BELMONT BELMONT HILL HILL SCHOOL SCHOOL PROFILEPROFILE • CLASS • CLASS OF OF 2019 2019 BELMONT,BELMONT, MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS 02478 02478 GregoryHEADHEAD OF J. SchneiderSCHOOLOF SCHOOL C.E.E.BC.E.E.B School School Code Code 220120 220120 RonaldGregory M. GregoryDruker J. ’62 Schneider J. Head Schneider of School DirectorDirector of College of College Counseling: Counseling: Casey Casey Bobo Bobo Sr. AssociateSr. Associate Director Director of College of College Counseling: Counseling: Walker Walker Coppedge Coppedge AssociateAssociate Director Director of College of College Counseling: Counseling: Charlie Charlie Doar Doar SchoolSchoolSchool Belmont Belmont Belmont Hill Hill SchoolHill School School educates educates educates boys boys boys in mind, in in mind, mind, body, body, body, and andspirit,and spirit, balancing balancingbalancing rigorous rigorous rigorous expectations expectations expectations withwithwith consistent consistent consistent encouragement encouragement encouragement and and strongand strong strong emphasis emphasis emphasis on moralon on moral moral values values values and andhonestand honest effort. effort. Through ThroughThrough shared shared commitmentsharedcommitment commitment to the to classroom, the to classroom, the classroom, playing playing field, playing field, studio, field,studio, and studio, stage,and stage, studentsand studentsstage, and students teachersand teachers and work teachers workto honor to honorwork clear toclear thinkinghonorthinking clear and thinkingcreativity,and creativity, and competition creativity, competition and competition teamwork,and teamwork, andtradition teamwork,tradition and innovation.and tradition innovation. Theand Theschoolinnovation. school gathers gathers The faculty, school faculty, staff,staff, and studentsand students from from a range a range of backgrounds of backgrounds to work to work together together to develop to develop curiosity, curiosity, courage, courage, and and gathers faculty, staff, and students from a range of backgrounds to work together to develop curiosity, compassioncompassion in a communityin a community that thatembraces embraces a spirit a spirit of lifelong of lifelong learning, learning, moral moral reflection, reflection, and serviceand service to to others.courage,others. and compassion in a community that embraces a spirit of lifelong learning, moral reflection, and service to others. HistoryHistory Belmont Belmont Hill wasHill foundedwas founded in 1923 in 1923 as a asday a schoolday school to provide to provide boys boys from from grades grades 7 through 7 through 12 12 (FormsHistory(Forms I-VI) Belmont I-VI) with with a rigorousHill a rigorous was educationfounded education in placing 1923 placing as a speciala day a special school emphasis emphasis to provide on character. on boyscharacter. from Today Today grades the school the 7 throughschool enrolls enrolls 44812 (Forms students448 students I-VI) in extensive with in extensive a rigorous programs programs education of academics, of academics, placing athletics, a athletics,special and emphasis theand arts. the arts. Theon character. Theschool’s school’s 32-acre Today 32-acre suburban the suburbanschool campusenrollscampus in456 Belmont instudents Belmont includes in includes extensive academic academic programs buildings, buildings, of academics, Jordan Jordan Athletic athletics,Athletic Center, Center, and Prenatt the Prenatt arts. Music The Music Center, school’s Center, Kraft 37-acre Kraft Theater,suburbanTheater, and campus historicand historic in Hamilton Belmont Hamilton Chapel. includes Chapel. academic buildings, Jordan Athletic Center, Prenatt Music Center, Kraft Theater, and historic Hamilton Chapel. AccreditationAccreditation and Membershipsand Memberships Belmont Belmont Hill isHill accredited is accredited by the by New the New England England Association Association of Schools of Schools and Colleges.and Colleges. The Theschool school and itsand affiliates its affiliates hold hold memberships memberships in the in theNational National Association Association of Independent of Independent Schools,AccreditationSchools, the International the and International Memberships Boys’ Boys’ Schools BelmontSchools Coalition, Coalition, Hill isthe accredited National the National Association by the Association New ofEngland College of College Association Admissions Admissions of Counselors,SchoolsCounselors, and and Colleges. theand College the The College Board.school Board. Belmontand Belmontits affiliates Hill SchoolHill School hold subscribes subscribesmemberships to the to NACACthein theNACAC NationalStatement Statement Association of Principles of Principles of ofIndependent Goodof Good Practice. Practice. Schools, the International Boys’ Schools Coalition, the National Association of College Admissions Counselors, and the College Board. Belmont Hill School subscribes to the NACAC StudentsStatementStudents Admission of AdmissionPrinciples to Belmont toof BelmontGood Hill Practice. isHill highly is highly selective: selective: 34%of 34%of applicants applicants were were admitted admitted in 2018. in 2018. Just Justover over 31% of31% students of students receive receive need-based need-based tuition tuition assistance. assistance. A small A small number number of students of students in grades in grades 8-12 8-12participate participate inStudents a five-dayin a five-day Admission boarding boarding programto Belmont program (27 Hill students(27 isstudents highly in 2018-2019). in selective: 2018-2019). Belmont33% Belmontof applicants Hill pursuesHill pursues were a diverse admitted a diverse com munityincom 2019.munity of Just of learnersoverlearners 28% and of educatorsandstudents educators receive and doesand need-based does not discriminatenot discriminate tuition in assistance. admission in admission Aor small hiring or hiring number practices. practices. of Therestudents There are in76 are grades members 76 members 8-12 of of the classthe class of 2019. of 2019. participate in a five-day boarding program (27 students in 2019-2020). Belmont Hill pursues a diverse FacultycommunityFaculty Of the Ofof 70 learnersthe teaching 70 teaching and faculty educators faculty members members and doesat Belmont at not Belmont discriminate Hill, Hill,73% hold73% in hold atadmission least at least one oradvancedone hiring advanced practices.degree degree beyondTherebeyond arethe 94Bachelor’s. the members Bachelor’s. Average of Averagethe class tenure tenure of for 2020. teaching for teaching faculty faculty is fifteen is fifteen years, years, and theand facultythe faculty includes includes eleven eleven alumnialumni of the of school. the school. Faculty Of the 76 teaching faculty members at Belmont Hill, 75% hold at least one advanced degree CurriculumbeyondCurriculum the Bachelor’s.The Theschool school operatesAverage operates ontenure a ontwo-semester afor two-semester teaching calendar. faculty calendar. Thoughis fifteen Though almost years, almost all and students all the students faculty register register includes for 19 for 19 ½seven academic½ academic alumni units, of units, the they school. they are required are required to complete to complete 18 ½ 18 academic ½ academic units units in grades in grades 9-12, 9-12, including including 4 years 4 years of of English,English, 3 years 3 years of one of languageone language other other than than English, English, 2 years 2 years of mathematics, of mathematics, 2 years 2 years of laboratory of laboratory science, science, 1 ½ years1 ½ years of history, of history, 1 year 1 year of fine of fine arts, arts,and completionand completion of a carvedof a carved panel panel senior senior year. year.Average Average class class size issize 12. is 12. Curriculum The school operates on a two-semester calendar. Though almost all students register for 19 ½ academic units, they are required to complete 18 ½ academic units in grades 9-12, including National4 yearsNational ofMerit English, Merit Program Program 3 years of one language other thanSAT English, SATand ACTand 2 ACT yearsScores Scores of - Classmathematics, - Class of 2018 of 2018 through 2 years through June of June 2018 2018 laboratory science, 1 ½ years of history, 1 year of fine arts, and completion of a carved panel senior Class ofClass of Semifinalists Semifinalists Commended Commended SAT SAT Mean Mean Mid-50%Mid-50% year. Average class size is 12. ScholarsScholars EBRW EBRW 710 710 680-740680-740 2019 2019 2 2 11 11 Math Math 755 755 700-780700-780 Disciplinary 2018 2018 Policy 8 Belmont 8 Hill 15School15 reports to colleges in timely fashion all disciplinary violations 2017 resulting2017 2in probation,2 suspension,24 24 removal, dismissal, or expulsion and requires affected students 2016 to 2016 self-report 6 as6 well. The21 policy21 remains in effect through graduation. ACT ACT 31 31 28-3428-34 2015 2015 5 5 15 15 GRADING SYSTEM AND CLASS RANK Belmont Hill does not report students’ class rank or grade point average. A = High Honors B = Honors C = Creditable D = Pass F = Failure On the transcript, advanced courses are denoted by “AP” for Advanced Placement and “A” for Advanced courses. Cum Laude members qualify by academic achievement: the top 10% of the class as measured by weighted grade point average in grades 10 and 11. SENIOR YEAR COURSES AT BELMONT HILL A number of years ago, the Belmont Hill faculty approved a senior year fourth quarter program that allows students to pursue a “Senior Project” which can be a supervised internship or community service
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