Singh 1.5 Dr. Dhanpat Rai 4 Buxar 661.28 Ambulance-Red Cross Society 222335 224425 9931023551 1.5 BXR 9431822335 06183 BUXAR DM BXR 222336 9473191239 SP 222030 222375 9431822981 Police station 9431822327 1.5 GRP 9431822695 RPF BXR 9771449714 Global Vishwamitra Hospital 8292450029 Priya Jiwan Jyoti Hospital 9905441674 Station Manager 222230 85502 9771461338 Rly. Enquiry 222046 Neha Nurshing Home 9431084059 Rly. Hospital/BXR Rly.- 550 551 9771449521 Dr J K Singh 514 512 GovtDr.MahendraPd. 222284 3 S.P. Singh 9835421739 Dr. Sanjay Mishra 9608284163 Town Thana BXR 9431822335 W.H.O. BXR 9771178793 UNICEF BXR 9931040339 ,, Dr.C.M.Singh 222293 9431683045 3 ,, Dr.K G Rai 222422 3 ,, Dr S K Panday 226516 3 ,, Dr Binod Singh 223043 222219 3 SDO BXR 222001 9473191241 Ambulance Service 103 108 9931023551 3 4 DMP (DNR DIVISION) 2018 Civil Sergon BXR 224163 9470025463 3 Sadar Hospital 9470003163 2 ,, Dr R N Verma 222306 2 ,, Dr A B Lal 222224 2 ,, Dr. Arun Kr 225746 2.5 ,, Dr A P Mondal 224169 2 ,, Dr S K Roy 222211 1.5 Baruna 651.91 Station Manager 231698 7766917678 BUE S.P BXR 9431822981 7 Fire Brigade 222110 7 GRP 9431822695 Rly Hosp. BXR 9771449521 Sadar Hospital 9470003163 R.P.F BXR 9771449714 Dumraon 644.96 Police Station/DURE 100 9431822331 DURE Sub Divn Hospital - Dr. L P Jha 233672 -5 75 beds Anil Bhatt 9431438328 Girsih Singh 7250601033 DSP 222719 9431822981 Rly Hospital BXR 9771449521 Fire Brigade 9572210764 Station Manager 222705 7766917679 06323 Dr. R.K.Pandey 222170 9334121707 1.5 Tudi ganj 637.31 P. S-Krishna Barham 241250 94318223 1 TWG Station Manager 241241 7766917680 Sub Divn Hospital L P Jha- 18 233672 Dr. Jagnarain Singh 224761 7 Dr. R.K Pandey 7352165466 7 Dr. Girish Sah 7250601033 7 Baleshwar Singh 223387 9431438623 7 Raj Hospital 222702 Sadar Hospital BXR 9470003162 Rly. Hosp. BXR 9771449521 Ambulance 103 & 108 Raghunathpur 628.62 P.S –Brahampur 244630 9431822329 3 RPR DM BXR 9431684901 Fire Brigade 222110 Station Manager 244635 7766917681 Rly Hospital DNR 582861 9771449500 76 Rly. Hospital/BXR Rly.- 550 551 9771449521 33 06185 Dr J K Singh 514 512 Dr Kamal Singh 9939562615 0.5 P.H.C. RPR 9431452363 Dr.SudheswarSingh 244025 0.5 Dr S Ram 244075 0.5 Banahi 619.98 DM-Bhojpur 221312 233311 233474 9471391232 BYN SP- Bhojpur/ARA 221320 233302 233303 9431822980 SRP/Patna 2222239 2580992 9431478289 SDO/ARA 233325 9473191236 GRPCNLROOM PATNA 0612 83340 9473096890 2231968 GRP 9431822693 RPF CNLROOM 9771449721 RPF 9771449713 Police station- Bihiya 241225/6 9431822305 Station Manager 7766917682 Fire Brigade/ ARA 222609 101 Blood Bank/ARA 223469 BHOJPUR 06182 Ambulance/ARA 108 & 103 9334863829 Hospital- Shahpur 282220 3 Rly.
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